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Title: Posessive

Author: Zeey’

Genre: Romance, Angst, Crack, Fluff…Well, let say all genre in one.

Rating: NC-17 – overall; will be warned in every single chapter.

Length: Series, (10+)

Warning: Over-possessive!Yun and Childish!Jae

Jung YunHo, the 26-year-old Korean famous, top gangster leader – having every single order accomplish by a quick gesture of his head, is the man most people – every people feared of. Bossy, egotistic, arrogant – that’s what he is but however, a certain 20-year-old college freshman was able to soften this harsh man by just a sweet call of “Yunnie,” uttered, escaping his lips. That’s what all it takes to bring Jung YunHo - no matter how angry, mad, pissed the man is, crashes to the ground, obeying every sweet demand of his beauty lover by the name of Kim JaeJoong.

Ever since he met Kim JaeJoong 6 years ago, whole heartedly picking the 14 years old orphan-street boy, Jung YunHo had leisurely turned to be a very loving possessive, obsessed and more selfish towards the young man, Kim JaeJoong. Maybe Jung YunHo thinks that he is the greatest, powerful man amongst the gangster of the whole world but, well, let just admit that he is nothing – absolutely nothing when it comes to deal with his ‘BabyJae’ because he knows only him – and no one else can own Kim JaeJoong.

Thus, Jung YunHo, vowed to himself, to Kim JaeJoong that; if he finds – ever finds a single scratch, thick nor thin on ‘his life’s’ body, soul or heart, or maybe a single tear shed by his other half, then the one behind the cause will have to deal with the leader Jung. And the only thing comes out when messing with this Jung Yunho, is one; death!

Chapter 1: I just want you

Rain was pouring lightly outside the house, watering the once dry earth. JaeJoong gazes outside the window as he sat himself at the far corner of the big room. It was another day – day without YunHo by his side – day where YunHo is always so damn busy with his freaking work.

JaeJoong felt damn lonely – alone and empty inside this huge house he is living right now. Sometimes, the man wonders if the other man was really loving him – was really needing him. YunHo kept him here at this house, disallowing him to go outside to wander along the wide world, banning him from connecting and communicating with other people as the great man had once claimed that he didn’t want JaeJoong to get hurt by any single mean. But YunHo, himself is hurting him, right? - Hurting him indirectly by locking JaeJoong inside this golden-coated cage, doing nothing but showered with endless luxuries which he doesn’t even want. JaeJoong’s life was absolutely meaningless.

JaeJoong woke up this morning like usual – waking up to the rising sun’s early ray, unconsciously mumbling, “Yunnie,” as his hands felt the other side of the bed, only to find it empty – unoccupied. Sighing heavily, JaeJoong pushed himself up to get ready for his classes that morning.

When the school ended, JaeJoong will always wait for YunHo to at least once to pick him up. But it never happened, for the several weeks, YunHo had never showed up, only the long black luxurious limousine waiting for him in front of the college’s main entrance. JaeJoong would then was dropped off at the huge mansion, only for him to do nothing, staring at the space. When will YunHo stop torturing him like this? Yunho never let him do anything he wanted, he just keep on acting like a possessive lover towards JaeJoong by which he cut JaeJoong’s communication from the outside world as if JaeJoong only breathes for him. JaeJoong felt suffocated. Although he wanted to feel himself suffocated but no, it’s not like this; he wanted to feel suffocated by YunHo’s love and YunHo’s attention only and absolutely what he is experiencing now isn’t YunHo’s love, it’s a torture.
JaeJoong pulls himself up from the sitting position. He wonders across the big room and come to a stop in front of his make-up table where his hand phone is located. Without thinking much further, he reached out for the device. As if instantly, he speed-dial YunHo’s hand phone – only to have him being told that YunHo is unavailable at the moment, “Shit you, Jung YunHo!” JaeJoong hissed loudly. “I'm going there!” 
JaeJoong had the driver driving him to YunHo’s office. As far as JaeJoong was concerned, YunHo led the top company of the whole Korea, while at the same time, the top famous Korean gangster. So, it didn’t doubt that YunHo is a busy man. “But at least give me a call or something! Stupid bastard!” JaeJoong cursed silently.

“Are you okay, JaeJoong-shi?” it was Kyuhyun, the driver, glancing at sulking JaeJoong at the rear-view reflection.

“NO! I am not fucking okay! That stupid boss of yours is driving me crazy! Why didn’t he call me or something? I didn’t even get to see him this past few weeks, let alone having a conversation! He didn’t even say hi to me when he is about to work and leave me alone when I'm still sleeping, then he didn’t even fetch me up from college and…and he didn’t even kiss me goodnight! Damn him! I damn fucking shitly hate him!” JaeJoong flared up.

“Maybe he is so busy that he didn’t even have the chance to. Listen to him, maybe he got an explanation. And I'm sure boss loves you so much,” Kyuhyun replied.

“Yeah, yeah. He loves me…” JaeJoong said sarcastically.

“No. I'm speaking the truth. If not why did he want every single thing for you be done so perfectly and flawlessly?”

JaeJoong went silent. Okay, yes, that’s true. YunHo wants everything perfect for him. From living place, to cloth, to food, to studies; everything is perfect. YunHo did his very best to give JaeJoong every single perfection in this world, YunHo gave JaeJoong every demand of his without complaining. Well, maybe YunHo did love him that much. But JaeJoong still doubts that.

Kyuhyun hid his smile as he glanced to JaeJoong thinking expression. “Alright! We’re here,” he jumped out from the driver seat and rushed to open JaeJoong’s door but before he can do so, JaeJoong had already ran out from the limo. “I’ll wait here…” Kyuhyun whispered to JaeJoong’s disappearing figure.
The pretty man rushed to the elevator. The girl at the reception bows to JaeJoong’s running figure although she is being ignored. Then a couple of man in black suits had stopped dead at their track to bow toward JaeJoong and gave the young man a clear route for him to walk – run, as it seems.

Pushing the up button, JaeJoong waits for the metal door to slide open. As it did so, he steps into the box and being greeted by the man responsible inside the lift. “Mr. Jung’s office?” the man asked as he retreated from his bow. Really, did YunHo asked for the whole people in this building to act polite to him? JaeJoong’s mind wonders. He nodded cutely to the man and the man in the uniform pressed for the 21st floor.

Both the man waited for the lift to ascend to the floor.

“Mr. Jung had a very important meeting at the moment,” the man said without being asked.

“With whom?”

“I don’t really know but it seems like he is a very important man,”

“Where is he? In the meeting room?”

“Inside his office. It’s sort of closed-meeting,” the metal-door opened at the time the man finished his sentence. JaeJoong exited the box. “Nice meeting you, JaeJoong-shi…” the man smiles and bows again as the door slowly closed. JaeJoong nodded with a smile on his face.

“You’re dead, Jung YunHo…” JaeJoong said to no one in particular, “Ignoring me because you had a meeting with a certain old man in a black suit?” he gritted his teeth as he walked to YunHo’s secretary’s desk – Tiffany.

“Oh, hi JaeJoong-shi…” Tiffany stood up from her chair and offered JaeJoong a smile, “I'm afraid, Mr. Jung is in a meeting right now,”

“Tell that stupid man, I'm here…” JaeJoong is – no doubt, pissed.


“Please?” the boy widened his doe-like eyes – making sure that it shows the cute side of him, as his lips pursed into a kissable pout and his hands clasp together at his right cheek.

‘Shit, Mr. Jung is so going to kill me if he knows JaeJoong acting like this to me…’ Tiffany thought. “Uh…I’ll call him,” she is totally defeated with Jung YunHo’s lover.

“Thank you, Tiffany-shi. You are the best! I’ll ask Yunnie to raise your wage!” his face lightens up with a hint of merriness.

The girl let out a nervous chuckle as she pressed the intercom connected to the one inside YunHo’s office “Sir, Mr. Kim is here. He insisted to see you right now…”

“I’ll be there in a short while,” it was a brief reply from YunHo before the man rushed out to open the door of his office. Right after that, Tiffany walked away from there to give her boss a little space of privacy.

When Yunho steps out from the room, he was greeted by very flushed JaeJoong, eyes piercing, arms crossed and foot taping on the carpeted floor, “Baby…” YunHo opened his arms wide as engulf JaeJoong into a huge embrace.

“Ugh… Don’t ‘baby’ me, Jung YunHo!” JaeJoong pushed YunHo out from his grasp.

“What’s wrong?” the taller man reached out his hand to caress JaeJoong cheek in which JaeJoong had pushed the hand away but Yunho didn’t give up and instead he palmed JaeJoong’s face – forcing him to look at him, despite the fact that JaeJoong is struggling off.

“What’s wrong? You asked me what’s wrong?” he asked back, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong, Jung YunHo,” YunHo flinched at the sharpness of JaeJoong’s voice uttering his name; “First, you are always busy. But okay, it’s okay, I let you being busy, even though I haven’t had a chance to look at your face or even glance a second at you for this two weeks or when you didn’t fetch me up from school like you always did a couple of weeks ago or when I purposely cooked dinner for you but those things always ended up in rubbish because you didn’t even touch it or maybe when I always stay late to wait for you to come home, only to know that I accidentally dozed off without getting a chance to say goodnight to you or for the fact that when I woke up, you – mmphhh” JaeJoong was cut off as YunHo pressed his lips onto JaeJoong’s.

“Baby…I'm so, so sorry. I truly am. I'm sorry for being ignorant. Sorry, baby…” YunHo mumbled against their lip-lock.

JaeJoong pushed YunHo off of him and pursed his lips. “Oh, so now you’re sorry. By the action you gave me, I wonder if you still love me or not…” he trails off and stares to the ground.

“Of course I love you! Don’t talk like that!” YunHo said and cupped JaeJoong to look at him. “Don’t ever say anything like that. You’re the only reason I ever live, you should know that.”

“I know,” mumbled JaeJoong.

“I'm so sorry that I’ve been busy these days. It just that, things are slowly getting out of hand. I must settle those first. You understand that right, baby?” JaeJoong just nodded slightly as his eyes showing disappointment. Disappointed of the fact that his Yunnie is not going to tuck him to sleep tonight – again.

YunHo saw the sadness in his baby’s eyes and can’t help but do something to cheer him up, even if it cost him losing an important deal at the moment, “Baby, why don’t you come to Yunnie’s office? Yunnie promise, right after Yunnie finished his work, Yunnie will bring his baby Joongie out for a Yunnie and baby Joongie quality time together, to make up for what terrible person Yunnie is, alright?” YunHo baby- talks to his lover and earn a slight amused expression from the latter. It always work when YunHo does that.


“Yunnie promise!” the taller man said and planted a loving kiss onto his lover’s forehead.


YunHo knew, he shouldn’t have brought JaeJoong to enter his office. And now he regretted it.

As he was discussing with his business partner of some of the underground gang matters, JaeJoong has slowly dozed off at the far end of the couch. His head bobs up and down as he tried to fight with the sleepiness that’s slowly occupying him. Yes, YunHo regretted bringing JaeJoong here. He knows the fact that JaeJoong couldn’t handle a boring meeting like this but yet he still brings him here. And what more pisses him to the fullest extent is the fact that YunHo once in awhile caught the two partner sitting opposing him trying their hardest to steal a glance at HIS JaeJoong. Sure it is okay if they ‘accidentally’ look at JaeJoong by the reason of restraining an aching neck or maybe some fly caught their nose or even like it’s their habit to look at their left while talking but YunHo is definitely sure it IS NOT a habit because both of the man had been caught staring at his baby for twelve times – Yes, YunHo had counted.

YunHo had to give a fake cough to gain back the attention he is missing or the lusty attention JaeJoong is receiving. Then, goodness, by some unknown wind or movement or something that YunHo didn’t know where they were coming, JaeJoong shirt lifted a little showing his creamy milky skin. The simple action gains the corporate partners’ thirteen’s attention. YunHo didn’t doubt that that was a little drool on the corner on one of the men’s mouth. OKAY, THAT’S IT!

By a swift movement, YunHo aggressively pulled JaeJoong from the end of the couch into his arms. Still sitting still in his seat, YunHo pressed JaeJoong’s head onto his chest while with the other hand; he locks JaeJoong against his body by his waist. “Yes? Any problem?” YunHo managed to say through his gritted teeth when he saw the jealousy through the men of not being able to hold JaeJoong like YunHo does.

“Umm…No…No…” one of them choked and quickly diverted his attention to the paper of information on the coffee table.

“….Yunnie?” JaeJoong mumbled as he glances up through his slit open eyes, only to be greeted by YunHo an inch away from him.

YunHo whispered a, “Sleep baby, I’ll wake you later…” as he planted a kiss onto both of JaeJoong’s eyes.

JaeJoong buried his face onto YunHo’s neck as one of his palm rested onto YunHo’s chest. He mumbles a couple of incoherent words before he went all quiet.

“He’s like a baby,” one of the man stated.

“Yes, sure he is,” YunHo muttered as his hand caressed JaeJoong’s cheek.

The possessive man tightened his hold every time he sensed eyes other than his eyes checking his baby out. But one thing he is glad that, they can only see but unable to touch like Yunho did, as if JaeJoong had been labeled, ‘Can see but cannot touch’ and yet, YunHo hoped only him that can only see JaeJoong and no one else.


It was a couple of hours before the close-meeting is close. YunHo bade them goodbye even though he couldn’t stand up by the sleeping burden in his arms.

As the door was closed, YunHo whispered into JaeJoong ears, “Baby, wake up. Go home with Yunnie?” though he hated disturbing JaeJoong’s sleep but his baby needs a proper rest.

It was a couple of groaning before JaeJoong fully opens his eyes. “Yunnie…” and it was – after two weeks, the first time JaeJoong woke up with a smile.

“Baby, we need to go home. It’s late and you need rest. Tomorrow my baby got class, right?” Yunho had to admit, he likes baby-talking JaeJoong.

“But I want to sleep…”

“We can sleep at home,”

YunHo waited for an answer but JaeJoong is already deep snoring. YunHo smiles slightly and gives JaeJoong a soft peck on his head. He had no choice, then.


“Yunnie?” JaeJoong woke up searching for YunHo but found an empty space next to him. He realized that he is in his room on his bed. YunHo must have carried him home – no doubt. JaeJoong looked at outside and found it is already dark and still raining. “Yunnie?” his expression drops when he thought that all that happening today must have been only his dream or YunHo must have gone out and leaves JaeJoong alone again.

Then a soft knocks interrupts his thought, “Yunnie?” unfortunately, it wasn’t.

Mary, the housekeeper came in with a cordless phone on her hand. “Young Master, Mr. Jung called,” she said as she handed the phone to JaeJoong.

JaeJoong hesitated for a second but he never reached out his hand. The twenty-year-old boy suddenly remembers YunHo’s promise of going out for walk. And yet, he let JaeJoong sleep alone and him going out to that endless business of his again. “No! I don’t want to talk to him!” he yelled, enough for the man on the other end to hear. JaeJoong covers himself under the blanket around him.

“He said he doesn’t want to talk to you,”

‘Put me on a loudspeaker, he is still listening, right?’

“Yes, he is,” then Mary pressed the loudspeaker button and place the phone on the night stand, near to JaeJoong who is still sulking because of YunHo.

“Baby? Are you listening?” YunHo’s voice boomed from the phone as Mary backed away from there to give the couple some space. “Listen love, Yunnie is sorry that Yunnie can’t bring his baby out today…”

“Stop baby-ing me! I'm not a baby!” JaeJoong yelled under the blanket.

YunHo chuckled – happy that he is getting a response from JaeJoong, “But you are my baby. Now cutie, I'm sorry that I couldn’t make my promise. Something came up at headquarters today. So I am so busy right now. But you know I hate work and love you more, right?”

“So if you hate work, why do you bother finishing it all? I know you’re getting bored of me already, that’s why you leave me alone,” JaeJoong purposely sounding sorrow.

“NO! I'm not getting tired of you. I love you and that’s a fixed fact that no one can change. And you know that I'm doing this all just for you. I want to give you a perfect life. That’s all,”

“I don’t want a perfect life. I just want you home. I missed sleeping to the voice of your goodnight greetings and waking to your morning greetings. You rarely have been home. I just want you,” unknowing to YunHo, JaeJoong drop a single tear and continue to be follow by a muffle sob.

“Oh, JaeJoong. Don’t cry. Yunnie promise will make it before midnight, okay?”

“Don’t promise me! You never hold onto your promises. I hate you!” JaeJoong flails his hand in the air and hit onto the lying phone, indirectly putting Yunho off the line.

Mary heard the noise in the room and quickly rushed into. He found the phone lying onto the floor as JaeJoong cuddles into his blanket – crying hard for longing YunHo’s presence, as it seems.

The housekeeper picked up the phone and rushed back out. She is so sure that his Master hated seeing his Young Master cry so she decides to give YunHo a ring about it. Pressing onto YunHo’s hand phone’s number, she waited for the ringing to be cut off and it seems faster that Mary thought.


“Young Master is in his room. He’s crying hard,” then clatters of glasses from the Master’s room caught Mary’s attention. Oh no, JaeJoong is throwing a tantrum! And when JaeJoong does, only YunHo can calm him down.

“What’s that?!” YunHo also seems shocked.

“Young Master, he-”

“I’ll be right there!”


It took YunHo less than half an hour – 15 minutes to be exact, to reach his mansion. Without bothering the driver to open up for him, YunHo rushed to his room. It’s time dealing with his baby-ish BabyJae. YunHo is used to it already.

“Baby…” YunHo whispered before entering the room. Only in the room he found a broken glass near the night stand, pillows everywhere, quilt kicked off the bed and his baby stomach-lying onto the bed with eyes close and slightly snoring. Picking up the pillows near him, he placed it onto the bed and organized JaeJoong’s position so that his head is now lying against the pillow. 

Sensing the light movement, JaeJoong’s eyes flutter open, “Yunnie?”

“Yes baby, I'm here…” YunHo’s hand caresses JaeJoong’s cheek.

“Don’t you have your work?” YunHo realized JaeJoong’s voice was slightly hoarse, his cheek flushed and eyes bloodshot – an obvious signs that JaeJoong had been crying.

“No, I don’t. I promised you that I’ll be back before midnight, right?” YunHo pressed his lips against JaeJoong’s dry ones. The younger one took a glance at the alarm clock on his left and the digital number says, ’11.59pm’

JaeJoong couldn’t help but to giggle slightly at his Yunnie’s straightforward behavior.

“I'm sorry that I didn’t keep my promise. But now I’ll make up for you, okay?” YunHo said as he dig in for his phone. He pressed onto a line number and put the device against his ear. He waited a while. JaeJoong was slightly bewildered for what is happening.

“Hello?” YunHo suddenly says. “Oh, I'm sorry for bothering you, Tiffany – shii. Listen, I’ll be taking my holiday throughout this month so about my meetings and such, postpone it to the moment I'm back at office, okay?....Alright…. thank you,”

Unconsciously JaeJoong’s lips stretched into a wide smile. Now, he’ll be having YunHo all to himself. No work, no distraction and also NO FUCKING WORK! But JaeJoong’s smile didn’t last long as he thought of YunHo’s ‘other’ work.

“Don’t worry, baby. I have my right hand handling the headquarters and now~ ~~ you have me!” YunHo jumps and hovers onto JaeJoong. 
Oh, how JaeJoong wish YunHo’s promise could last till the next day unlike his usual promise. 
But the last time he checked, JaeJoong’s morning never been brighter than the last ones.

Chapter 2: Killing is great!

What is it actually that YunHo loves about coming back home after hours and hours of exhausting work? The only thing that could relieve his tension about being able to step back home is; when JaeJoong is around, ready to welcome YunHo home by the side of the entrance door greeting him with a peck on his cheek or just when the younger man would help loosing up the tie strangling around his neck and was accompanied with a tug on the tie itself for YunHo to bend down a bit and having his lips meeting up with JaeJoong’s. And just then, with a very soothing voice, JaeJoong would ask, “Dinner or bath first?”. It doesn’t matter to YunHo whether to pick the first or the latter because to him, it was as if, “JaeJoong or JaeJoong first?” so YunHo could never refused both.

But today is different.

Instead of having his lover greeting him home, he was welcomed by the maid, who YunHo couldn’t remember what her name was. Worried overtook him as JaeJoong never failed to be the first one YunHo would see the moment he stepped inside the big mansion.

“Where’s JaeJoong?” YunHo asked as he handed his briefcase to the lady.

“He hasn’t returned home since he went for his class this morning,” was the answer.

“Where did he go? Did he tell?” the worried man glanced at the clock hanging onto the wall, “Its 7 and he still isn’t home?”

“No, he didn’t tell but Kyuhyun-shi did mention that he picked up JaeJoong-shi and JaeJoong-shi said that he needed to go somewhere,”

“Okay then, off now,” with the maid disappearing from the view, YunHo quickly fished his phone out of his pocket. He noticed that there was a sign of message on the screen and it was none other than from JaeJoong’s.

‘Yunnie, I might be home late tonight. YooChun and Junsu invited me to go to their home since we got project to do. Don’t wait for me, alright? I love you so very damn much….Muahhh….’ from BabyJae.

Sheesh… Yunho knew that YooChun and Junsu guy were up to no good when separating him and JaeJoong from their cuddly lovey dovey moment. JaeJoong told him about them once that he had a clash with the couple in one of his classes and since then the trio become the good of friends. YunHo hasn’t had the chance to meet up with them due to the hectic schedule he was assigned in. He once asked JaeJoong if the both could be trusted and what the reply was a cute nod of head with pouty lips and big doe-like eyes. YunHo just couldn’t resist!

Although the young man had informed YunHo about his gone but YunHo couldn’t help but feel a little bit – a lot of worries. So he decided to call him.

After dialing the numbers that were hammered fresh on his memory, YunHo brought the phone up to his ears. He waited until the ringing sound was cut off and JaeJoong’s melodious voice could be heard, “Yunnieee….” JaeJoong whined childishly. YunHo understood his JaeJoong’s babyish behavior and that makes him loves JaeJoong more and more each day.

“Baby, where are you now?” YunHo’s firm expression softened.

“I'm at Yoosu’s. I told you already…” YunHo could hear JaeJoong’s pout by the end of the line. “Yoosu were wrestling with each other. So funny…” JaeJoong giggled cutely.

“Are you okay there? Want me to pick you up?”

“No… We haven’t finished our work yet. Later I’ll go home by myself. Don’t worry, Yunnie… I'm a big boy now. I could manage…”

“Because you’re a big boy, I become more worried about you. Listen, when you’re done, call me. I’ll pick you up. I don’t want you to wander in the middle of the night, are you listening?”

“But Yunnie…”

“I said are you listening?”

“Yunnieeee….stop babying me. I can walk home alone. Or…or I’ll just ask YooChun to send me home…”

“Aish, Jaejoongie… Why can’t you just listen to me?” YunHo mumbled audibly. He sighed harshly through the phone, “Alright. Promise me, okay? Now it’s getting 8 already. Finish up your project quickly and come to Yunnie. Yunnie needs you…”

JaeJoong childish laugh broke off, “Hahaha… Yunnie needs me to do what?” he teased. “Aww…too bad Joongie doesn’t need his Yunnie now…”

“Oh shut it, Jaejoongie,”

JaeJoong laughed again, “Yunnie, I got to go now. Don’t worry, I’ll be home safely. I love you,”

YunHo exhaled loudly, “Okay, Bye… I love you too,” YunHo’s loud smooching sound could be heard after that. JaeJoong giggled again and hung up the phone.

YunHo hung up the phone too and proceeded to the bathroom. At least he needs to kill the time before he has JaeJoong sleeping inside his arms again.

JaeJoong put his phone on the coffee table that was stacked up with papers and all stationeries that were needed for the project. He glances forward and caught the sight of YooChun and Junsu making out in front him with YooChun hovering onto Junsu’s small body. JaeJoong’s eyes widen and hastily he brought his hands up and covered his eyes, “Ewwwww…” he let out. And almost immediately, YooChun and Junsu were up into sitting position. They wiped the saliva that were on their lips and started to let out a nervous chuckle.

“We’re sorry…” YooChun said and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“Well at least get a room. There is the third pair of eyes here and the eyes say ‘do not taint my innocence’,” JaeJoong reply while pointing his index finger towards his eye.

Red blush started to creep onto YooChun and Junsu’s pale cheeks. Junsu hung his head low to hide his embarrassment while YooChun was pretending to get busy with the things in front of him. “Come on, let’s do this,” he changed the subject immediately to avoid any unnecessary things they were getting into.

Junsu and JaeJoong nodded with enthusiasm.


It was almost 10.30pm when they finally completed their works that needed to be sent first thing tomorrow morning. A satisfied smile appeared on each one of their faces when they look upon their creative handmade project that may worth a distinction for that particular subject.

JaeJoong sprawled his body onto the unoccupied couch as Junsu walked out to the kitchen to fetch some drinks while YooChun was unpacking the mess that they had made. It was lucky that they live alone together because they mess that they had made was what a real mother couldn’t stand.

Junsu walked back into the living room with a tray of drinks in his hand. “Yoochunnie, since when did we have soju in our fridge?” he asked as he put the bitter drinks on the table.

“I bought it yesterday because I thought we both could enjoy it together but! Since Jaejoongie is here, come on, let’s have some drinks!” YooChun said, a little bit exaggerated for a very tired early twenties student. He poured the bitter drinks into three glasses and asked each one of them to have some. JaeJoong politely refused and Yoosu understand. As JaeJoong looked how tempting the drinks are and how joyful the couple are, he couldn’t help to have some of it, although he knew he has class tomorrow and YunHo would surely scold onto him when he found out he was drunk.

Glass after glass and bottles after bottles, the drinks then were finished, leaving only empty bottles and empty glasses.

11.42pm, is what the digital clock showed when JaeJoong looked into it. He can feel his head felt like bursting at the moment but he still tried to stand up too. He successfully was on his feet when he looked down again only to be greeted with worn out YooSu couple on the floor, inside each other’s arms. He doesn’t have the heart to disturb the couple and asked them to drive him home and instead he grabbed onto his phone to call for YunHo but only then he realized the battery was out. “Oh..damn…” he said semi-unconscious. He wanted to use the house phone but realized that if YunHo knew he was drunk, then he’d be killed. So JaeJoong came up to one; he’ll just have to walk home.


JaeJoong never knew that night could be this cold. For a second, he just wants his Yunnie to warm him up but then again, at the same time he was afraid if YunHo would suddenly mad at him by looking at his current state. “Yunnie…cold….” But the reply was none, only the unoccupied silent street and the yellow streets lamp. He pulled his blazer closer to him when a cold wind gushed against his face.

Suddenly, he felt like someone is following him.

He turned backwards but there were no one. As soon as he turned back to face the front, a group of muscular men came to his view. One of the four of them had a baseball bat with him and it scared the hell out of JaeJoong. They four men smirked evilly seeing how fragile JaeJoong was in. The alcohol seems to seep away from JaeJoong’s body as nervousness took over.

“What do we have here?” one of the man said as he inched forward and forward and forward, until his tall body towering above JaeJoong’s short one. “A pretty guy,” sniff, “smells nice too,”.

“W-What do you want?”

“I don’t know what I want. Guys, what actually do we want?” the man scoffed sarcastically as he turned back to face his group mates. His mates just shrugged and their evil laugh pierce JaeJoong’s ears.

“S-Stay away…” JaeJoong stuttered nervously as one by one of them move forwards. “I-I said stay away!

“Aww…The little kitten is scared. How cute is that?” one of them said.

Before JaeJoong could reply anything, he was being dragged to an abandoned subway nearby with one of the men’s hand covering his mouth and muffled his scream. JaeJoong struggled endlessly but it seemed as in vain as the men were double his size and much stronger than he is. But he tried, at least he was.


“Argh! Where are you, JaeJoong?! It’s damn midnight for god’s sake. Why aren’t you answering your phone? Damn it!” YunHo cursed as he tossed his phone onto the bed. He dropped to sit in his bed as he gripped onto his hair in frustration. The feeling of worry was overwhelming. This is what he got for being so protective to his lover. He tried to sleep by the thought of JaeJoong is perfectly fine at his friend’s house but his eyes couldn’t blink for even a bit. He was just so worry if anything happens to his beloved.

