9 Gate to Avalon

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Max led Darcy into the fireplace room to a case in the back corner. He tugged, sliding it in front of the next shelf. On the wall behind it, a mirror reached from the floor almost to the ceiling and was as wide as the bookshelf. The frame was a design of vines, leaves, flowers, and fruit, in gold and silver, dotted with sparkling stones. From the mirror her reflection looked back at her.

"Is that really a reflection? Or is an illusion?

"It's a reflection in a mirror which is the gate to Avalon. I blocked it from that side and hid it from Olga." He paused. "Till I have to go back."

Darcy stared at him, alarmed. "Won't that be dangerous?"

Max nodded twice. "Very. Not as dangerous as her coming here. Her power would be...overwhelming in the ordinary. Be careful. You picked up enough magic that you might fall through." He shook his head. "You wouldn't be welcome there."

"Ohhhh." Darcy saw her reflection in the mirror, the books in the room reflected behind her.

"Put your hand on the mirror."

Darcy reached her hand out, palm forward, and her reflection did the same. She placed her hand against the glass, feeling the smooth, cool surface. Her reflection placed its palm against hers. The mirror seemed to move with tiny currents. It tickled and she laughed.

"What do you feel?"

Darcy closed her eyes and concentrated the cool glass under her hand. The mirror seemed fluid, somehow, although hard, like the book.

"It feels like water rippling under my hand. Like the book cover. Two things at once."

"Look again."

Darcy opened her eyes, blinking to adjust to the shadows. Her reflection was gone along with the books. A large grey fish, mouth open wide, chased and swallowed minnows.


"Yes, it's a water path." A turtle swam by.

"I don't see anything but water. I can't swim, so I couldn't make it to shore."

"The portal puts you on the shore. Dry, usually." Max stretched his hand out until it slid below the surface just as though slipping under water.

"Oh, my." Darcy gasped, delighted. "Am I seeing things?"

"No." He pulled his hand out. It was dry but for a drop or two of water, 

Max touched the mirror again, and Darcy felt cool water flowing under her hand. "I feel water," she whispered.

"Put your hand through, just an inch or so."

She hesitated and then pressed her hand against the mirror. Her fingers slid under the surface and then her palm followed. Cool water flowed against her hand. A small, green fish darted up, found nothing to eat and swam away. She took her hand out. Her hand was dry but for a few drops clinging to her fingers.

"It's incredible. Did you just walk through?"

"Dove in. Or walk through. Whichever."

She stepped back and looked at the mirror. She touched the surface with a fingertip, but it was mirror hard. "Why doesn't the water fall out? The mirror's upright and the water is flat on the ground?"

"The water in Avalon stays in Avalon, except for a drop or two that might cling to a traveler. If things start slipping through, it's a sign Olga is trying to get someone or something here."

"Oh, dear. I hope she doesn't find the path."

"If she does, she can't enter, but she might decide to risk enough magic to send someone to bring me back."

"A kidnapper?"

Max hesitated before answering, "Yeah, kidnapper."

"Max! Maxim!" Nash called. "Where are you?"

"In the bookroom. I was showing Darcy the mirror." He put the bookcase back over the mirror and they returned to the cafe. Rays of bright sunlight pierced the clouds for the rain had stopped.

The clock over the counter read 4:49. "I'd better go. I need to be home for dinner, or I'll..."

"Or what?" Max asked.

"Well, my family is likely to eat it all before I get there."

"Sure, Darcy," said Nash. "I'll have your pendant ready in a few days. Max will let you know."

"Thanks." She took her cup to the return and went to the door. "Don't need this," she said, closing her umbrella and hanging the strap over her wrist.

"Bye, Darcy," Max said. He reached for the door and winced, putting a hand on his back.

"Your back, Max?" asked Nash.

"Yeah," Max said. He turned to Darcy. "I have scoliosis. In Avalon, the magic controls it, so we never really developed a treatment. Uncle Nash took me to a doctor here, and I wear my brace most of the day and night." He grimaced, rubbing his back. "My back just gives out sometimes." He opened the door. "I'll see you tomorrow." He looked in her eyes. "I'm glad we got to meet."

"I am, too, Max. Nice meeting you, Mr. Nash. Goodbye."

"Bye." Max shut the door behind her. Darcy turned and waved as she headed home to dinner. Max waved back. She felt Max's loneliness, and still crushed on him. She wished she could at least be a friend until he went back to Avalon, hopefully after Olga was no threat. Against the odds, perhaps Max and Nash could find enough magic or some other way to defeat the would-be Lady of Avalon.

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