Chapter Twelve

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"Okay, so why are we here now?" Sean had pulled me under the bleachers. We sat under hundreds of angry, drunken people. Great date Jack, if this even is one.

"I don't really know. I thought I'd bring you here because this is one of my favorite places to go when I'm sad or angry, feeling alone or bored, basically whenever."
"Oh... do you feel anything like that now?" I arched my brow as he laid down in the green grass.
"Hell no, (y/n), I could never feel that when I'm with you." He smiled and held his hand out to me as I walked closer to him. I grabbed his hand and swung it a little, sweetly smiling down to him.

He threw me off guard and pulled me down, and I rolled on top of him. We both broke out into raging laughter. Our noses were touching and he gazed into my eyes with the look of lust. He slightly leaned forward and gently kissed me, moving his hands to my lower back. I smiled against the kiss and placed my hands on his chest. He asked for entrance through my lips and I allowed him in. He was too perfect to say no to.

I eventually rolled off of him and we were both out of breath. Looking over to him, he stared at me with his baby blues. He started to giggle, as did I.

"Hey, check this out." Sean jumped up and ran over to a torn up, dirty, blue tarp tucked under the bleacher's metal.

"Oh god Jack, don't break the bleachers. What are you doing?" I joked.

"Voila!" He ripped the tarp away and revealed a red cooler.

"Wow Jack." I started to clap slowly. "So damn impressive."

"Yeah, yeah. But what's in the shady old cooler..." He lifted the top off and showed off several six-packs of beer.

"Ehh?" He nudged me.

"Okay, okay." I pushed him away with my hip and bent over to the cooler, making sure Sean had a perfect view. He started to chuckle and grabbed my ass, making me jump a bit. I looked back to see him looking down, biting his lip, hand still there. When he noticed I was watching him, he put his hands behind his back and stepped back. A harsh blush painted across Sean's stunned face, and I couldn't help but laugh.

I grabbed a beer and held one in my hand for Sean. I put the cover back on the cooler and sat on it.
"Thanks." He reached for the beer, but I moved my hand away before he could grab it.

"Na-uh-uh. What's the magic word?" I smirked at him.
"Jack is sexy?"
"Haha, no."
"Cornflakes. I don't know!"
"Yeah, actually."
Sean started to whine by I couldn't stop laughing at his struggle.
"Want to know it?"
"Yes, (y/n). I want my fucking beer that I happened to pay for."
"Can you keep a promise?"
"Pinky?" I held my pinky finger out to him.
"Promise." He clung back to it.
I leaned into his ear and whispered, "The password, is Sean." as seductively as possible.
Sean winced and looked down. He jumps and roughly kissed me, making me weak. I dropped my arms and moved them around his neck. He put put one hand on my waist and used the other the grab the beer.
"Hey! That's no fair!" I yelled at him as he sprinted away about fifteen feet.
"It is now!" He opened the beer and drank it. I fake pouted, and he came back, ruffled my hair, kiss my forehead, and sat on the ground between my legs since I was still on the cooler.

Three hours and two beer can piles later, the football game ended and sunset was about twenty minutes away. We were both drunk off our asses, laughing at nothing.
"Okay, I have an i-*hic*-idea." Sean straighten himself out best he could and sat up.
"Sh-oot." He pulled a fake gun made of his fingers at me and 'pulled the trigger'. Joking, I fell over holding my heart.
"Really th-though... we should play a *hic* game..."
"Okay... Like *hic* what?" I struggled to speak out.
"Truth or dare?" He asked, wearing a sly grin.
"Sure Jakaboy!" I jumped on his lap and he let out an painful moan. I just sat and giggled.

"Oh, so my pain makes you laugh?" He pouted. I couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious. Who cares, I wasn't.

"Neva-Eva darlin'." I messed up his hair, and he looked up at it. Really looking at it now, it seems to have faded into a light pink, instead of a flaming red.

"Y-you really need to redo your hair." I pointed to the ruffled mess on top his head. "It looks pink-ish now."
"We can do that later, I promise."
"Okay! You first!"
"Truth, or dare (y/n)." I took a second to think about it.
"Hmm... Truth!" I'm definitely drunk, and will definitely regret this tomorrow. Oh well, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
"Okay... Who was y-your first kiss?"
"EASY PEASY! My e-ex, Aus-*hic*-tin."
"Oh..." He sounded disappointed. Was he upset that he wasn't my first kiss? I mean, we are in college, it was bound to happen before now...
"Your turn Jack! Truth, or dare?" I asked happily, ignoring his saddening tone.
"Dare." He didn't sound as sad now.
"Okay! I dare you to..." There's nothing really interesting to dare him to do here.
"Give me a beer and a kiss! Any order." He looked confused.
"That dare sucks!"
"Well I couldn't think of anything!" He scoffed, sounding annoyed.
He gave me a quick peck and handed me a beer.
"Can I give you another kiss?"
"Why the hell not?"
He gave me a longer one then last time.
"O-okay (y/n)," He slurred
"Truth, or dare."
"Meh, I'll do a dare this time."
"Okay... I dare you to give me a blowjob."

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