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Theo hears about the new human at work. He's between classes, recouping from teaching a class full of angry hormonal tenth graders in the teachers lounge as he prepares to teach a class full of angry hormonal ninth graders. He overhears it from Joecy, who is venting to Alexa.

"I thought for sure the cupcakes would work, offering food's the oldest trick in the book," Joecy complains as she steeps another pot of tea. "How did he know?"

"I think he was just being polite." Alexa answers as she pours herself a mug of coffee. "Most people who have neigbours come over and offer food assume its a gesture of kindness and not somekind of trick."

Jocey harrumphs, unable to properly respond. "Well. I'm going to try again, and this time it'll work, you'll see!" She turns around, cupof tea in hand, and stomps out of the room.

Alexa sighs but smiles fondly as her fiance flounces out of the room.

"What was that about?" Theo asks.

"Joecy and Sophia have a bet going on; who can trick the new human first. They've got a pie riding on the bet. I don't know why she let Sophia goad her into it but it's been fun to watch," She explained. "Unfortunately, he tripped her up by offering her tea which ruined the deal."

"Is she seriously planning to do anything with the trick?" Joecy has a fiery temper when provocked but she doesn't have a delibrately malicous bone in her body. This was the same person who was inconsolable for weeks after her kitten squashed a bee.

"Nah. She just hates it when Sophia act like she's better than her so she needs to prove a point." Alex gestured upward, levitating her mug into the sink with a poof of magic. The witch leaned against the counter. "Speaking of Sophia, are you going to her dinner party this weekend? She's a bitch but she whips up a mean brisket."

"Nah, I'm heading to the beach with a bottle of wine and a notepad; I need to charge through my writer's block."


Porthaven is a writer's paradise: Quiet beaches, beautiful scenery and charming people. Theo lives on the beach, overlooking the sapphire blue ocean, in a classic little New England home. Quite literally, magical, a home to Vampires, like Theo himself, Werewolves, Fairies and all matter of Magic-folk. There are the occasional humans, plain-folk, but they are few and far between.

He grabs a mid-shelf bottle of half-empty wine and a glass as he leaves the house, heading towards the beach with a notepad, a pen and a folding chair underarm.

The sun is starting to set, painting the sky and the sea in brilliant red and orange hues. He makes a habit of going to a specific spot on the beach every day as the sun sets. Typically, he's by himself, which he prefers, but today there's someone else sitting in the sand by themself.

Theo smells her before he gets a good look at her. The smells draw him in; like a bakery at mid-day. Her knees are pressed up against her chest, and a thick curtain of inky black hair hides most of her face. Theo approaches carefully, not wanting to startle her.

"Hi?" Theo calls out. She flinches but cautiously looks up at him. Theo catches a glimpse of her big brown eyes. "Are you alright?"

"I-I.... I'm fine. I just." She rushes unsteadily to her feet, kicking up a tiny cloud of sand. "I should probably go. Sorry for bothering you."

"Wait. You don't have to leave; It's public property after all," Theo says as he sets the wine bottle down. He seats down next to her spot in the sand, not bothering with the beach chair. "It's okay, stay here if you need to."

She nods then collapses back into the sand. Her hair sprays out, letting Theo see more of her face and holy fuck she's as beautiful as she smells. Her dark skin contrasts sharply against the golden white sand. She looks like a work of art, as if somebody took the time to perfectly etch every single delicate feature on her face: big brown doe eyes, a cupid bow, and high cheek bones. She's wearing blue jeans and a cream sweater which hung lossely around her shoulders, esposing her coller bones and a slender neck that Theo can't help but imagine sinking his fangs into.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Theo asks. "My name's Theo, by the way."

"Daya, my name is Daya." Instead of answering the question, she asks one of her own. "How long have you lived here?"

"About a year and a half, give or take a few months."

"How long did it take for you to feel like you belong?"

"Honestly? About three months. People here are friendly, but small towns can be very insular," "Why did you move here?"

She pauses for a moment, staring up into the night sky. "It's so beautiful out here. I've wanted to live in a small town since high school," She rolls over in the sand to look directly at him, biting her plump lower lip, which momentarily short-circuits Theo's brain. "I told my sister I'd be fine, but I'm not so sure anymore."

"Porthaven can be daunting at first, but it eventually opens up to everyone."

Daya sighs. "How did you get used to this?"

"It just kind of happened." Theo uncorked his wine and offered her the glass. "Want some?"


Theo pours her a glass before raising the bottle to his lips and taking a swing. "It was pretty lonely when I moved out here, but one day I wandered into townhall and signed up for the baking club," Theo explains. "After that, it was easy. People tend to pay attention when you offer them a pie."

"I'm an awful cook, but I get what you mean; Join a club, try and get out of my shell." She tilts her head back, and takes a big swing of her glass, exposing more of her neck. Theo has too force himself to look away.

Daya holds up her empty glass for more wine. Theo is very careful not to pour too much. She's so tiny; he doesn't want to lose her head. "I could always show you around town, starting with dinner?"

Daya looks up at him, considering his offer. Her lips parted, tongue poking out to trace her bottom lip. "I'd love that, but do you... are you asking me..."

"... on a date?"


"Do you want it to be?"


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