"Found You!" Loki

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Here's the next chapter.....

Warning there may be mature content...
Yes this will be a threesome book.

"Wake up bitch or I kill you!
Wake up bitch or I kill you!
Wake up bitch or I kill you!
Wake up bitch or I kill you!"
My alarm shouts at me on my phone, which was Achmed The Dead Terrorist, and I groan as I turn my body to grab my phone, and my fingers met with my phone, and I grab it, looking at the time, seeing it was 8:00am, the time I usually get up for work.

My pubic muscles had stabbing pains inside it, including my core, and my thighs were hella sore, including where Nuada dug his black nails into my skin of my chubby kidney areas, I felt there were minor cuts, and I carefully get out of bed, me limping to grab me things to wear, and once I had things to wear, and a towel, and rag; I turned the bathtub on warm, pulling the lever to have my detachable shower head turn on to spray the tub.
Steam filled the bathroom, as I get into the tub, letting the warm water hit my back, and help my taut tight muscles relax, and I started washing my hair with Aussie Avacodo hair soap, running my fingers through my hair, soap forming upon my locks, and I then rinsed my hands off and my hair, and I lathered up my honey scented bath soap up into my hands, and washed my face, and rinsed my face off, then I went my rag, and lathered it with the honey scented soap, and started washing my body, including my core, and ass.
I noticed I started my period too, so I finished up, rinsing off, and I dressed, and made sure to put on a pad onto my underwear, and I was having light cramps now, but thing is, I have PCOS, so it's terribly hard for me to get pregnant, so I tended to raw dog it with men I do trust to have sex with, me not worried about getting pregnant.
It's also been awhile many months, since I had a period, so I wasn't worried about Nuada getting me pregnant, and yet it is possible I can get pregnant.

I then fix my coffee cup to take with me in a mug with a lid, and put caramel creamer in it, as well as five sugar substitutes, and stirred it in order, and I decided to grab me some McDonald's to eat this morning.
Breakfast burrito sounded nice with hash browns, but their coffee is shit, so I won't get me any coffee there.
My favorite coffee was Black Rifle Company's Expresso, the pods.
I grab my purse, my chargers, my keys, and my name tag, and left my home, me locking up, and I walk to my vehicle, and I wore a black winter coat, since it's now the winter months, and Christmas was coming up soon in a few weeks, and my birthday was on Valentine's Day.
Right now it's thirty degrees coldwise out, and I could see the fog of my breath as I walked to my car, and my shoes crunched the grass that had frozen morning dew on it, and once I made it to my car, I took out my key, me humming as I do so, and as I look at my car's driver's side window, I saw a dark shadow behind me, and anxiety kicked up for me as I heard a familiar voice.
"I found you!"
I drop my keys, and I turn to face Loki, and he was standing before me, him sneering at me a devious sneer.
"Hello luv.
It's been many years since I have last seen you.
Did you miss me?"
He then stared at my neck.
"It seems you have not missed me by the hickeys upon your very nape."
He wore his green, black, and golden Asgardian clothing, and he didn't look pleased I had hickeys.

"Didn't Thor tell you that I wasn't waiting for you?"
I give him a serious look.

"Indeed he did."
Loki slammed his hand on my car door.
"Which enraged me.
I escaped that prison to find you.
I even took your mother as collateral."

I glare up at him.
"What did you do to her?!"
I grit out at him, me angry he's using my Mom as leverage.

"Nothing as of yet.
I was quite shocked she did not know anything about me being your lover before.
A pity for me."
He says sarcastically to me.

"What do you want Loki?"
I sass him, folding my arms to my big breasted chest.

"I want you.
I want to be lovers again."
Loki says to me, him giving me a hopeful smile.

"I'll pass."
I scoff at him.

He glared at me, him gritting out in his fury.
"Why do you reject me luv?!
Is it because of the man that gave you those bruises upon your nape?!"

I look him dead in the eye.
"Yes, and I told Thor I wanted nothing to do with you for a reason, because you didn't listen to me about stopping your plans back then, so you invading earth was my breaker point."

He looked devastated, and he then growled out.
"Who is he?!"

"He's not human like you."
I say to him honestly, knowing he can indeed read my mind, so he could find out about Nuada anyways.

"What is he?!"
He grits out at me.

"An elf.
A prince at that."
I tell him.
"Anyways, he can't get with me, since he's a prisoner.
He technically did the same thing you did, but tried to use some Gold Army to rule over humans."