The ringing sound of his phone caught his attention. Hastily, he reached for the phone and answered it without bothering to look at the caller’s id, “JaeJoong?!”

“YunHo-shi, it’s YooChun, JaeJoong’s friend. I was wondering if JaeJoong has returned home because he I think he left already…”

“No. He hasn’t! Who sent him?”

“I fell asleep and I thought it was you that he called…”

“When did he leave your house?”

“I'm not quite sure. About hour ago?”

‘Hour?’ YunHo thought. YooChun’s house and his house, as far as he knew doesn’t take that long hour to reach to. And then it clicked to him. ‘Damn you JaeJoong!’ before he broke into a run.


The four bodies were pressed against JaeJoong’s on the wall; one holding his left hand, one holding the right, one squatting by his legs and the other one holding him firm by his shoulders. “Such a beautiful face you got here, kitten,” the latter one said as he smirked.

“GET OFF ME!” JaeJoong yelled as loud as he could to get at least, someone’s attention, “HELP!” most preferably, YunHo’s. “PLEASE, LET ME GO!” tears rolled down JaeJoong’s cheek and it only cause satisfaction to the animals. JaeJoong struggled with his might out of the men’s hold but it was always to no avail. He kicked, he pushed and he prayed for YunHo’s arrival.

“Aww…the kitten’s cryin’. Why? Miss your boyfriend? Too bad, he won’t want you anymore after this…”

“Please…let me go….”

“Shusshhh…don’t cry…the game’s no fun with you cryin’. We don’t want any of that to happen, are we, kitty?” the guy cooed sarcastically. “Now, if you please to let me have a bite…”

“no…no…NO!” JaeJoong shouted when the man’s face was buried onto his neck. “S-Stop! Stop-p…STOP!” JaeJoong yelled out when the filthy man started to suck onto his neck. Tears streamed unstoppably down to JaeJoong’s cheek. “don’t…don’t! DON’T!” JaeJoong could felt the one squatting down between his legs was playing with his groin. “NO!” the pants were unzipped, “NO! STOP! YUNHO! YUNHO! HELP! YUNHO!” but the men didn’t stop. They were indeed having fun to JaeJoong’s misery. JaeJoong could felt a hand clutching onto his manhood and a sucking sound on his neck could also be heard. “S-STOP! S-STOP! Stop….I beg you….stop….” JaeJoong yelled again until his energy were all used up. “YunHo….yunho….help me….yunho….”

“Don’t worry, your boyfriend YunHo won’t come to join the fun. Let it just be us okay?” he said as he pulled his face from JaeJoong’s neck to face him.

Suddenly, a hand slapped onto his shoulder. The man turned around and his face was greeted with a fist, sending him straight onto his butt. He then kicked the man between JaeJoong’s legs straight on his face, sending him away. With the free hand, he punched the men on both sides of JaeJoong’s hands one by one. Now, all the four are down, he grabbed JaeJoong with his hand and pulled him against his chest.

“Yunnie…” JaeJoong whispered softly as if YunHo was just a dream he hallucinated but the whisper turned to a continuous sob when YunHo pecked him softly on his head. JaeJoong’s hands gripped tightly on YunHo’s shirt as he buried his face on YunHo’s chest, muttering “Yunnie…” over and over again.

YunHo diverted his attention to the men on the ground. He sensed a movement from his behind and immediately his legs went up stylishly to the man’s face, sending him backward again.

“Sorry to interrupt, but when Kim JaeJoong is the fun, only Jung YunHo could attend!” he barked firmly.

“J-Jung Y-YunHo?” one by one of them muttered unbelievably. “S-So t-that is the great K-Kim J-JaeJoong?” they whispered in fear, fear for their life that were now they know inside the hand of Jung Yunho.

“So what? He’s not that great!” the one that was assumed to be the leader of the group not seemed afraid at all as he barged forward to YunHo with the baseball bat in his hand. He was about to hit YunHo but YunHo was faster as he pulled up a gun from his blazer and directed it to the man’s face. The bat then dropped with a loud clank.

“I can be that great if you want me too,” YunHo smirked. He pulled JaeJoong closer to his body as if afraid that JaeJoong could be snatch away again. Yes, the leader has his weakness even when he is the greatest. He might be great but JaeJoong is the greatest although he is the weakest. YunHo put one hand around JaeJoong’s head and shield him from any harm that may be caused.

The group leader stood astounded. “Move or die,” YunHo threatened while smirking victoriously. He sensed a step was taken from the men on the ground and YunHo immediately pulled the trigger and shot it to the leader’s leg. The leader groaned in pain as he squatted down. Blood started to dripped off his injured leg, “You move, you die,” YunHo directed the gun to the men lying shocked on the floor.

YunHo took a sniff of JaeJoong’s hair as an encouragement. And when he pulled his face up, a satisfy smile spread across his lips as he close his eyes with feeling of content. And then, that was it.

YunHo pulled the trigger for the second time and this time, the bullet pierce through the man’s forehead.

One by one, four powerful bullets were wasted to kill the men that deserved to be sent to the hell.

YunHo kissed JaeJoong softly on the forehead as he wiped JaeJoong’s tears with his thumbs, “Listen to me next time, alright sweetheart? Don’t let the stubbornness get through your dumb head, okay baby?”

“I'm sorry, Yunnie…” JaeJoong sobbed again as he cried loudly against YunHo’s chest.

Killing is great. Killing is great when it deals with revenging for Kim JaeJoong. May it be a lesson for never messing up with Kim JaeJoong when the deal is equal to messing up with Mr. Jung YunHo. 
--- Jung YunHo.

Chapter 3: Memory of you

“What?!” Yunho’s firm voice rang through the designed office-room, “How did it happen?! Why now you tell me?” as he spoke into the phone. He sprung up from his sitting position and dashed to exit the room.

“I’m sorry boss, but I just knew about it,” the man on the other phone voiced out fearfully.

“Forget about it. Where is he?!”

“He was send straight to the house as soon as he collapsed,” then the line went dead as Yunho pressed the red off button. He tapped his foot impatiently and waited for the lifts’ door to open and as it did, he dashed right in and pressed quickly to ascend the metal box, forgetting completely about the man in-charge in the lift.

As soon as the thick door opened, Yunho made his way towards his car, parked at its usual spot. He ignited the engine and drove off to Jaejoong.


“What happened actually?” was the word whispered by Yunho as he sat carefully, trying not to wake the resting man up. He glanced forward to look to the person he was talking to.

“Young master fainted during his class, as one of his friends has reported. He said that Young master looked really pale this morning as if all his energy had drained out. Other than that, he never said,” the man said at his master.

“Have you called the doctor?” Yunho asked again as his view drifted from the man to his lover’s sleeping figure. He grabbed his hand in his and brought it up to his lips, kissing each of the fingers gently while his other hand caressed Jaejoong’s cheek.

“Yes, we did. Young master has fallen asleep right after the doctor gave him his medicine. The doctor said that there is nothing to be worried about. Young master is just tired and having lack of sleep and nutrition as he has always locked himself in the room and refused to eat,”

Yunho’s gaze softened to Jaejoong’s face as he took the man’s word one by one. Satisfied with the answer, he gestured the man and the couple of maids in the room to leave both him and Jaejoong alone in the room.

They obeyed and closed the door behind them after bowing respectfully towards Yunho but Yunho didn’t seem to notice as his concern were mainly on Jaejoong at the moment. Bending down, Yunho planted a gentle kiss on Jaejoong’s lips and forehead. He frowned when he came in contact with the hot skin, “You’re burning up baby,” he said, “Don’t make me worry, please…” he said and undressed Jaejoong softly. As he successfully unclothed him, leaving him topless, Yunho dived in under the blanket and pushed his also bare body against Jaejoong’s one, in attempt to transfer the cold to himself and soon after he fell asleep into Jaejoong’s scent.


Jaejoong’s eyes cracked open at the middle of the night. His sight was welcomed by the darkness of the night. He snuggled closer to the body he knew belongs to his lover and planted a kiss on whatever part of the body his lips landed on.

Now, he felt a lot better than few hours ago when the world keep on spinning furiously, his head felt like thousands of nailed hammered on it and his body temperature competed with the hotness of boiling water. Maybe it was because of the sleep he gained awhile ago because he had lack of rest these past few days because of the schoolwork and all. Or maybe because of, it was Yunho that make him feel a millions time better than awhile ago. Yunho…

He tilted his head upwards and Yunho’s small sleeping face was inch away from him. He wondered how can Yunho’s face be so small for a man but so manly and handsome at the same time. He wondered how he can sometimes wear that firm expression but at the same time soft, gentle words caressing his ears. And he wondered how he can act that tough attitude but was completely fragile and babyish in front of him. Jaejoong thinks he knew the answer. ‘Because he is my Yunho…’ that thought alone brought a careless smile on his face as he caressed that little mole above Yunho’s lips.

Jaejoong could still remember the time when he first met Yunho. It was the same expression he wore at the moment – worried. If anything, Jaejoong always wanted to kiss that expression away whenever it showed. That was the exact expression he wore six years ago….


Yunho sat inside the black luxurious car as he was drove by the driver to their destination. He was having a call with someone when the car suddenly pulled at a halt, causing to jerk off frontward, just an inch away from crashing his face to the floor. Being a prideful man he was, he straightened up and asked what is wrong.

“I think I just hit something….” The driver answered hesitantly, then opening the car door and jumped out to check whatever it was. Yunho sat rooted to his seat as he hung up. The driver came back afterwards, “Boss, he is unconscious…” he informed shakily.

“What?!” Yunho reacted, “You know, you keep on making troubles everyday! Don’t you ever learn at least something?!” he snapped at his driver’s carelessness, “Dump him anywhere near the street or anything as long as you come back here and drive me off!”

“But boss, he is injured…”

Yunho’s face hardened. “Whatever! Do as you like!” and that was what the driver did. Yunho never knew that his life would change that day.


Jaejoong’s eyes fluttered open and as if instantly, he brought his hand to his head because of the unbearable pain. He groaned slightly and bit on his lips. And it downed upon him that he was nowhere familiar. He sprung up and his eyes searched everywhere, completely forgetting about the pain in his head. “Where am I?” he mumbled inaudibly.

He looked down and realized he was on a soft, scented bed, designed only to feed the high class quality. He looked at himself and found he was in a new cloth, different from the one he once wore, where everything is torn and dirty. Instead he felt very comfortable in heaven.

The door suddenly creaked open lightly. “You’re awake,” the deep, manly voice startled him. Jaejoong looked up from his thought and his voice went dry. There, stood in front of him was a man, perfect like a god. Tough and masculine are the best word to describe him.

“Where am I?” Jaejoong mustered his courage and asked the stranger. His voice weak.

Instead of answering, the man turned away and proceeded to leave. “Hey, wait!” then the door closed.

After awhile, it was opened again and a different man entered, “You’re finally awake,” this time, the person’s voice seem friendlier than the one he met first, “You’ve been sleeping the entire day, for once, I thought you were already dead,”

“What happened?” Jaejoong questioned and received the glass of water he was handed.

Then, the man started to tell Jaejoong the real story. From the moment he was accidentally hit and to the moment where he was brought to the house. It was also then that he knew that he had changed his cloth into a proper one. “That’s what happened… And I’m very sorry to what happened on the behalf of my master,”

“Your master?”

“The one that walked in just now. He is a Jung. Have you heard anything about Jung Yunho?”

“Jung Yunho?” he gasped, “Jung Yunho as in THE Jung Yunho, the heir of the-”

“Yes, that’s him,”

“So, I'm in his house at this moment?!” Jaejoong eyes grew wide. “Oh my god! I better leave--” grumbles.

“You hungry?” the man suppressed his chuckle. Jaejoong nodded slightly and a tint of him spreading wide across his face. “haha…You are cute. Come on, let’s go downstairs, I think the dinner is ready,”


He swallowed the large piece of meat in one go. One of his hands was handling a pair chopstick and the other gripping a piece of roasted chicken. He ate like he hasn’t eaten for months. Well that was literally true since he couldn’t afford a big feast like this in his whole life. Luckily he was the only one on the dining table apart from the previous man that was accompanying him. He wondered how many people actually live in this big mansion.

“Hey, you haven’t told me your name,” the man asked while grinning wide.

“I'm Jaejoong, Kim…” Jaejoong answered with his mouth full. “What’s yours?”

“I'm Siwon, Jung Yunho’s right hand…” Jaejoong nodded.

Then, someone enters the large dining room. Jaejoong found he was gazing straight to the man who had entered the room he was in couple minutes ago, which he had known as Yunho. Jaejoong tried to smile at him, but only received a cold stare as the man then diverted his attention to Siwon, “What are you doing there? Don’t you anything else to do?” he spoke calmly.

“Yes, boss.” Siwon answered almost immediately and walked off, leaving Jaejoong pouting.

“H-Hi…”Jaejoong wanted to start conversation but was cut off.

“How’s your head?” Yunho asked as he poured himself a glass of cold water.

“F-Fine, thanks,” Jaejoong couldn’t denied his worst fear towards Yunho.

Yunho then grabbed a seat in front of Jaejoong and offered him no warm expression. “That’s good to hear,” Jaejoong had stopped eating the moment Yunho entered the room.



“I think I better leave now…” Jaejoong stood up and ready to leave.

“Where’s your home?”

It caught Jaejoong off-guard. He had never had a permanent living place up to this time since his parents died. His old house has been sold out to pay for the debt his parents made. He had tried to search for a very cheap housing but always found to none. Even if he was lucky enough, he only could stay barely a week because of the high debt. The best place he could sleep at night was near the dark alley miles away from the busy city. And if it rained, he will have to endure all of it, causing him to fall sick the next day. Even he barely had enough food to eat. He quitted school to find more income for his everyday living and end up being bullied by other kids because of his condition. That was his continuous life cycle. But he never complained. As he has no one to complain to.


“Kim Jaejoong, 14, unstable living condition, uneducated, and orphan,” Yunho said at once. “…right?”

Jaejoong widened his eyes in surprise, “How--”

“I have my source. Now tell me, where would you go after this so I can drop you off,” Yunho had no reason of why he should feel pity to this fragile looking boy but he can’t seem control how his heart is dominant over his mind.

“I-I don’t…” he whispered as he bent his head low to hide his tears.

“Look at me when you talk,” Yunho ordered firmly.

“Yes, I am an orphan! I don’t have parents to look after me! I am uneducated unlike other people in this world! I am stupid, dirty and filthy! And yes! I don’t have anywhere to go to after this! I can be on the street, at the garbage dumpsite, under the bridge, whatever! And why would you care and also that doesn’t mean that you can talk to me like that!” Jaejoong snapped furiously as tears flowed viciously. He sighed deeply, “I'm leaving now!”

Yunho as calmly as he was, spoke, “That’s why I'm asking you to stay,” pause, “As a term of apology for this morning.”


Since then, Jaejoong started to learn to live at Yunho’s house. After several of pushing and pulling, of course. But Jaejoong couldn’t reject the offer since he really needed attention during this age of his. Slowly, Yunho also started to change due to Jaejoong’s presence. He had tried to molten his cold attitude at Jaejoong’s presence because of the continuous tease of Jaejoong who said that Yunho looked exactly like a blown up bear when he is mad. After that, Jaejoong would laugh heartedly at his own tease and soon after Yunho would join his laugh because he had to admit that Jaejoong’s laugh is quite contagious – and beautiful, of course.

It was nearly a year since Jaejoong first moved in. Jaejoong life had never been better, with constant attention he received from many sides, who wouldn’t give him attention when it was Yunho’s order to. Jaejoong started going to school again at his age of 15. He was entered in the most prestigious high school on Korea. Again, it was Yunho’s order. People wouldn’t know that Jaejoong once had a very difficult living once of a time due to the luxurious living he was in.

Yunho had lightened up his work, of never bringing them back at home ever again since Jaejoong had stopped him from doing so. Jaejoong said that Yunho would grow his white hair faster if he keeps on concentrating on the paper of thousands of words.

At the age of 16, their relationship grew stronger. They were the bests of friends. They were inseparatable. Where there is Yunho, there will Jaejoong be and vice-versa.

Until one day, Yunho started going out with a woman. At first, Jaejoong was okay with it. With Yunho constantly bringing the lady to the mansion and sharing their dinners, Jaejoong was okay despite the weird feeling constantly bubbling up in his stomach and his heart pierced with an arrow, in which its cause, Jaejoong never seem wanted to know.

However, one day, Yunho began acting weird. Always spacing out in a distant that Jaejoong would have to call his name thrice to wake him up from whatever thought he was in. And Yunho would always jerk his body away whenever Jaejoong came near him and accidentally touch him. Normally, that would have been nothing but then now it was different. What shocked Jaejoong more is when Yunho broke up with his girlfriend and that was not just it, the woman seemed okay with it and didn’t wail like how Jaejoong imagined it would be. Instead, she admitted that she had never had romantic feeling towards Yunho and so does Yunho. To no reason, Jaejoong felt like he was extremely relieved.

Nearing Jaejoong’s 18th birthday, something had happened. And because of that Jaejoong is really happy as he was now.


“Yah, JaeJun!”

“Yah, Jung Yunho! Don’t call me that! My name is Kim Jaejoong. J.A.E.J.O.O.N.G! Not whatever you called me just now!”

“Yah, JaeJun!”


Yunho’s manly laugh rang inside his room where Jaejoong and Yunho were both in. “What’s wrong with JaeJun? That name is cute. Oh! I know! You want me to call you JaeYun! So that it has your name and my name in your name! Yah, JaeYun!”

“…” Jaejoong didn’t respond and instead he just continued doing his homework on Yunho’s bed, stomach down.

“Yah,” Yunho neared himself towards Jaejoong until his breath blew onto Jaejoong’s cheek.

“Stop Yah-ing me Yunho! What do you want actually?” Jaejoong responded without diverting his attention to Yunho.

“I want you, to stop doing your homework,” he said calmly, “NOW!” he quickly pulled Jaejoong worksheet and pen away from him and pushed them off the bed before Jaejoong could grasp them. Immediately, Yunho pushed Jaejoong to lie on his back before Jaejoong could protest and hovered himself on top of Jaejoong.

“Y-Yunho…” Jaejoong’s voice wavered as his hand palmed against Yunho’s chest to avoid Yunho coming closer. “What are you…hmph…”Jaejoong’s eyes widened to their fullest extent when Yunho’s lips crushing against his. He could Yunho’s tongue trying to pry his lips open. With his energy, “YAH!” Jaejoong pushed Yunho off him. “What are you doing?!” his face flushed with embarrassment like a ripe tomato.

“Nothing…really… Just trying to taste those lips of yours,” he answered carelessly and inched closer. He pushed Jaejoong once again on top of the sift mattress and glued his lips again against him. Jaejoong not knowing what to do; shut his mouth tight. His eyes clenched tight, afraid – maybe.

“Open your mouth, please…” Yunho mumbled against their connection. Jaejoong naively obeyed. He gasped when Yunho’s tongue caressed the top of his mouth. It felt weird but good at the same time. Soon after he melted into Yunho’s mouth, one hand winded around Yunho’s neck while the other grasping tight onto Yunho’s hair, once in a time, pulling the hair when Yunho gave extreme affection inside his mouth.

They panted when they unlocked themselves. “W-Why did you do that?” Jaejoong asked as he searched his breath back.

Yunho gazed down to the beauty’s eyes, “I’ve wanted to do that long ago. And now, I can really full-filled my wish,”

Jaejoong blushed.

Yunho dived in and whispered against Jaejoong’s ears, “You want to know a secret? I think I…have fallen in love you more than a friend or a brother,”

Jaejoong went quiet.

And when Yunho planted a kiss atop of his bruised lips, tear escaped from his closed eyes, “I think the feeling is mutual,”

End Flashback

Jaejoong smiled crazily against Yunho’s bare chest as he reminisce the old memory. He still remembered Yunho’s confession two years ago. It was the happiest moment he could die for. He is happy he found Yunho and made him as his. He giggled as the thought of him and Yunho growing old together with number of children running around the house.

“What so funny, baby?” Yunho’s after sleep voice greeted him at that middle of the night.

“Nothing, Yunnie… Go back to sleep,” he said and snuggled into Yunho’s embrace.

‘Nothing really, Yunnie. It’s just that I love you so much,’ 


Jaejoong woke up really early that morning, earlier than any other being in the house. He went straight to the kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee. When he finished, he brought his cup to the garden outside and watched as the sun rose slowly. The bitter taste of the coffee really calmed his mood at this moment as he wanted nothing but calmness at the morning.

Finally, the sunlight showered his face and he couldn’t get more grateful. He felt really fresh and lively during morning.

“Young Master Jaejoong?” someone interrupted him. Turning around, he met Anne, the house chef.

“Oh, Anne… Good Morning. What time is it?”

“6.30am, how are you feeling, Young Master?”

“good. Listen, don’t make any breakfast. I feel like cooking today,”

“Sure thing,”


Waking up, Yunho felt nothing warm against his side. Frowning, he sat up and called for Jaejoong in the enormous room. He gets nothing as a respond. Yunho stood up and walked out of the room in search of his sick lover, ignoring about his topless condition.

“Baby?” Yunho found himself staring at Jaejoong’s back in the kitchen. He smiled warmly when he noticed Jaejoong is wearing his cloth. The fabric is so big that it covered half of his bare white thigh. The sleeves are long until it could reached Jaejoong’s elbow and the collar is wide that his neck is completely exposed.

“Baby, what are you doing?” Yunho snuck his hand around Jaejoong’s waist and peeked above his shoulder.

“Breakfast,” he giggled as he watched the maids in the kitchen turned red by staring at Yunho’s masculine body.

“Why are you making breakfast? You haven’t recovered yet. Come on, let’s sleep again,” Yunho attempted to tug Jaejoong’s hand and bring him back to their room.

“Don’t wanna. I'm okay now. See,” he brought Yunho’s hand up his forehead to test his temperature. However, Yunho still frowned, unsatisfied. But he sighed again when Jaejoong doesn’t even listen to his command as Jaejoong continue chopping on the food.

“Aish…what am I going to do with a person who doesn’t listen?” Yunho sighed and pretended feeling offended.

Jaejoong turned around again and hugged Yunho immediately, burying his face at Yunho’s chest, “Love him, kiss him, hug him, own him and never let him go!”

Yunho laughed out loud at Jaejoong’s cute answer. “Oh…that’s what I’m going to do!” He released Jaejoong and cupped his cheek, planting kisses on his face. Jaejoong giggled and his face flushed.

“Stop that…” he pushed Yunho’s hand away from him and pressed his head on Yunho’s chest once again. Jaejoong grew quiet as his hold tightened. Usually Jaejoong would have release him sooner but he didn’t.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“I'm glad that I found you, Yunnie-ah…”

Yunho smiled.

‘But I’m more glad that I’ve come to love you and you loving me,’

Chapter 4: A Lover

“Do I really have to go too?” Jaejoong blinked his wide eyes at Yunho, who is unbuttoning Jaejoong’s shirt at t the moment. He glanced downwards at looked at his pouting beloved; he sighed.

It was still the same from years ago; when Yunho tried to bring Jaejoong to one of the biggest party of the year, Jaejoong will always try to seek a loop and escape from the invitation; and that’s what he is doing right now. There were bunch of reasons, which some of them, Yunho found it nonsense and buy them nevertheless, that Jaejoong would always offered when they were in this kind of situation, but Yunho wouldn’t let it pass today.

“You know, I have tons of homework today and when I mean tons, I meant it. Can I not go, Yunnie? Pleaseee,” he elongated the latter word with a pair of puppy-eyes as he tugged on Yunho’s wrist.

“Sweetheart, tomorrow is Sunday, the day after tomorrow is public holiday. You got plenty of time to do your homework, right?” the older man said as he pushed Jaejoong inside the bathroom. “Besides, the party wouldn’t take too long. I promise that we will be back before midnight. And you know that I want to introduce you to some of the share holders and other important people, so please baby, do it for me?” Yunho planted a kiss on Jaejoong’s neck, where he knew Jaejoong would like it.

“But what if some pervert old man--”

“There wouldn’t be any pervert old man,”

“And what if the food--”

“And the food wouldn’t be poisoned. I told you before that I only ordered from a trusted sector,”

“And, what if--”

“And for the last time Jae, there wouldn’t be any tiger or some scary snake at that party. It’s not a circus or something,” Yunho was fully annoyed by the constant irrelevant things that escaped from his lover’s mouth.

Yunho had fully known why Jaejoong kept on acting like this every time he wanted to bring him out for a big significant party like this. Since for some numerous times already that Jaejoong always refused to attend something like it. Maybe because of the standard that Jaejoong felt himself lowered or maybe, because of his natural attitude that he never really went out socializing with youngsters aging like him. Or maybe because simply, he was scared. Scare of what? Yunho never know.

It was a brief silent as Yunho rubbed Jaejoong’s back with the sponge before Jaejoong finally whispered, “Fine, I’ll go,”

“That’s my baby,” Yunho beamed and nuzzled his nose against Jaejoong’s cheek.

“But you better promise me that you would never leave me alone at that big place,”

“Bite my nose if I ever,”

“Nose?” and Jaejoong giggled cutely.


The luxurious car parked exactly at the hotel entrance. Jaejoong’s eyes didn’t show anything but the feeling of uneasiness since the moment the car had pulled out of their house. Yunho sensed this and said nothing about it as he would have known that Jaejoong would act like that every time something like this would happen. Instead he just smiled sweetly at him when the baby starts whining.


“Come on, sweetheart. We must go out now…”

“Do I really have to go inside? Inside looked so stuffy and…full…”

“Are you suggesting that you want to go home now?” Jaejoong nodded while glancing out the window. Yunho sighed, “No. We will go inside now and that’s that… Come on…” Yunho gave Jaejoong’s cheek a soft kiss before tugging him outside by the wrist. “Don’t worry, you look beautiful tonight…”

Yunho stepped out of the car when the door is being opened by Kyuhyun, pulling Jaejoong with him. As his feet touched the ground, three men immediately greeted him with a smile and warm handshakes, introducing themselves whom Jaejoong wouldn’t consider in taking note who.

“Yunnie…” Jaejoong whispered almost inaudibly and tugged onto Yunho’s arm but Yunho didn’t seem to notice as he was busy talking with the men. Jaejoong tugged on harder and only by then, Yunho diverted his attention to the smaller man.

“What is it?” he replied gently. Jaejoong just pouted and frowned. As if noticing Jaejoong’s anxiousness, Yunho excused himself and brought Jaejoong inside the hotel.

Jaejoong is glad that Yunho understands him because he would not embarrassed himself in front of those three loaded men; in which Jaejoong noticed by their cloth, by telling Yunho that he was feeling awkward among those type of people. But Jaejoong didn’t know that there were more to come.

The large white door was opened by the two security in-charge when they saw Yunho approaching them. It was not because they were trained to do so; but because of the fact that they know Yunho, the great man who owned this most exclusive hotel of the city.

“Mr. Jung,” the both bowed 90 degree as Yunho passed them with Jaejoong tugging cutely behind him, his body hidden completely behind Yunho’s body. At first glance, people would have misunderstood Jaejoong as a lost child, but knowing that no child is allowed to be near to Yunho, Jaejoong is definitely not a child.

“Wow…” Jaejoong gasped breathlessly as he took the scene in front of him in one go. The high diamond-crystal lamp showering the large hall with its light, the rich decoration put together, the high-quality standard furniture, the expensive utensils; everything, everything is just too much for Jaejoong to see. Plus the rich habitants now occupying the room with dress almost completely glittered, jewelries sparkles blinding the eyes, the stunning ladies, the gorgeous men; it is off Jaejoong’s dictionary. He had never seen anything like this before and seeing this only makes Jaejoong as if he is only a germ in this world. “Yunnie…”

“Yes, sweetheart?” he caressed the hand on his arm as he make his way to the centre of the hall.

