Chapter Nine

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I sat in my dorm, watching PewDiePie on YouTube when I heard my phone go off. I checked the time before the message I got from the contact name 'Sean 😈'. I only had the emoji because he has a strong devious side.



I swiped right to read Sean's message.

"I need to talk to you. Do you think we can chill tonight?"

I started texting back...

"Really Jack? It's past curfew and I don't want to get cau--" I stopped texting. I remember the last time we hung out, was also past curfew.

It was also when we came close to kissing...

"Let me get dressed first, I'm in my pj's right now." I hit send and got up to get ready.

I heard my phone go off again as I was changing into a casual outfit, but decided it could wait until I was done getting ready to read it because it was probably Jack.

I was right, it said "Sean 😈" on the bright screen of my phone so again, I swiped right.

"Okay, don't take too long ;) I'm about 10 min away." Sent five minutes ago. I should have time to apply light eye liner and mascara then.

When I finished I left a note for Charlotte, in case she woke up and worried about me again.

I started down the stairs and was about to open the door to go outside, when my phone went off again.

"'Sean 😈': Where r u? I'm outside..."

I opened the door and he smiled at me. I showed him my phone to expose the message he had just sent me. "I'm right here." I smirked at him.

"Why is my contact name for you 'Sean'? I thought I told you not to call me that." He frowned.

"Oh... Well... I called you Sean a few times and you didn't seem to mind so I thought it was okay... I can change it..."

Jack sighed and blankly said "No, it fine, just keep it."

"Are you sure?" I questioned him, I didn't want to have him get mad at me again....

"Yeah, it's... whatever I guess."

"Well if my name is so bad for you, what's my name on your phone?"

"What? It's.... uh.... Just (y/n). Why?"

"I don't believe you." I laughed at him. His phone was in is hoodie pocket so I snagged it.


"Not till I get my answer!" He tired to grab it but I dodged him and ran back into my dorm and locked the door behind me.

Sean continued banging on the door and yelling at me, but I didn't listen. I swiped right. "AH SHIT!" I yelled through the door so Sean could hear me.


"I'M NOT EITHER, I STILL HAVE MY PHONE AND TEXT YOURS TO SEE WHAT COMES UP." I yelled back at him through the door.

"Fuck..." I barely heard him mumble.

"(y/n), (y/n) please don't..."

But it was too late.

I texted him "I always win :p" and his screen glowed... reading "Gorgeous Angel."

"What..." I said to myself. My mouth dropped open.

"So he wasn't going to use me...?" I thought to myself.

I opened the door and showed him the screen.

He looked mad, but it soon melted to embarrassment as he blushed red.

"It's nothing..." he mumbled as he stuffed his phone back in his pocket.

"Let's go." He said. I nodded but avoided his gaze.

"Where are we going to go?" I asked as he walked to the campus wall and prepared to lift me over it.

"Uhm, my house, duh." He replied kinda rudely.

"Wait, you live off campus?"

"Yeah, yeah, come on. Let's go, we don't have all day." He said getting pushy.

"Okay..." I'm starting to get a little scared. But I didn't want to question him. I trust him.

~Time Skip to Jack's House~

"Here we are." He sighed.

His house was fucking HUGE! Four fucking stories of vanilla white stacked on one another.

"How big is this place...?"

"Twelve bedroom, nine bath. No biggie, we have a bigger one in London."

'Holy hell' I thought.
'I don't think he realizes how rich he is.'

We walked inside and went to what I'm guessing is his room, covered in all things red. It must be his favorite color, considering it's also his hair color.

"Welcome, to MY domain." he seductively in my ear as he past me, whilst I looked around his room.

It sent shivers down my spine and gave me goosebumps.

"Here," he patted beside him on the bed he was sitting on. "take a seat."

I did as he said and sat beside him. There was a long, awkward silence. Then he decided to break the ice.

"So..." He said quietly, almost inaudible.

"So..." I said back.

Gee, he did such a great job. Another long, awkward silence lurked around the room.

"What... did you wanna talk about?" I decided I would be the conversation starter.

"Hm? Oh yeah... um..." He paused. "Ha, it was just to say something to get you to chill with me." Sean chuckled nervously.

"I don't believe you." I turned to him, remarking what I said earlier when he picked me up and I stole his phone. I changed positions on the red bed comforters, so I was now sitting cross-legged, facing him.
He looked over at me and chuckled. He started copying my actions and sat the same way across from me. Our knees not even an inch apart.

"And why don't you believe me?" He asked, raising an eye brow and leaning in a bit.

"Because I think there's something you really wanted to tell me, but you're too chicken to." I leaned in closer too.

"McLoughlins are not chickens." He whispered back, seductively. He leaned in again. Our faces close to touching.

"Prove it then." I told him, pushing my forehead into his.

"Fine, as you wish." He gave a sly grin as he wrapped his hands to my waist and pushed his lips into mine.

My eyes shot open in shock, but slowly fluttered close, knowing we've both wanted this.

I placed my arms around Sean's neck as he roughly kissed me. I was starting to melt in his arms, he was really fucking good at this.

He glazed his tongue on my bottom lip, and I opened slightly and was greeted by Sean's tongue, exploring my mouth.

I smiled into the kiss, and so did he. He bit my bottom lip as he pushed me down to lay on the bed and he laid on top of me, continuing the kiss.

He grabbed the hem of my shirt and reached beneath it. I grabbed his shirt, and completely took it off.

"Hey, that's not fair!" He nearly shouted.

"How so?" I grinned back at him.

He grabbed my shirt and ripped it off, showing just my bra, and quickly unhooked the back, revealing me to him. I quickly covered myself up using my arms, but he pulled them down and said "There, now we're both topless." He chuckled darkly and kissed my mouth, then moved to my neck and left a hickey, my chest, left a hickey, stomach, hickey, until he reached my pants.

"Here comes Jack." He mumbled as he bit down on my pants, rolling them off my waist.
He stopped at my knees and stared up at me
"This should be a fun night."

Hi... hehe
so yeah, I'm stopping this chapter here because I'm not good with smut. Sorryyyy. :p and sorry for the late update, I know this chapter moved faster than expected but I had a huge writers block and was drawn to a blank. I have a few ideas for books so I may start them. Thank you for reading and almost 200 reads! <3

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