Chaper 2: Give It Back

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I know I haven't touched this book in a while, but I've gotten some help from my friend percephine (who I like to call Amethyst because she really likes the color purple) So can everyone give a big shout out and round of applause to percephine 👏 👏 👏percephine made this chapter so all credit goes to her, I just edited it to my liking. So without further a do I give you the second chapter of Possessed

The two started to slowly make their way into the hospital. Dark Mist in the lead while Astral coward behind him like a frightened child. Dark Mist just rolled his eyes as he continued forward. As bad as the hospital was outside, the inside was worse. Parts of the walls and ceilings were cracked and looked like they would crumble at any minute. Dirt and grime covering the windows, stopping any possible light from coming in. There was also dirty beds that looked like they were thrown in all directions.

After almost an hour of walking around there was a bang in the rooms to their left. The two looked at each other with fearful looks in their eyes before Dark Mist started to slowly walk towards the room. Just as they were about to enter the room, a large rat came running across the floor going into another room. Causing both of them to scream at the sudden movement and grab each other tightly.

After the rat was gone and both of them had calmed down, Dark Mist quickly pulled himself away from Astral and said with a smirk, "Really Astral? Scared by a little rat?"

Astral pointed his finger in Dark Mist's chest. "You were scared too!"

"I was not." Dark Mist said defiantly. "I was jut pretending to be scared to make you feel better."

"Oh really?" Astral said skeptically. He quickly pointed behind Dark Mist. "There's another one!"

"Where!?" Dark Mist shrieked as he grabbed on to Astral. He turned to Astral who was giggling and let go. "Ha ha, very funny Astral."

Dark Mist looked around and saw something sparkle. He walked over to it and found a strange golden pendant dangling on a brown cord that was on a turned over chair. The pendant looked like a triangle with pieces missing from it with a green gem in it. Dark Mist picked the pendant up and showed it to Astral. "Well we didn't find any ghosts, but at least I'm not leaving here empty handed."

"Dark Mist you shouldn't take what doesn't belong to you." Astral scolded.

"Astral the owner is long dead." Dark Mist said. "What are they going to do, haunt me? " Dark Mist said with a smirk. "Let's get going, there's nothing to see here."

As Astral and Dark Mist were leaving, they fail to notice the presence of a young boy. Who was standing next to the chair, staring at the trinket in Dark Mist's hands.

Later when Astral and Dark Mist were going to bed. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Astral asked.

"Aren't you too old for that Astral?" Dark Mist replied.

"I guess so." Astral said with his eyes casted down. "I've just had this weird feeling since we got back from the hospital."

"Which is?" Dark Mist asks Astral, thinking he was just scared to go to sleep after being in the abandon hospital.

"I feel like something has followed us home." Astral said frighten looking down, afraid to meet Dark Mist's gaze.

"Nothing has followed us home. Now go to bed Astral." Dark Mist said. Without another word Astral left, closing the door behind him.

Later that night Dark Mist awoke to the sound of his door creaking opening. Sleepily Dark Mist looked over to see Astral standing next to his bed staring at him. "Astral I said no." After a few minutes of Astral just standing there Dark Mist got irritated. He jumped into a sitting position. "Astral I said-"

Dark Mist's words were cut off as Astral's hands circled around his throat. With hands so tight around his throat, he could barely breathe. Dark Mist looked up at Astral in shock. His eyes were a glowing dark violet amethyst, with an extreme look of anger and hatred that made his blood run cold. Out of nowhere Astral demanded in a voice that wasn't his own, "GIVE BACK WHAT YOU TOOK, OR YOUR FRIEND WILL PAY THE PRICE!"

I hope everyone liked this chapter, so please follow and comment if you liked the chapter. Thanks again for helping me out with this percephine

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