“Are all of them rich?” Jaejoong whispered almost making Yunho missed his voice. The sound of violin in piano floating in the air didn’t help at all.

“Don’t worry about them, baby… OH! Mr. Lee!” now it came again when Yunho would suddenly change his mood to the business one. Jaejoong peeped behind Yunho’s shoulder as the man talked with each other. However, that simple and cute action gained the attention of the other man.

“Who is that?”

“This?” Yunho pulled Jaejoong gently from his back and wrapped his arm around Jaejoong’s waist possessively. “This is Kim Jaejoong…my…” Yunho stopped abruptly as he thought of the suitable word to describe Jaejoong.


“This is my Kim Jaejoong slash my lover. Say hello to Mr. Lee, sweetheart…” Yunho finally said.

“Hello, Mr. Lee. I'm Kim Jaejoong,” Jaejoong bowed 90 degree to show his politeness despite the nervousness he was feeling as he come face to face with the rich man, as it seems.

“Hi. How old are you actually? For someone to be considered as Yunho’s lover, you seem a bit….young,” Mr. Lee’s voice hinted of bit sarcasm as he smiled somewhat pervertly when he checked Jaejoong from the up to down, causing a bit of uneasiness to Yunho’s eyes.

“I'm 20, sir…” Jaejoong spoke softly.

“Alright, I think that’s enough now. Let’s go meet the Shims now, sweetheart. If you would excuse us, Mr. Lee,” Yunho thought it would be the best if he immediately took Jaejoong out of the old man’s attention before he would explode

“Certainly,” Mr. Lee smiled, showing his what somewhat crooked teeth to Jaejoong. Jaejoong smiled faintly back at him as his hand grasped onto Yunho’s arm tightly.

“He’s creepy, Yunnie…” the smaller man whispered to the shorter man when he is sure that they were out of the old man’s eyes.

“I know and that’s why you have to stay away from him,” Yunho whispered closely into Jaejoong’s ear, “He is a pervert, everyone knows that,” a giggle escaped Jaejoong’s lips when he heard Yunho badmouthing one of his share men. Yunho retreated and stopped a nearby waiter to grasp two glasses of wine. He handed one to Jaejoong as he keep one for himself.

Then, his eyes caught a small gathering not far from his sight where he caught a glimpse of the person he hasn’t seen for a while, “Heechul!”

The person seemed startled a little then he smiled as he saw Yunho. “Yah, Yunho!” the exchange a brief hug before the pat each other’s shoulder. “Damn, it’s been a while! How are you doing?”

“I'm good! Wait! No, I'm better that good! How about you?” Yunho exclaimed.

“Oh…I'm fine!” Heechul saw the man behind Yunho’s back who was sipping onto his drink cutely. “Who’s he?” Heechul has to peek behind Yunho to get the better view. His jaw dropped when he saw the beautiful and gorgeous man hidden by Yunho.

“He’s Kim Jaejoong…” Jaejoong blinked his eyes and further away his head when Heechul came closer to his liking. “And don’t come too near,” Yunho’s hand stopped Heechul’s head from coming closer, leaving the man in confusion. “He’s my lover in case you are wondering. So don’t ever try to do anything naughty. You know what I looked like when someone enters my bad book.”

“Obsessive lover, aren’t you?” Yunho just shrugged and sipped the last drop of his wine before taking Jaejoong's still full-glass and placing both of them on the nearby table, leaving Jaejoong pouting.

“Don’t drink too much… Nothing is good when you are drunk,” he warned firmly to the still pouting Jaejoong.

Heechul laughed, seeing the different Yunho from the old Yunho who he met years ago who cares nothing but himself. But now, he was amused by seeing Yunho acting like the old Yunho never exist. Love really did change anything. He laughed again when Yunho kissed the pout away from his lover’s lips.

“What are you laughing at?”

“You…” he spoke, “You are different from the ‘you’ that I met 7 years ago. I see Jaejoong-shii really did change you a lot.” Jaejoong blushed hearing such a compliment.

“Well, it’s my Jaejoong we are talking about, right sweetheart?” Yunho said as he planted a kiss atop of Jaejoong’s head.

“God, you even call him sweetheart. Damn it Jung Yunho, I bet you have became mushier each day,”

“I wouldn’t care…”

Jaejoong just keep silent as he watched the two long lost friends’ reunion. Some part of the conversation had him blank while some other part is just too fast for him to catch so he decided that it’s better for him to shut up rather than hanging between the conversations. Sometime, Yunho would laugh his manly laugh and buried his face onto Jaejoong’s hair as sometime funny escaped Heechul’s mouth or then, he would rub his cheek against Jaejoong’s soft one when Heechul said that Yunho and Jaejoong really suited each other. It brought happiness to Jaejoong when there were really person in this world would bless them.

He placed his hand atop of Yunho’s around his waist. He traced invisible circles with his thumb on Yunho’s hand as his eyes wonders to the spacious, elegant ballroom across. Couples start swaying to the soft, romantic music at the centre of the ballroom, Jaejoong started to sway softly against Yunho’s chest when both of Yunho’s hand circled his waist. Meanwhile some other are enjoying the feast and some were still hooked to the chit chat they had started. Jaejoong suddenly wondered, what is the main purpose of this party actually? Apart of the answer he received from Yunho earlier, he thought that this party must have something big reason behind it.

A waiter stopped near him, offering a cake. He gladly accepted with a soft ‘thank you’. Jaejoong scooped a bit of the cake and directing the sweet to his mouth. He smiled when the taste reach his level of satisfaction. Scooping another bit, he directed the spoon to Yunho’s mouth although knowing that Yunho never fond with sweets. He giggled softly when Yunho pursed his lips tightly, rejecting the food by his mouth. However, Jaejoong continue pleading until finally Yunho opened his mouth slightly. His face scrunched up when he swallowed the sweet thing down his throat. Jaejoong wiped the chocolate stain on Yunho’s lips with his thumb before he ate the cake and diverting his attention away again. A giggle would escape Jaejoong’s lips when Yunho sometimes nibbled his ears at no specific occasion; a habit that Yunho couldn’t kick since long ago.

Suddenly, Heechul asked for a dance with Jaejoong. With so much push and pull, Yunho unwillingly agreed as Jaejoong convinced that he would be okay.

Heechul and Jaejoong walked to the center of the ballroom and started dancing. A hand around Jaejoong’s waist while the other intertwined together in the air, they moved slowly. Yunho watched from afar and kicked the jealously feeling away as he knows that that person out there was his friend, who he really trusts.

A tap on his shoulder made him turn around and diverting his attention away from his lover who was giggling with Heechul. He was greeted with the person he knew as Mr. Choi and his wife, one of the shareholder in his company, also one of his father’s best friend. They talked about certain things until Yunho totally missed the scene that Jaejoong had changed his partner with Mr. Lee.

“We meet again, Jaejoong-shii…” Mr. Lee said as he pulled Jaejoong closer to his chest.

“Ah..yes, Mr. Lee,” Jaejoong tried to get away from the tight grasp of the man but his attempt was in frail when he only tightened his grip. “Y-You are hurting me,” Jaejoong struggled slightly. He cursed Heechul for leaving him alone with this man. And where is Yunho at this moment?!

“Oh…Sorry. Maybe I was just into you that I didn’t know I was hurting you… You are just too beautiful. Tell me, did Jung Yunho ever jump onto someone as beautiful as you?”

‘Too many time!’ Jaejoong tried to shout but he held back when the perverted old man lean forward.

“Excuse me… I have to go to the toilet,” Jaejoong pulled almost abruptly, leaving Mr. Lee kissing the air.

He walked away fast and searched for Yunho but he couldn’t get any sight of him in the ocean of people. He searched for Heechul but that man also nowhere in sight. ‘Where are they?’

Suddenly, his bladder contracts as a sign he really needs to go to the toilet. He rushed to the toilet immediately and bears in mind that he really need to go fast.


“Heechul!” Heechul turned his head away from his plate and faced the person who called for him.


“Where’s Jaejoong?”

“Mr. Lee wanted to dance with him so I leave him alone. Don’t worry, he’s fine.”

“Mr. Lee?!” Heechul nodded. “I just saw him going to the toilet. And from what I saw, they didn’t dance to the toilet. And I didn’t saw Jaejoong with him.” Yunho was getting impatient second by second. “Aish, where is he?”

“Why don’t you check the toilet? Who knows Jaejoong might be there?” Heechul spoke with his mouth full.

“If he’s not there, I’ll slaughter you!”


Jaejoong unzipped his pants and did his business in the empty lavatory before the door opened. 
“We meet again, beautiful!” Jaejoong jumped slightly when Mr. Lee face popped from his shoulder. Immediately he zipped his pants up and pushed the man away.

“What are you doing?!” he yelled slightly when the man cornering him. With his might, he pushed the man away again until he stumbled onto the floor with a loud thump.

At that moment, the door opened again and Yunho’s familiar figure greeted him. “Yunho!” he rushed to his lover and hid behind his back.

“Jaejoong, what happened?” Yunho was shocked seeing Jaejoong abrupt movement. 
“Can we go home now?” Jaejoong’s voice almost pleading as he ignored the stare he was receiving from the man on the floor. “Please, Yunho…” it was rare that Jaejoong would call him Yunho instead of Yunnie and when it happened, nothing good ever happened before.

“Sure…” it was almost an instant reply because Yunho couldn’t stand the pleading look of his baby. Although there were still too much to do at the party, Yunho first priority at almost every time is Jaejoong.


Yunho watched as Jaejoong slowly falling asleep. At that moment, his phone rang. He picked up quickly before it disturbs Jaejoong’s sleep.

“We’ve investigate, boss,” Siwon, his right hand member said on the other line, “It was Mr. Lee that caused it. He admitted that he was slightly drunk and he said that he was very sorry at what had happened,”

“Okay…” Yunho said and caressed the hair of his lover.

“Anything that you want me to do?”

Yunho fell silent for a moment and gazed at Jaejoong’s face. He remembered how Jaejoong was scared earlier. If he knew, he wouldn’t bring Jaejoong anywhere near the party at any cost. That scared face was what he wants to avoided at any time he ever lived with Jaejoong. He would do anything just to make sure that Jaejoong will never show that face again.

He bent his head down and kissed the eyelids. “I want Mr. Lee fired from the company,” – Yunho’s last word before he ended the phone.

Chapter 5: Baby, I'm Sorry

The scene in front of his eyes made his blood boiled to its maximum temperature. His breathe hitched full with rage and his eyes don’t show anything but angst. Unconsciously, the designated glass drink he is holding breaks when he clutched it too hard beyond human strength. Blood gushed out from the injured part, gaining attention from the man sitting in front of him but the owner’s eyes remained fixed at the scene, fully unaware that he had hurt himself.

“Mr. Jung, are you okay?” DongHo, his business partner asked warily and followed the man gaze outside the elegant restaurant glass wall.

DongHo didn’t spot anything but two men walking really close to each other. Couple, he had assumed. One of them is shorter than the other one. He has short black hair and a very beautiful face to be considered as man’s face. Pale white skin and very beautiful eyes that shine as the red lips are pulled into a pretty smile. Meanwhile, the other man is slightly tall the short one, maybe a head taller who has tanned skin and had one of his arm around the shorter man’s shoulder. The shorter man giggled cutely when the taller one pulled him closer by the neck.

Slowly they disappeared from the view as both of them made their way inside a jewelry shop. Dongho didn’t anything unusual about that and he shrugged it off. He diverted his attention back to his client only to find that he is nowhere to be seen. “Mr. Jung?”


Yunho fished his mobile phone and dialed the numbers nailed fresh inside his memory. After couple of rings, the familiar voice can be heard. Yunho transfixed his gaze at his lover across the mall, who now cornering around to answer the phone.

“Hi..Yunnie…” the voice was unusually cheerful.


“Yes? What’s the matter?”

It took a couple of seconds before Yunho speak again.

“Where are you now?” Yunho asked firmly and composed.

“Umm…I…I’m…at Yoochun’s now! We…are…um doing homework together…” come Jaejoong’s hesitant reply.

“At this time of the night?”


The expression on Yunho’s face hardened. He gritted his teeth in anger. There is no way that Jaejoong is doing homework when he is right in front of Yunho’s eyes, going out to a some sort of place with other person than he is supposed to, which is Yunho only.

One conclusion hit Yunho hard on the head; Jaejoong is lying to him. But why? Is he…cheating on Yunho?


The main door slammed shut quietly and Jaejoong is greeted by the darkness of the mansion. It’s eleven of the night, of course it’s dark. As Jaejoong stumbled searching for the light switch, the table lamp of the living room is on, revealing Yunho sitting crossed-leg on the couch. Jaejoong nearly screamed in shocked but quickly retreated when he realized who it was.

“You scared me!” Jaejoong said as he approached Yunho. He sat on Yunho’s lap and lean against the warm inviting chest but Yunho didn’t react. Instead, he just pushed Jaejoong off of him and stood up firmly. “Why?” Jaejoong was bewildered. He wrapped his arms around Yunho’s chest and rested his cheek against his back.

“Tell me, where were you?” the voice uttered was cold and unfriendly at all. Jaejoong dropped his arms in confusion as Yunho turned to face him. He grasped Jaejoong’s wrist as he tugged onto him violently. He clenched his palm tightly around Jaejoong’s wrist causing the shorted to whimper in pain.

“Y-You’re hurting me…” Jaejoong said softly and attempted to uncoil Yunho’s hand with his other free hand.

“I saw you,” it brought attention to Jaejoong. He looked upward to face Yunho. The dark brown orbs pierce into Jaejoong’s one. Jaejoong couldn’t spot anything in those orbs but anger, fury and jealously. “I saw you today. Cheating on me,”

“What? I didn’t! What are you implying?” Jaejoong was totally bewildered.

“You lied to me. Don’t deny it when I saw it with my own two eyes,” Yunho pushed Jaejoong harshly onto the couch and hovered on top before Jaejoong could even react. He pinned the slim hands atop of the other’s head as he devours Jaejoong’s lips harshly. Jaejoong struggled with his might to get the man off of him but to no avail; the older man is much stronger than him.

Yunho bit hardly on Jaejoong’s lips when they refused to open. Jaejoong could taste the metallic blood taste on his mouth. Unsatisfied, Yunho ripped of Jaejoong’s shirt until it was completely torn off. “You are mine! When I said mine, you only belong to me!” Yunho spat as he bit on Jaejoong’s jaw line. His hands are roaming to feel the skin that is rightfully his. Unknown to him, tears had found their way to escape Jaejoong’s eyes.

With the last remaining ounce of energy, Jaejoong pushed Yunho away from his and attempted to run away, only to have Yunho tugging back at his wrist again. “Why Jaejoong? Why? Am I not enough?”

“Please let me explain…” the words were uttered by the swollen and bleeding lips. Silence encouraged Jaejoong to continue. With tears brimming down, he said “He is just a friend and I--”

“Friend?!” Yunho snorted loudly causing Jaejoong to feel fear. “I don’t see friends being that close with each other!” He rubbed his forehead after screaming, feeling dizzy suddenly when knowing that your beloved is cheating and lying on you when you had given him everything of your life. “I gave you everything, Jaejoong. I gave my life to you the moment I fell in love with you. I even worked hard so that you will live the life that you wanted. But is this what I get from you?” Yunho felt very frustrated especially when he returned home late at night from work only to know that the person he expect waiting for him is going out with someone else.

“Please listen to me…” Jaejoong held his sobs in. “I--”

“What?! You want to tell me that you want to run away with him and dumped me off because he is richer than me?!”

Jaejoong gasped, extremely shocked. “Is that how you see me as?”

“Yes! Why?! That’s the truth, isn’t it?!”

“Stop it!”

“Why did you deny it when you know it’s true?!” The throbbing pain in Yunho’s head increased.

“I said stop it! Why are you insulting me like this?! Isn’t it’s you who was like that?! You are the one who cheated on me, right? That’s why you blamed me to cover up your mistake! Tell me how many bitches have you slept with?! You gave me reasons that you have to go for work but behind my back you were fucking with some random women---”

Jaejoong’s sentence was held midway when Yunho’s palm made contact with Jaejoong’s cheek hard. The impact send Jaejoong’s face to the left and leave a long cut on Jaejoong’s lips. Yunho was shocked at what he had done. His eyes widened to their fullest extent as he couldn’t believe what he had done to his beloved lover.

Slowly, Jaejoong retreated and looked directly into Yunho’s eyes. Tears flowing fast down from both men’s eyes. “Baby…” with shaking hand, Yunho tried to reach to Jaejoong’s face. But quickly Jaejoong backed away. Shoulders hunched up and down furiously as labored breath escaped his mouth. His cheek tainted with a blood-red mark. “Baby…I…”

It went to quick when Jaejoong threw Yunho’s ring off his finger to Yunho’s face and ran upstairs to his room. Yunho closed his eyes when the ring hit his face. Blurry image appeared when he processed what had happened minutes ago.

Bending down, he took the ring into his palm and clutched it. Tears made their way once again as he finally realized what he had done to his lover. Not long after, soft ringing phone could be heard. He searched for the sound and found Jaejoong’s phone lying on the floor. Without much hesitation, he flipped the expensive phone open and noticed the ‘one new message’ word blinking before his eyes.

‘From: Changminnie ^^
Received: 12.18am, Monday, 11th May 2009
JaeJoongie!! I am so happy! The anniversary celebration went well. Kibummie accepted my proposal… He said he liked the necklace you chose very much. We are getting engaged! All thanks to you for planning all the things! You are my bestest buddy I’ve ever have. 
By the way, sorry that I disturbed you this late at night. I just couldn’t content my happiness. Thanks again, shortie!’

The phone dropped with a soft thud to the floor. “What…” It was all too much for Yunho to take at once. He couldn’t believe this. He blamed Jaejoong without enough prove.

Yunho’s knees went weak. He stumbled backward and was lucky to have the couch to break his fall. He cradled his face into his palms and screamed loudly.

Loud crash sound from upstairs caught his attention. “Jaejoong!” He rushed to the stairs and to the room where he knew Jaejoong would be. Yunho turned the knob open but was unsuccessful when the door was locked from inside. Loud crash was heard again and Yunho was feeling very worried by each second that passed. He impatiently knocked on the door and said softly, “Baby…Open up please. Let me in… Listen, I am sorry---”

An object was thrown at the door, startling Yunho as the object made contact with the wood door, “Baby, open the door please… I'm sorry. I was stupid. Open up, please…” Without him knowing, wet liquid rivers his cheek. “You know how stupid I can be…so open up…” his voice turned hoarse as he cried silently.

Jaejoong’s loud sobs echoed from the inside as sound of things after things crashing and clanking against the floor followed. Yunho couldn’t imagine what it is like inside. But one thing he knew well is Jaejoong when he cried. His cheeks will reddened to the color of rose, stiff but still as beautiful as he is. His nose blood-red at the tip and his eyes will normally turn to a small slit as wet tears dripped endlessly. But to Yunho, Jaejoong’s cry is a nightmare. He hated when Jaejoong cried especially when it was caused by him alone. He had vowed to himself once that he would never make Jaejoong cry but in the end, he still did and he hates himself for that.

Yunho couldn’t do anything now. He slides himself against the wall and closed his eyes. He never felt so tired and worn out like this.
And slowly, he fell asleep to Jaejoong’s loud hiccups.


The morning came fast than it usually did. Yunho opened his eyes. His back ached like hell and his legs feel numb. But he ignored it all as he stood up in attempt to open the door close to him. He was surprised when the door wasn’t locked.

He pushed the door forward and was once again surprised to the surrounding. It was a complete mess. Pillows and bed covers were not on where it was supposed to be. Broken pieces of glasses decorate the floor. Papers were everywhere. The make-up table is oddly empty as all the contents were thrown to the floor too. At one corner of the room, a piece of unzipped luggage is resting on the ground. Yunho suddenly felt his worse fear knocking his heart. Stepping carefully towards the luggage, he peeked in but the bag was empty while near it was countless pieces of Jaejoong’s cloth. 

A piece of paper on the coverless bed caught Yunho’s eyes. He took it and read the content,

‘It was stupid when all of the things in this room weren’t mine. I feel that I was just using your money for my benefit. But you should know that I love you not because of your money. I want you to believe that I love you because I really do love you. But after what you said last night, I could feel right inside of me that you regretted taking me in to live with you. Who wouldn’t, right? I eat a lot, I shop a lot, I sleep a lot, I whine a lot, and I cry a lot. I was stupid too, everyone hates stupid people. So that’s why I'm moving out. I feel that you wouldn’t need me anymore. But as stupid as I am, I love you very damn much. I want you to believe that. I love you. I love Jung Yunho. I love the handsome Jung Yunho very much! 
I will try not to come back again if I could afford to not missing you very much. 
I think its goodbye, right?’

At the bottom end of the paper was written Love, Kim Jaejoong but directly above it was scratches of ink covering the sweet nickname Yunho usually used for addressing Jaejoong – BabyJae.


Jaejoong wandered around the big city, not knowing where to go without his wallet inside his pocket. With only a pair of pants and Yunho’s cheapest shirt he could fine inside his closet, which cost two expensive Prada bags no less, Jaejoong doesn’t know where else he could go.


Yunho panicked to no end. Sweats trickled down his forehead as he tried to calm himself down to think of something. But to no avail, the image of Jaejoong dirty with mud and sleeping near a dumpsite keep playing inside his mind. The image of Jaejoong six years ago flashed to his mind. Jaejoong was a mess, skinny and unloved. Yunho doesn’t want that to repeat again especially when Jaejoong is now his.

“Boss, we searched the west and east side city but we couldn’t find him,” Siwon informed.

“Find him! Dammit!”

“Yes, boss!” Siwon gestured the train of men in black to keep searching. They leave Yunho alone inside the living room.

His last night’s words echoed by itself inside his mind, 
‘What?! You want to tell me that you want to run away with him and dumped me off because he is richer than me?!’

“No baby no… I didn’t mean that. I never did. Oh god… baby, come back please… I'm sorry…. Baby, please…” he cried again. “Don’t leave me alone. I couldn’t live without you. You know that… So come back to me please… I don’t care if you eat, sleep, shop, whine and cry a lot. Please...”

Yunho clutched the ring he gave Jaejoong close to his heart. It was the ring that holds so many sweet memories between them. Yunho gave him the ring during Jaejoong’s 19th birthday and he had promised to Jaejoong using the ring that they would get married as soon as Jaejoong finished college. Yunho had the matching ring hooked in the necklace he is wearing. He remembered when Jaejoong suggested he should wear the ring by the necklace because Jaejoong didn’t trust Yunho to wear it without losing it the next day.

Yunho smiled faintly remembering that memory. “I lost it, baby… I lost the ring… Come back and search it for me… You would know where I put the ring. You always did…” he cried desperately as he clutched both ring in his palms. “Please…”


It was late midnight. The breeze danced wildly in the air. The sky showed that it would rain in a just few moments.

The cold chilly air hit Jaejoong’s skin mercilessly. And the place he is now didn’t help him either in keeping him warm. He was back again to where he was once six years ago. This is the place where homeless people stayed for their nights. And Jaejoong is one of them.

Jaejoong disgusted for being in this alley. All of the people here aren’t friendly. They kept drinking bottles and bottles of alcoholic. The smell wasn’t good either. It smells like rotten corpse. But Jaejoong didn’t have any other choice than to stay at the dark alley. He squatted down, hugging his knees close to his chest at the far corner of the place, hoping not to be noticed.

Loud thunder erupted, startling him but he tried ignoring it as soon as possible. He had always hated thunder but at the same time he likes it. He hated it because it doesn’t sound good and it always reminded him of sad memories but he likes it because Yunho would always hugged him tight whenever it erupted. Sometimes, Yunho would rock him to sleep saying, ‘I'm here,’, ‘Don’t be afraid’, ‘Hug me tight if you’re scared,’ repeatedly and he would then kissed him in the forehead until he was fast asleep.

That memory alone brought tears to Jaejoong’s eyes without him knowing it. He realized, now, there would be no more hugs, kisses, lullaby from Yunho and he had to get used to it before it ate Jaejoong up.

Jaejoong forced his eyes to sleep. He really needed sleep but he just couldn’t. The rain poured down finally and Jaejoong hugged his knees tight again. Suddenly the flashed of Yunho’s slapping his cheek appeared.

“It still hurts…” Jaejoong brought his hand up and caress his cheeks. “It still hurts badly… Why does it feel really hurt?” he silently shed tears.


The rain water hit the windscreen furiously until he couldn’t see the road. It’s nearly been a complete one day, 24 hours since Yunho talked to Jaejoong, 10 straight hours since he drove off from the mansion’s garage and find Jaejoong himself. He felt restless. 
The gang told him they couldn’t find him. It requires a good harsh scolds and a couple of threats before his men start to find Jaejoong again.

“Where are you?! You’ll catch a cold if you don’t return now… Everyone knows how you would throw tantrum when you’re sick. Return now please…” he whispers to no one in particular.


“Yunnie…” Jaejoong’s mouth unconsciously mumbled in his sleep. “Cold, Yunnie…”

It was normal for Jaejoong to whisper Yunho’s name every night in his sleep. Yunho would usually wake up and tuck Jaejoong neatly so that no more complain would be uttered by his mouth.

Sensing no response, Jaejoong whispered again, “Yunnie, cold…” in hope that Yunho will tuck him under the blanket. “Yunnie…” he opened his eyes only to be greeted by the dark atmosphere, disappointment written on his face.

Unknown to him, his words gain the attention of two drunken men at the alley. They approached Jaejoong quietly.

One of them covered Jaejoong’s mouth with his palm while the other pushing Jaejoong onto the ground. Muffled screams could be heard. “Help!”

The other people at the alley heard Jaejoong’s plead but they ignored it as if it was just the air.

Jaejoong pushed the man off from him and ran away. He turned his face backwards and saw the two chasing after him.

But he doesn’t know that there is a sharp, pointy metal in front and when he already faced in front, the metal slash through his chest, leaving a long, deep cut on his chest. Blood trickled down and silence engulfs the surrounding. Jaejoong was dumbfounded for a while as he stared at the cut. Then he collapsed.


It’s been three days since Jaejoong’s disappearance and world couldn’t get any worse. The mansion emits dull aura. The organization is completely down. The company is facing serious problem from Yunho’s reluctant of working. While Yunho refused to eat, rest and return home as he just driving off to find Jaejoong back.

Yunho stopped his car near a park.

Three days. 
Three days since he return home.
Three days without Jaejoong. Yunho felt incomplete and insecure. He felt mentally abused since he has no one to take care of him, since he has no one to remind him of breakfast, lunch, dinner, since he had no one to massage his aching body due to work, since he has no one to kiss and whisper ‘I love you’ to every night.

“I miss you…” he traced the carving on Jaejoong’s ring, ‘Jung Yunho’s’.


After three days, Yunho has the feeling of returning back home. He hadn’t had proper meal for these few days. He hadn’t even had a nice shower. The clothes he is wearing now was the one he wore for the three days ago.

His mind drifted to Jaejoong. ‘Is he eating well? Is he fine? Is he sleeping well? Is he missing me?’

Yunho finally stopped his car in front the entrance door. The entrance door is dark. Only the moon’s light illuminating the front door. For a moment, Yunho felt that he really needed some good long hour of sleep.

He walked lifelessly to the door, fumbling with the keys until he realized someone was sitting, hugging knees by the door. Yunho narrowed his eyes to catch the better look of the person.

His eyes widened when he realized who it was. He rushed to the person and grabbed him by the shoulder. The person was lifeless. Even through the darkness, Yunho could see the pale color of the person’s face. “Jaejoong! Is it you?” Yunho cradled the face between his palms.

Slowly, the person’s eyes cracked open revealing a pair of dark, ever so beautiful orbs. “Oh god! It’s you!” Yunho brought Jaejoong’s body fitting into his arms and kissed the messy hair countless of times. Moving downwards, he traced his lips to every inch of Jaejoong’s face almost impatiently. “Goodness…” Yunho choked with his own tears as the body returned into his embrace.

