Chapter Thirty

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"Uh, sure." He led me to the couch in the living room and set us down together. "Tell me what's on your mind."

Shit... this isn't gonna go well.

"How do I start this...? Um... s-so... I.... ah.... I just..."
"A-are you pregnant?"
"W-what? N-no... "
"Oh thank god, I don't think I'm ready to be a daddy. To a child that is." He nudged me and laughed trying to make a joke. I laughed with him, just to try and let go of the uneasiness.
"Are you moving?" He guessed again.
"Well... no... but..."
"DO YOU HAVE CANCER?!" Daithi nearly screamed.
"No! Just let me talk!" He gave me a saddened pout and looked toward the floor.
"Daithi, I'm sorry, and there really no really way to say this... I just..." I sighed and looked down with him. I felt his hand be placed on my shoulder and I looked back to his direction, seeing his almost crying eyes staring into mine.
"It's Sean, i-isn't it?" His voice breaking. I bit my lip and looked away. He put his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands as he sniffled and wiped away stray tears. I wanted to comfort him, I really did, but I could build up the courage I needed to. He stood up and rubbed his hands on the back of his head and sighed. I placed my own elbows on my knees and ran my hands through my hair. Was he okay? Is he mad? Well duh (y/n), that's kind of a dumb thing to wonder.
I felt the presence of his hands again as they intertwined fingers with mine and looked up.
He greeted me with a sweet smile and brought me off the couch so I was standing taller, no quite his tall height.
He kissed me and I kissed him back. I love Sean, but I'm still going to miss Daithi's soft touch. We pulled away and he placed his forehead on my own. I felt his eyes watching mine, but  mine were not looking at his, rather, anywhere but.

"(Y/n). (Y/n). Look at me... Please." He begged. I brought my sorrow filled eyes up to finally meet his, and instead of them being filled with anger and distrust, as I thought hey would be, they were instead filled with hope, and a small dash of joy.
"I get it... I just want you to be happy. And if that means you are going to be with Sean, I'll sacrifice that. It will and does hurt, more than any true pain I've ever experienced, but they joy of knowing you're the happiest possible person you can be will completely abolish any of that suffering for me. I want you to be happy. I love you." He sniffed and struggled out. I started tearing up.
"I love you too Daithi." I leaned forward to kiss him one more time and pulled away so our hands were still in each other's, but our bodies were no longer touching.
"Promise me we will keep in touch and still remain friends..." He barely let out the whisper, trying to not let his voice slip and crack.
"Only the best of them, Daithi." He glided my coat onto me and I gave him a hug, squeezing tight as if I'd never let go.
"Go to him." He whispered again and led me out the front door.


I pulled out my phone to text Sean as I quickly walked down the sidewalk toward the cafe.

Little Lotte: Hey Jack. Sorry I couldn't meet you directly after class... I had to... do something... meet at the cafe in 5? :p

I sent the message and less than a minute later, got an immediate response.

Jackaboy: Already here :) I'm in line for ordering, I could get you something if you'd like?

Little Lotte: That would be amazing, thank you <3 you can just surprise me. I'll pay you back soon enough :)

Jackaboy: No need for that, my treat <3

I didn't text him after that. I just continued walking.
When I got to the cafe, I spotted Sean to the right in a booth, eating a bagel and a steaming cup of coffee sat across from him as he scrolled through his phone. I walked up to him and he hadn't noticed because his back was to me, so I kissed his cheek and sat across from him. He looked up from his phone with a beaming smile of joy. "Hey you." He chuckled softly while lightly nudging my foot under the table. "Hey you, too." I nudged his foot back.
"So I have a question for you..." Sean started out. "Sure. Anything. What's up?" I asked. I hoped it would be about school or something instead of anything... else. Like the future, living situations, Daithi...
"Well, two actually, depending on how you answer the first one." He added.
"Okay. I'm still open to answer here, Jack." I laughed a little to let the air flow and weight lift off his shoulders a bit.
"So... I know... You ended up with Daithi... A-are things over with you guys, I hope?" He choked on his words a little.
"Uh... Yeah... Yeah everything kind of just ended awhile ago between us." I lied.
A while ago being less than an hour ago...
"Oh, okay... but second question... Didn't you move out of your dorm with Charlotte? Where have you been staying if you broke up with Daithi?"
God Damnit Sean...
"Oh, Uh, I just, y-ya know..." I stuttered trying to come up with an excuse.
"I didn't have a place to go bu-but he let me crash at his place until I could afford another apartment or something." I awkwardly chuckled.
"Oh okay." He shrugged it off as he finished his bagel.

"Hey, do you wanna go back to my house? It's getting kind of late." He asked with his muffled voice since his mouth was full.
"Sure, I would love to." I smiled as I lifted my coffee to my mouth, trying to finish it off so I wouldn't have to bring it back to his house.

We arrived to his house and before stepping in, he held his hand on the door knob and turned to me.
"My ma is home, so, whatever happens just try to stay quiet, okay?" I felt my cheeks heat up when he said 'whatever happens' because of coarse my mind had to go to the loudest and most awkward situation to happen. I nodded in response so we could enter his home.
I looked around, my eyes still adjusting to the dark. I felt Sean slip his hand into mine as he led me up the stairs, down the hall and into his room.
I sat down on his familiar feeling bed and felt a pressure on me which caused me to fall backwards onto the bed, my wrists pinned down.
"I've missed this too much." I heard Sean's deep version of his voice just before I felt his rough kisses on my lips which soon trailed down my jawline onto my neck.
"Jack...." I tried not to moan out as I pushed him off me.
"Listen, I don't want things to go south with us again...."
"(Y/n) I've changed. I promise. My grades are going up, I haven't touched a drop of alcohol, I'm changing for you, because I love you." He kissed me again.
"Promise?" I asked in a weak voice.
"(Y/n), I'm Positive."
"Okay then Sean." I chuckled as his lips attacked mine once more.

Holy Shit 1286 words.
That's a first.

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