Chapter 4: The Unknown Boy

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I want to give a big thank you to my fanfiction friend Matarra for doing this chapter for me. I just edited it to make it fit with the story. But the big bucks goes to Matarra for this chapter.

Dark Mist stared over at Astral's sleeping form, feeling both curious and guilty. Guilty because he got his friend possessed by an aggressive spirit, but curious because the spirit and the key interested him.

The key drew him in, the light gleaming off the gold, and the emerald green gem. He couldn't explain it, but the pendant was toxically addicting. It made him want to figure out its entire history, every owner it ever had, what it had gone through. It wasn't like he wanted it for himself, but he felt like he needed to help someone, and Dark Mist had never been able to resist the urge to help someone.

Astral groaned and Dark Mist was immediately on the alert. The spirit said he would have partial control over Astral, but Dark Mist didn't know if that meant Astral would be able to remember anything while possessed.

"What happened, where am I?" Astral asked while holding his head.

Apparently Astral had no memory of the past events. "What's the last thing you remember?" Dark Mist asked hesitantly.

"The last thing I remember is going to bed, then I don't remember anything after that," Astral said and flinched as a wave of pain run through his head.

Dark Mist looked at Astral's eyes and sighed in relief when he saw they were their normal gold color.

"I don't feel very well, my head is pounding," Astral said and rubbed his temples to relieve the pain.

However shortly after he said this, he passed out and his eyes shifted back to amethyst purple.

Dark Mist scrambled to Astral's side. "Astral are you alright?" he asked worryingly.

"Your friend is no longer in control," the spirit replied.

"How about you give me a warning next time?" Dark Mist said nervously.

"Now why would I do that?" Astral asked, a smug smirk on his face.

"I want to make sure my friend's health isn't in danger?" Dark Mist muttered, pulling himself away from Astral's side.

"Who stole from me? I'm just trying to get what's rightfully mine," Astral said.

Dark Mist remained silent, not wanting to anger the spirit and put Astral in danger.

"Answer me," Astral said with an irritated tone.

"I did," Dark Mist answered hesitantly, worried for Astral's safety.

"Why are you so fascinated with my key, what are you trying to get?" Astral asked with a vaguely curious tone. "I threatened your friend, and yet you're still determined to keep it."

"I feel like someone's calling out to me, asking for help," Dark Mist murmured, running his fingers over it.

Astral peered over his shoulder and looked at the key. "What kind of voice?" Astral asked, sounding a bit worried and curious.

"It sounds like a young boy crying out for help and asks where he is. But I don't know who he is," Dark Mist replied.

"Did this boy ever state his name?" Astral asked.

"No," Dark Mist replied. "You seem apprehensive about this boy"

Astral sighed and looked back at the key. "I might know something about this boy."

"What would that be?" Dark Mist asked, trying to get information on whoever had this key before him.

"You'll have to investigate that if you ever want to find out who this boy is, and origins of the key. You might also find out who I am," Astral said with a nostalgic tone.

"You know who this boy is and you want him back desperately, am I right?" Dark Mist said, picking up on the spirit's yearning for the boy.

Astral's amethyst eyes flashed with anger, annoyance and sadness. "Shut it!" he snapped. "Or do you want me to hurt your friend?"

Dark Mist shifted unfortunately when the spirit said this and shut his mouth.

"If I wanted to I could take full control of your friend," the spirit said in a matter fact tone. "I have partial control over your friend now, but that can easily change. Right now I'm being nice, but keep in mind if I wanted to cause some damage to your friend's body I could. And as for messing with his head, that's even easier for me to do," the spirit said in an aggressive tone to get his point across. "And Since you think you can speak out of turn, I'll be taking complete control over your little friend for awhile."

"That wasn't part of our agreement, you said you would only have partial control over him!" Dark Mist cried, aggravated.

"It is now, maybe you'll learn to keep your mouth shut and your opinions to yourself," the spirit replied in a calm voice.

"Fine." Dark Mist said, turning away from Astral with a saddened look. 'What have I done? Astral is now lost unless I can help this boy.' Dark Mist thought while glancing back over at Astral.

"I'll be nice and give back partial control your friend, when you find me the name of the boy." Astral glared at him.

"What does this key mean to you?" he asked, prying for any leads he could get.

"More than it does to you, a friend I had gave it to me just before he passed," was the response from Astral.

"Then that will be helpful in my search for the boy's name," Dark Mist calmly stated.

"Take your time on finding his name. I could get used to this new body," the spirit said in a mocking way.

"Don't get too used to it," Dark Mist warned, feeling protective. "Once I find the boy's name and give you the key back, you give Astral his body back. That's our deal."

"Really now, you think I would harm your precious friend once I got what I wanted? Please, I like the feeling of being alive again but I'm a man of my word. But if you damage the key any more than it already is, your friend will suffer."

"Understood," Dark Mist said calmly. He stared at Astral only to see aggressive amethyst eyes staring back at him.

"I'll look for the boy's name in the morning," Dark Mist said, leaving the room and going to the living room to sleep.

"I hope you're still here with me, just like you promised all those years ago..." the spirit said quietly and went to sleep.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and if anyone would like to make a chapter for this book or any of my other books please private messages me. Who was the spirit talking about, and who is the boy calling out for help? Continue to read the story and find out.

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