“Yunnie…” Jaejoong said weakly. His voice was soft that it was barely audible. “Y-Yunnie…” Yunho’s shirt drenched with the hot tears. “I miss you so much… I couldn’t sleep well thinking of you. I wanted to stay mad at you but I just couldn’t. And I wanted to run away from you but I just missed you so much. I don’t know what to do. I miss you. I thought that you would miss me too but you never come to get me. I was hoping that you would forgive me and bring me home but you never search for me so I thought you were still mad at me…” he said between sobs.

“No baby… I would never be mad at you,” Yunho said, “You never know that I was going crazy when you disappear. I went everywhere searching for you. I really did,” Yunho squeezed the little body in his arms. “I was missing you so badly. At first I thought I was going to die when you said you’re moving away… I'm sorry, baby… I'm really sorry… Oh god… I love you, baby…” he buried his face on Jaejoong’s neck as he cried loudly. “Baby, when you say I regretted taking you in, you were completely wrong. I never regretted having you, in fact I was thankful that I found someone like you. I never regret, baby, never…” 

Silence filled the air and suddenly Jaejoong’s body felt limp.

“Baby?” Yunho said when Jaejoong didn’t respond. “Baby?” he shook Jaejoong’s weak body slightly and only then he realized it was burning hot.


Yunho went frantic. Not just he finally realized that Jaejoong is having cold but he only realized the cut on Jaejoong’s chest. He never felt this guilty in his life before. The doctor had long gone saying that Jaejoong is just having mere cold and the cut isn’t as serious as it looks. But Yunho didn’t trust that.

Yunho caught the slight stir movement on the couch. He was too panic to carry Jaejoong to the bedroom so he just put him on the couch, covered him with thick blanket and wet towel on his forehead.

Yunho took the flailing hand in his palm as the other had brushing off the dirt that still on Jaejoong’s face. He ordered the maids to prepare some hot food for Jaejoong, thinking that Jaejoong might be craving for something later. “Yunnie…”

“Yes, baby?” Yunho said as he helped Jaejoong sit leaning on his chest. He carefully placed his arms around Jaejoong’s bare waist so that it would affect the bandaged cut.

But Jaejoong never continued his question. Yunho felt a little bit worry. “What’s wrong?” He turned Jaejoong around to face him. Jaejoong smiled, shaking ‘nothing’ as a return and cupped Yunho’s face. He planted a soft kiss on Yunho’s lips as stream of tears escaped his eyes. Yunho frowned but seeing his lover cry, he shed tears too. “Baby, did it hurt?” his right hand palming the cheek he once hit.

Jaejoong forced a smile. “It hurt a lot. Once, I thought my neck is broken when you hit me that hard…” he joked and laughed, trying to lighten the atmosphere. However, Yunho’s frown hardens and guilt written on his face.

“I'm sorry…” Yunho admitted and pressed his nose against the said cheek. “I didn’t mean to hit you,”

“It’s okay. I think that’s what I can get from such a jealous lover as you are…”

“No! It’s no okay! It won’t happen again. I will never hit you ever again…”

“That’s what you said before you actually do it…” Jaejoong mumbled.

Yunho frowned again, feeling guilty washed over him, “I promised I won’t…” he cupped Jaejoong’s face and shared a passionate kiss with Jaejoong. Between the kiss, Yunho managed to unhooked his necklace, took out Jaejoong’s ring and slide it in into Jaejoong’s ring finger, all done with eyes closed. “Don’t ever take it off no matter how mad you are….” He whispered between the kisses. “…because it would remind you who you belonged to…”


“I'm sorry again, baby…”

“No… I won’t forgive you…” Jaejoong pouted naughtily.

“Thank you for forgiving me…”

“Hey, I said I didn’t forgive you,” he slapped Yunho’s arm playfully and received a playful bite on his nose from Yunho. “Hey!” he pushed Yunho away only to have him nibbling his ear. Jaejoong giggled heartedly.

It’s been a tough days, isn’t it?

Chapter 6: Green-bottled drink? 

Yunho’s phone rung suddenly, interrupting the tall man from his previous conversation. After a moment of hesitation, Yunho finally fished his phone out and sighed, ‘What else happen today?’ as he stared at his lover’s Id blinking on his phone.

Yunho excused himself and exited his office as he brought the phone close to his ear. Just before he was able to open his mouth and speak, a deep moan could be heard from the phone. Yunho’s eyes widened, “Jaejoong?”

“Ahh…Yunnie-ah…” the deep, hoarse voice rang inside Yunho’s ear. The man gulped.

“J-Jaejoong baby, are you okay, honey?” Yunho tried his best effort to lower down his tone and hid his bubbling excitement.

“Yunnie-ah…hnngh…I-I need you…” the other man on the line panted so hard. Breaths were taking soundly and hardly, “…Yun-ah...,” shocked, Yunho calmed his self down, ignoring the growing bulge in front of his pants.

“B-baby, what are you doing?” mouth went dry.

“Come home…ahh…I-I feel hot…N-need you, very badly…,”

“Okay! I’ll go home now. Just…Just stop whatever you are doing!” Yunho found himself nearing screaming to the phone and as he hung up and shoved the phone back harshly inside his trousers pockets, he burst into the meeting room and immediately, impatiently called the day off. As he left all the people in complete bewilderment, he rushed off and grabbed a stopping elevator.

‘God! What in the world is he doing?!’


Bursting into his home, Yunho found himself staring at the normal sight of his house. Nothing was out of ordinary. Everything was in place. He let out a sigh of relieve.

He brought himself around the house in search of his lover. But he can’t find him; in the living room, kitchen and bathrooms. So he must have thought maybe Jaejoong was still in the bedroom.

Out of something undefined, Yunho felt his heart thumping so hard as he took his steps up the stairs. The hallway seems longer and bigger to Yunho’s view. No matter how big steps he took, everything seems to dawn upon him.

Finally, he was in front of Jaejoong’s room. He heaved a deep breath. Jaejoong was always able to make him like this; making him nervous all of suddenly without any exact reason. Because of Jaejoong too, he could be able to skip the very important meeting effortlessly. Always. Every time. And Yunho wondered how did Jaejoong have the power to do all those things to him? Nevertheless, Yunho obeyed him too. Without fail.

Yunho entered the spacious bedroom and expected Jaejoong to be lying on the bed. But he didn’t see him.

Not long after, he heard a deep moan from somewhere from the corner of the room. Turning his head towards the voice, Yunho saw Jaejoong sitting against the wall, legs stretched and spread out. His head tilted to the side upon his shoulder and the long bang covered his face perfectly. Cheeks were deep red as his chest heaved up and down harshly as pants and moans escaped his slightly ajar pink lips. Saying the position as erotic was the exact statement. Yunho’s oversized shirt which he wore was exposing his creamy neck. And he didn’t even wear any pants!

“J-Jaejoongie baby…are you okay?” Yunho’s voice was slightly hoarse and dry when he kept his eyes fixed on the sexy being.

After he heard the deep, husky familiar voice, Jaejoong titled his head upwards, meeting the gaze of Yunho’s eyes. Only then Yunho realized the unusual dark colored of Jaejoong’s eyes behind the half-lidded eyelid.

“Yunnie-ah… I feel hot… I- ahh…,” Jaejoong’s voice were seemingly desperate.

“Why are you being like this?” Yunho dropped to his knees and cupped the flushed cheek. His palms nearly burnt at the extreme warmth of Jaejoong’s skin. He gulped and examined the beauty’s face. A frown was obvious on Yunho’s forehead after he saw a sight he never saw in his life. “Baby?”

“Kiss me, Yunho-yah,” the latter whispered above inaudible and before Yunho could react, he was already being pushed down on the floor. Jaejoong clawing above him and Yunho’s lips were caught in a harsh yet passionate kiss.

Yunho’s eyes widen in utter confusion. ‘What happened to you, Jaejoong-ah?’ he wanted to ask but halted his plan when a tongue already sneaked its way in his mouth. The said tongue captured Yunho’s in a furious speed.

Of being unable to control his growing lust, Yunho replied to the kiss. His hands started cupping Jaejoong’s face and titled it for a better angle. A unison soft moan escaped both of the men’s mouth when their bodies’ friction gave an ultimate pleasure.

The older man could feel his covered, growing member kissing Jaejoong’s uncovered ones. He could feel a pair of eager hands roaming down and stopped at his belt before the same pair of hands impatiently tugged the leather belt off, unbutton and unzipped Yunho’s pants, revealing black boxers. Without further hesitation and further time wasted the pants along with the boxers landed on the ground with a soft thud.

Yunho, in his own state of off-guard and turned on was still able to push Jaejoong off him slightly; as of immediately a disapprove groan emitted the other man. Yunho could see the lust in Jaejoong’s half-lidded eyes when he gazed upon them. “Baby?”

“I want you, Yunnie. I want you so much…” the younger man sounded almost as pleading.

“Are you sure, baby?” he asked while his hips bucked up and ground Jaejoong’s.

“Nghh…Yunho!” Jaejoong dropped atop of Yunho and groan hoarsely into Yunho’s ear, directly fueling Yunho’s desire up. “Yes, I’m sure… Make love to me, please?” Yunho’s lips were captured in an intense kiss before he could even reply.

With that, Yunho rolled off until Jaejoong was trapped under him. The shorter man’s arms were locked onto the ground by Yunho’s firm palm as the other started kneeling atop of him; knees on either side of Jaejoong’s thigh. Lips were locked intimately without even allowing air to pass through. After a moment, their lungs constricted, signaling that new fresh oxygen were needed. Reluctantly, Yunho pulled away but as he was only be able to take only a limited amount of air, his mouth were crashed on again. But this time, he didn’t pull away.

The long slender finger of Yunho’s made the way to the hem of Jaejoong’s shirt. Well, it was Yunho’s actually - tugging onto it harshly until it joined the pile of clothes next to them. Jaejoong was now completely nude; nothing was there to cover the beautiful and creamy-colored skin. Yunho eyes glazed as he stared at the flawless body in awe. His length hardened even more as he noticed how red angry Jaejoong’s manhood is.

Yunho trailed his mouth down until it halted atop of Jaejoong’s pink nipple. He bit on it softly and was rewarded with a soft, erotic moan. Then he licks, as the moan turned to a deep groan. He repeated the action until it was hard pebble-like. Diverting his attention, he gave the other nipple the same treatment until he could feel Jaejoong’s pre-cum staining his work shirt.

“ …unfair…” the man in-charge caught a voice whispered against his hair. Pulling himself backwards, Yunho gave Jaejoong a questioning look. “I’m naked but you’re not,” was the answer accompanied by a deep red flushed cheek.

Yunho smirked playfully, “Take it off then while I keep myself busy,”

Jaejoong’s hands were already on the shirts button when he felt his manhood was being squeezed. “…Ah!” he arched himself backward and moan shamelessly. The temperature was rising that it felt so hot even when he was unclothed.

The task to take off the shirt was ignored completely as the hands found their spot clutching on Yunho’s shoulder. Then, the shoulder suddenly disappeared within his reach. Jaejoong looked downward and saw Yunho’s mouth was a centimeter near the tip of his cock. And he moaned.

When Yunho engulfed his length, it didn’t even show a bit of the hard organ. Sucking and licking, sucking and licking and nipping, Yunho did. Even when Yunho was this close to him, he felt he hasn’t had enough. Jaejoong tugged Yunho’s shirt and between moan, he said, “…take this…damn thing o-off. Damnit…Ughh… fas-ah..f-faster…hah…” the need of feeling Yunho, skin to skin is overwhelming.

Yunho obeys and with a swift movement, the piece of cloth came flying off Yunho’s body. Jaejoong let a momentary sigh. However as Yunho suddenly came back to his original task, Jaejoong started to feel restless; it wasn’t as if he didn’t a moment ago though.

Jaejoong felt his stomach tightened and balls constricted, he knew he was near. He grasped Yunho’s hair and shoved his head forward, in attempt to fasten the pace, “...Yunho-yah!” he gasped loudly. And not long after, with a very breathless scream and utter of a long “Yunnie!” Jaejoong came into Yunho’s mouth.

However, although with that, he didn’t feel satisfy. He needed more. And he needed it desperately.

“Yunho, enter me…” Jaejoong gasped as he panted furiously. “Enter me, now…”

“Baby, you know it’s going to hurt. We’ll have to prepare you first, okay sweetheart?” Yunho cooed softly and caressed Jaejoong’s pink cheek.

“NO! I want it, now!” the man snapped. But soon after a whimper emitted from his mouth without Yunho even touching him, “…God… I feel w-weird…hmm- ah…” he writhed gently, heads thrown side to side as lips parted sexily.

‘What happened to you, actually?’ Yunho wanted to shook Jaejoong and ask him. Jaejoong was never been this…bitchy like this before. ‘What in the world did you do to yourself?’ he thought again. But seeing his lover in such an uncomfortable state, Yunho couldn’t help but complied. ‘Whatever that was that make you like this, we’ll so going to talk about it later!’

“Okay, baby. It will be better if we go on the bed first,” Yunho planted a kiss on Jaejoong’s forehead then move to his nose and lips where the kiss lingered for a moment. At the same time, he hooked Jaejoong’s hands around his neck and legs around his waist. With his strength, Yunho pulled Jaejoong’s up from the floor then make his way to the large king-sized bed.

Yunho’s mouth already found their way down to the smaller man’s nape when they reached the bed. Placing Jaejoong gently on the bed, Yunho covered Jaejoong’s body length with his own. Right there, Yunho sucked on Jaejoong’s birthmark affectionately before biting lightly on it. One of his hands was reaching for the tube of lube besides the bed. However, his hands were slapped away before it could attempt on touching the thing, “There’s no time for preparation. Just fuck me, already!”

“Language, baby!” Yunho frowned disapprovingly at Jaejoong’s tactlessness.

But Jaejoong didn’t really pay attention to Yunho’s word. As he is so high in his world when Yunho’s member brushed accidentally towards his, making him grow hard again. Instead he just hummed rather erotically as a reply.

Spreading Jaejoong’s legs apart, Yunho was greeted by the small pink puckered hole of Jaejoong. Unconsciously, he licked his lips at the sight. “Yunnie…hurry up,”

Ignoring the desperate plea, Yunho bend over and licked Jaejoong’s left inner thigh, down and up slowly as if he has all the time in the world. Just before he reached just at Jaejoong’s ass, he stopped. Then, he moved to the right thigh, doing the same thing all over again. He growled when he saw the small hole twitched from the corner of his eyes. The man picked up his speed, not too fast but not too slow, just at the right pace. Trails of saliva were obvious as Yunho kept repeating his action. But this time, he stopped briefly. Jaejoong bucked up his hips without his awareness and he craved for Yunho’s touch one again.


“Turn around, baby…” Yunho’s voice was low and deep and full of growing lust.

Jaejoong followed Yunho’s order and lay flat on his stomach. At that moment, Yunho spread Jaejoong’s butt cheek apart. Tongue was already sticking out from his mouth. Bending over, Yunho licked the crevice of Jaejoong’s butt down until his tongue found the spot he is searching for. He halted there and licked the spot over and over again until Jaejoong couldn’t take it anymore. Jaejoong moans desperately, tears of frustration already streaming down his cheek. “Yunnie…please…” but Yunho just groan as a reply. The vibe of Yunho’s throat and his hot breath hitting the puckered hole made Jaejoong arched his back and whimpered breathlessly. “Please…”

Yunho sighed.

Then he positioned his steel-hard cock in front of Jaejoong’s hole. Slowly, he inserted the tip of his cock in Jaejoong. The latter gasped. Then more leisurely as if afraid of the pain he might cause the younger man, Yunho buried his whole length inside Jaejoong. He growled at the tightness and hotness of Jaejoong’s wall constricting around him; as if sucking him in.

Jaejoong let out a brief moan of protest when Yunho was just too slow for his liking, “Faster, will you?”

“Baby, it might hurt you,”

Jaejoong couldn’t take it anymore. His needs and lust doesn’t even rival any pain he going to suffer.

Flipping Yunho around, Jaejoong is now atop of him. The sudden movement caused their connection to be broken. But it was not long before Jaejoong slid himself down and have Yunho inside of him again. He gasped as the length was so long and thick around him that it caused a certain pain to him. But he ignored them all and started moving up and down so fast and hard.

Suddenly, Jaejoong screamed.

“…Oh god… Yunnie! AH! Hahhh… Nghhh-AH!” by that, Yunho knew, he must have hit Jaejoong’s sweet spot.

“Oh…Jaejoongiee…” Yunho moaned as his hands found their way up to Jaejoong’s hips; guiding him up and down with the constant, mind-blowing pace. He has never thought he could grow so long and hard like this ever again. Jaejoong was just so different today…and sexy.

Sweats rolled down Jaejoong’s chest as he arched himself back. He kept on screaming and moaning and groaning that Yunho feared Jaejoong’s throat might hurt. “Yunnie…I’m…ahh…Yunnie…” he heaved between heavy pants.

“hah.. I know, baby…” with that Yunho’s grasped Jaejoong’s length and helped him to reach his orgasm. With the other hand, he guided Jaejoong’s hump.

The stream of sweats rolled from both of their bodies as pants and any such sounds escaped their mouth. The speeds of Jaejoong’s humping and Yunho’s pumping were union.

Not long after, with a long moan, white milky fluid spurted out from the tip of Jaejoong’s member to Yunho’s hand and some of Yunho’s chest. Meanwhile, Yunho could feel Jaejoong’s wall tightened around him to the fullest extent that it hurt. Seconds after, Yunho groaned loudly before he spilled his semen inside of Jaejoong.

Jaejoong collapsed on Yunho’s chest, sandwiching the rich white liquid between their bodies. Still breathing heavily, Jaejoong started to speak, “You were good, Yunnie-ah,”

Yunho chuckled lightly and caressed the raven hair. “Well, you were good yourself too,” he moved slightly and tried to slide his cock out of Jaejoong before Jaejoong stopped him midway.

“No! Don’t pull away. Let it be inside,’’ and Yunho slid him back in as Jaejoong winced. They shared a brief kiss before they pulled away from each other; too exhausted to move.

“What did you do to yourself, Jaejoongie?” Yunho asked and pulled Jaejoong close. The slightest movement caused Yunho’s member to buried deeper inside Jaejoong and both of them moaned softly.

“Do what?”

“How you became this…horny?”

“Ohh…that!” Jaejoong’s mouth formed an ‘o’ so cutely that Yunho couldn’t resist giving the open-mouth a small peck, “I woke up this morning, then I felt so thirsty. So I went to the kitchen and drank something in the green bottle. And suddenly, I felt very hot and uncomfortable. I thought I was sick so I called you and---”

“What green bottle?”

“The one in the fridge,”

“Whose is that?”

“I don’t know. I thought it was yours so I just drank it.”

“You drink them all?”

“Hm-Hmm,” Jaejoong nodded. “That’s the bottle,” he pointed to a green bottle lying carelessly on the floor. “What actually is it, Yunnie-ah?”

Yunho narrowed his eyes and looked at the bottle for a moment before his eyes widened. He chuckled nervously and looked back at Jaejoong, “Nothing, baby. It’s just a normal drink.” He laughed nervously, “Now, got to sleep, baby. You must be so tired,” he said when Jaejoong yawned. Yunho caressed the flawless back of his lover and watched his lover slowly drifting to sleep. He kissed the smooth forehead and muttered ‘I love you,’


“Yah, Kim Heechul, what’s this?” Yunho pointed a big green-colored bottle on his office desk.

“You might want to drink it tonight, Yunho-ah…” the other man said playfully.


Heechul leaned in and whispered to Yunho’s ear, “Because it can help you get…high.”

Chapter 7: Of being hurt

A feminine-looking man had just exited the entrance of his college and ready to go home. But today, he had decided to go hanging out with his friends, although much less to his lover’s order of not too, he still keep rooted to his own decision and no one is going to tell him what or what not to do.

“Yunnie, you don’t have to pick me up today. Junsu and I have planned to hang out…” the exact sentence was uttered to the boyfriend, this morning; right before the man had go out to work.

And right now, Jaejoong was waiting for his friend, Junsu to show up. Pouting cutely when he glanced to his watch and only to notice Junsu was 10 minutes late already. He fidgeted on his foot as the 10 minutes had changed to 15 minutes. “Where are you, Junsu?” he mumbled impatiently to no one.

Not long after, his cell phone rang, signaling there was an incoming message. Fishing out the phone, he read on the text message.

‘Hyung, I’m still in class. The damn professor seems to refuse letting us go in the mean of time. Sorry ^^. Yoochun and I will make it up for you later!’

Jaejoong sighed inwardly. ‘You should have told me earlier,’ and he walked off.


Jaejoong was about to hail for a taxi down the street when unmistakable he heard a girl’s voice screaming for help. He stopped his intention as he turned around to search for the said voice.

He kept walking and walking until he stopped in front of an alley where the voice seemed coming from. There were no pedestrians walking near the area although it was still a day because the alley was quite far from the main street. And the condition of the alley seemed to add on to the reason of the following. There were rubbish everywhere plus animal corpses lying everywhere. Jaejoong could tell it was the where the bad smell coming from. He made a disgusted face and intended to run from there when the girl’s voice came more pleading than it was before.

Jaejoong fought with himself on whether to help the girl or just run away from the sickening place. However, his rationale told him that he wasn’t that heartless by leaving a human begging for help. So making up his mind, slowly he took his steps inside the alleyway. As he went further into the narrow area, light was dimming down, leaving Jaejoong shivering in fear. The voice went clearer and clearer when Jaejoong was nearing.

When Jaejoong finally reached the end of the place, he could see two divisions; one was a dark tunnel and the other one was a blocked-way. And there, Jaejoong finally saw the girl surrounded by a group, about 6-7, of teenagers; boys in school uniform. But the cloths didn’t seem like a uniform, if Jaejoong didn’t know better. Their ties were loosened up, some buttons unbuttoned, shirts tugged out of the pants untidily, and pants were some ripped on the knees and some were muddy. The first thing that come up as Jaejoong saw this bunch of boys were – bullies.

The girl was on her knees, hugging her bag close to her chest as she looked up in fear. She was dressed in a ripped school uniform and there was dry blood trailing down her forehead.

Jaejoong didn’t know where he had the courage to jump in front of the bullies and towering the kneeling girl behind him, because truthfully he wasn’t fully thinking when he did so.

“Who are you?!” said one of the boys to Jaejoong rudely.

“None of your business!” Jaejoong spat to the said boy as he pulled the girl up at the same time.

“How dare you!” the same boy lifted his fist in mid-air, ready to attack Jaejoong in the face.

But Jaejoong moved faster.

He ducked the fist thrown at him and pushed the girl out of the circle. The girl landed on his bottom, but Jaejoong could care less as he has a bigger issue coming up at him.

Jaejoong punched on the boy stomach, sending him backwards, at the same time, another boy came up towards him. Jaejoong grabbed the arm aimed towards his face and twisted it backwards until the boy shrieked in pain. He pushed the boy until he landed atop of the previous one. One after another boy came towards him. This time, Jaejoong was stuck because all the remaining four had him in the middle of them.

Jaejoong managed to let out a firm, “Run!” to the still-bewildered girl who eventually obey to his order. Now, Jaejoong was left alone against six high-school boys. Shrugging his bag pack off his shoulder, Jaejoong put on his fisting posture and earned himself sarcastic chuckles.

He was about to kick to the boy when he felt his legs were kicked from behind, sending him straight to his knees. He let out a sharp hiss of pain but he wills himself to stand up again in which the attempt was in vain. A fist collided to his stomach and Jaejoong found himself clutching the injured part. His face scrunched up to the pain.

Then he felt another kick meeting the side of his arm, again and again until he sprawled helplessly on the ground. He found himself hard to breathe due to the continuous beating. Nevertheless, he, with the left energy remained, he stood up his feet. Blood starting oozing out of his side arms, but he ignored it. His left leg shuffled painfully to the boys, yet, before he could do anything, he felt a blow from behind, once again, the cold floor hit against his fragile body. Bile rising his throat and with difficulty, he forced it down. He writhed and struggled in complete pain. He wanted to mouth out his lover’s name but a fist bombarded his face. Finally, he threw up – of blood.

Then, two pairs of arm were pulling him harshly up. He was dragged until his back resting against the wall. Jaejoong no longer had any remaining energy inside of him. He wanted to fight back, to prove himself he was strong enough, but he was nowhere inside the dictionary of being capable on his own. He needed someone to back him up, to protect him from any harm and to be there when he was in pain, because Jaejoong knew he couldn’t survive on his own anymore.

One after another punch was received by Jaejoong’s face and stomach. Blood streamed down from the corner of his mouth and stained his already ripped shirt. Jaejoong’s face was covered with blood and sweat, that it couldn’t be recognized anymore. Jaejoong, in his semi-conscious state, slid down against the wall when he was released, leaving trails of blood stain on the wall. Then, as he touched the ground, he passed out.

“Yah! What do we do now?”

“Leave him here!”

“No! What if someone found him?”

“You’re right!”

“Just kill him and then hide his body. No one will know!”


A thick metal bar was retrieved from the collection of garbage. The said metal was lifted high in air directed to Jaejoong’s limp body.

Out of sudden, the bar flew out of the boy’s hand.


“Baby, why aren’t you answering your phone?” Yunho mumbled uncomfortably. Worried was evident in his face.

Suddenly, “Boss, we were able to locate him. Someone must have seen him…”

“Good! Now move!”


The six boys turned their face towards their back simultaneously. Their eyes widened in shock at the sight in front of them.

They were surrounded by countless number of men in black. Their bodies were strongly-built. Muscles jutted out evidently off their bodies.

Then almost immediately, one by one of the six boys were knocked down. Suddenly, a figure appeared behind the men. This one had a very cold expression on his face that rivaled a very aggressive tiger. They boys could see this man’s hand fisted to a ball until his knuckled turned pale white. They noticed the man’s eyes found their way to the guy they had just beaten up and his expression turned fury. His body heaved in absolute anger that his cheeks reddened. Sharp pair of eye bore to every single one of the boys’ and they could see nothing other than rage in those eyes.

He gestured his head towards the boys and almost immediately, they were dragged by the men in black up to their feet. Each of the boys was held by their arms so they couldn’t move.

“What do you think you are doing?” his voice firm and stern, directed to them. “Who do you think you’re messing up with?” the gang leader grasped one of the boys’ hair and pulled them up harshly to look at him. “Do you have fucking idea who he is?” he spat furiously.

The boy trembled in fear.

Jung Yunho held out his hand and the previous metal bar was handed to him.

“You. Are. So. Damn.Dead.” Yunho hissed and hit the boy in his gut so hardly and harshly until the boy dropped to his knees, clutching the painful area with pained expression. Blood gushed out from his mouth. Yunho repeated the same action to every single boy who hurt his beloved. Every one had the same reaction. More and more blood oozed from their mouth. Screams and yells of pain were ignored completely by Yunho.

As he was finished with his job, Yunho threw the metal bar to the floor with a loud clank. He made his way to his beloved and frowned very hardly. Tears started to stream down his face as he caressed the bloody face, “Baby…” his voice trembled.

Wiping his tear harshly from his face, Yunho spoke firmly to his man, “Finish them off!”


How life became so unfair like this, Yunho never wanted to know? It was not long ago when Jaejoong was nearly raped, cut his chest, had his terrible fever, and now this?

Seeing his lover in such a fragile state, Yunho had wished he didn’t have too. Those bandages on his forehead, cheek, near his lips…why did life have to be this cruel? Yunho sighed harshly.

A nurse entered Jaejoong’s ward room doing check-ups and Yunho just let her be. And as she exited the room, Jaejoong started stirring from his slumber. Yunho quickly put on his loving smile. “Hey...” Yunho whispered softly. “Sleep well?” he asked as he helped Jaejoong sitting up.

Jaejoong hummed as a reply then smiled at Yunho. “Have you been here long?” he asked as he rested his back against Yunho’s chest.

Closing his eyes, Yunho took in the beautiful sweet scent on Jaejoong’s neck, “Three hours…”

Jaejoong hummed again and enjoyed the soft kisses showered upon his cheek.

