Chapter One

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I jumped and woke to the sound of my alarm, the reminder that it's my first day of college.... Hooray.

I shouldn't really be complaining, before even graduating I was accepted into the best college in Ireland. Athlone, to be exact.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom to be greeted by the rats nest of what I call hair greeting me from the mirror. "Wonderful!" I shouted. Oh damn... I forgot I had a roommate... and I probably just woke her up.

Great first impression (y/n).

"Haha... H-Hey Charlotte.." I started to apologize as I turned to see her sleepily standing in the doorway.
"I'm so so sorry, I forgot that I have a roommate now. Back in America, I lived with my Dad since my Mom passed away when I was five and he was kind of out of the house most of the time...." I trailed off thinking if I told her too much. I only met her a few days ago and haven't talked to her since.

"Yeah it's fine. I'd be late for class if I got up any sooner so thanks."
"Um... You're Welcome? I'll let you take the bathroom first, I gotta get dressed anyway."
"Okay thanks. I'll only be but a minute."

She turned into the bathroom and I stepped out to shuffle by my closet. I pulled out a red flannel, slightly ripped black skinny jeans, and my new red converse.

Charlotte was still in the bathroom by the time I finished getting dressed, so I walked back to my bed and sat on it. I grabbed my phone and turned it on. It started blowing up with notifications.

"Woah Ms. Popular." Charlotte stepped out of the bathroom finishing off her short, red ponytail. "No Charlo-" "You can call me Charlie. All my friends do."

She just called me her friend?

That's kind of a big step, considering this is only our second conversation. I like that, at least I can say I have at least one friend now.

"O-Okay, C-Charlie." I stuttered, embarrassed because I still not comfortable with her to give her a nickname for myself.

"What can I call you then?"
"Well you can call me Charlie, and (y/n) is clearly your real name, so what can I call you?"
"U-umm..." I started.

Great. This is exactly what I wanted.

"You can choose I suppose. I don't have my own nickname."
"Oh! How about Candy!"
"Wait why?"
"You just look like a sweet person"
"U-uh... haha.... thanks.. what were we talking about?"

My phone made a loud *ding* that echoed in the once silent room.

"I think it was 'bout why your phone is blowing up?"
"Oh, no, it's just social media stuff. Nothing too important."
"Oh. Oka-" She stopped dead in her tracks.
"Y-Yeah Charlie?"
"What... time is it."
I continuously stared at Charlotte but moved my head towards the phone in my hand. I slowly looked down.
"It's.... 8:45!"
"MINE TOO!" I yelled back at her while rushing around the room to collect the things I need.
"Wait! What do you have now?!"
"Me Too!"
We started running out the door.

~Time Skip~

We are half way there. We have been running for seven minutes but it seems like ages. My legs are getting tired. I get lost thinking about being late to class, then all of a sudden I'm caught off guard and fall to the ground. Charlotte doesn't notice and keeps running.
"HOLY FUCKIN' HELL!" I hear a man yell. I lift my head up to see a turned over man slightly rolling in pain. "Oh my god! I'm so so sorry! Are you okay?" I asked rushing over to him and offered my hand. He pushed it out of the way and got up on his own. I took my own hand to my forehead and winced from the pain.

"What the fuck?"

He stood properly and I examined him. He is a slim guy, with red hair that I can tell is dyed because of the brown hair on the sides of his head. Only the top was dyed.

He looks really handsome, but his eyes... a light crystal blue that anyone could be hypnotized by immediately. Like myself...

"HELLO?!" he shouted.

I blushed, embarrassed for getting lost in a strangers eyes.
"Oh.. I'm so sorry, I didn't wanna be late for class and I was running and I wasn't paying attention and I hit you..."

"Save it. I have places to be that are more important than hearing your whole backstory." He pushed me out of the way and I fell back to the ground. He turned and saw what he did as I continued to hold my forehead.

"Jesus, I didn't mean to do that." He helped me up.

"I-It's okay..." I sniffed on the verge of tears, from the pain on my head and from this asshole. Don't be rude. Don't mess this up again (y/n).

"Here, let me see." he touched my hand on my forehead and pulled it down.
"It doesn't look too bad, should only cause a small bruise." He looked down from my forehead to my (e/c) eyes, this jerk looked like he had real sympathy for what happened, so he whispered "I'm really sorry." and kissed the injury. I blushed and whispered "It's fine..."

"Here, we should do this again sometime... 'ya know, without the violence." I giggled as he smiled and rolled up my left sleeve and wrote his number on my arm in red pen.
"Text me after class."
We turned and walked away.

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