Chapter Fourteen

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I watched Sean as he sat laughing on the ground. I stared at him with a look of confusion. Once he looked up to see my puzzled face, he stopped laughing and grabbed my hand, pulling me down beside him. He opened his mouth to talk, but I spoke before he could. "What do you mean you're 'bullshitting me'?"

He let go of my wrist and grabbed my waist to pull me down on his lap. Once we both got comfortable with my body facing his, he placed his warm forehead on mine and wrapped his arms around my waist, my elbows resting on his shoulders and my hands played with his faded red hair.
"(Y/n), I originally brought you here for a reason. I..." He slowed his talking and lightly chucked, looking back up into my eyes.

"(Y/n)... I... I-I love y-you." He stuttered and shook with nervously.
"Y-you..." I started, but Sean stopped me by planting a loving kiss on my lips. After awhile, he parted from me and put his hands on my cheeks.

"I have a bad history with girls, I know that. You're unfathomably perfect in every aspect and I know you deserve the absolute highest respect, and should be greatly like royalty. You deserve way more than me, but for now, I want to be able to call you mine." My eyes started to glisten with tears as lifted me off his lap and got down on one knee.

"I'm not proposing yet, so don't worry." He chuckled to lighten the mood.

"(y/n), would you do me the highest possible honor and be my beautiful girlfriend?" He asked, also getting teary eyed. I couldn't hold back anymore, so I lunged forward and smashed into his lips, knocking us over and causing us to roll a few feet. I ended below Sean, holding his shirt in my hands and his hands on either side of my head. He smiled against the kiss and pulled back.

"I guess I can take that as a yes then?"

I pulled him back to my face by his shirt. He pushed closer to me, and chuckled against my lips.

soo... problem. I had seventeen fookin chapters prewritten for this and they all deleted. I don't know why, I'm messaging Wattpad about it, but I'm SOOO sorry for the delay. I'm not ending this just yet ;)

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