“I’m sorry…” Jaejoong nearly missed Yunho’s words.

“Why are you sorry when I’m at the fault?” he said softly.

“I’m sorry for not protecting you…”

“It’s not your fault. I was into helping that girl that I didn’t know I was putting myself in danger,” Jaejoong smiled as an assurance.

Yunho wrapped his arms around Jaejoong’s waist gently as not to exert much pressure on the injured part. He caressed the clothed skin with so much affection as if indirectly saying he was sorry. As if sensing this, Jaejoong put a hand atop of Yunho’s and pulled Yunho’s hand above his lips. He gave the palm a little kiss and let it dropped on his chest. Jaejoong rested his head on Yunho’s shoulder and gave the cheek a little peck.



“You didn’t tell me how you saved me…”

Yunho let out a small chuckle. “You wouldn’t want to know. It was horrible.”

“Really?” Jaejoong’s eyes sparkled in curiosity. “How horrible was it?”

The taller man was about to open his mouth and speak when Siwon suddenly barged in the room. Siwon caught the sight before his eyes and immediately bowed a ‘Sorry’ for interrupting.

“Yes, what is it?” Yunho said, his voice changed to his gang-leader-like voice.

“Can we take it outside?”

“Okay, wait for me outside,” with that Siwon left.

Yunho pulled himself away from Jaejoong slowly as he afraid he might hurt the latter. He pulled his arms away and stood on his feet. Gently, he pushed Jaejoong’s body by the shoulder until he rested on his back, “You wait here,” he whispered softly in front of Jaejoong’s face, “It’ll be quick,” he left a kiss on Jaejoong’s unwounded cheek and went outside.


“Yeah, what is it?” Yunho started as he closed the door behind him.

“The school boys,” Siwon said, “We’ve already did what boss told us to,”

“Are they still alive?” Yunho’s voice went dangerously low.

“Not a single one of them,” Siwon replied with the same tone.


“We’ve discarded the bodies and no one will ever know about it. I assure it,”

“Excellent. Anything else to report?”

“There are quite few more of things but maybe here wasn’t the right place. I’ll bring it up when we are at the head-quarter.”

Yunho nodded. “If there is nothing else, you can go,”

Siwon bowed again before he left.


“What was that?” Yunho was greeted with that question as he entered the ward room. He noticed Jaejoong wasn’t looking at him and was looking outside the window instead as he sat on his bed. Yunho made his way to Jaejoong and sat in front of him.

“What was what, baby?” he took Jaejoong’s hand in his.

“Tell me, Yunho. Are you killing people again?” this time, Jaejoong faced up with Yunho. His eyes were written sadness.

Yunho heaved out a deep breath, “You need rest, baby…”

“Don’t shrug my question like that! Answer me!” Jaejoong was half-yelling.

Yunho bent his head low that the tip of his hair touched Jaejoong’s nose. “They deserved to die,”

“But that doesn’t mean you could kill them like how you kill a fly, Yunnie-ah…” Jaejoong’s voice softened as he brought his hand up to palm Yunho’s cheek.

“They hurt you…”

“But killing is not the only way. You could do anything but death isn’t your job. You don’t know how their family would feel if they know their child is dead in someone’s hand. I’ve felt it once when my parents died, Yunnie-ah. And it’s not a good feeling. You shouldn’t have taken someone’s life when it isn’t their time. Do you understand that, bear?” the last bit was accompanied with a pinch on Yunho’s nose.

Yunho chuckled softly but whole-heartedly. “Yeah, baby… I understand. But next time, if I ever found out you’re hurt even a bit, the one who hurt you may not die but they won’t escape easily,”

They fall silence for a moment.

“Baby, are your lips hurting?” Yunho asked; thumb caressing Jaejoong’s lower lip.

Jaejoong gave a questioning look but shook his head anyway, “No, why?”

“I want to kiss you,”

“Silly, you don’t have to ask,” Jaejoong leaned in and shared a passionate kiss with his hero.

Chapter 8: Loved

A couple of tap on his shoulder brought Jaejoong to look at his side and only then a finger poked at his white, flawless cheek. Seeing who it was, Jaejoong pouted very irresistibly cute as he smacked the said person’s arms softly.

“Ouch, Jaejoong! Don’t have to be so aggressive!” the man with Jaejoong pouted back and rubbed his smacked arm. As he done, he ruffled Jaejoong’s hair affectionately. “Aren’t you going home?” the same person asked whiles his eyes wondering across the college’s main driveway.

A sigh could be heard as it escaped Jaejoong’s luscious lips, “I don’t know. Kyuhyun was supposed to be here already. And what about you, Hyunjoong?”

The man named Hyunjoong just shrugged and pursed his lips. “Who is Kyuhyun, by the way?”

“My driver,” he replied as he looked at his watch. “Aish, where is he?” as he shifted in his spot uncomfortably. Kyuhyun had never been late if he was going to pick him up. At least, if he did, he would have called earlier but that never happens frequently, except when Yunho was going to fetch Jaejoong from college himself. But Yunho could have inform when he does, especially when Yunho couldn’t stand letting Jaejoong wait for him in the middle of hot day. His black Lamborghini would usually was the one waiting for Jaejoong whenever he picked Jaejoong up. But today, both of his supposed to be called driver weren’t here. And Jaejoong had never wanted to stop a taxi again especially after what had happened, and adding to that, Yunho had never allowed him again.

‘Be it late or anything, as long as you’re safe coming home with me,’ was Yunho protective answer when Jaejoong told him what had happened on the other day.

Hyunjoong fell silent and so did Jaejoong. There was countable number of students still on the same spot. Some might have already home and some might still having their classes.

Being in the same class, Jaejoong and Hyunjoong have finished their class 3o minutes ago until Jaejoong has found out no one is fetching him up till now. Yoochun and Junsu had already went home, lucky them. And Jaejoong has to wait and wait and wait for a certain somebody. He was nearing to sulking and was about to whine to Yunho right there, right now if Hyunjoong wasn’t there to accompanying him.

‘Speaking of Yunho, that damn man is not answering his phone!’ Jaejoong screamed in his mind, ‘Wait till I got home, you are so dead!’

Jaejoong heard Hyunjoong clearing his throat before he looked at him, “Uhmm…Jaejoong…”

“Yeah?” Jaejoong looked back at the driveway, hoping the person he was waiting for would show up.

“T-There is something I-I need to tell you…”

Jaejoong diverted his attention back to him when he didn’t find what he is looking for. Wide eyes were gazing up to Hyunjoong ones, as if he was saying he was interested in knowing that ‘something’. He tilted his head to the side and encouraged Hyunjoong to go on.

“I’ve been wanted to tell you this since we became friends but time didn’t allow me too…” Hyunjoong’s voice was literally shaking with each word he uttered and that only made Jaejoong curious even more.

“Yeah, what is it? Is it important?”

Jaejoong and Hyunjoong have been friends since Jaejoong started his first year in college. However, their friendship was not bonded enough just like how Jaejoong and Yoochun with Junsu clicked. Hyunjoong was just a normal friend who shared the same course with Jaejoong and seated next to him in class. But that was just it, they never shared stories except for homework and projects unlike how Jaejoong did with Yoochun and Junsu. Hyunjoong was also the first person Jaejoong ever talked to when he entered the college. So, to put it off, Hyunjoong was a good friend.

“I-It’s quite important. You see, I lik--”

His sentence were cut off when a car drove by and stopped in front of them. Yunho, in his black suit exited the car and approached a now-pouting Jaejoong. Quickly, he wrapped his arms around Jaejoong’s waist and kissed the puffed-up cheek. “I am late, sorry…” then proceeded to kiss the pouting lips away.

“Oh, you better be!” Jaejoong shrugged the arms around his body then stepped forward towards Hyunjoong, “What were you saying, Hyunjoong-ah?” But the man’s eyes weren’t on Jaejoong as instead he gazed at Yunho’s piercing ones. He could feel shivers running down his spine when he looked at Yunho’s powerful cold stare, directed at him.

Immediately, Hyunjoong fixed his eyes downwards at the slightly shorter Jaejoong. He faked a smile, “Oh…Nothing. I-I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said solemnly before walking away and leaving the two other man behind.

“Who is he?” Yunho spoke first and let the two of his arms hugging Jaejoong’s shoulder. Jaejoong once again shrugged the hands away and pushed Yunho away from him just right before Yunho could tighten his grip. Stomping away as he entered the luxurious car with a pout still cutely visible, Jaejoong closed the car door with a powerful force which emitted a loud noise.

Yunho smiled knowingly and entered at the driver’s seat. He noticed the long slender arms were crossed against the chest and the bottom lip jutted out childishly. “Hey, if you continue doing that, no one is going near you, you know…” Yunho said playfully and drove off.

Seated in the passenger seat, Jaejoong rolled his eyes. He let his hand grabbed the handler under the seat until the seat bent backwards, allowing Jaejoong lying on it. He grasped on his backpack and pushed the thing up to his face as he let his body curled slightly into a ball, back facing Yunho. The older man chuckled as the corner of his eye caught the cute sight. He suddenly pulled off on the side of the highways, caring less about what other road users might say about his unmannered driving skill. 

One of his hands was rested on the steering wheel while the other was on its way up to Jaejoong’s head. “I am sorry. I know I let you wait but I was busy too.” Yunho could hear Jaejoong huffed. “I was going to let Kyuhyun pick you up but I planned on bringing you out today. I know how you were bored doing nothing at home, so I just thought you might want some air-refreshing. But since you are acting this way, I might just cancel my plan and just go straight home,” with that, Jaejoong immediately sprung up from his position. The pout has disappeared, replaced by a wide grin as his eyes showed nothing but sparkled with glee.

“I want to go out! I want to! I want to!” Yunho chuckled.

“Okay, if you want to,” Jaejoong jumped into Yunho’s embrace and blabbered something about what they were going to do, “…Oh, we will go eat ice-cream, then, oh yeah, I want to go to amusement park. It has been long since I go to and also, wait! I want to eat first, I’m hungry. I want sushi, a big and delicious one and also…”

Yunho smiled against Jaejoong’s neck as he listened to Jaejoong’s rambling, a satisfied smile, that is. And with that, Yunho’s mind spoke, ‘You are so easy, baby…’


“Jae! Wait up!”

Jaejoong quickly halted in his step, “Yeah, Hyunjoong. What is it?”

“Umm… Can we talk?” Hyunjoong suggested and dragged Jaejoong towards a nearest bench at the college’s garden.

Jaejoong put his books on the bench and faced towards Hyunjoong’s hesitant face. “Yeah, is something wrong?” he waited a mere second before Hyunjoong finally burst it out.

“I like you, Jaejoong!” the smaller man was taken aback by the sudden confession. The already wide eyes widened even more with shock and a palm flew up to cover his mouth.

“I’ve like you since I saw you at the first time. I thought it was wrong for me to like the same species as mine so I just hold it back. But apparently, I couldn’t hold it any longer. My feelings just keep on increasing each day. The more I see you, the more I want you. So I decided to break it off to you yesterday even though deep down, I know you would reject a person like me, especially when I am a guy. But then, that man from yesterday come up to you and kissed you. I was happy knowing you preferred guy more than you preferred a woman. Then, as I saw you with him, I'm feeling sad too. And the sad feeling is overwhelming the happy feeling,”

“But Hyunjoong…”

“I just want you to know I really like you, Jaejoong-ah. And I can make you happy too. I just want you to give me a chance, Jaejoong-ah. Just one chance, I’ll prove it to you I can take care of you,”

“But I already have a boyfriend, Hyunjoong-ah…” Jaejoong whispered softly, as if afraid to break the man’s heart.

“I know you do. It’s the man from yesterday, right?” Jaejoong nodded and Hyunjoong sighed. “But Jaejoong, I can take care of you more than he takes care of you. I’ll love you more than he does. I’ll make you happy. Just give me a chance.” Hyunjoong pleaded pathetically on his knees in front of Jaejoong.

“I can’t Hyunjoong-ah,” Jaejoong bent his head low, “I don’t like you just how you like me. I’m happy the way I am now. I’m sorry, Hyunjoong-ah. I really am,”

Hyunjoong’s shoulder slouched forward, showing his defeat and tears pooled around the corner of his eyes, “I know you can, Jaejoong. You can’t reject me. You just can’t. Not when I am pathetically begging on my knees,” he put his hands on Jaejoong’s shoulder, forcing him to look at his agonized face. 

Jaejoong just could feel sorry for Hyunjoong, because there was no way he could accept him when his heart completely belongs to Yunho and Yunho only. There was just no way, even if Hyunjoong shed a bloody tear – No, the answer will always be no. Jaejoong couldn’t offer him anything in return but a heartedly-smile. “I can’t, Hyunjoong-ah. I can’t…”

The other man let his hand dropped slowly from Jaejoong’s shoulder before he stood up. “Then I’ll make sure you can and you’ll accept me, Jae-ah. Even if it takes all my life or that man’s life. I don’t care what will happen but I’ll make sure you break up with him,” he threatened coldly before leaving Jaejoong alone on the bench – shocked.


“Baby, I’m hom- ouff!” a small figure jumped onto Yunho’s body as he entered the house. The smaller body fitted himself tightly against Yunho’s well built-body. The arms around Yunho’s waist tightened with every single move Yunho took. A faint sniffing sound could be heard from the man as the sound was muffled against Yunho’s chest. Yunho, for once was bewildered.

Jaejoong was never this emotional whenever he was back from work, even if Jaejoong did, he would usual nagged and whined childishly for his kisses until Yunho satisfied his needs, in which Yunho never failed too. ‘Something must have happened,’ Yunho noted to himself as he caressed the head attached firmly on his chest, as if never wanting to let go.

“Something wrong?” Yunho gripped onto the back of Jaejoong’s thighs and winded the legs around his waist. Jaejoong clung his hands tightly around Yunho as he felt himself being lifted. He shook his head softly at Yunho’s question before he felt Yunho flopped himself on the couch, bringing Jaejoong with him too. “If nothing is wrong, then something must have happened. Care to tell me, hmm?”

“Yunnie, I love you…” Jaejoong managed to whisper between small, hold-up sobs. “I don’t want to break up with you. I love you…”

Yunho was shocked and confused. He pushed the younger man away from him slightly until he could clearly viewed on the flushed red face, “Hey, hey, who’s going to break up with you?” he said almost abruptly. “No one is going to break up with you. Where did you get that from? Are you watching some odd movie, huh?”

Jaejoong let out a soft giggle and shook his head, “Then stop crying, baby… You don’t look pretty with puffy red eyes,” Yunho thumbed off the trails of wet tears on Jaejoong’s cheek. Not long after, Jaejoong softly put his head back on Yunho’s chest, hearing the constant heartbeat of his lovers. Somehow, it always brought calm and peace to him. And it was proved right when he slowly drifted into a deep slumber


“I’ll make you mine!” a note was passed towards Jaejoong. His eyes widened as he read the content of the note. He turned his head to his left and saw a cold-looking Hyunjoong.

Jaejoong decided to just ignore it but it was utter difficult when another note was put atop of Jaejoong’s table, “Mark my work. You’ll leave him and come with me!”

The professor’s words were ignored when a complete fear and somehow…disgust creeping up to him. For god’s sake, has Hyunjoong turned to somewhat a complete maniac when Jaejoong rejected him? Jaejoong didn’t know! But he would try his best and ignore him.


However, all Jaejoong’s effort was dying. Hyunjoong kept on disturbing him, bothering him and disgusting him with his crazy notes. It has been a week from that rejection and Hyunjoong didn’t seem want to stop.

There is one time when Jaejoong found out his notebook were written with Hyunjoong stupid words of being, ‘You are mine!’ ‘That stupid guy won’t have you for long!’ ‘I like you’ ‘Don’t ever think of leaving me!’

It was all stupid! Jaejoong couldn’t take it anymore.

And it affects Yunho’s relationship with him too.


Yunho looked worriedly at Jaejoong. That man has been sitting on his study desk for about three hours already, without glancing at Yunho whenever he called up to him. He refused to eat dinner although by Yunho’s continuous offer, and it worried Yunho even more. Also, every time Yunho approached him, he kept on staring at the same page for the entire three damn hours. Who wouldn’t get worried by that?

Now, he took back what he had said the other day, ‘Jaejoong actually wasn’t that easy to handle,’

“Baby…” Yunho started but earn no reply. “Baby…” he tried again, this time hugging Jaejoong’s shoulder. And only by then, Jaejoong jerked up slightly and responded to Yunho. “Baby, let’s eat dinner, alright?”

“Uhm... I’m not that hungry…” Yunho let out a deep sigh as he buried his neck on Jaejoong’s bare shoulder.

“You’re making me worry. Can you tell me what exactly is wrong?” Yunho mumbled. “You know I hate being worry, don’t you sweetheart?”


“Do not say it’s nothing. There’s clearly something ever since you’ve became this… lifeless,” he lifted Jaejoong up and let him sit on his lap. “Baby, tell me…” and gave Jaejoong a soft kiss on his lips.

“Hyunjoong…” Jaejoong’s voice trailed off. “He said he liked me. I rejected him and he was so upset about it. But I thought he’ll just leave me alone after that, who knew he wouldn’t give up easily. The next day after his confession, he started sending me weird notes. The notes keep on coming and it was really threatening. He said about making me his and he will make sure I’ll break up with you. He seems really determined, Yunnie-ah. I’m scared…”

Yunho nodded and hugged onto Jaejoong tighter, “It’s okay, baby… He won’t last long, I promise. Now, let’s eat dinner. After that, we can have the vanilla ice-cream you like so much…”

“A big one?”

“Yeah, a big one,”


“Hyunjoong-shi, my boss wants to talk to you,” a tall man gestured towards Yunho who was now occupying a seat in a café across the street of the college.

Hyunjoong immediately recognized the person. He remembered he was the man with Jaejoong the other day. Anger boiled in Hyunjoong’s blood. He turned back to the tall man as he spoke again, “It was really hoped if you could please hurry because boss doesn’t really like waiting,”

A frown appeared on Hyunjoong’s face, “Who is he to order me around?”

“You could question that later,” he replied and dragged Hyunjoong towards the café.


A very pissed Hyunjoong stood in front of Yunho’s table. And Yunho was very pleased with that expression.

“sit down, if you please…” Yunho gestured.

“Just say what you have to say,” he crossed his arms on his chest and rolled his eyes. “But if you want to talk about Jaejoong, which I'm sure you are, then, you’re just wasting your time! I'm not going to give up Jaejoong.”

“Very well then,” Yunho stood up. “Then, you are wasting your time too because Jaejoong isn’t going to leave me and go with you, and I’m definitely sure on that, Hyunjoong-shii…” he said, “right, baby?” and reached his arm out. Suddenly, a familiar figure neared himself towards Yunho and hooked himself in Yunho’s outstretched arm. Jaejoong nodded.

“I'm sorry, Hyunjoong-ah…” he whispered and earned a peck on the temple.

A disappointed look was obvious on the man’s face as his eyes wondered on the lovely couple. He could feel a never ending love aura around the two men. With Jaejoong possessively and protectively held in that pair of arms and a very happy, loving look as Jaejoong gazed up to Yunho’s arms with such emotion, Hyunjoong was jealous. He then realized he will not have a place in Jaejoong’s heart like Yunho – a place that was only reserved for Yunho. Jaejoong has never look so happy than being in Yunho’s arms, Hyunjoong noted. Jaejoong was so deep in love and loved.

Love. Love. Love.

Loved. Loved. Loved.

Hyunjoong wondered for a moment. His own words lingering on his own mind.

‘I’ll love you more than he does…’ but can I really? He questioned himself. He doubted himself.

Jaejoong chose Yunho because he was sure Yunho could make him happy and make him felt loved. And make him loving like he had loved no one before. 
He had said to Jaejoong, ‘I’ll make you mine,’ but now, his words held no power, as if it was stomped off mercilessly by simple gestures.

Only by seeing Yunho’s simple gesture to Jaejoong; a sweet smile, a caress on Jaejoong’s hair – can he really? 
Do that to Jaejoong, full filled everything with love?
And Love Jaejoong more than Yunho does? 
Offer Jaejoong a smile full of love like Yunho does?
Brought happiness to Jaejoong like how Yunho does?
Can he? 
Can he?

…He can’t.

He felt over-defeated by Yunho.

With head down, tears held back, Hyunjoong back off before he finally left – leaving behind what he thought best for everybody.

Yunho with Jaejoong.
Jaejoong with Yunho.

Chapter 9: Cared

Two men walked, wandering around in the big, spacious mall. One man had his hand hooked around the taller man arm while the other hand was handling a cone of strawberry ice-cream which he, once in a while directed to his mouth and to the other man’s mouth. The taller and older man, well, to put it simple, had shopping bag fully occupied in both of his hands, and to put it simpler, those were all the shorter man’s stuff.

“Can we please stop for a while, baby? My feet are hurting… We’ve been walking non-stop for goddamn hours…” the taller man whined.

“Just one more shop, please, Yunnie-ah?” a pout and couple blink of eyes, “This time, we’ll look for your clothes… No more mine, promise.”

“Jaejoongie, no matter how you say, it’ll be mine, in the end, you’re the one who is wearing it…” stating the obvious, Yunho is, which earned him another cute pout from the lover. Yunho, sighing, defeated with that irresistible gesture, finally gave in and nodded as a yes, saying it will be the last one.

Jaejoong, more than delighted, beamed brightly and kiss Yunho’s cheek with his ice-cream-smeared lips. “Thank you! And Yunnie, I only wear your favorite clothes and besides, I don’t wear them outside the house, they are big,” Jaejoong said and Yunho felt himself being dragged into one of the famous cloth store.

“That is why they are mine in the first place. They were meant to be big.”

“But they are comfortable and they have your smell,” Yunho chuckled lightly at Jaejoong’s soft whine as the latter rummaged through the pile of hanged clothes in the store, once in a while, picking them off then sized it on Yunho’s body. Bottom lips jutted out and forehead creased into a small frown with head shook slightly when the selected cloth didn’t match with his taste – Yunho found Jaejoong very cute with that.

Then, before Yunho could prolong his examination on Jaejoong’s cute feature, he felt himself being pulled around the store. His already full hands were filled again with pile of clothes, enabling him seeing nothing but mountain of expensive clothing. Speaking of the cost; Yes, maybe Yunho was the richest man in the country, but with Jaejoong’s terrifying shopping attitude, no other rich man could cope up with him. Not just he picked up the expensive cloth, he picked up almost all expensive cloth in that particular store could offer. Adding to that, all the payment were made by Yunho and directly sent to his already long credit card bill. Poor Yunnie.

However, Yunho never thought of any of that. Not about the money or his 5-km credit card bill (exaggerating there, if you may say). All he could think was Jaejoong being happy and he could spend the whole day with him; that was what matter the most.

“Baby, are you done?” Yunho asked, his feet and hands couldn’t stay long anymore.

“Nearly. I just want to see if this pants suit you. The color is kinda dull, though - But it doesn’t matter anyway. But then it’s a bit short again so I think a slightly bigger size would do,” he mumbled off.


“Stop whining, Yunnie…” and Yunho did.

The younger man continued to do his things, dragging his exhausted Yunnie with him, pulling and trying different type of clothing on him although he had once promise the dull-colored pants would be the last one, but since garments in the whole shop are so good to ignore, the promise was long forgotten. Until Jaejoong finally, for the countless times today, stood in front of the counter, dumping all the collection of clothes on the said table, then turning to Yunho with a giddy expression – eyes wide, lips stretched to a bright smile as if anticipating something, if that was what JaeJoong’s giddy expression was. Yunho, on the other hand, had known what that expression symbolizes as; it was the exact, accurate time when Yunho was supposed to take out his wallet, pull out some cash, and hand it to the cashier and finally the burden in his arms addend.

Once in awhile, Yunho debated with himself that Jaejoong indeed spend more than a woman. Well, to put it right, it was Yunho all along, in the behalf of Jaejoong, off course. And to put it more right, Yunho spoiled Jaejoong really good.

“Done!” Jaejoong exclaimed, hands clasped together.

“Yeah, done~ So, can we go home now?”

Suprisingly, Jaejoong shook his head, ‘no’ and pouted.

“What else, my beloved baby?” Yunho asked grumpily and earned more childish pout, but no less cute anyway.

“I'm hungry…” as Jaejoong rubbed his stomach as an emphasis.

Yunho sighed as he said, “Alright, we’ll go eat,” and immediately, Jaejoong flung himself forward and clung onto Yunho’s arm again – like a koala it was.

They stepped into a restaurant at the very top floor of the building as Jaejoong said the view is very nice up there. Yunho, in his mind, wondered if Jaejoong was really hungry or just wanted to go sightseeing, but Yunho, as always, never found himself arguing with every single thing if Jaejoong’s suggestion or more like ‘order’ because it was fun of ordered by a cute and childish Jaejoong. And now, there they were, eating like a very happy couple – with Jaejoong spoon-feeding Yunho once in a while and wiping off the excess food sauce by the corner of his mouth, also with Yunho returning the small gesture. It felt like both of them were taking each other very well. And no less, it was true.

“Open wide…” Yunho directed his spoon towards Jaejoong’s mouth and the latter finally swallowed the spoon content with a very delighted face. Jaejoong giggled when the small amount food dropped to the table.

“Ah, Yunnie… You wasted them…”

“What? It was you. Your mouth has a hole under it, that’s why it dropped,” Yunho chuckled playfully.

“No!” Jaejoong laughed, “I did not!” and scrunched his face off.

“There! You’ll have it if you do that face again,” Yunho remarked as he pinched Jaejoong’s nose. The latter slapped the hand away from his nose and huffed. “Okay, no need to be mad… You’re cute enough, eh…”

Jaejoong blushed.

Yunho laughed again, quite pleased by seeing the little tint of red on Jaejoong’s cheek.


The couple made their way to the basement parking lot as soon as they had finished eating their meal. Yunho, as a good lover he is, listened to Jaejoong’s non-stop blabbering about some untitled topics, which Yunho, for himself, thought Jaejoong’s continuous talking was bothersome and quite meaningless but he, however in the end found himself smiling at that childish action – and laughed at some of not funny joke. See how Jaejoong had made Yunho be.

“Okay, that’s enough, sweetheart…” Yunho, suddenly, interrupted softly. “As fond as I am to hear your lovely voice, you have to shut up, sometime, baby…” which earned himself a gentle slap on the arm.

Yunho spotted Kyuhyun standing near their black car. The man bowed as he saw the couple approaching him then he made his way up to them, taking all the burden from Yunho’s hand to himself when suddenly a voice came up from behind.

“Wow, Jung Yunho-shii. Having a great time?” Yunho knew exactly who that voice belongs to; Ang Lee.

The man who had made a deal with Yunho’s organization - The man who promised the northern province of his land only if he had something good return into his hand, in which Yunho knew, that something good in return wasn’t good at all. He was dangerous, very dangerous – he could break a child’s bone if he wanted to. But Yunho, on the other was a man of his word, a man known for intelligence in doing business never broke his promise. He obliged what he must have obliged. He gave what that man wanted as long as the power belongs to Yunho. More land equaled to more power, Yunho’s policy. However, how could Yunho hold onto his word when no words have been given up until now.

“Ang Lee-shii. Quite a surprise to see you here,” Yunho mocked. “Why? Enjoying the time to yourself too?” then pulling onto Jaejoong’s waist, to have him near, to being scare of him being snatched away.

“Sure I did,” Yunho caught the man’s eyes lingered on Jaejoong’s body. “Listen, Jung-shii, I’ve done some – well, you may say… calculation, I think I’ve made up my mind on our deal,” that’s a late surprise, Yunho noted. And sometimes late surprise is more surprising than the normal one. And knowing, Ang Lee; the second in life of the most cunning man after Yunho himself, - Yunho sensed it wouldn’t go very well.

And somehow afraid of that, Yunho turned to Jaejoong and whispered to his ear, “Baby, I’ll see you at home…” Jaejoong, being a hesitant puppy nodded and turned to enter the car where Kyuhyun had been standing besides.

