Portal Falls- Earthly Adventures

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  Skya woke up in a white bed in a black room. It took a while for her to register what happened. She had fallen. From Heaven. And survived. Many angels had fallen, and some made it back, but she survived.

Wait...Am I alive again? She wondered. She realized that her throat hurt, and her arms hurt and her wings hurt and EVERYTHING HURT WHAT HAPPENED. She tried to sit up and winced, laying back down. That hurt, too. She decided to look around her surroundings. To one side of the bed, there was a small, empty table, and across the room there was a desk covered in potions, papers, and markers.

Where am I? She thought. She tried to remember the fall. Oh yeah. She had fallen through the misty fog and landed in the biggest evergreen tree she had ever seen. Of course "landed" was an exaggeration, while in reality, she had hit every branch on the way down, and then blacked out as she hit the hard ground. She kinda remembered slightly waking up every once in a while, and it seemed as if she was being carried.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened a little, and someone peeked into her room. This new person had messy blue hair, goggles on her head, navy blue leggings, and she was wearing a purple sweatshirt. Her face lit up when she saw Skya staring at her.

"You're awake! Ooh I have sooo many questions!" she exclaimed, rushing to pull a chair up beside Skya's bed. Without even stopping to let her talk, she started firing questions at her.

"Hi, I'm Oceana! What's your name? Ooh I bet it's a pretty angel name! Where did you come from? Why did you fall from the sky? What's with the fire in the sky after you fell? Are you not able to talk? Do you speak English? I don't know any other languages..." Oceana trailed off. Skya didn't know which question to answer first.

"Well, yes, i speak English, I don't know what kind of 'pretty angel name' you wanted, but my name's Skya, I had to jump to Earth to escape some kind of shadow beast, yes, I came from Heaven, what is fire in the sky?" Skya answered Oceana's questions in a hoarse voice.

Oceana rushed to her desk and took out a note book, furiously drawing and writing. Skya sighed.

"The fire in the sky was what happened after you fell. Above you, the clouds burst into flames, and lit up the sky for miles. It was even in the news!" She explained. "But now's not the time. Imma let you rest, and I'll come back later." She said.

That was a year ago. It had taken a long time for Skya to recover from the fall, and when she did, she discovered that her angel wings didn't work anymore. She had realized what the fire in the sky was: Heaven's fall. It had been destroyed after she left.

Over the last year, Oceana had become her only friend, because she lived out in the middle of nowhere. Which was lucky for them. If anyone found out about her existence, they would take her away for 'scientific reasons' as Oceana put it. So it was good how far away from civilization she was.

Today they were going even deeper into the forest to a river. Oceana said she was just taking them on a canoeing trip, but Skya thought otherwise. For one thing, she was bringing a lot of extra stuff, for another, she had an excited look. It was her 'I'm about to make a new discovery!' look, and Skya knew it well. But maybe Skya was overthinking it.

Somethings off about that river, though. Skya thought. She was just finishing a drawing of an angel friend she had back in heaven when Oceana knocked on the door.

"Skya! It's time to go!" She shouted, her voice full of excitement. Skya rolled her eyes. She knew that Oceana wouldn't stop talking about it until they were in the water.

"Coming!" She called through the door, as she put her art stuff away.

Here we go again... She thought. Walking outside, she looked at the surrounding forest, marveling at it's beauty. The grass rippled in a slight breeze, the autumn leaves waved in the cool air, and sunlight beamed down to the ground. She had certainly missed this when she was in Heaven.

She walked with Oceana as they dragged the cart with the canoe to the river, close to the house. When they got there, Oceana was bouncing with excitement. Skya still didn't know why. As they neared the river, Skya noticed a beautiful shimmering gleam to the water as the sunlight hit it. It was almost unnatural.

Oceana smiled and shoved the canoe into the shallows.

"Skya, are you excited? I'm so excited. This is gonna be so much fun!" Oceana said, talking fast, as she usually did when she was excited. Skya nodded, smiling as they got in the boat, and started off. The water was so clear, you could see the pebbles at the bottom of the river. Skya ran her hand through the water, it was cold to the touch. She smiled and spread her wings in the sunlight. Maybe this trip was just for fun.

They floated down the river for a long time, laughing and talking, until suddenly, Skya heard a roaring sound up ahead. It sounded like a waterfall... But Oceana wouldn't lead them there on purpose, right?

"Um, Oceana? I think there's a waterfall up ahead... We should turn around." Skya pointed out the roaring noise.

"That means we're close!" Oceana replied. Turning to smile at Skya.

"What!?" Skya yelled. She was so mad! Oceana hadn't told her they were going to a waterfall! That was dangerous! How big was this waterfall? Where did it lead? Why was Oceana bringing them here?!

"So what you're telling me is that you brought us to a waterfall in the middle of nowhere, AND DIDN'T THINK TO TELL ME?!" Skya said.

"You wouldn't have agreed. Besides, I know where we're going. I've been studying different dimensions, and I know an entry to another world! This waterfall is called Portal Falls, and it leads to a portal, hence the name." She said. "And so I wanted to find out if it's real or not. If so, new dimension to explore! Aren't you excited?" Oceana explained.

"Oceana, this is dangerous. Can't we study from another angle? Is this the best way to do this?" Skya was almost yelling, as the waterfall was getting closer and louder.

"Well there's no going back now." Oceana pointed out how fast they were going as they got closer to the roaring water. Then Skya saw the drop further ahead in the river. The water just stopped, and there was a clear view of the valley. She tried to calm herself down, but then the thought hit her. Where would we go? Heaven had been destroyed. If they died... There was nowhere to go.

The waterfall was so close now that she couldn't hear anything else other than it. The roaring echoed around the entire valley. Skya looked at Oceana, who was looking back at her as if she was wondering if this was a good idea. Maybe do that before we get in the water next time! Skya thought. They reached the edge. Tipping... Tipping... Falling. Skya squeezed her eyes shut,

and prepared for impact.

(wow this is a decently long chapter xd. btw, i wrote this 2 years ago if any of you are wondering)

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