Day Two

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Here's the next chapter......


It is day two of my work at this place that holds supernatural creatures in confinement in an old insane asylum, and getting here was a lot easier, since I remembered where the place was at, and I had to show who I was again through my nametag.
Kent was off sick today, and the other guy Dante, who had short wavy blonde hair, and was tall was taking Kent's place today.
Kent had Covid, so he couldn't come to work until he was fully over it, since Covid can effect supernatural creatures more severely than humans, depending on that creature's immune system, and the organization don't want these creatures dying, not even Nuada, so if you get Covid, well you're off work, until you are fully over it.

Lucky me, I never got Covid, though my body rejected vaccines starting since I was eighteen, I don't get them or my body goes into shock, so I had to tell my new boss that, which also puts me at risk for disease too, including Covid.
Kent was wearing a mask the day he was showing me around and gloves, yet he irresponsibly came to work sick, so anyone that was exposed to him had to have Covid tests every hour to check for a positive test.
So far I've been negative for each test, but David wasn't, so he had to stay home and isolate, the lunch lady I met also had to isolate, so someone else took her spot in the kitchen, and other kitchen staff were negative so far.

I'm lucky I'm negative so far, because if I got Covid, it would mean certain death, if I got it really bad, since I also had two friends die from Covid.

Until I'm completely negative for two more days, then I can't be around Nuada or guard him, or until Johann says I can be around Nuada.
The last test of the day, Johann tested me for Covid, and I came up negative again.
"Well, you are negative so far, but you say your body rejects vaccines?"
I nod to him.
"Strange, it might be because you may have supernatural creature blood in you somehow."

"I'm half Sumerian which is an advanced civilization, who perfected immortality like Atlantis."
I tell him.

"Oh, that explains alot, so I won't force you to take the vaccine.
Sumerians had good immune systems, but rejecting vaccines is part of your mixed blood."
He says to me, and I look at him weird.
I study ancient civilizations as well."
He shrugged.

"So Hellboy won't be able to come around huh?"
I ask him.

If Covid is spreading in this facility then only those not infected can work here, since it spreads through the air."
Johann says to me.

"Could my Sumerian blood make me completely immune to disease?
Because I've never been sick in my life."
I ask Johann.

"Yes it can."
Johann says to me.
"I examined your DNA, so the reason why you cannot take vaccines is because your immune system is rather perfect, just like Nuada's immune system."

"Wait, Nuada can't get sick?"
I ask him.

"No, he has never contracted illness here, except he is utterly psychotic, but we can never be too careful."
Johann says to me, and I nod to him.
"Your blood is quite unique, it has sparkling blue particles in it."

I ask him in shock as he motioned me to the scope he had that looks at samples, and I look in it, seeing blue particles mixed with my blood.

"I think the blue particles are some sort of energy your body naturally produces, so I must destroy your blood samples soon, or the gonverment may try to farm it from your body if they find out about it, because it's an energy source I cannot pinpoint what it is, but I know it's limitless, which suggests you will not age past maturity."
Johann says to me, and I pull away from the scope, and he then uses a small torch to destroy the sample, throwing the rest of the blood in my tube he puts in inside the sink, then rinses it out, and disposes of it.
"Not even this organization should know about your special DNA."
Johann sounded serious.
"Though I'd love to study it, I cannot, for your safety."

"Thank you for thinking of my safety then."
I say to him, thanking him.

"Only you can be around Nuada now.
Don't disappoint us."
Johann said to me, and I left the infirmary, me heading back to the home base area where Neil, who replaced David, who is also watching the monitors.

I walked up to Neil and it looked like Dante wasn't here.
Neil turned to face me in the spinning chair.
"Nuada isn't particularly active today."
He points at the dark screen on the bottom right end.
"We don't have night vision for his room, because he won't allow us to put another camera in there, so be careful."

"I wish you people would quit saying for me to be careful, because I can handle myself."
I say sarcastically to Neil, and I walk towards the door that led to Nuada's room, and I open it with my skeleton key, me walking through the doorway.


"She's a bitch."
Neil mutters to himself, watching her go to the door leading to Nuada's room, and she enters the doorway, shutting it behind herself.

Neil was smacked over the head by Dante.
Neil glared at Dante.
"She isn't a bitch.
She's just serious unlike you about her job, which makes her a good worker.
You and David are slackers."

"Screw you Dante!"
Neil growled out, the dark haired Latino slim nerd spat out, and Dante who was built like a wrestler, tall about six feet, blonde even, whilst Neil was five foot five, and Dante then sneered at Neil.

"I already did that remember?
Want me to pound that ass again in the faculty room?"
Dante smirked even wider at Neil.