Yunho’s eyes only left the retreating car figure as it disappear from the view and only then he gazed up, pridefully at Ang Lee, “You know, Ang-shii, we could have discussed it away from here,” Yunho said and stood firm when the latter circled around him.

“I just couldn’t, Jung-shii. You know how impatient I am. Just when I saw you up there playing with that little whore of yours, I think it’ll be the right time. Plus I don’t always waste time, Jung-shii… And speaking of the little whore, that’s a nice one you have. Mind if I taste a bit?” the man purposely lightened up the flare in Yunho’s blood as his arm rested on Yunho’s shoulder.

“Look, Ang. I have no time right now! If you want to play, this isn’t the right time,” Yunho shrugged the arm off his shoulder and shoved him away rather harshly.

At that moment, when Ang Lee nearly stumbled off, a group of men –Ang’s men as it seemed as no one was familiar to Yunho’s eyes - emerged out, circling Yunho off, leaving Yunho; one to many. Yunho could hear Ang Lee clucking his tongue sarcastically, “Jung, I tend to play smooth here. But since, you started it off, I'm quite disappointed, you see. You don’t pick a partner, Jung.”

Yunho stood firmly, manly, and egoistically as if unaware of the scary looking man around him, as if Ang Lee’s threat played no harm to him – where the posture he stood like emitted some powerful aura, fear of nothing – of being a true leader of the most top underworld gangster.

“ It depends on me if I am or I am not, Ang-shii. And for your deepest information, we, professional don’t pick a dumpster area of discussion, my friend. So, just fuck the shit off, and we could deal this later,”

“Jung-shii,” the middle-aged man rested his arm around Yunho once again, “I, for a moment, had thought the same, but when I saw you walking with the sexy-assed man,” Yunho glared at him, “I suddenly thought of a very interesting idea in which you might be, well, interested in, too…” Ang released his hold around Yunho and backed off slightly, silencing for a while, leaving Yunho in anticipation, and when Ang did, Yunho regretted being silence.

“I’ll give you my province,” pause, “Trade the whore to me.”

It took no second for Yunho’s blood to boil up. He approached forward to the man and intended to hurl his fist, aiming to that said man, but his intention was stopped mid-air when clicking sound could be heard and a gun aimed into his face. “Don’t craze up, Jung. It was just a whore,”

That sentence rang into Yunho’s head like disgust. Anger was obvious in his face. To say Jaejoong was a whore, was statement forbidden to any person who deals with Yunho, be it anybody or somebody, it was a sinful action. But to say Jaejoong an ‘IT’, was beyond enrage to Yunho – as if Jaejoong wasn’t a human at all, when in fact, without Jaejoong, there’ll be no Yunho around.

Yunho flared up furiously, mouth mouthing “bastard!” before he kicked the gun away from Ang’s hand and retrieved his own gun from his jacket; immediately aiming back at the man. And also, almost immediately, many clicking sound could be heard. Yunho just knew, Ang’s men have directed their guns towards Yunho too, thus it went; Yunho aiming for Ang, Ang’s men aiming at him.

And out of nowhere; Jung’s men, aiming at Ang’s men.

Yunho smirked. He had trained his men very well; very damn well. Judging from their quantity, which surpassed Ang’s men and their sudden appearance; Yunho knew, someone must have told them. Either Kyuhyun or…his beloved baby.

“I told you, this isn’t the right time. But since you insist dearly, I must think the deal must be cancelled off.”


And the gun war started firing.


Jaejoong waited anxiously as he paced inside the living room. Mary, the housekeeper and some of the maids watched as Jaejoong grew worry and worrier each second passed by.

Finally, after getting tired for unknown reason, Jaejoong flopped himself atop of the couch. Inside, he was feeling chaos. He had no idea why. His instinct had told him something bad has happened. And when something bad happened, that bad must be extremely bad. There were two things that can be considered bad in Jaejoong’s life; one, is when something bad happened to himself, and two, is when something bad happened to Yunnie. And since ‘himself’ is safe and sound, the other option went to Yunnie, who was nowhere to be found and increased Jaejoong’s level of worry more. It was Yunho who was always worrying about him and now it was the other way around. Jaejoong, being the selfish and complete un-selfless, thought it was okay and extremely okay when Yunho worrying about him but it was never fine when it was the other way around because to Jaejoong, well – it was never okay!

An urgent knock on the door caught Jaejoong off his thought. Jaejoong rushed to the door and turned the knob opened.

And his eyes widened.

“Yunnie! W-hat—What-t… Yunnie!!”

The limp body of Yunho was dragged inside by two men of Yunho’s. They held Yunho’s arms around their shoulder and supported his movement carefully but hurriedly. Bloods were dripping off from Yunho’s body. Jaejoong trailed his sight downwards until he saw Yunho’s abdomen pierced with a bullet. His shirt was already discarded. His eyes half-lidded and his face showed nothing but painful expression.

They reached the couch in such amount of time, trailing behind was a shocked and scared Jaejoong, whose tears were already streaming down his cheek. Placing Yunho gently on the couch, the two men worked fast in a speed of lightning. Jaejoong didn’t doubt one of them was a medical agent, seeing how expert he was discarding the bullet off with his medical tools.

Jaejoong, with choked sob, dropped to his knees and looked at Yunho’s painful expression, hands intertwined with one of Yunho’s, “Yunnie-ah…” he squeezed Yunho’s hand hard when Yunho groaned in pain as his lower body was worked out. Jaejoong cried like there was no tomorrow.

“B-baby-ah…” Yunho winced as he spoke softly. Jaejoong rested his forehead against Yunho’s and cried endlessly.

“W-what happened to you?”

“I’m s-sorry…” Yunho groaned again.

“Don’t talk, baby…”

For once, Yunho let out a small smile between pain, “Y-You called me baby?”

“I said don’t talk! You’re hurt!” Jaejoong snapped as tears wouldn’t stop flowing down. Yunho did as what he was told by his baby and shut his mouth. The only sound he made was groans and grunts of pain. And when he did that, Jaejoong’s cry was getting louder and hard to stop.

Not long after, the bullet was out. Bandage was wrapped around Yunho’s abdomen and //hooked around his shoulder. The doctors of Yunho’s men already went out when they were done after cleaning themselves off Yunho’s blood. Jaejoong thanked them very much that it hurt for him to keep bowing. As he already sent them off, Yunho had already dozed off. Jaejoong ordered the maids to help him preparing some food for Yunho as he cleaned Yunho, himself.

He planted a kiss on every part on Yunho’s face when he was done and soon after, he also dozed off; head resting on Yunho’s chest, legs folded on the floor and fingers locked with Yunho’s.


Yunho woke up with a start. It was already morning the next day. He felt every part of his body were numb as if no blood were supplied. But when he caught the sight of his lover, sleeping on his chest, Yunho felt the numbness subsided. He let out a soft smile by seeing the still worried face drawn on his face. To think Jaejoong only made to shred every single cent in his pocket was something wrong and baseless. Jaejoong was more than that. He wasn’t a whore too. He was precious.

Yunho noticed the still wet tears on Jaejoong’s pale face. ‘He must have cried all night long,’ Yunho thought silently. Reaching out, Yunho touched the wet cheek and regretted it almost immediately as Jaejoong stirred slightly.


“Yeah, baby?” Yunho could feel the pain on his stomach when he spoke but he tried hiding it and it was in vain as his voice slightly shook.

“Are you fine?” Yunho nodded. “Do you want to eat? I’ll reheat the food. Do not move or you’ll hurt yourself.”

Yunho watched as Jaejoong stood up slowly, rearranging the blanket on Yunho’s hips before making his way out of the living room. Yunho felt himself very lucky as to have Jaejoong taking care of him when he really needed it. It was evident as not just Yunho was taking care of Jaejoong but sometimes, when time got hard, Jaejoong was the only one he could turn to.

As he was so deep in thought, his mind wondered back to Ang Lee, the man who shot him last night. Luckily, Yunho’s men were able to handle the thing perfectly, if not he would have died. He noted he must thank them later. As for now, Yunho wanted to know the end result of their fight because he had escaped himself in the middle of it.

Yunho bit his lips, trying to endure the pain, as he reached out for his phone. He let out a sigh of relieve when the device was on his hand.


“Boss!” Siwon exclaimed. “How is your injury?”

“I'm feeling a bit fine. I want to know about Ang Lee,” Yunho had to suppress his voice from the sharp pain as he spoke.

“Ang Lee managed to escape. He might come back considering how mad he was. And his men, we managed to catch all of them and make them pay for what they did to boss.”

“No. Let them be. Just – cut off all the deals regarding Ang Lee. I want every single piece of information about him at headquarter to be shut off. And we will no longer contact him, be it on any case. Is that clear?”

“Certainly! Anything else?”

Yunho opened his mouth to speak but the device on his ear was snatched away by Jaejoong. “What part didn’t you understand? I said do not move! Can’t you just listen for a once?!” He threw the phone onto the opposite sofa.

“Baby, I was just talking…”

“Shut up!” Yunho could see tears pooling at the edge on Jaejoong’s eyes. Warmth feeling crept onto Yunho’s chest. Though Jaejoong snapped furiously like that, Yunho knew, Jaejoong was feeling scared.

“Baby… Come here…” Yunho beckoned gently. Wiping off the tears when Jaejoong’s face was close to his. “I'm fine. Stop crying,” but Jaejoong didn’t. Instead his cries increased. Lips trembled. Eyes were evidently red and puffy.

“T-This damn thing is all y-your fault,” Jaejoong choked out and buried his face onto Yunho’s neck. “I-I told you to stop b-being dangerous! Y-You never l-listened! A-and now instead of g-going straight to hospital, you w-went home. W-Who knows what, might happen if something doesn’t go well and you die?! I hate you! S-stop doing this to me!” he cried loudly.

Yunho smiled warmly against Jaejoong’s velvet hair. “Well, I want to see you before I die…” that certainly wasn’t the right answer as Jaejoong wailed out suddenly.

“Don’t talk like that, idiot!”

“Only if you stop crying…” Yunho cooed softly. As he loves to see Jaejoong crying for worrying over him, Yunho always thought, Jaejoong’s cries didn’t sound as beautiful as his cheeky laughter. “I don’t want a baby who has swollen red eyes and dry, hoarse voice.”

Jaejoong’s cry eventually subsides to a small train of hiccups. “You must see a doctor after this!”

“If my baby says so, who am I to disobey?”

Which was completely true.

Who was Yunho to disobey? If he wanted himself alive, safe and sound; happy and loved; protecting and protected; care and being care; who indeed was Yunho? A question which only Jaejoong has the key to the answer.

Chapter 10: Do you know?

“Yunnie! Where are you?” Jaejoong’s voice broke inside the whole manor but there was no response he received from the latter.

Jaejoong just woke up this morning when he felt the other side of his comfortable bed empty, thus to him, without Yunho by his side the bed was no longer comforting. Dressed only in a silky knee-high sleeping gown, Jaejoong made his way down the stairs as he rubbed his eyes sleepily, “Yunnie?” he yawned. Then he averted his eyes to the nearest clock. ‘5 a.m.’. There is no way Yunho would go to work this early.

Clumsy foot dragged Jaejoong to the kitchen. Some of the workers weren’t here yet even the maids were still sleeping. Jaejoong knew well that they only come around 7. Done with that, Jaejoong, with his still hoarse sleepy voice called out, “Yunnie?”

“Baby, I’m here. Come here...” a voice replied from somewhere nearby. Jaejoong’s eyes caught his lover’s familiar figure by the veranda overlooking their Olympic-sized swimming pool and some part of the shady tree with flowers decorating the sides of the pool.

Smiling, Jaejoong hopped towards Yunho and jumped into his arms and immediately snuggled close to Yunho’s warm chest, covered with sleeping robe. “Why aren’t you in bed, sweetheart?” Yunho cooed softly as he arranged the dishevelled black hair of his baby.

“Why aren’t you?” Yunho chuckled at the reply. “You know, I can’t sleep without you.”

Smiling sweetly, Yunho picked Jaejoong up from his flooring and turned to the nearest bench. Yunho fully understood this is the right time Jaejoong would go babyish than he already was and acted as Yunho’s spoilt brat as he was. Nevertheless, Yunho loved that side of Jaejoong. It can show how much he loved Jaejoong dearly. Even if Jaejoong was spoilt to the maximum, Yunho still loved him like Jaejoong was the oxygen he inhaled, the air he exhaled and every single beat of his hear. Even if Jaejoong wanted stars on the sky, Yunho would do anything to give to everything Jaejoong wants. But he knew his baby wasn’t like that, Jaejoong knew earth very well. Jaejoong knew what was possible and what wasn’t. He knew he has limit in everything.

But Yunho’s love didn’t.

Yunho rocked Jaejoong’s slim figure in his arms back to sleep while humming a soft melody in his ear. The older man wrapped his arms around the younger’s waist affectionately as the latter rested his face on the area between Yunho’s neck and shoulder; his favourite spot as Yunho always claimed. It was true nevertheless.

Couple of seconds later, a soft snore emitted Jaejoong’s mouth, sending the warm breath down Yunho’s skin. Yunho kissed the exposed cheek with a soft peck, longer than usual, knowing how Jaejoong always loved it every time Yunho gave him a kiss before bed.

Only if Jaejoong knows how important he was to Yunho. Only if Jaejoong knows how Yunho wouldn’t be able to live without him by his side. Only if Jaejoong knows how every breathe Yunho took held his name there. Only if...then Jaejoong wouldn’t have heart to leave him, ever. Yunho wouldn’t allow that to happen. Be it anything, but Jaejoong leaving him wasn’t something written in his list.

Oh, only if Jaejoong knows.

“Do you know, baby, hmm?” Yunho whispers softly as not to wake him up. “Do you ever think about that, baby? What you can do to me? Hm, sweetheart? Do you?” Yunho whispers. “You don’t, right?” a tear slipped from the corner of his eyes.

He didn’t know why he cried...
....but Jaejoong is so important.

Yunho tightened his hold as Jaejoong slightly stirred.

God, how he would anything – anything just to keep Jaejoong his. Jaejoong has that effect. The effect to him. That Yunho wouldn’t find anywhere in this whole world. No one can control him as much as Jaejoong able to control him.

“Only if you know, baby...”

“Yunnie...” Jaejoong whined in his sleep, maybe feeling Yunho’s hold slipping.

“I’m here, baby. I’m always here...” He caressed the soft black hair gently and Jaejoong purred in delight before falling to his slumber again.

Yunho wondered if that sentence alone held the promise as it promised. What if he didn’t? What if he suddenly leaves Jaejoong alone? Would Jaejoong be hurt as it was if Jaejoong was the one you leaves? Would Jaejoong cry? Would Jaejoong wail Yunho’s name in his sleep every night? Would Jaejoong refuse to eat? To live? To love again?

Because Yunho realised he would. He would be hurt, he would cry, he would wail Jaejoong’s name every night, refuse to do anything, to even love again. Because it won’t be Jaejoong he will love again. And it will hold no point to ever live again when the point Yunho ever lived was because of Jaejoong. Jaejoong is his life. Without Jaejoong, there will be no life. Damn, there will also be no Yunho.

Soft morning wind blew by. Yunho pulled Jaejoong tighter. Jaejoong would wake up if he didn’t. Yunho was aware of how Jaejoong usually whined when it was colder than his liking. To whom would he whine? To Yunho, of course. And that’s when cute pout and whining sound blend together so well.

A gentle smile grazed upon Yunho’s face at those thoughts. The 26-year-old man, for a moment, questioned himself. What did he see in Jaejoong? Is it those cute little pouts every time Jaejoong doesn’t get what he wanted? Is it his loud heart-warming laughter when he was happy? Is it the way he snuggled up to Yunho when he felt trouble? Or is it the way he fitted Yunho in every shape? Yunho chuckled.

He didn’t really know.

He loved Jaejoong more than that - more than cute pouts, cheeky laughter, or anything. He loved Jaejoong infinitely. He loved Jaejoong because of not who he was, but who Yunho was when he was with Jaejoong – that fact was what important than most of the reasons.

Yunho wasn’t the cruel gang leader when he was with Jaejoong. He wasn’t the man who would kill an innocent child whenever he wanted when he was with Jaejoong. He was not that. But that was what he actually was – before Jaejoong entered his life. And miraculously, he changed. Yunho had no idea how. One fact he knew very well now was that, he killed not when he wanted but when he needed to. He needed to kill when Jaejoong was hurt, when he was badly treated, when no one took care of Jaejoong the same as Yunho took care of him.

Yunho has leisurely changed in those amounts of time. From a heartless man to a man who would do anything for his lover. Yunho didn’t care what people might say, might think of him together with Jaejoong – a man, as long as his baby says okay to it, then nothing was going to be wrong in Yunho’s point of view.

He remembered when Jaejoong went frantic over him during the time he got sick, he got hurt. His expression also showed nothing but worry and worry. During that time, he would always cry helplessly as if he has got no chance in seeing Yunho again, as if Yunho would die at that moment. Jaejoong exaggerated too much. He cried until his voice went hoarse, his eyes went bloodshot, but he didn’t stop crying – until Yunho, with so much effort convinced that he was fine, which Jaejoong never listened to – then, until Yunho would say he will never love a person of hoarse voice and eyes red. Jaejoong abruptly stopped. His loud sobs ceased to small sniffles.

Yunho doubt if he could love Jaejoong more than he did now. He wondered if Jaejoong loved him more than he did, because Yunho admitted his love to Jaejoong is more than the word more. 

“Yunnie...I love you...” Jaejoong mumbled in his sleep.

Yunho bit his lips – hard – and squeezed Jaejoong’s small figure tighter. “Yes baby...I love you too...” a small drop of tear escaped Yunho’s eyes. Then another ...and another.

Do Jaejoong know his own words held such meaning to Yunho? Every time he said that, Yunho felt himself being lifted off his heavy burden. Do Jaejoong know?

His wet tears dropped onto Jaejoong’s skin and woken the sleeping beauty up. “Yunnie?” he pushed Yunho slightly off him to look at Yunho better. His eyes widened when he noticed the wet tears decorating the man’s cheek. “Yunnie baby? Why are you crying?” he asked as he reached out to wipe the wet tears off. “Is something wrong?”

“No baby... Nothing is wrong...” the older man replied softly as he grabbed both Jaejoong’s hand on his face and kissed the wrist.

“Then why are you crying?” Jaejoong frowned and his expression hardened.

Yunho shook his head. “It was nothing. Really...”

Jaejoong refused to believe in those words as then his lips started to trembled. And with a small pout in his lips, small ball of tears followed after.

In his state of bewilderment, Yunho smiled slightly, “Hey...” he whispered to Jaejoong’s face. “Don’t cry...” and cupped his face. But Jaejoong’s tears only flowed rapidly. “Yunnie swears it was nothing. You don’t have to cry, baby...” Yunho thumbed the tears away.

“You could just tell me what is wrong...” Jaejoong sobbed.

Smiling, Yunho rocked the fragile figure side to side.

Then a comfortable silence occupied the air before, after a few good minutes, Yunho broke into small chuckle. “Why do you always cry whenever I cry?”

Pouting, Jaejoong hit Yunho’s chest softly. “Because I don’t know what else to do...” he muttered.

Yunho laughed at the thoughtless answer.

Sun had already started to show its full profile up, showering the earth with its rich light onto the living earth. It was a beautiful sight to see, adding to that, the bundle of happiness in his arms accompanying the memorial sight. Yunho couldn’t and wouldn’t ask for me.

Because he decided, as long as Jaejoong was here, there was no point asking for more.

Chapter 11: Part 1

Jaejoong woke up due to the excessive of sunlight showered upon his body. He cracked his eyes open slowly and immediately took up his surroundings.

His room.

Yawning, the 20-year-ol d man stirred slightly, only to find that his movement was limited as something behind him straining from moving too much. He looked down and saw a pair of familiar strong arms wrapped around his small waist, a nude pair of familiar legs of the familiar man tangled with his own. Jaejoong smiled and stifled a giggle.

But despite having the deep want of staying inside his lover’s arms for the whole day, Jaejoong had to go to the bathroom to prevent him peeing on the bed. He glance a look at the peacefully sleeping figure of Yunho behind him and attempted to move up, but, as he moved, he couldn’t help but emit a very long sensuous moan. He dropped back onto the bed and writhed slightly.

And blushed deep red when he realised what happened.

Slowly, he reached out and touched his lower back, and found his assumption right.

Yunho was still deep inside him.

Jaejoong felt the limp organ shoved up his ass hitting his sensitive spot as he made a movement, - a very slight movement.

“Yun-nnie?” Jaejoong purred. But Yunho didn’t bulge a bit. Jaejoong had to shake Yunho in order for him to wake up.

Yunho squint his eyes open before Jaejoong’s face greeted his morning. “Morning...” Yunho pulled Jaejoong closer to him, oblivious to the fact that it only made his manhood buried deeper into Jaejoong.

“Ah! Yunho!”

Yunho jerked. “What?! Why?! Are you okay, baby?”

“T-take it out. Need...to...pee...” Jaejoong whimpered.

Yunho looked downward and noticed what Jaejoong had spoke about. But his devilish mind occupied his thought and he smirked.

He pulled Jaejoong closer and closer until the point where Jaejoong couldn’t take anymore of him. Then Yunho started pulling and pushing into Jaejoong. The once limp Yunho junior had regained its life when it started to harden after the night of very, very passionate night.

“Yunnie~~~” Jaejoong whined.

“Pee later...” Yunho mumbled at the juncture of Jaejoong’s neck and shoulder.

But Yunho knew, what Jaejoong wanted, he always got. That’s when Jaejoong squeezed Yunho’s member out his way in, and pushed Yunho lying flat on the bed, giggled his way to the bathroom as he grabbed the nearest clothes, which happened to be Yunho’s white working buttoned-up shirt, and closed the bathroom in the bedroom’s door shut; does Yunho regretted that single fact.

The older man of the two groaned in dismay as he looked at his now proud-looking member staring at the ceiling.

“Jaejoongie baby~~ Come out now!” he wailed and knocked to the glass door of the bathroom which was only covered with curtain from the inside. Yunho heard the sink tap running furiously then closed again after a few moments. Yunho thought that Jaejoong must be washing his face and brushing his teeth. He waited a few seconds before it was all quiet again inside.

Then the door clicked open, as if carefully Jaejoong creep out, unable to see Yunho was on the other side of the door. As Jaejoong fully emerged from the bathroom, Yunho tackled him and lifted Jaejoong on his shoulder, as if Jaejoong weighted nothing. He laughed when Jaejoong shouted a sulky, “Yah!” to him.

Yunho dropped Jaejoong’s body onto the bed, and hovered on top of him. Jaejoong looked so cute in Yunho’s white oversized shirt. This was the shirt Yunho last wore last night when he jumped onto Jaejoong – literally. The collar dishevelled, exposing Jaejoong’s neck entirely while the sleeves were too long for Jaejoong’s arms. And although the length of the shirt covered up until Jaejoong’s mid-thighs, it still looked sexy and at the same time cute to Jaejoong.

But, Jaejoong with nothing was sexier and cuter than anything else.

Yunho took no time in fumbling the buttons of the shirt open, which some of them were missed arranged. In no time, the creamy looking skin was exposed before Yunho’s pair of dark brown eyes.

“Yunnie...I’m sore... I don’t want to do this... Can’t you look at my body?” Jaejoong covered himself as his hands quickly did the buttons back, in which in vain since his skin was exposed too.

“Oh yes, I can. And I want to lick you all over...” Yunho breathed out as he caught the whiff of Jaejoong’s vanilla face-washer and his minty toothpaste.

“NO! See, you put many marks on my body...” Jaejoong pointed to his neck showing more than five love bites were printed there, “And here...” Jaejoong pouted as he pointed to his nipples, marks atop, below and on the nubs, “Then here...” he lifted the shirt and his finger trailed to area around his abdomen, “Also down here...” he showed the purplish marks the inner side, underside of his thighs. “See, Yunnie put so many already!” then he prodded his lips upwards, “Yunnie cuts my lips too, see?”

Yunho saw the thin line on Jaejoong’s lower lips and felt a little bit guilty. He reached out and thumbed the cut gently. “It hurts?” Jaejoong nodded.

“Let Yunnie heal it for you, ‘kay?” and before Jaejoong could react, Yunho kissed him fully, and gently on the lips, caressing the plump lower lip with such carefulness. And Jaejoong, drown into the sweet sensation, hooked his arms around the other man’s neck. Yunho’s hand travelled up, sneaking into the shirt, caressing the smooth thigh there and up and up and up…until he caressed the lower abdomen; causing a moan to escape Jaejoong luscious mouth and being caught by Yunho.

Realising the real situation, Jaejoong gasped and pushed Yunho away. “No! Yunnie!” he stumbled off the bed. “You did me too much last night! No! Don’t---Ahhh~ Yunnie!!” Jaejoong shrieked in glee as Yunho lifted him up effortlessly and threw him on the bed again. “Let me go~” he giggled as Yunho tickled his waist. “Hahahaha~~ Yunnie! Sto—ppp~”


Jaejoong immediately stopped and stared at the suddenly serious looking Yunho. His eyes showed fear and nothing else.

It was all silence…

…before Yunho broke into laughter.

Jaejoong pouted and hit on Yunho’s chest with his balled fist. “Meanie!” then Jaejoong pouted his way off the bed – again. And usually, when Jaejoong hopped off the bed, Yunho followed, tackled him down and threw him on the bed and Jaejoong would end up off the bed one more time – and the process repeated.

“Baby, sorry?” Yunho cooed as he stifled a chuckle and smothered kisses down Jaejoong’s jaw line.

Jaejoong just hummed. It was useless to fight against Yunho’s need when he…needs. So Jaejoong lied still and gave Yunho what he needed. Not that Jaejoong wasn’t willing though. He willed, he willed so much that the effect was affecting him alone; example: his ass was sore after six rounds of non-stop intercourses with such a horny and aggressive Yunho. Don’t just think Yunho was a gentle man, but when he needed, he must have it. And Jaejoong was his need.

“Yunnieee, gentle…”Jaejoong whimpered as the tip of Yunho’s member inching forward inside him. But Yunho didn’t listen or more like he didn’t want to listen. “Yunnieee…I said gentler… it hurts…”

“Baby, you’ll love this sweetheart…” Yunho managed to groan out.

Then, without any warning or anything that was near warning, Yunho’s phone started to ring very loudly. For once, Yunho cursed himself for not switching his phone off before his activity with Jaejoong. Yunho ignored the blaring phone for a while, but it got irritating when he couldn’t hear Jaejoong’s moans clearer than ever.

With a final thrust, Yunho came into Jaejoong and Jaejoong onto Yunho’s stomach. But the ringing tone didn’t stop. Somehow, miraculously, to Yunho, it screamed louder and louder. Yunho gave Jaejoong’s forehead a final peck before sitting on the edge of the bed and answering the phone –rudely.


‘Yunho, that isn’t the way you talk to your father.’

“Father?” Yunho saw from the corner of his eyes, the naked Jaejoong crawling up to him and settling onto his laps, his favourite spot in the world. Automatically, Yunho’s free arm curl around Jaejoong’s waist and held them from falling as Jaejoong rested both of his legs around Yunho’s hips and landed his head onto Yunho’s free shoulder. Yunho felt the familiar ticklish sensation as Jaejoong nuzzled his nose on his neck.

There was a silence as Jaejoong waited Yunho to speak to the other side of the phone. His fingers playing with the ring hooked to a necklace around Yunho’s neck. 

A couple minutes later, Yunho hung up and placed the phone back on the bedside table. Then, playing with Jaejoong’s black locks, rubbing and ruffling affectionately, sometimes planting kisses up to the latter’s face.

“What did your father say?”

Yunho sighed.

“Yunnie?” Jaejoong rubbed Yunho’s bare chest slowly as he waited for an answer.

“I love you, baby-ahh…”


“If something happens, I’ll always love you. And I won’t forgive nor forget someone who hurts you.”

“Yunnie, something’s wrong?” Jaejoong pushed himself off Yunho slightly and looked at Yunho, confusion written all over his face.

