14 Spring Break

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Darcy got lucky with a job for Spring Break when Mrs. Wilenski asked her to babysit her son from nine to one PM Monday through Friday, as her boss requested that she come into the office.

"We've got audits and visitors from the main office, or I'd be home," Mrs. Wilenski told her when she showed up Monday morning. "Working from home is great for me, since Jack is in third grade. I can finish most of my work by the time he gets off the bus." Mrs. Wilenski, a short, stout black woman with short, curly black hair, smiled. "I'll also pay you an extra $25 if he reads to you half an hour a day. He's got to read at least forty books to get an A and he's only got 25."

"Sure, Mrs. Wilenski. He can read to me. I'll take him to the park, too. He mentioned wanting to fly kites. That's fun."

Mrs. Wilenski smiled. "He likes you to babysit," she said. "I'll be home at three o'clock. Forty dollars a day, plus the twenty-five."

"Sounds good to me."

"Oh, and can you take him to a movie tomorrow? He wants to see that animated movie. I'll pay for lunch, movie, snacks, and car ride fees."

"Love to."

Mrs. Wilenski called out, "Bye, Jack, see you this afternoon."

"Bye, Mom," said Jack. He entered the living room with his building blocks. "Will you help me build kites? Then we can take them flying in the park."

"Sure," Darcy said. Jack placed two kites on the floor and started sorting the pieces. She sat by him and began by picking out all the green pieces.

"I want the green kite because it's my favorite color. You can have the red one, OK?" Darcy nodded. "Have you heard of Benjamin Franklin?" Jack asked.

"Yep. Founding Father. He had a famous experiment with kites."

"I know," the boy said, eyes round with excitement. "I want to do that experiment. Catch lightning on my kite. We can take the kites to the park Thursday and fly them."

"Whoa-ho. Too dangerous. Ask your father about electricity. He's an engineer and knows how to safely handle it."

On Wednesday, Mrs. Wilenski got home two hours early and told Darcy she could take the rest of the day off.

She called Addie on the way home. "I got off early today. Do you want to do something?

"We're at Books and Brew," said Addie. "Why don't you join us here."

Books and Brew was crowded, but Addie, her boyfriend, Tom, and her brother, Frank, were at a table near the window. Addie waved her over and she sat facing the window. "We're trying to decide on a movie for tonight," Addie said. "One is the new superhero movie and the other is a romantic comedy set in Miami. What's your choice?"

"The romantic comedy. It got great reviews, and the actors are good together."

"Ok," said Frank. "Let's see that."

"I'm going to order," said Darcy. Be right back." At the counter she got chai and a lunch box with a half ham and cheese sandwich, fruit, and carrots. She paid and waited at the pickup counter.

Nash handed her the order. "Hello, Darcy. Max is in the back. Are you with friends?"

"Yeah. He knows Addie. If he's free, tell him to come say hello, Mr. Nash."

"Sure. Call me Nash. Most everyone does."

She nodded and returned to her friends. She was almost finished with the sandwich when Max came over. She swallowed hard to get the mouthful of sandwich down.

"Uncle Nash said you'd stopped in. I thought you'd still be babysitting."

"Mrs. Wilenski got home early and let me leave."

"Sit with us if you have time," said Addie. She introduced him to the boys as he sat next to Darcy. "We're going to see the new romantic comedy tonight. Want to come?"

"Sure. Sounds like fun. What time?"

"Starts at 7:30. Then we usually go for pizza or burgers. We pick Darcy up. We can pick you up, too, if you like."


"Frank? What time?"

"Six-thirty," Frank said. "Darcy, we'll pick you up at six-fifteen."

"See you at six-thirty," said Max. "I've got to get back to the kitchen."

Darcy and Addie watched till Max disappeared behind the kitchen doors. "Max is good-looking. He's got manners, and he's mature for his age. No wonder Mea and Lea were flirting with him." Addie considered. "I think he likes you, though, Darcy."

Darcy hid her embarrassment. "He's friendly, sure, but he'll meet other people and make more friends." Other kids naturally like him. Mea flirted with him, Bob and Jerry were interested in him. Like you when you saw him on the bus the first time, she reminded herself. I was just first in a long line of people who want to be near him.

"Nah," said Addie. "He likes something in you. Mea tried her best to haul him in her orbit, but he escaped her gravitational pull. Few guys do." She shook her head and drank her iced coffee.

"Maybe he just doesn't care for Mea," said Tom.

Addie shook her head, her braids swinging gently.

Darcy thought about the Lady. She would send an assassin for Max, if he didn't return to Avalon to stand against her. Olga had much more power as Max, more experience, and many powerful people who believed she'd be the winner and wanted to be on her side. Her crush had turned to genuine caring with an intensity she that filled her senses. Don't get attached to him, cause it's one-sided, and you'll miss him when he leaves to face Olga, she instructed herself.

"Yeah. Mea is the queen bee and wants all the hot drones," Addie said. "Max has got to be one of the most handsome boys in school, and Mr. Nash is rich. She's been in therapy for an eating disorder twice. She can't be thin enough, or pretty enough. No amount of attention will satisfy her."

"How do you know all this?" Frank asked.

"Everybody in the Theater Society knows. She talks about dealing with her problems as part of her onstage act."

"High school is hard," said Frank. "Let's hope her therapy helps."

"Back to Max," said Addie, grinning at Darcy. "Do you like him?"

"I do like him," said Darcy. "Everyone--most everyone seems to. He can pick and choose friends. Don't even think of setting us up. He's got problems of his own. We're friends. Just friends." It broke her heart a little to admit that to herself, but Max had never hinted at stronger feelings for her.

"Ok, Darcy," said Addie. "Friends."

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