Dear Positivity Posters

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This is for those of you who tell people to live and that everything is going to be ok and that they are amazing people who are worth the world. While this amazing and we need more people like you. If you are like me you post this stuff in the hopes of making someone's day better or even maybe hoping that they will see what you are saying and might keep living. But also if you are like me then you also wish you could believe what you are writing about yourself. You wish you could convince yourself that you are helping and that everything's ok even when you know that you are one thing wrong away from sobbing so hard you cant breathe. I'm here to tell you to believe yourself. Because you do make a difference and even if you can't then at least you are trying and that's all that we can do is try, try to help, try to get better, try to smile, and try to believe that it's going to be ok. And maybe if we are lucky then it will. Take your own advice and love yourself.

(Even if you don't write positivity posts take my advice up there, you all matter)

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