Freedom part 3

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Joey's pov

The last thing I remember was stepping through the portal I had created, and I stepped into......a palace.
Then four large men grabbed me and carried me into a throne room.
I saw them. The seven gods of Malachi,
The God of morality Lawter approached me.
He hugged me; it was warm, like my mother's hug.

They gave me an offer to replace Rhades, to become a God, they said I would become part of Malachi.
They wanted to wait until after the festival, but due to recent circumstances, they had to do it today.
The transformation was precisely how it was written, warm on the right, cold on the left.
The rest of it was....hazy. I only kept seeing memories.

Then I woke up, and the gods were unconscious around me.
I was confused; did the transformation not work?
"Joey?!?" I heard Jason shout, shocked.
I looked over to him; he was wearing his renegade's jacket.

He ran over to me and hugged me.
I felt like I was finally myself.

Bryan's pov

I was watching the teens, and the ground started shaking.

The shakes stopped and I looked over to the teens.
One by one, the collars started popping off and the color returning to their eyes.

"Are you kids, ok?" I asked them.
"Im fine, but who are?" Henry asked me.
"I'll explain later, " I said, helping them to their feet.
"Is it over?" I heard a quiet voice ask from behind the throne.
"It is, come on," I said, and Jackson went out of hiding his collar gone as well.

Time skip.

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