Neil scoffed, pushing up his metal round rimmed glasses.

"Then shut up."
Dante sassed Neil.


I take in a deep breath, and let it out, and unlocked the door to Nuada's room with a click, and then opened the door, and I got cold chills, goosebumps even upon my arms, my hair upon my arms standing up, and I don't know why, and I walk through the door, and shut it behind me, and I lean against the door, my back against it.

I saw golden eyes near the floor that looked half his height, and when he slowly stood up, it looked like his eyes were matching his height, and he was taller than my five foot one inch stature by several inches, so I suspect he's six foot one, so maybe a foot higher.
He looked down at me where he stood.
He stared lower to my top I wore, my black Evanescence tank top, and I wore black jeans, and my black converse shoes, along with a red and black checkered opened and unbuttoned dress shirt, and my belt on my jeans had my keys hanging on a belt loop, and my phone hung on my hip that had a case holding it there unless I took it off.

"You are dressed unsightly unlike last time."
He complained, though I couldn't see his face, I knew he probably was handsome, especially by his British accent.

I stiffened when I heard him shift his weight, and felt fingers touch my chin, tilting it up, so I'd look at him, and I instinctfully held back the urge to deck his teeth in.
"You are not a normal human.
Your smell is different."
I blink at him, me confused why he said that, then he lets my chin go.
"No matter, you disgust me, as you are human."

"Well spank you too jackass."
I sass him, my hands upon my chubby kidneys.

He blinked rapidly at what I said.
"Do you want me to spank you?
The gesture is quite uncouth."

"It was me being sassy.
You must be old to not know how people sass each other these days."
I sass him more, folding my arms to my breasts in my tank top.

"I am 8,000 years old, so no."
He says to me, and I could tell he was being honest.

"Hold up!
8,000 years-fucking-old?!
I exclaim, me shocked by that information.
Then I asked.
"Are you wrinkly looking old?
Or mummy old?"

"You are entertaining I must admit."
He boldly laughed at me, and I frown up at him, and I know he can see me, because he commented on what I'm wearing, but dammit I couldn't see him, except for his white straight perfect teeth, and his golden eyes.

"I bet you're a saggy balled man."
I say sarcastically, and he then stopped laughing, and slammed his hand by my head, making the door make a slamming noise.

It seemed I struck a nerve.
I thought to myself.

"My balls are not saggy nor wrinkly.
I can show them to you if you wish?
Or is that me spanking you thing you said, just a bluff?"
He growled out to me, him showing his white teeth at me as he talked.

"I told you, I was sassing you, and was not serious."
I squeak out, and I watch as his golden eyes got an inch away from my face, making me look into his golden eyes.

"It seems you are not very bright, though you guard me.
Most women do not come in my room, unless they want me to give them a stiff one in their wombs."
I blink rapidly at what he said, shocked he said that, as his eyes trailed along my body, then his other hand went to my right kidney area, him placing his hand on it.
"You have more meat on you than most the women for this work."

"I have a condition where I can't lose weight, a hormone condition, called Hypothyroidism, and it can lead to a deadly disease called cancer, and I got puberty earlier than most children at a young age, which don't help my situation on my weight."
I tell him, distracting him from the sexual threat he said to me.

He asked him, him sounding confused.

Lots of women suffer from it who can't lose weight."
I tell him honestly, and his golden eyes tilted, meaning he tilted his head to the side.

"A disease that makes you fat.
Never heard of it."
He says sarcastically, and my anger was boiling over, and I bitch slapped him hard, making him grunt, and he slowly turned his head to look at me, and he says next.
"Not an intelligent response woman, since that stung highly enough."
I felt his hand go to my throat, slamming me into the door, him lifting me easily off my feet, and I gag, me not used to being overpowered, and I was feeling air leaving my lungs, and I felt the blood rushing to my head, and I heard loud wailing noises, and the room started flashing in red, and I finally saw who Nuada looked like, he had black markings over his eyes, like to me a goth person from the nighties had, long white hair to his ribs, that had orange tips that looked natural, and he had black lips, weird zigzag carved skin markings on his pale face, he was completely white as snow, his skin was, he was built like a swimmer, with slim muscular arms, a broad muscular chest, and a six packed abdomen, and he wore black and white stripped pants, and he was barefoot, and yet his body had scars allover it, and he had the most angry fathomful look upon his face as he was choking me.

My eyes soon rolled into the back of my head as I heard shouting.
"Tranq him!"

Then my mind went black, but all I was thinking of as I fainted from the lack of air was.....
This bastard was sexy as fuck!!


To be continued......

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