Yunho just smiled and shook his head, mouthing a ‘nothing,’ and kissed Jaejoong’s pinkish lips.

But deep down inside of Jaejoong, he knew when a nothing from Yunho was usually, actually something. And he intended to find out. No matter what it caused.

No one should say anything about it. That’s just our Yunnie’s babyJae.

Chapter 12: Part 2

When Yunho’s father called him this morning, Yunho knew something must have happened. It’s either, his father wanted to meet him and talk about either of two topics which had always been; 1) telling him about his responsibility to the company and clan or 2) getting married. Either way, Yunho didn’t find any comfort in any of those two. That’s why when the said father demanded his son to pay him a visit at Kwangju, Yunho just knew, he really needed to bring Jaejoong along. Maybe he could distract him from being in such horrible depression or maybe Jaejoong could just stay still beside him, just being the Jaejoong Yunho loved. And then, everything will go perfectly fine.

As Yunho stepped down the stairs after having a shower and dressed up rather casually, he saw Jaejoong being the lazy bum he always had, lying on his stomach on the couch, lags dangling messily as he watched the TV with such no interest and sometimes Yunho caught him yawning fiercely. That’s when Yunho regretted what he had done to Jaejoong this morning. No one could take more than six rounds in a single go!

‘Such a horny man you are, Yunho!’ Yunho mentally said before plopping down onto his knees in front of Jaejoong.

“Baby? Tired?” Yunho asked in whispery, caressing the still sleepy boy’s black shiny hair.

“Just a little bit,” Yunho was glad today was Sunday - Means to school for Jaejoong, less work for Yunho.

“Baby, we could head to bed again, if you’re still sleepy,” being the caring boyfriend Yunho was, he cradled Jaejoong’s small figure onto his arms, then letting the younger boy’s head slid down, resting peacefully on top of his laps.

“No… Just need a little rest,” before the beautiful doe eyes closed fluidly.

Yunho hummed an understanding but, knowing he had to spill the beans now or else he’ll forget to do it later. “Sweetheart,” Yunho said softly. “You know, my father called. He said he wanted to meet me. I was wondering if you want to go with me?”

Jaejoong’s eyes snapped open. “When?”

“He said today, but, if you’re still tired maybe we could go on another day…” Jaejoong was now sitting facing Yunho, nervousness evident in his eyes.

Yunho realised Jaejoong had never had a chance meeting his father as he was always busy, his father always busy and Jaejoong always…Jaejoong. So, Yunho couldn’t sneak some time introducing Jaejoong to his father although he knew, his father would never allow such intimacy between two men. How philosophic his father was? Yunho didn’t know how. The only thing he knew about that man was that, he was all about money, and company, and responsibility. Yunho never sensed any love showered upon him since his mother died a long time ago. But Yunho went for the fact of that’s that. He couldn’t change anything but obeyed.

“Today?” Yunho nodded and kissing the other’s temple affectionately which every time he did when Jaejoong had the beautiful thinking face on.

“Yeah, today… You haven’t met my father and so does he. So, maybe I could introduce you to each other?” Yunho waited for a moment before Jaejoong finally replied.

“Oh, okay then…”


And that led to Yunho driving his car straight to his hometown from Seoul as Jaejoong sat on the passenger seat next to him, fiddling nervously with his fingers and head hung slightly down. The younger man settled himself with proper clothing – not too formal but not too casual also. They say first impression was the most important to concern about so, Jaejoong had nothing to say against that and obeyed.

Yunho chuckled when he saw Jaejoong fidgeting constantly non-stop. He placed a comforting hand on top of Jaejoong’s hands as the other hand keeping the steering wheel still. “It’s going to be okay. He won’t bite,” Yunho whispered comfortingly.

Jaejoong, taking that as a full understatement, still couldn’t help but to feel nervousness swelling inside of him every second passed by. Yunho squeezed the trembling hand affectionately and mumbled another sweet, gentle nothings.


Jaejoong gawked in awe as the car finally stopped after hours and hours of driving. The car stopped directly in front of a wooden gate as the gate slowly opened, revealing a very large, luxuriant traditional palace which was enveloped by a 2 metres brick blocks. (A/N: I don’t how to describe, but you get the idea, didn’t you?).

“This is your home?!” Jaejoong said, surprised, to the man beside him.

“Used to be… Now, it’s my father’s home…”

Jaejoong nodded, mouth forming an ‘O’ of astonishment. “This is big!” he exclaimed excitedly. From a far, he could see couple of woman in traditional hanbok doing their things. He spotted so many traditional things as if modern world didn’t exist. Without him realising, Yunho had already parked the car in the middle of the spacious centre and went to the other side, opening the car door for Jaejoong.

“You can stop gaping now, baby. Or I’m just going to kiss that mouth shut.” Yunho said when Jaejoong’s jaw refused to close shut. He helped Jaejoong exited the car, and almost immediately, the nervous feeling was greeting Jaejoong again.

“What if he doesn’t like me a bit?” the younger boy asked as his hand clinging on Yunho’s arm.

“Nonsense. He’ll like you, I’m sure of that…”

Oh, how wrong Yunho was.


The sliding paper door opened. Yunho and Jaejoong took off their shoes as was directed with one of the lady in the house. Yunho couldn’t remember her as one of the house employees since Yunho had never stepped inside this house ever again ever since his father gave the company and the clan under Yunho’s guidance. 
The grip on his arm’s tightened when they stepped in the house. Yunho patted the hand with assurance that no one was going to ever hurt him.

“You could wait here, Young Master, while I inform Master about your presence,” Yunho nodded before the lady disappeared into another room. 

Soon after Yunho and Jaejoong seated themselves on the soft cushion, the lady appeared back, telling that it was okay to enter Yunho’s father’s study room.

The moment Jaejoong stepped onto the carpeted floor of the said room, he immediately saw an old man – around fifties to sixties, staring intensely on him from the knee-length table. At that moment, Jaejoong was sure he was Yunho’s father he was seeing as he had exactly the same features Yunho had, just far older than Yunho. Jaejoong’s hand dropped to his sides quickly as to not bring up any weird ideas into the elder’s head.

“Annyonghasimika, (sp?) father…” Yunho’s voice woke Jaejoong up from his far, far trance. He notice Yunho was bowing 90 degrees before his father, so, not knowing what else to do, Jaejoong followed, only a little bit clumsy and…unnatural.

“Sit Yunho and…whoever you are…” the father gestured to Yunho and Jaejoong, nodding to the two empty cushion in front of the table. Somehow, Jaejoong caught the familiar firmness in Yunho’s father’s voice and couldn’t help but wonder if that usual firmness Yunho had was inherited from the father. Jaejoong didn’t know.

Finally, they were seated in front of the elder, face-to-face, gaze-to-gaze. “This is Kim Jaejoong, father.” Yunho introduced swiftly. However, the of subject didn’t reply anything, just sparing a quick glance towards Jaejoong without less-to-none interest when Jaejoong was bowing to him, showing him his full respect.

“What is it that you want to tell me, father?” Yunho questioned.

“I was hoping we could talk this matter alone. But since you bought a company with you, I’ll just tell the exact thing. The Han clan----”

“No father! How many times do I have to tell you, that I don’t want anything to do with that shit’s daughter?!”

Jaejoong was startled by the loud voice.

“Yunho! You don’t tell me what to do, what not to do! I am the one who is and who will arrange everything for you! You’ve got nothing to say about that and you will listen to your father and no one gets hurt!”

Jaejoong was beyond fear at the commotion. And he was confused….

“Look father---” not long before Yunho could be able to complete his sentence, his phone rang. Inwardly, he cursed at the person who was having the bravery to disturb his moment. But nevertheless, he had to pick up or else he’ll miss something that might be quite important. “Give me a second. I’ll be back,” the brown-haired man gave Jaejoong a gentle squeeze on his hand before he exited the room – leaving Jaejoong and the father – alone.

“So you said your name is Kim Jaejoong?” for the first time, the older Jung spoke to the bewildered man.

“Yes, Mr. Jung.” The answer came rather spluttered.

“What do you do, boy?”

“Umm…I’m still in college…” Jaejoong replied, heads hung down.

“So you’re younger than Yunho?” the firm voice evident.

“Y-Yes, sir…”

“What do your parents do?” for a moment, Jaejoong just hoped this was all over and Yunho could come through the door and quit the tense atmosphere.

“I’m an orphan…”

“I guessed right…” the older man mumbled. “Look at you, you look likes some kind piece of shit coming out from dumping area,” that hurt Jaejoong a lot. But he still kept his head down. Afraid if he looked up, he might just break down from that tactless comment. “So you live in orphanage?”



“….I live with Yunho.”

“What? Yunho never told me he had company in Seoul. As far as I know, Yunho lives alone. What is your relationship with Yunho, anyway?”


“Speak up, boy!” Mr. Jung snapped. “I can’t hear you. Are you telling me you are his whore? His plaything? And you brain-washed him so that he would never obey his own father again? Speak up!”

“…I’m his lover.”

“Okay, what?! You’re telling me you are his lover? Oh no, boy. There is no way. I knew my son very well. He would never fancy a man or even worse a lot younger man than he is. You’re not his lover because you know what?! Because he is getting married sooner, with a girl whom he had been engaged to since he was born. And you, you can pack your things and leave!” The older man barked, which caused Jaejoong to jerk back in surprise. If he was to be insult any longer, he would break into tears in no time. His lips already trembling and his body shook with suppressed sobs.

The only thing he wanted now was Yunho. Just Yunho.

“Listen here boy, I know what is in your mind. You want money, right? Then you’ll have it. Just leave Yunho alone and fuck off. Because he doesn’t need a filthy looking person like you for him to look after. He’ll have his own family soon. And he’ll be happy like that. So, why don’t you seduce another man and leave Yunho alone. Just tell me how much you need it. Tell me, who pay for your studies?”
“…Yunho,” Jaejoong’s voice cracked up.

“Your clothes?”


“Your food?”


“Your every day needs?”


“You know it yourself. You are not a lover, boy. You’re someone who is acting as lover in attempt to drain every single cent in Yunho’s pocket. That fact alone tells you who you really are to him! I’m sure Yunho would leave you in no matter of time anyway. So why don’t you spare the heart-breaking moment and just be gone?”

Countless drops of tears already escaped Jaejoong’s eyes. He can’t take this any longer. For someone who didn’t know his true love for Yunho, judging on how Jaejoong’s acting, on how he should be acting, judging the self that Jaejoong really wasn’t, these were all too much!

But…maybe Yunho’s father was right.
Maybe Jaejoong wasn’t a real lover, maybe he was just someone who was leeching on someone’s wealthy –like Yunho – for his own needs.


Just a possibly maybe.

“Jaejoong!” Yunho rushed inside the room. Oh, how he took so long to answer the damn phone! “Father! What are you doing?” Yunho asked as he cradled the slumped figure of Jaejoong inside his arms.

“Just telling him the truth. You should marry HanJoong, Yunho.”

“Father! For the thousandth times, I’ll not marry to someone I don’t love!”

“Yunho, this for your future. You should be responsible. You have the company and clan under your nose. You can’t just brush it off like it was nothing. And by that you should marry HanJoong so that our clan and her family could unite,”

“Father, I don’t give a damn about that stupid company or the fucking clan!” It was evident that Yunho’s eyes showed nothing but fury. “It’s my future, so back off, father. I can do anything I want and I won’t do anything I don’t want. That’s my decision! If marriage is the only thing to save both the clans the fuck off. Because I don’t care what would happen to it and to the clan! I don’t give a damn, father, I don’t give a damn. And you won’t too because both the company and clans are under my hands already, so, you have no more share father. If I wish, I will just cut off your tie with the money I hardly work for and leave you suffocating because you no longer had your little piece of money anymore and die mercilessly.” 
“Don’t be cruel, Yunho. That’s not how I teach you to be.”

“Oh, believe me; I can be crueler than I am now because that was actually what you’ve taught me since the beginning. And I don’t give a damn about that!” Yunho could never be any more angry and pissed than he is right now.

With that, Yunho left the room, dragging Jaejoong off by the wrist.


The ride home was silent.

Jaejoong had his head bowed down the entire ride, and sometimes Yunho caught his shoulder shook ever slightly. Right then, Yunho knew he was holding back his hurtful tears. Small sobs escaping Jaejoong’s lips, and Yunho found himself getting worried each second.

He wanted to say something, at least something. But his tongue was stiffed. He wanted to comfort Jaejoong and said to forget all those tactless insults his father thrown at him. But Yunho was angry, himself. Angry at his father. Angry at himself.

The grip on the steering wheel tautened and Yunho could feel him wrist breaking. He was so angry at his father. He didn’t care if the man kept forcing Yunho to marry, or, when the man just talked too much about the responsibility Yunho carried. Saying harsh things to Jaejoong was just too much.

They reached the house finally and it was nearing the edge of the evening and night would come soon after.

Yunho tried to grasp for Jaejoong’s hand but the latter had had moved too quickly.

“I’m tired and I want to go to bed.” The sentence barely reached Yunho’s ears but he caught it perfectly anyway. The voice sounds hurtful and cracky. Yunho tried to protest and said something but the younger man had already departed from the car and headed to the house.

Yunho’s watched as Jaejoong’s slumped figure slowly making its way to the door, as if, screaming to be hold and to be comforted. Yunho’s heart broke seeing Jaejoong in such a fragile state. However, a piece of his mind was telling him to stay put and let Jaejoong calm down. Because he needed nothing in this state except peacefulness. Even if Yunho talked to him this second, it would not bring any benefit to him as Jaejoong tend to bawl his eyes out with crying and wailing about how he didn’t deserve living in this world, which he did every time he felt down. So the best thing to do now was to wait and let Jaejoong have his privacy.


Three hours later, around 8.pm, Yunho walked into his shared room with Jaejoong. The first thing that greeted his eyes was darkness of the surrounding in the room. Faint sniffs could be heard at the centre of the room where the bed is placed.

Yunho walked in further until he reached the edge of the bed, looking downward and found Jaejoong wrapped entirely like a cocoon by the thick white blanket, only a small hint of his black hair peeking out from the edge.

The late-twenties man squatted down until he was sitting on the floor facing a part of Jaejoong that he was sure was Jaejoong’s face. He reached out and caressed the hair until finally, ever-so-slowly; the blanket was being pulled down a bit, only leaving two bloodshot large-doe eyes staring at him with sadness.

“Yunnieee…” Jaejoong croaked out. Wide eyes staring at Yunho, the long lashes Yunho adored so much, sticking together because of the wetness. And Yunho found his heart clenched and twisted in a painful grasp.

“Baby, forget about what my father said. He didn’t mean anything he said. Believe me.” Yunho offered gently.

“But he seemed to mean it. He said I’m just a man who drained your money out. And I don’t suit to have a relationship with you.” Yunho heard the words muffled by the blanket covering Jaejoong’s mouth.

Yunho scooted closer until his face was just an inch away from Jaejoong’s half covered one. “Nonsense. You know I love you and nothing is going to change that, not even my father. I don’t care if you drained my money out, because that’s just the way I spoilt you. And you know I love spoiling you, right baby?”

“I love you too…” hearing this expected response, Yunho smiled and buried his face on Jaejoong’s hair. “But, if you are really needed to marry another woman, then, I can pack my things and leave…”

This time Yunho stared at Jaejoong dumbly. “Hey, what are you saying? You won’t leave this place ever. And I won’t marry anyone else but you. Nail that in your thick head, sweetheart.”

“But your father said, an orphan like me who looks like shit coming from dumpsite don’t meddle with someone like you,” Jaejoong was on the edge of tearing up again, “He said that like I have no rights to be with you…” and he did.

“Don’t listen to whatever that old man said. He was just trying to hurt you.” Yunho coos, bringing himself up the bed, landed beside Jaejung and cradled the crying man up his arms. “Let’s just forget this, alright my baby? I’ll talk to him on other day and convince him of how wonderful my sweetheart is. He’ll buy it all at once. I promise you.”

“What if he doesn’t?” Jaejoong’s body trembled as he sobs.

“Baby, when I said I promise to you, I don’t just say it to make you happy. I’m a man of promise, baby. Don’t you know?”

For the first time today, Jaejoong giggled and immediately, the atmosphere lightened, “Man of promise? My ass!”


“Yah~~~” Jaejoong whined childishly. “Pervert!”


“Shut up~”
“I’m not going to and what are you going to do about it?” Yunho chuckled seeing the familiar cute pout forming on Jaejoong’s pink lips.

Jaejoong didn’t reply, instead he just snuggled more inside Yunho’s warmth, feeling that there was no any place safer and protected that he was in Yunho’s strong arms. For once Jaejoong thought, he didn’t care what anyone else said and thought about his relationship with Yunho. Be it any good or any bad, he didn’t want to care about it at all. Because he loved Yunho and no one can change that fact forever. And he would never let go of him at any cost of his life. Because he simply loved Yunho in a complicated way.

“Make you love me more.”

“Gladly!” and Yunho kissed those protruding off.

Chapter 13: Part 1

Heavy breaths mingled thickly in the air as the pair of lover panted for the very much needed oxygen. Jaejoong didn’t know since when kisses from Yunho could be very this aggressive, desperate, and possessive; as if wanting to mark Jaejoong as his for the world to see, not that he hasn’t when in fact everyone in this world might have known from the beginning of who Jaejoong belonged to.

Foreheads pressed against each other as they parted. And they remained still for a few moments before Yunho started speaking, voice husky and low. “I’d love to continue--”

“--But you have to go,” Jaejoong continued and slightly pulled himself out of Yunho’s brace. “And you should go,” he said as he straightened Yunho’s suit and fixed the tie for him.

“Not before I see the sullen face disappears,”

Jaejoong pouted, “I’m not sulking!”

“Then stop pouting…” Yunho teased lightly.

“I am not pouting,” but somehow Jaejoong’s lips still remained puckered and pursed, brows arched in annoyance. “And you better get going or else you might miss your flight.”

“And how about you? Will you miss me?” Yunho whispered lowly as his arms winded themselves around Jaejoong’s small, delicate waist. “Because I’ll be gone and you’ll be all alone. No Yunnie to kiss his Joongie to sleep.”

“Oh, shut up. You’re not going forever. It’s just a week trip. By the time you reach here, I won’t even remember that you ever gone.” Jaejoong knew how much lie he put into that sentence.

“Say that’s not true…” Yunho pulled Jaejoong closer to him and whispered into his ears, “…because I’ll be missing you like heaven and hell put together.”

And only by that sentence alone, Jaejoong melted into Yunho’s arms, feeling light-headed and breathing in the scent of heaven. He didn’t know he was loved that much.

Burying his face into Yunho’s face, totally ignorance about where they were at the moment, Jaejoong suddenly felt his chest constricted and his eyes welled up with tears. Winding his arms around Yunho’s neck, and bringing himself closer to Yunho, he knew one fact that he didn’t want Yunho go just yet.

“I’ll miss you too, so very damn much…” he sobbed.

Yunho chuckled which earned himself a weak slap on the shoulder. “Good to know. And if we are going at this rate, I’ll be missing my flight for sure.”

“Then, so be it,” was the bratty answer from Jaejoong.

Yunho laughed heartedly again and pushed Jaejoong slightly away from him. Cupping his face between both his palms, Yunho locked his gaze with Jaejoong’s eyes. “I’ll call you, alright baby?”

With such innocence look, Jaejoong hesitantly said, “Can’t you just…like...don’t go?”

Yunho sighed dreamily at Jaejoong’s action, “You know how important this deal to me, baby. So, just please bear with this for a week, alright? Besides like what my smartass baby said, by the time I’m back, you won’t even remember I ever gone.”

Puffing his cheeks, Jaejoong stubbornly nodded. “Fine. You can go now. I’ll wait for you.”

Smiling, Yunho brought his face near Jaejoong’s and give the shorter man a light peck on the lips. Giving it a last lick, Yunho pulled away and tear himself away from the hold, hands still intertwined with Jaejoong’s. “I’ll be going now. I love you.” He said as the announcement of Yunho’s flight could be heard.

Somehow, goodbyes have never been this meaningless before.


It was the second week Yunho been away to China. China was famous for its underground organizations amongst the internationals and that’s was one of the reason why Yunho thought he must enter their good book list. His deal with the dark organization there had gone down very smoothly. Both parties were able to tolerate each other’s demand without going up onto each others’ neck.

Although Yunho’s trip should last for two weeks but he couldn’t afford to be away from his lover any longer. That’s why he found himself ordering Siwon to book for the nearest plane ticket back to Korea.

But somehow he got disappointed when he was informed the latest plane had already left China and the nearest would be the morning of the next day. And that was when Yunho regretted for not buying the private jet he was once offered.

“Hey baby…” Yunho spoke into the phone while strolling around the park near the hotel. The only sources providing him warmth from the chilly night were the thick sweater and the voice of his lover.

“Yun~~” the sultry voice reach Yunho’s ear. A series of laughter echoed in the background.

“Who was that?”

“Ohh~ Chunnie and Su. I’m sleeping over. It’s so lonely at home.” Yunho could hear the pout from the other end and chuckled.

“Sorry love...” Yunho said as he settled himself onto one of the benches. “I promise I’ll be home before you knew it.”He heard the other hummed uninterestedly, a sign he was annoyed. At that Yunho smiled and spoke softly, “Hey, I love you.”

“I know. Bye!” then Jaejoong suddenly hung up.

Yunho frowned at the phone and laughed gently. ‘My baby is such a spoilt brat!’

Unknown to him, a man settled himself on the bench where Yunho was seated. He seemed to be a middle- aged man with thick clothes sheltering his body from the cold. Yunho spared a glance towards him and found the man smiling at him and Yunho couldn’t help but smiled back. The man’s smile reminded Yunho of how his father usually smiled at him when he was little; soft, gentle and loving. Not like now. The old-lad wouldn’t even look at him nowadays.

“Your lover?” the man, in slightly accented Korean, said as he gestured to the phone Yunho was handling.

Yunho nodded politely and decided he enjoyed the man’s company. “In Korea. Says he missed me.”

The man sighed, “I used to have a Korean as a lover too.” As he said this, his gaze wondered up the dark sky. A thin white fog escaped his mouth as he exhales.

“What happened?”

It was a few moment of silence, as if the man contemplating the right words to say. “I…I missed my chance.” Then he faced towards Yunho. Only then Yunho saw the sadness in the man’s eyes. He was handsome, had a Chinese face, an obvious fact that Chinese blood running down his vein, but somehow, he seemed burdened and simply…exhausted. “She was my everything. Everything she wanted, I gave her although it cost my life. She was beautiful…so, so beautiful. The way her eyes shine, her face lit up when I gave her what she wanted made my day easier, made my life…worth living.”

Yunho understood that because that was exactly what he thought about Jaejoong.

“Then things got hard,” he gazed back dreamily into the starry black sky. “But she was always with me. Encouraging me, pushing me to my best, and simply being there for me.

“I succeeded. I’m successful now. But each day I got busier, with the business up and down, non-stop calls, meetings…everything, I unconsciously neglected her. Each day, we grew apart, the non-existent distance widened until…I lost it all.

“I tried coming back to her but she said we won’t be able to work things out anymore. She said I seemed to not love anymore, not care about her. Bullshit.” His voice cracked as he forced a bitter laugh out. And Yunho brought himself nearer to the man, as if he might break down any moment. “I love her more than anything. I care for her. That’s the reason I worked so hard. But God didn’t seem to understand me. And took her away from me.”

“She passed away?” Yunho croaked out

“Cancer. Brain cancer. The critical level and I didn’t even know about it. Operation was futile. I tried bringing her to the best doctor in the world but she refused. Said it was useless. When the doctor confirmed she only had few days, she wanted a last wish. She wanted to marry me, on her death bed. But I couldn’t refuse. Not when she was in that state, waiting for death to consume her. If only I can trade our places.”

“Then you married her?”

The man just smiled bitterly before looking at Yunho for a few seconds. “I’m too late. When I opened the ward door, her heart had already stopped beating. That’s the last time I saw her and I never think I can be in love ever again unless it’s her.” The man sighed and rubbed his palms together then he smiled heartedly at Yunho. “So grab your chance, young man. Show him you love him even until you suffocated him with your confession. It’ll worth it. Trust me.”

The last sentence put Yunho face beaming with dreamily grin. Jaejoong… “Definitely…”

“Well then,” suddenly he stood up, “I think it’s late and you better get going before you catch a cold.” That put Yunho springing up to his feet.

“Uh yeah. Nice meeting you then….”

“Yunhao. Zhang Yunhao,” the old man introduced before retreating away.

And Yunho was left behind; eyes widened and heart skipped beating momentarily.



“Are you asleep?”

“What do you want?”

Laugh. “Talk to me, baby.”

“I’m tryin’ to sleep.” Mumble. Mumble.

“I miss your voice. Please, sweetheart.”

Grumble. “You talk,” Yawn. “I’ll listen.”

Sigh. “I’m sorry, baby. It’s just that…I just miss you so much.” Silence. Exhale. “It’s alright then. Go to sleep, love. I’ll just call you tomorrow. Love you.” Smooch.

“Love you too.” Smooch. Click.

Yunho was restless. Sleepless. And bothered.

The encounter between him and…the man fresh in his mind. And their conversation bothered him. All about the background information of Zhang Yunhao seemed to clash coincidently. With him always busy. With his lover being so beautiful and so alike Jaejoong. Of how his view about Jaejoong was the same with Yunhao’s view of his lover. But what bothered Yunho the most was of how their love life ended just like that. Of how they were drew apart when Yunhao abandoned her. Of how Yunhao missed his chance proving his love to his lover. And of how their names coincidently being the same. That didn’t mean their fate was the same, was it? It wasn’t, right?

Of course it wasn’t. Yunho snorted at his thought. He, Jung Yunho, loves Kim Jaejoong. And nothing will throw them apart.

And he will not miss his chance. He will never. And that was why he cancelled tomorrow plane ticket.

Chapter 14: Part 2

Since morning, Jaejoong had been feeling giddy all along. From jumping off the bed from sleeping - hair dishevelled and cheek flushed – to attending his morning classes like it was the best thing that ever happened to him. Even his lecturer seemed befuddled at his non-stop overly sweet smile he threw everyone with. Even Yoochun and Junsu for once thought Jaejoong was overly hyper today. But knowing Yoochun and Junsu as his best buddies, they somehow knew what caused Jaejoong this happy.

Yunho was coming home today, late evening after his complete two weeks trip.


That afternoon, after persuading Yoochun and Junsu to cover for the next class, Jaejoong found himself escaping from college, going back home and ushering any maids in the kitchen out. He wanted to make a surprise for Yunho. He could at least do that to welcome him home.

So after changing into his short and his favourite over-sized t-shirt, he rummaged through the kitchen cabinet, fridge, and drawers searching for anything that could help him out.

Yunho was supposed to be back around 7pm. So maybe he could arrive there around 6pm. All in all, he at least had 5 hours to do anything he wanted in the kitchen. 5 hours was an enough time to prepare anything, he thought. And the problem was, what will he be cooking?


Yunho grinned as he gazed onto the wallpaper of his phone and onto the red velvety box in his hand.
He decided to shift his flight to earlier one than planned. He told Jaejoong he’ll be back at around 7pm – if he followed the original flight – but he decided that maybe Jaejoong deserved a little surprise. Or maybe a lot of it…


This will be the third attempt and none seemed to be working right. The first cake tasted like socks put into an oven, the second one looked like it had been smashed by ten elephants meanwhile the third one looked like it had been burned by thousands degree flowing lava.

Just when he thought he could bake something.

Jaejoong sighed. To start another one will be disaster because it was already 4.30pm. And looking at the kitchen, Jaejoong bet he couldn’t even pin-point where the stove is located. Everywhere was a mess. The flour seemed like grain of snow on the ground, and there were at least a dozen of eggs smashed on the floor, it’s yellow and white part mixed together making them like yucky, slimy alien thing. And a broken glass bowl near the sink. Three unsuccessful – Jaejoong wouldn’t put them as cakes – things on the table together with melted butter, bottles of turned-over food colourings and this green thing he couldn’t put a name of it.

