The Job

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Here's the first chapter, enjoy.......
Slow updates may occur......


"Are you sure you can handle such a job?"
A bald man with a cheap cigar in his mouth asked me, him blowing his smoke towards me, and I coughed from the cigar smoke, since I never like cigars, especially since my Mom was allergic to them, but I'm not.
"You're chunky so I don't think you can."

I sigh at him, annoyed by him practically being fatphobic, and him thinking cause I'm fat, that I can't handle myself, so I then slammed my fist down onto his table, which it broke in half with a loud ass cracking and slamming noise, making him jerk back in time in shock.
"How did you do that?!"
He asked me, his eyes wide.

"I'm not from around here actually.
I'm a Sumerian."
I tell him honestly.
"Well half Sumerian."

He asked me.

"Technically highly advanced people like Atlantians.
My father was a Sumerian."
I tell him more.
"Like Atlantians they perfected immortality, and had gifts like Mutants."

"So you're saying you can handle the job then?"
He asked me and I nod.

"If I broke the table with one slam of my first, I can indeed handle what the job throws at me.
I'm chubby due to thyroid issues, not because I overeat.
Thyroid issues run on my mother's side."
I sass him more.
"I have hypothyroidism and losing weight is hard."

"I see.
You can start tomorrow."
He nervously handed me a paper, which had an address on it.
"Just make sure he doesn't escape."

"Don't worry, he won't escape."
I tell him.

"Just to warn you, it's like an old asylum.
The location should never be revealed to the public."
He says to me and I nod, and I stand up.

"And the pay?"
I ask him.

"five thousand tops."
He says to me, giving me a serious gaze.
"You sure you can handle him?
He's our most violent resident.
He also hates humans, so he will try to kill you, like he killed many of the guards easily.
He spits out the medication we give him.
He's also not human, but an elf.
So can you handle him, is the question?"

"Trust me I can handle him.
So what's his name?"
I ask my new boss.

"Prince Nuada, the son of an elf king."
I heard a voice behind me, and I turn to the voice, seeing a man with blue skin, and fish eyes too, and I wasn't surprised by seeing him, and it looked like he wore something around his neck to let him breathe our oxygen.
"His sister is the ruler now, but Nuada is quite troublesome.
I suggest you take care."
He says to me, him warning me of how dangerous this Nuada was.

"This is Abe."
My boss says to me, motioning a hand to Abe.
"He's one of our supernatural agents."

I nod to Abe.
"I can handle this Nuada guy, so don't worry fish boy."

He blinked rapidly.
"Fish boy?!"

I walk by him and wave my hand over my shoulder.
"I'll be into work at eleven in the morning."

Why so late?"
Abe asked me.

I turn towards him.
"Finding the creatures old folks home is gonna be hard, especially when it is secret like he says.
It'll give me time to find it."
I said to Abe.
"The address will not be on a GPS if it's classified, so give me time to get there."

"She is right.
The location will be hard to find."
The boss says to Abe, him agreeing with me.

"Right, I was a fool to not think of that, but she should read up on Prince Nuada's file."
Abe says to me, and tried to reach out, and touch my shoulder, and I step away.
"I apologize.
I did not know you do not like to be touched."

"I never did liked to be touched.
I'm also autistic, so some of us don't like to be touched, unless asked."
I tell him.

"I truly am sorry."
Abe says to me, him giving me a guilty look.

I then turn my back to him.
"Abe will be there bright and early at eleven to show you around the facility then, unless he has a mission then he'll have to leave."
The bald guy with the cigar says to me.

"See you then cupcake."
I say over my shoulder, then leave this top secret building, and get in my vehicle, my blue Prius.
The vehicle was good for me because it was efficient on the emissions on the planet.

I move my brown hair out of my face, and tie it up in a ponytail with a ponytail band, and I then buckle in, and turn my engine over, then pull out, and drive out of the cobblestone driveway, the gates opening for me to leave.

My life may change after taking this job, but it's what I trained for in the Military Police, and though my powers didn't awaken until after I was in the Military Police...then my life changed back then, and I needed to hide who I was, that is until I showed my powers today.

Once I got in my apartment; I made sure to take my prescription for my hypothyroidism with water, and then readied myself for bed, since it was late when I got home, about twelve in the morning.
I would shower once I get up tomorrow.
I would also style my hair up in a ponytail, and wear my usual outfit for work, which is my Dir En Grey black and red shirt, including my jean red bootie shorts, and black socks, and my converse red shoes, and my identification tag that my bald boss gave me, which said Alicia Madden.

Madden was my mother's maiden name, and my father knocked her up, then disappeared, her not knowing where he went, it was like it was magic to her, and she eventually became obsessed with the paranormal even after I was born, which resulted in her going missing too when I was sixteen, so I had to grow up fast, learn to take care of myself fast.
But then I was diagnosed young with hypothyroidism as a nine year old, and I started gaining weight out of the blue, which though I was on the medication, I gained weight no matter if I worked out or ate a diet, so I just gave up on losing weight, and then after I graduated the military police academy, my powers awakened, which was when I was eighteen, and now I'm thirty-one.
I never saw military action, but I know the drill on what to do when in certain situations, because I was trained in that stuff.
Even my higher up officers were making fun of my weight, but I showed them I could handle things some men could not, and never complained, and one of the higher up officers eventually raped me, which happens to women often in the military, in which I had to have an abortion for in the end, and the DNA from the fetus signified that it was one of my higher up officers, getting him locked up for forty-five years, to life, because I was only sixteen when I enrolled into the Military Police, and I was seventeen when he got me pregnant through rape, and I had my abortion because my body's immune system rejected the fetus, attacking it, causing a miscarriage, which I couldn't pass on my own, so I had to have a D&C to remove the dead fetus tissue, and they tested it, since I admitted the fetus was a product of rape by my a superior officer, who I named by name, and DNA don't lie, so the man got prison time.
I never wanted the fetus buried either, I told the technicians to dispose of it, cause I couldn't look at it, it made me want to puke, so they disposed of the snot looking fetus, since it was only about nine weeks in, and looked like a booger, and I was happy they got rid of it.
I was given antibiotics because I was near being septic, so I had to take them a long time, until I fully recovered.

Though I had been sick in a way; I graduated my class, and then I went in doing security work, even guarding famous people like Bill Murray so to speak.
By the way; Bill Murray was a party animal for his old age too, and he loved to golf.
He was a sweet old man.
I loved working for that man, until he said he had to let me go, because this job was lined up for me, which he understood.
He gave me a gift of expensive chocolates, which I already ate up last month.
The man was an awesome human being.


The first chapter got too long so I cut it......

To be continued.....

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