CMT (xd)- Chapter Two, Separated

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One day, a few weeks later, I was walking with Acatin in the colored forest and getting a bit tired, so I went up to Acatin and said, "Hey Acatin, can I nap in your arms?" She said, "Sure, come on up Tabby." "Tabby" was what Acatin had named me. I forgot that when I jump I float up in the air because of magic I inherited from my father. That was also the reason I could talk in human language. So, I flew up into the air and Acatin couldn't catch me! She yelled "Tabby! No! Come back!" I must've traveled miles before I landed in a dense forest with bright colored leaves, red, orange, and yellow. I started to yowl for Acatin, yelling, "Acatin! Acatin! Where are you? I'm over here!" Of course she couldn't hear me so I gave up pretty fast. I was probably miles from her. So, I jumped in the direction I came from, that didn't help anything, since my flying power had to recharge, which was really annoying and I had no idea why it happened or how to fix it. So I started walking in the direction I came from. "This is gonna take a while," I said quietly to myself. I stalked along in the brownish-green underbrush, hoping not to be seen. I knew Katranaly wolves stalked these woods. They were purple wolves with a yellow streak down the side. Unfortunately, I was spotted as I sprinted through a field to thicker trees. I was too late, one of the wolves picked me up by the scruff of my neck, that was painful. I started to yowl at the top of my lungs, "Acatin! Acatin! Help! The Katranaly wolves got me!" I was sure that Acatin could hear me this time and so were the wolves because they threw me in a dark,black dungeon. 

(oh my GOSH this is so freaking old xd)

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