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Poppy shrank away from Owlpaw. "So, you trying to be a mole or something?" Owlpaw asked flashing her a grin. "Because I practically had to dig a tunnel to get in here." Despite the current circumstances, his attempt at humor made her smile.

Cloudpaw, popped her head in. "That looks bad." She said, wincing. "Badger? Fox?" She asked.

It took Poppy a few seconds to realize that Cloudpaw was talking to her.

"Oh, uh, no. Cats." She said, her voice shaking.

"Cats? As in, more than one?" She said, looking at Owlpaw. "We might have more Intruders than we thought."

Poppy shook her head. "No, it's just me. I got it from a fight in the alley." She said. "As far as I know no one followed me." She said , her voice a bit stronger now.

"What do you think?" She asked Owlpaw, giving Poppy a sideways look.

"About?" He asked, completely clueless.

"Her?!? What are we going to do with this tresspasser?!?" She said, emphasising every syllable.

"Oh, uh, we should probably drive her out, don't you think?" 

"My name's Poppy." Poppy whispered.

Cloudpaw did one of her famous facepaws. "What a fierce warrior." She muttered, ignoring Poppy.

"Cloudpaw! Owlpaw! What's taking you so lo-" Said the voice of Icewind. She topped short when she saw Poppy. "I thought we told you to stay out." Icewind said softly but firmly. Poppy was genuinely scared.

"I-I'm sorry, I knew I was on your guy's land, but my paw hurt too much to keep walking and...." She winced as she tried to move it.

Icewind shook her head. "Well, good nose Owlpaw. But she's in bad shape. We should get Lilacwing to look at that."

"But she's a trespasser! Shouldn't we drive her out?" Cloudpaw objected.

"A warrior knows when to fight and when to have empathy Cloudpaw, it's what separates us from rogues." Icewind said calmly.

Cloudpaw nodded, slightly embarrassed.

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