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Luis could smell the human approaching the construction site from a mile away. He smells like the forest; like blossoming wild-flowers and sweet tree sap. It's intoxicating and makes his wolf perk up. The wolf is always interested in new people, new smells, but this human is different. The wolf is drawn to him in a way that it can't explain. As he watched Daya walk away, he wanted nothing more than to leave the site behind and follow him, but he has to wait until Soph's boring party.

Sophia's house is as boring as she is, so is the party, a little fancy potlock. The only thing that kept it interesitng was the new guest. Daya was leaning against a wall in slacks and a tailored jacket, cluthcing a glass of wine as he was trapped in conversation with Sophia herself, along with the rest of her little bookclub. Luis was about to approach and rescue him when he was distracted by a very different smell. Theo smells like burnt ash and fresh blood, a warning of his vampiric nature to those in the know. In ancient times they'd probably be enemies, but now they mostly just bickered and snipped at eachother during parties. Luis also admitted, but only to himself, that he was a little salty after being rejected the first time they met.

"Hello mutt," Theo greets him, sneering as he takes a drink from his extra bloody marry.

"Hey Blood sucker," Luis elbows Theo's side as tilts his head towards Daya. "We finally got fresh meat in town."

Theo rolls his eyes. "To late, we already have a date tommorow."

Luis pauses. Theo isn't into men, he'd made that clear before, so why was he going out with Daya? Unless...

"Oh, damn you're fast," Luis continues, testing an idea. "Lucky. I met her and she seems great."

Theo doesn't correct him. "Yeah, she is. Jealous?"

"Very," Luis says with a very incongrous smile to match Theo's smug smile. "Good luck."

Luis leaves Theo with a smack on the back and heads of to find a drink and dinner. The vampire eyes him curiously, shruggs then approaches the human.

Jealous? Not exactly. Luis isn't quite sure what he feels, but it's something a lot closer to... lonliness?

Time to drink it away.


Luis leans against the balcony, taking in the fresh sea air when he's joined by Daya.

"There you are." Daya smiles, his gait is a little unsteady and he smells faintly of wine and scotch which he's currently clutching. He's clearly drunk. "I was worried you weren't coming."

"I'm a man of my word," Luis sighes. "Unfortunately."

"What do you mean?" He smiled dopily up at Luis.

"Well," Luis shrugs. "I only came here for you."


"Yeah, Sophia's place isn't usually my scene," Luis explains. "I haven't had to dress formally in years." Luis gestures to his shirt, which is more than a little to tight on him.

"Hmm, yeah I can tell," Daya mutteres absently as he reaches forward, unthinking and places a hand over Luis stomach.

Luis sucks in his breath. The skin under Daya's hand warms up, his fingers trace a trail of flames which spreads from his core to his groin. He feels his wolf stir and has to grip the railing to keep his own hands to himself, denting the metal slightly.

Luis cups his hand, not pushing him but stopping his roaming. "While I definately don't mind you gropping me, I think you have a date tommorow?"

Daya's eyes widen in realization, as if snapping out of a trance. He yanks his hand back. "Oh, right. S-Sorry." He stumbles back, bumping against the railing.

"Unless you don't think he'd mind if you cancel," Luis says as he steps closer, pushing Daya back against the railing.

"I- Um..." Daya's voice is barely a squeak as he bites his lip; The dent in the railing grows deeper.

"Daya, sweatheart. There you are." Sophia bursts onto the balcony, oblivious to the scene she's interrupted. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

Daya pushes away from the railing, steadying himself. "I'm fine, just came out for some air."

"Ah, Luis," Sophia greets. "Daya, I see you've met my nephew. Luis, Daya is-"

"I know, we've already met," Luis glances at a sheepish Daya. "I'm renovating Priya's old store for him."

"Wonderful." She smacks her hands together. "I hope you boys will be friends."

Daya nods, looking down at his feet. "Of course."

"Very good friends." Luis says with a toothy grin.

"Jocey's bringing out her tart; You don't want to wait to long, it usually disappears pretty quickly." Sophia flounces away after that, leaving them alone on the balcony once again. Before Luis could pick up where he left of with Daya, the little human qucikly followed her, leaving him with nothing but a shy wave.

What's the phrase again? He hates to see him go but loves to watch him leave?

Daya is definitely a wonderful sight in those slacks.

After a few minutes, Luis calms down and rejoins the party. He grabs a drink and a plate of food, making small talk with some of the other guests. The party is mostly uneventful, but he does catch a few glimpses of Daya leaning against Theo's side laughing and talking animatedly. They seem perfect together but something was wrong, it was almost was something like was missing?

When the party finally winds down, Luis helps his aunt and her husband clean up. As he loads her dishwater, Sophia sets more unwashed plates next to him.

"I''m glad you've gotten aquainted with the new human." Luis snorts, aquainted sure. Luis would love to get really aquainted with Daya. "There's something about him. He reminds me so much of Priya."

"I have to assume so, since they're related." Luis says dryly.

"Don't be porposefully obtuse." She smacks his shoulder. "It's a bit of a worry he seems enamoured with the vampire."

"Theo's harmless," Luis assures her. "Besides. I don't see this lasting long." Eventhough Luis knows that's probably true, he finds the thought almost... painful? Why? He wants Daya sure, but the thought of him leaving Theo feels wrong.

"Let's hope so," Sophia sighs. "If he's as much like Priya as I thought, we may have a new candidate."

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