“Ahhhhhh!” he yelled, frustrated, and dropped onto a chair, burying his head onto his open palm, unaware of the white-substance on his hands. He exhaled loudly before pulling onto his silky raven hair.

This was a total disaster. Just when he thought surprise for Yunho would be a better pay-off for his hardworking.


Jaejoong jerked from his seat and found himself face to face with Yunho. “Yunnie…”

“What…happened in here?” he asked hesitantly, watching as Jaejoong’s lips started to quiver and his eyes tearing up.

Forgetting his current state, altogether messy and dirty, Jaejoong jumped into Yunho’s arms, sending Yunho stumbling backwards a few steps before fully gaining balance and having Jaejoong tearing up inside his arms. Aware, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

“You didn’t say you would be coming home early. I’m…I…I was preparing for a surprise,” he replied between hiccoughs and Yunho had to push him away a little to look at him, and being greeted with Jaejoong with white powdery substances pasted on his face. “You worked so hard and I…I just want you to feel it all worth it. And why didn’t you tell you’ll be back early?!”

“You know you didn’t have to do all this…” Yunho answered, an amused smile tugging his lips as he wiped off Jaejoong’s face with his sleeve. “….and I thought I might want to give you a surprise too,” then, kissing Jaejoong full on the lips.

“Let’s get washed up, alright? Then, we can have dinner out. I missed eating with you and… you.” And that caught Jaejoong giggling like a hormonal teenage-girl at once.


The dinner went well. The meal was delicious. The wine was exquisite. And the evening couldn’t get lovelier.

After the dinner though, Yunho suggested that they took a stroll near the Han River in which Jaejoong agreed to. To be able to spend the night with Yunho on a romantic night, Jaejoong felt his stomach full with wild butterflies. And he shyly smiled at that. Never had he thought after spending many years with Yunho, he still felt like a girl waiting for a man on a prom night. It felt wonderful.

“I met a man in China,” Yunho suddenly broke the warm silence and tugged Jaejoong closer by his hand, “He had a hard life.”

“Ung?” Jaejoong eyes widened in confusion as he looked upwards to meet Yunho’s gaze.

“He lost the love of his life because of his carelessness. And he regretted his mistake so much.” By now, Yunho had already wrapped his arms around Jaejoong’s delicate waist in a loving embrace as he rested his chin atop his shoulder, having his mouth near Jaejoong’s ear as he told him the rest of the story while gazing onto the calm water.

But before he knew it, the moment he finished the story, Jaejoong had already had tears streaming down his face. “That was so sad…” and Yunho let the tears flow.

“After that I was left thinking,” Yunho continued. “What would I do if that happens to me? What would you do? Then I got my answer, because those things will never happen to us. I would never neglect you, no matter what happens because you are a part of me. I am a part of you. Neglecting you means neglecting myself. And that wouldn’t happen, because you are me. Do you hear me?” A pair of glimmering and watery eyes looked at Yunho with such an understanding. And Yunho found himself falling more in love with the boy in front of him. The arms locked around Jaejoong tightened. “That one time, I wondered what would happen to us in the future. Will us still be the same? Will you still be with me? I closed my eyes. I wanted to feel them. I wanted to know.” Yunho paused momentarily, before cupping Jaejoong’s face between his palms. “But I couldn’t see us.”

Jaejoong gasped.

“Because all I can see is you. Your smiles, your laughter, your tears…all you. And that put me into realization of how much I want you to be with me in the future. I want to be happy because of you, to be mad at you, to be worried about, to get jealous over a simple thing because of you, to get possessive over you, all simply because I so damn in love with you. So, Kim Jaejoong…” and suddenly, the warmth on his cheeks disappeared. And he found Yunho kneeling in front of him, an open red velvety box presented before him “…will you marry me?”


---The morning when Yunho cancelled his flight----

“…Here.” A thick black book was shoved onto Siwon’s, Yunho’s assistant, hands. Turning around and standing rigidly in front of the glass-panel window, over-viewing China busy city from the 53th level of it’s magnificent hotel, Yunho shoved his hands into his pockets, vapour forming on the glass as he exhaled.

Bewildered, Siwon tried to ask but halted his action when he turned the black book over to its cover. Eyes immediately widened he realized what it was.

“I think I have enough. And from now on, I want you to handle it like how I handled it. For years, you’ve been working hard around me. You know how businesses supposed to be handled. You know how I worked to strive for what I always want. And I know you are capable of doing that as well.” Yunho spoke casually.

Still in his state of shock, Siwon attempted to reply, mouth already hanging open before he closed it again. For once, he did look like a dying fish. “But you worked hard for this…”

Throwing Siwon a sly smile, he said, “I think it’s time for me to retire.”

“How about the company?”

Yunho sighed, “It was my father’s once. God knows how hell will break lose if he finds out I give the company up. So, I’ll still be managing the company.”

“…But are you sure? Our group had been increasing growing these times---”

“That’s why I’m giving it to you. Seeing how you work, you’ll manage big time! And I’ll be informing the rest of the group when I get back to Korea.”

“Are you going to be around?”

Yunho stared to nowhere, “…I don’t think so. I’m giving it fully to you. I trust you. Besides…I still have a proposal to plan….”


Yunho didn’t need an answer as when Jaejoong threw himself all over Yunho’s body. That symbolized more than a ‘yes’ for Jaejoong.

For all the preparations he made in China, they all worth it. The reason Yunho stayed behind at China and called his ticket reservation when he had a chance going back home was because of this. He wanted to get everything done perfectly. He had made a reservation at Church, get the ring designed and picked, a matching suit readied, invitations for their wedding, tickets for their honeymoon, everything, in just a week. And of course, if Jae had a protest to that, he would have cancelled all of them. All of that in a week, that’s nearly impossible. But with him being Jung Yunho, that were just as easy as saying nothing.

“So, is that a yes? Or what, baby?” he teased slightly, earning him a pout and tearful eyes.

“That’s definitely a yes, Yunnie!” Jaejoong exclaimed heartedly. And as if on cue, Yunho grabbed Jaejoong’s hand and slid the diamond-platinum ring in Jaejoong’s fourth finger. And it fit perfectly.

Jaejoong, at once was in awe as he gazed the jewellery. It was beyond simple in Jaejoong’s dictionary. The ring was so beautiful with its shining diamond and design and just how it complimented his skin very well. It was so beautiful that Jaejoong just forgot how to breathe.

“Yunnie, it’s beautiful. Thank you so much…” he breathed out, kissing Yunho’s jaw line gently. In which Yunho replied with kissing Jaejoong’s knuckled, just below the ring was in.

“You’re welcome. Let me see…” he said before he took Jaejoong’s hand and spread the palm in the air, standing behind Jaejoong, his head beside Jaejoong’s as his expression changed and softened when he finally realised how beautiful it looked on Jaejoong. No matter how many stars there were tonight, the moment Jaejoong’s raised his hand, the diamond twinkled brightly – brighter than the stars, gorgeous than anything. And that was how their love supposed to be. “Yeah, it is so beautiful…”


Bright rays sneaked through the curtains and hit Jaejoong’s angelic flawless face square, sending him groaning in annoyance. Snuggling closer to the body he found warmth, Jaejoong tried to find sleep one more time but in avail when the morning light wouldn’t seem to leave him alone. So, he just gave up and cracked his eyes open, but remained closer with his lover’s bare body. Thighs overlapped each others with his lovers, a hand around the muscled waist as his head lay peacefully atop the other’s beating heart. He grinned idiotically to himself when he thought he heard the heartbeat he was hearing screaming out his own name. Ahh, so much in love!

Then his thought drifted to last night memory. They had settled everything last night. Their wedding ceremony will be held a directly a week after his graduation, that was supposed to be at the end of this month. His friends will be attending, few of his teachers, groups of Yunho’s business partners, Yunho’s relatives, and if they were lucky enough, they can persuade Yunho’s father into attending it. But then again, Yunho, last night, said, even if Mr. Jung didn’t allow the marriage, they will still be carrying on with it. But he couldn’t be anymore glad when Yunho told him he had given up his gang to Siwon.

But there was one problem. Jaejoong didn’t like the honeymoon place. He thought that place was so scorching hot and not romantic. So after much hassle, because Jaejoong couldn’t seem to pick between Paris, New York, Sydney, Tokyo, Milan, Hong Kong, Bali, Rome, Hawaii and many other places he wanted to go, so Yunho shut him up with a kiss and said, “Alright, we’ll travel around the world for months. Now, can we continue, please?” as his hands started unbuckling the troublesome of Jaejoong’s belt.

Lifting his hand, Jaejoong decided that he couldn’t get enough with staring at the little piece of jewel clinging onto his ring finger. He loved it very much and after Yunho told him that it only took them week to design it, Jaejoong didn’t believe it at all because the ring looked like it had been perfected for years. It was so flawless and unique and only late last night did he realised the craving inside the ring, ‘Jung Yunho’s’. Yunho also showed him his ring with more manly design - not that he was saying his was girly, but more towards femininely designed – and a craving too, ‘Jung Jaejoong’s’.

“Loving the ring very much?” Jaejoong was very much startled at the sudden familiar voice and realised he woke Yunho up with his grinning, smiling and so much giggling.

“Morning~ Did I wake you up?” he said and gave a peck to Yunho’s nose before going down his lips and chin.

“Yeah. You were so noise. You should overcome this habit of giggling to yourself, baby.” Yunho replied carelessly, sleepiness still evident in his voice.

“Sorry… You can continue sleeping. I’ll watch you.”

“Don’t want to sleep anymore. Besides, we are going somewhere today.”

“We are?” God, Yunho thought, Jaejoong couldn’t be any cuter than this.

“We are.”

“Where to?”

“That’ll be a surprise.”

“Stop surprising me! You and your surprises since yesterday…they…surprised me…”

Yunho chuckled lightly, “Shower up then if you want your surprise faster,” before kissing Jaejoong’s forehead.


It took nearly an hour for them to reach their destination. Somehow, when they were half-way through the journey, Jaejoong felt déjà-vu striking him because he felt he knew and had already taken this path before, many years ago. His expression of confusion deepened when he didn’t remember when or when Yunho refused to answer him. And only when they parked that it dawned upon him; this was his parents’ graveyard. And the last time he visited here was about 5 years ago with Yunho.


But Yunho didn’t answer him as he killed the engine, opened his door before going out and opening Jaejoong’s. Hesitantly, Jaejoong walked out. “I want to talk to your parents….”

Two firm tombstones jutted out of the ground where both Jaejoong’s umma and appa were buried directly beneath. Jaejoong couldn’t help but felt a twist on his heart as he looked at them and reminisced of every memory he had with them. Only 14 years he could experience parental loving and that couldn’t seem enough, until Yunho came along and gave Jaejoong the love he deserved, even more.

“Greeting, Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim…” Yunho bowed towards the grave, taking Jaejoong’s hand with his.

“Hi, Umma…Appa…” Jaejoong choked out. Looking at the grave, Jaejoong realised how he missed them so much.

Then, Yunho continued again, “I come here to ask permission for me to marry Jae. I just want to tell you how much I love him and how much I want to be with him.” Jaejoong, with tears threatening to fall, gazed lovingly at the taller man before drifting his eyes back to his parents. “I want to take care of him and spent the rest of my breathing life being besides him. Give us your full blessing.”

“Umma, Appa…You can rest peacefully now.” Jaejoong said, voice cracking out but he still manage to throw a meaningful smile. “I want to marry Yunho. I believe he can make my happy more than anything in the world. He’s my life, Umma… And he won’t break my heart, Appa… And I want to be with him too…because I love him.”

A sudden gush of gentle wind hit them, as if carrying a secret message, ‘Yes, my son. We bless you…’

That bought a wide smile to both lovers and Jaejoong couldn’t be any happier to at least felt deep inside his heart that his parents approved their relationship.


The day to the wedding is getting nearer. Both the lovers were getting busy with the preparations. To add into that, Jaejoong’s graduation was also in the list.

But still, they had time to spend for each other. No matter tired, or exhausted they were.

Simply because they didn’t want to miss a chance of portraying their love.

Besides that, everything was normal.

The honeymoon tickets were booked and cost Yunho a fortune.

Yunho still worked to manage the Jung Corp.

Jaejoong had decided he wanted open fashion shop with his degree.

Yoochun and Junsu still going strong and mushier.

Apart from that, Siwon and Heechul surprisingly were going out together.

Basically everything was normal

.… Aside from Yunho getting more overly possessive with Jaejoong nowadays.


“Yah! Hands off my baby!”

Chapter 15: Bonus Chapter

Yunho’s breath caught in his throat at seeing Jaejoong so erotic figure. His eyes widened, evident of lust started blooming on his dark brown eyes. And for once, Yunho never thought he could get any harder than he was at the moment, in just a mere second.

“Jaejoong…what the hell are you… wearing?” Yunho scanned his wife from up to down who was leaning against the wall in line with the couch Yunho was seating at.

Jaejoong smirked and pushed himself from the wall and walked to Yunho, slowly, seductively. Exposed legs crossing sexily as he approached the bewildered and confused husband of his. The short black skirt Jaejoong was wearing was only thigh-length high, very, very short to Yunho’s liking. Adding to that, the short garment was so tight and taut that Yunho wondered how Jaejoong can walk so naturally and easily inside that piece of cloth.

Gazing his sight upwards from that pair of white, creamy legs, Yunho took in everything Jaejoong had as his tops. Matching top was hugging Jaejoong’s waist snugly, the low v-cut neck exposing Jaejoong’s neck and part of his chest when pulled by gravity. The colour matching with the tight leather skirt Jaejoong had on. Completing that, Yunho noticed the pale feature of his wife was perfected with small tint of make-ups. His ever so plump lips looked so red, shiny and pouted more than usual, making them looked so irresistible and tempting, and oh god! Yunho just wanted them in his mouth right at this moment!

By the time Jaejoong was already in front of him, his little soldier wasn’t little anymore.

With swift and graceful fluid movement, Jaejoong brought his left leg up the couch and half-straddled Yunho on the couch. Meanwhile, the other leg kneed the crossed-leg of his husband so that they were now parted off. Smirking, Jaejoong rested his knees on either side of Yunho, but kept himself high and refused to plant his delicious ass (to Yunho’s thought) on Yunho’s laps. Now that, he had to gaze down to meet Yunho’s lustful eyes as he was so close and so near, and so seductive to Yunho. The proximity leaving Yunho breathless.

“So...” Jaejoong started slowly, tracing his index finger from Yunho’s cheek to his jaw and back up to play with the little mole on Yunho’s upper lips. “…how do you like outfit?”

Yunho felt his mouth went dry as he found himself lost in Jaejoong’s feathery, sinful touch. “Uh…good.”
“Good?” Jaejoong retracted his finger from Yunho’s face. Disappointment was written all over his face. “Just…good?”

“No! You’re perfect!” Yunho saw the foul expression was washed away as Jaejoong suddenly gleamed brightly. For the first time, Yunho noticed the usual doe-like eyes seemed to stand out better and brighter tonight with that aid of eye shadow and eyeliner Jaejoong applied. And those made Yunho felt want to eat Jaejoong whole.

Yunho brought his hands up and snuck their ways up from Jaejoong’s calf, and felt his ways up, up and up to the back of Jaejoong’s thigh until one of the hands crept sinfully under the ever so short skirts. He groaned mentally when Jaejoong let out that long sensuous moan he knew Yunho had low-resistant level of. Yunho grabbed one of the buttocks and gave it one firm squeeze. Jaejoong dropped himself downward onto Yunho and let out another soft purr of delight.

Oh god, Yunho loved how Jaejoong smelt so, so seducing. “Then, how about…” Jaejoong breathed out near Yunho’s ear, sending chill down the husband’s spines as he pressed himself closer, nearer, harder to Yunho’s chest, the ever so short black skirt glided up slightly, exposing another black garment underneath. “…you do me good and hard, Yunnie-yah?”

The corner of Yunho’s lips turned upward into a smirk as he accidentally saw the little piece of clothe that Jaejoong wore underneath. “What are you wearing, baby?” he raised his eyebrows suggestively. “Too desperate to have me inside of you?” Yunho teased knowingly as he pushed Jaejoong downward, his erection poking onto the wife’s exposed ass only covered by black-coloured ladies thong.

Between a short gasp, Jaejoong gave Yunho an indecorous grin. “Not really.” Leaning forward, Jaejoong bit onto the sexy bottom lip in front of him, startling the man of owner, before pulling abruptly. With blowing a gush of hot air onto Yunho’s face, Jaejoong breathed out, “Just a little bit horny.”

And with that, Jaejoong left.

Leaving the other horny man behind – and hard.

“What the---baby! Come back here you! Yah, Jung Jaejoong!”


Jaejoong’s giggles echoed as he was suddenly thrown over a broad shoulder of his husband, his feet left dangling down as he trashed over Yunho’s shoulder, trying to get himself free. But to no avail, he still failed. …God, no one was stronger than a horny Jung lusting for another sexy Jung.

The next thing Jaejoong knew was, he had himself sprawled of their newly king-sized, blood red-covered bed. A little of Jaejoong’s black undergarments peeked through his skirt when he accidentally bended his knees, the result of the aggressive throw. With a sly and slutty smile, Jaejoong brought his hand rested it atop his creamy white, smooth thigh, rubbing it up and down slowly. Yunho had to inhale deeply to keep himself sane but a deep growl was already pushing out from his throat.

Damn, fuck a sane Jung!

“Come and get me, tiger…” Jaejoong playfully slurred out before his own giggle trailed after the seducing voice.

If anything, his baby was a perfect seducer…

And before Jaejoong knew it, Yunho had already landed atop of him, a handsome smirk gracing the perfect lips, and pinned Jaejoong’s thin hands with hands onto the bed, above the sexy man’s head while the other hand extended to reach the drawer near the bed and pulled out - much to Jaejoong’s excitement – a handcuff. If tonight Yunho wanted it to be kinky, then perfect. His skills were so good and indescribable!

“Yah, Yunnie…” Jaejoong breathed out when Yunho hovered him as he put the cuffs on Jaejoong, “…you won’t let me be like this, will you?”

“You’ve been very, very naughty, Jung Jaejoong. Maybe if you act decent enough, I’ll let you go.”

“But I can’t…” teasing, Jaejoong whispered before continuing, “…because you are so hot.”

That sent Yunho crashing his lips against Jaejoong’s pouty ones, ravishing them like they were edible, eating them like he was a hungry animal, and sucking them like they were his oxygen. With so much passion and lust and love, Yunho gave everything into the kiss. Sucking on Jaejoong’s tongue as hard as he managed as if he’ll gain something from it – eliciting a moan from the man beneath, he continued and if he went harder, he might went down his throat.

Pulling away, Yunho stared at Jaejoong. And only one thought registered his mind; Jaejoong was so fucking beautiful. He had his eyes half-lidded, the brown eyes looking lustfully at him but lovingly at the same time, his usually light red in colour now swollen and blood red, plump all over and really well-ravished. His hot breath hitting Yunho straight on the face and Jaejoong couldn’t get any more beautiful writing beneath him wearing a very sexy lady clothing.

Then, Yunho proceeded attacking every part of his body. He started from his neck column, sucking, biting, and nipping very hard until the skill turned to a batch of deep purple-red as his hand sneakily went inside Jaejoong’s skirt from underneath, feeling the smooth skin under his own skin. And the hand travelled up and up until Yunho yanked the black undergarment off from covering Jaejoong’s private, once in awhile giving the obvious bulge a very tight squeeze until Jaejoong bucked his hips upwards and arched his backbones.

“Ohh~~ Yunnie…”

With a hand inside Jaejoong’s skirt while the other gripping his waist tight, Yunho unbuttoned the squirming man’s tight dress skilfully with his teeth. The way he did it was almost he was a pro in this. As the last button popped open, immediately Yunho stuck his tongue out and lapped the skin of Jaejoong’s chest, groaning when Jaejoong bucked up so much that their bodies touched and kissed harshly, indirectly giving Yunho’s hard on the intense friction.

“Yunnie…let me go,” the cuffs rattled as an indication of how irritated Jaejoong get of the restrictive material, “…I need to touch you, please baby.” His voice sounded so desperate yet faint between his harsh inhale and exhalation of air. “Come on…”

Smirking, Yunho got off from him and stood at the bed’s feet. “No baby, this time I won’t listen to you.”

Then Yunho’s polo shirt went off, his pants discarded, leaving him only boxers on. Jaejoong watched as Yunho stroll into the bathroom clad only in boxers before retreating back into the room a few seconds later with two bottles of lube in his hand. One, red in colour – definitely strawberry - and one in pinkish colour, - Jaejoong bet that was a peach flavoured one. 
Wait, how come the bottles were in the bathroom?

After pondering with his thought, a red blush crept on his cheeks without him fully realising. Oh…

Last night, Jaejoong blushed, how can he forget last night? It was the night when he rode the hell out of Yunho on the lid-covered toilet. Oh gosh…

He didn’t realise Yunho was back on top of him until the man nuzzled his nose near Jaejoong’s ear. “You see the bottles of lube?” Jaejoong rolled his eyes to the back when prodded his tongue into his ear. “It’s full. And we are going to empty it today.”


“Oh god~ Yun! Ah~~”

“Relax, sweetheart~~ Unng…”

“I don’t want that thing inside of me! Take the damn thing out!” at first, it all went pretty smooth when Yunho stretched the puckered hole with his three godly fingers but then as he removed them and shoved the pink vibrator inside Jaejoong’s tight whole, the dream of having excessive pleasure vanished away. Yunho knew how his wife despised than thing, he never felt pleasured when that thing was shoved up in his ass, he once snapped out. He preferred Yunho to be inside of him; hard, thick, long and sometimes…raw. But the vibrator still was a foreigner to Jaejoong’s body, no matter how hard Yunho tried to persuade him into it.

And now was one of the times.

“Relax, it’ll feel good.”

“No, I don’t want it. I want you…” Jaejoong breathed out, lust was evident in his thick, moist voice. “….Don’t you want me too, Yunnie-yah?” paired with red, swollen pouty lips and a cunning smirk. Yunho almost lured himself into the trap, but…not today.

“Who said you get to say anything? You teased me good today. Now, I’m in control and I want this thing…” Yunho pushed out his tongue to lick the sweat on Jaejoong’s chin -oh…he tasted good- , “…inside of your delicious tight little ass.” He shoved the material into Jaejoong in one swift movement and Jaejoong jerked himself up, the restraints on his hands causing red bruises around his wrists because of his jerky movements.

Now that they both were naked, it’s easier for so much touching.

Yunho caught the little nub on Jaejoong’s chest and gave it a twist to the right. He was trying to distract the whimpering mess from trashing and yelling and from the pain. Slowly, Yunho pulled the vibrator out before pushing back inside and kept on repeating the movements until he heard a distinct moan escaped Jaejoong’s mouth. That was a cue to increase the level of vibration.

“Ahhh~” Jaejoong’s body trembled as the toy did it’s magic to Jaejoong’s body. “God…. Yun-ah…”

Playing with the bulbous tip of Jaejoong’s manhood by one hand, one hand guiding a toy up Jaejoong’s hole while his mouth did it’s magic on Jaejoong’s chest – flicking the tips until it fully stood erect. The moment Yunho clenched his palm tight around Jaejoong’s manhood, a white-sticky substance came spurting out. Yunho knew, Jaejoong was one hell of a sexy kitten easy to pleasure.

“I told you, it’ll feel good.” Yunho ground out as he pulled the vibrator and tossed it away. Then, kissing Jaejoong softly on the lips - Jaejoong knew, now it was time for the real pleasure.

“Ready baby?” Yunho asked at Jaejoong who was still panting and regulating his breathing. And before Jaejoong could reply Yunho had already shut him by the mouth again and unlock the chain to Jaejoong’s handcuff. “You know, for a very innocent wife, you are corrupted on your own way, baby….” And with one swift thrust, Yunho buried himself inside Jaejoong to the hilt, catching Jaejoong in a pleasured surprise as his backbone arched upwards and his neck threw backwards, exposing the creamy white necks beautifully. Yunho wasted no time to add the number of hickeys printed onto that flawless-white neck.

Groaning lowly against the expanse of his wife’s neck, Yunho thought he might gone insane when the tight ring of Jaejoong’s hole muscles clenched and unclenched against his thick and very much awake (not so)little Yunnie.

“Oh… Yun…Mhmm…” Jaejoong moaned out as Yunho thrust deeper inside of him, then pulling out before ramming back inside. The force of the pleasure surged high against both of the lovers that it was hard just to keep their eyes open and their selves sane. Jaejoong clawed a hand onto Yunho’s auburn hair, yanking it harshly, as one hand grabbed a handful of bed sheet to hold onto as he screamed Yunho’s name so loud and clear when the tip of Yunho’s penis hit something in Jaejoong’s hole that made him see stars.

“You’re still too tight, baby…” Yunho moaned.

With few more fast thrusts and hard tugging and stroking, that was when they had it. They reached their climax. Yunho released himself inside Jaejoong while a thick white string of substance was spurted onto his chest. After a while, when they still were lost in the breaths, Yunho pulled himself out from Jaejoong’s ass. A soft whimper escaped Jaejoong’s mouth as he felt the limp organ suddenly left him. Yunho dropped lazy kisses around Jaejoong’s face – from his temple, to his droopy eyes, the bridge of his nose and finally rested the lips onto Jaejoong’s for a few brief seconds.

“Yun… get off me. It’s hard to breathe…” the man beneath panted out, feeling the weight of man above him crashing his tiny body.

“Sorry, baby…” immediately, Yunho rolled himself off and landed beside the beautiful man as he pulled him closer. As if on reflex, they cuddled closer and enjoyed each others’ warmth. After a brief silent. Yunho spoke up, “So…whose cloth was that?”

Jaejoong giggled and trace a heart shape onto Yunho’s bare chest. “The French guy at the shopping mall yesterday said I look good with the outfit I bought so he bought me the whole set of the cloth.” Jaejoong was talking about the handsome one with blue eyes, blonde hair and definitely French from the shopping mall at the heart of Paris. But then again, saying someone was handsomer than his husband, in front of his husband wasn’t really a good choice of an idea.

“What?! Which French guy?” Yunho had to push Jaejoong away a few inch to have a good look at him. “I don’t remember any French guy!” now, his possessive mode was on.

“Don’t be mad, Yunnie…” Jaejoong pouted. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“That guy obviously attracted to you! That’s it, we’ll never go to that place again!”

“B-but…” Jaejoong stuttered, “That mall has many things on discount! And the cloths are awesome too…”

Yunho pulled Jaejoong back against his chest, “We can get any clothes from anywhere but there. And don’t talk money to me, baby. No matter how expensive the thing is, you’ll get it anyway and the next thing I know, it’s my pocket you are drowning.”

Jaejoong giggled again and hold Yunho tighter, resting half of his body onto Yunho and burying his face onto the latter’s neck. “They tempt me~~”

“Which one? The stuff or my money?”

Jaejoong had to think first before answering, “…Both.” Doe-eyes blinking at him with such a cute expression. And Yunho couldn’t stay mad at him any longer, not when he was that cute…

Yunho let out a soft laugh before deciding to drop the topic off, “But still my baby looked so~~ good in the black skirt…” pause. “…And naughty too.”

“…If that’s the case, can we do it again?”

Yunho stared at Jaejoong as if he talked in alien language, “…You sure?”

Jaejoong rubbed his thigh erotically against Yunho’s before pushing himself onto his back and Yunho atop of himself. Winking, Jaejoong with such a slutty voice said, “…Something inside me itched,” caress on Yunho’s toned chest, “…I need a good massage~” and long legs wrapped themselves around Yunho’s hips, jerking him closer. “…A very good massage.”

“Oh god, Jaejoongie!” that was Yunho’s final word before he practically attached himself all over Jaejoong’s body; kissing, nipping, biting, added with licking and swallowing before came the major fucking. And the remaining of the speech proved to be incoherent as they could only hear groans, moans, whimpers, growls from each other.

The End!

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