Loki laughed at me.
"If you are his lover, then him and I are not so different.
It is proof you love evil hearted men like me."

I shook my head.
"No it can't be!"
I say to him.

Loki then took hold of my chin in his hand, and forced his lips upon my own, his tongue slipping into my mouth, and his tongue licked and caressed my own tongue, and I struggled in his grip, but soon I couldn't fight no more, and he smirked against my lips, and then wrapped my thighs around his waist, and I could feel the hard on he had in his tight leather green and black leggings poking my groin in my jeans.

"Did you not miss me luv?"
He pulls away, his lips near my ear when he said this.

I shrug at him.

"Then why betray me by laying with another man?
I was to be your first."
Loki stared at me with his blue eyes, and I saw jealousy in his eyes.

"I couldn't wait for you, because I was growing older, and you were gone for several years.
I'm thirty now."
I tell him honestly how I felt.
"Anyways me having sex with him was a fluke.
He kept saying weird things."

"What weird things?"
Loki asked me, his eyes showing curiosity in them.

"He's an elf like I told you and he said I'm his soulmate."
I say to Loki the truth.

"Soulmates exist.
I knew since the moment I saw you, that you were mine."
Loki then kissed my lips in a peck, and  pulls away.

"Still, I don't believe that Loki."
I tell him, and I felt him shift me upon his hips.

"Let me indulge in you."
Loki leans forward, him biting my neck where my hickey was, him leaving teeth marks upon my neck, and I felt him tug down my jeans, and I gasp, feeling his tip of his dick slowly slide inside me, and since I'm loose from having sex with Nuada, he easily fit fully inside me.

I cry out, as he thrusts out, then in slowly, then he grabbed my chin harshly, and forced me to kiss him, his tongue caressing my own tongue, and I clench my fingers onto his shoulders of his leather armored outfit, and I had to hold in the urge to run my fingers through his wild long hair.

"Keep saying my name sweetheart and I'll surely to spill inside you."
He says against my lips.

"Loki I said....ahn!"
I moan on accident as he thrusts back inside me, me feeling my stomach was full, and core too, me feeling him throbbing inside me, and my insides ached too, and tingled harshly.

"What was that luv?"
He mocked me, as he thrusts harder into me, then pulls out, and then rapidly started thrusting into me, making my car jiggle, and squeak, because my back was hitting the car door.

I say to him.

"Why stop?
When you are enjoying yourself?
You are throbbing against me as well."
He says into my right ear.
"Wrap your arms around me and give into the pleasure."

I couldn't help myself in wanting to do as he asked; and I wrap my arms around his neck, and hide my face into his right side of his neck, me finally letting out my moans, my mind blank, me only enduring the pleasure he's giving me.
"Good girl Alicia."
Loki puts a hand in my hair, and rubs his fingers through it.
"Give in."
His voice lulled me into the deepest pitch of pleasure as the car rocked with each thrust he did into me, and my core, and stomach started aching severely in a good ache, and I couldn't take anymore of this, in which my core spasmed and ached harder, making me realize that I was orgasming, me feeling like I'm urinating, but no I'm squirting upon his dick.

He thrusts one last time inside me; him groaning, and then started moving his hips slowly in a jerking fashion, and I felt his orgasm gush into my awaiting insides, it feeling hella warm, it filling me up completely to where I felt it leaking to the frozen concrete below.
"I will return once again luv and for now you may live your regular life, doing your job at that prison for now, that is until I come for you.
I have not yet fully prepared for me to take you with me."
He says into my right ear, and my pulse raced so harshly within my veins, that I could hear it ringing in my ears.
He then pulls out of me, and sets me upon my trembling feet, him pulling my pants and underwear back in order, and he kissed my forehead.
I watched his body turn into gold and green sparking stuff.
"I will return.
I love you."
He then fully disappeared before me.

He left.
Him leaving me confused how I feel about him and Nuada.
He wants me to choose and how can I choose?
I truly don't know if I can!

I walk back into my house, and grab a blue and gold scarf, me putting it over my neck where he left the bite mark, and I then get back to my car, and get inside it, me flinching as I sit down, cause I hurt worse now after I had sex with Loki.
And I changed my pad too before I left in my home.
I then drive towards the direction to the Supernatural Creature Prison.
I just hope Nuada don't realize I had sex with Loki.


To be continued.....

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