5 In the Library

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The bookshelves in back corner of the library, near the windows, held books of essays and commentaries of long-gone writers and pundits that never left the shelves. The nook was Darcey's favorite spot inthe library, where the prisms hung in the window turned bright, hard daylight to softly colored beams. The rain had slowed to the occasional drizzle, and the sun shone through the prisms, casting colored spots on her table. The boy's book might have a phone number or some way she could find him, so she put it on the table.

The sea blue cover felt like silk, but sturdier. She ran her fingertips over the smooth surface, enjoying the feel. Her hand seemed to float on the surface, which rippled under her touch. The cover had no text or written comments.

She opened the book to the front endpaper and flyleaf. The endpaper had a border of magical objects, wands, runes, crystal balls, a fire-breathing dragon, and so on. Otherwise, the pages were blank. She flipped to the back endpaper. The page had the same border, and there was no text or writing.

Darcy started at the beginning and leafed through several pages. Most were blank. No text, notes, or border. A few, though, did have a small symbol from the endpapers. She was puzzled. She had seen the boy reading the book. She had seen him writing in it several times. Yet the pages were blank. She turned the book over. No title on the spine. "Oh," she whispered, realizing he must have a first book or diary or whatever and this was a new one. Yet the cover showed signs of wear.

She flipped through more pages and stopped at one with the dragon from the border on it. She moved the book to the light and a red beam from the prism fell on it. For a moment she thought she saw writing and tried to read the words and got as far as "Olga seeks you in the Ordinary, dear Max, and will stop when she claims your life and power," when an iguana-like lizard the length of her forearm leaped on the book, ran across the desk and jumped on the shelves, disappearing from sight.

She jumped up and looked for the lizard. A thin tail-tip hung from the books on a shelf. The biology lab kids had lost another animal. Moving slowly, she tried to grab the lizard, but it slid between the books and the wall. She huffed and decided to let the biology teacher know where her lizard was hiding out.

She checked the page. The lizard icon was not there. She flipped through pages but couldn't find it. She'd been on about the tenth page when the lizard appeared, so she double checked. Not there.

Where had the lizard come from? Darcy was sure it hadn't dropped from the ceiling or run across the table. Or maybe it had. 

Max entered the library on silent steps and saw her flipping through his dispatch book. He relaxed. She did have it here, as her note said. 

She flipped through a few more pages.

"Hello," said the boy. He stood by her table, his scooter in hand.

"Hello," Darcy replied, not wanting a fight. "I found your book on the seat. Here." She closed it and handed it to him.

"Thanks," he said. "I couldn't catch the bus. I saw your note, so I came here. This book can't be replaced."

"Ummm. It's blank."

"Well, it's important to me."

"Except," Darcy said, looking at him curiously, "I read some writing and it said something about Olga wanting to kill someone. Is this a novel?"

"Sort of. More of a journal." He smiled slightly. "Thanks, again."

The books behind her rustled and she looked around to see the lizard tail. "Oh, there's that lizard. For a minute, I thought it came out of the book."

"Oh, no," The boy groaned. He flipped through the pages, stopping at page 10. He froze. "What happened to the lizard?"

She scowled at him. "The lizard is hiding in the bookshelf. See its tail." She pointed to a dangling green string on the second from the top shelf.

The boy went to the books and held out his hand. "Willow. Come." The lizard poked its head out and eyed the boy before sliding on his palm. It climbed up his arm and curled on his shoulder.

"How can an iguana curl like that, sort of like a snake or a cat."

"Willow's not an iguana."

"Darcy! Who are you talking to?" Addie stood there, casually dressed but looking stylish. She pushed some of her braids behind her shoulder. "Yourself?" Addie laughed.

"Don't you see him, Addie? The boy with the lizard?"

"No one here but us two, Darcy. You're talking to yourself, again. Gotta watch that. I know you're just thinking out loud, but some people look for the worst."

"Yeah," said Darcy, looking at the boy, who shrugged.

"I got a meeting during lunch, so I'll see you in fifth period art. Bye."

Addie walked away, her cornrows swinging.

"What is happening here?" Darcy scowled.

The boy sat down. "First, tell me who you are. How you got here."

"My family moved here about five years ago. Addie is my best friend. How did you get to Green Valley? Scooter?"

The boy smiled. "No, I opened a Gate and came here to find my uncle. I live with him."

"Addie really couldn't see you, could she? Why can I? Do I have a brain tumor or something?" Darcy picked up her backpack. Her stomach was twitching. She wanted to get far from this boy who fascinated and scared her.

"No, you're not sick." He examined her thoughtfully. "You really are from this world. I don't know how you got magic, enough to see Willow and me. Have you seen me since August?"

Darcy nodded. "Way in from where?" She remembered the sentences she'd read. "Are you Max? Why does Olga want to kill him--you?" She sat down.

"Yes, I'm Maxim Kingsbrooke. Max. Olga wants to kill me to take my power for herself. I don't know if I can keep hiding from her, even here. She's relentless."

"Your power?" Darcy shook her head. "Who is Olga?"

"Olga is my sister."

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