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   Brooklyn  opened the car door. She walked out, to see her parents. She smiled when she saw them, but something was off. As she walked on to the sidewalk, the sharp, clear, fall air whipped around her on the windy day.

   "Brooklyn!" Her supposed mother called to her, and pulled her into a hug. It felt nice, but uncomfortable at the same time.

   "We missed you so much. Welcome home Brooky!" Her mother said again. Brooklyn forced a smile and looked up at her mother. Short black hair framed her pale face, and her bright green eyes stood out. Black hair? Mines blonde. Brooklyn thought, thinking of her reflection in the white rooms she called home. Her hair was long and blonde. Well, I haven't seen my dad yet. She thought.

   Just then, her father walked out of the house. She stared at his blue eyes, stocky build, and short brown hair. And my eyes are brown! she thought again. But maybe she inherited it from her grandparents. It was fine. Everything was fine.

   "Hey darling! How was the facility?" Her dad boomed, his voice loud and deep, with happiness lacing each word. Brooklyn smiled at him. They weren't supposed to remember. But she did. She knew. She knew everything.

   "I dunno. I don't remember anything." She said. Her voice sounded strained as she lied. A flicker of uneasiness flashed through her mom's eyes, but she smiled. Her dad nodded and beamed.

   "Of course you don't! How about you come inside while Amanda talks to the officers." He said, beckoning to the small house with the light blue walls and the red door. She had never seen it before. Weren't they supposed to know their own homes?*

   Her mom walked over to the car with the officers that drove her there. Probably to talk about the experiments. She probably knew. Her mother was in on it. So was her father. They didn't care that she lived it. Living in it was different than knowing about it. Brooklyn knew they didn't care. They just wanted their child back. She held those thoughts back. You have to play the part. She thought.

   Play the part. Live with the people who are not your parents.


   Her father had lead her to a room with pastel colors. her bed was a light blue, and the walls were a creamy, almost white, orange color. She hated it. The room felt muted. She wanted the bright colors. She didn't want it to be so close to white. it was all she had seen for all those years. White and white and white...

   And needles. And glass. And so many rooms. A maze of walls and tables. The bland food. The silent guards. The lessons, the tests. 

They had no mercy.

Her friends. her only comfort. She missed Akki. She missed Josephine and Oliver. 

She flopped down on the too-light bed and let silent tears flow down her cheeks. She fell asleep.


ok i think thats it for my entry

its a bit short at about 500 words but i like it, and i think ive added quite a bit to it.

so ye


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