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A/N: This is just a free write so my apologies if some of it doesn't make sense.

I was running. From what? I wasn't sure. Low growls could be heard in the distance behind me. This thing, whatever was chasing me, had come out of nowhere and I had no clue how the fuck it happened. I was supposed to have a peaceful walk to clear my mind for crying out loud!

One hour Earlier

"Get out of my house!" I yell.

"Taehyung, please! Just listen to me and let me explain!" the man before me pleads.

"No, Yoongi! How the fuck are you supposed to explain that you were willingly making out with my best friend!? Huh!? Tell me, goddammit! How were you gonna try to weasel your way out of this one?"

At this point I'm crying. My tears fall like waterfalls, all of my emotions that I kept bottled up finally tumbling out.

He's taken aback from my outburst. Clearly shocked that I, the quiet and shy Taehyung, had just yelled at him. I couldn't keep hiding the fact that I knew he was cheating on me with Jimin.


How could my best friend do this to me? I trusted him. I considered him family and loved him like a brother. Why would they do this to me?

I'm broken out of my thoughts by a gentle, "Sorry."

"Sorry for what? For cheating on me or the fact you got caught?"

As soon as the words left my mouth, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Ignoring the feeling, I turn my full attention to the black-haired boy in front of me. He didn't deserve the title of a man.

"Look, baby, I'm-"


"Don't. EVER. Call me that again! Understood?" I say through gritted teeth.

He cradles his now red cheek and nods. What did I ever see in him anyway?

"Please leave," I say quietly now.

Hanging his head in shame, he walks away towards his car.

"Oh and tell Jimin that he shouldn't even think about showing his face around here again,"  I yell over my shoulder as I turn to go inside my house.

I slam the door shut, the whole house shaking in response. My body shakes too, though not by the slamming of the door, but by the sobs that take over me as the betrayal and anger fill my heart. I slide down, curling up into a ball and clutching my chest.

Why does my heart hurt so much? We had only been going out for two months not two years. Why was I stupid enough to give them both a second chance when they didn't even deserve it?

The worst thing was that now I had no one. No family, no friends, no boyfriend. Everyone who ever meant something to me was just... Gone. They either died or I pushed them away.

By now, the downpour of tears had become just rare droplets making it easier to see. I wiped the remaining tears, suddenly getting chills. The feeling of being watched returned in full force. This time, though, I took a look at my surroundings. 

Nothing seemed out of place. I had a clear view of the living room from my place by the door. Everything seemed normal. The only thing different was the sudden eerie atmosphere of the room and the lack of people. 

I hated this feeling of being watched. It made me feel small and vulnerable to whoever or whatever was watching me. 

I took a deep breath, deciding that a walk would do me good and would help me clear my head. I go wipe off any evidence of tears before heading out the door, locking it behind me. 


Whatever the hell was chasing me had been watching me since I left the house. Now, I wasn't the fastest runner but as of this moment I was thankful that I had taken track in high school. Whatever this thing was, it wouldn't stop coming after me. 


My lungs were starting to burn horrendously and I had no idea where I could hide so I could at least catch my breath. 

I stopped dead in my tracks. This thing had somehow managed to jump in front of me. Apparently he was faster than me and had merely been toying with me. 

This is how I die isn't it. Supernatural hasn't yet taught me how to kill unknown creatures.

"Wha-what do you want from m-me?" I ask in between breaths. 

I receive a few low growls in response. 

I'm breathing heavily, intaking large gulps of air while keeping a wary eye on the creature in front of me.

My blood runs cold when I hear a familiar voice call out to me, "Don't you remember me, Tae? Aw, I'm hurt."


"The one and only! I'm sorry I scared you," he says with a pout. "I just wanted to surprise you but it seems I only caused you fear."

But he was dead! I saw with my own eyes how that monster sucked him dry! Don't tell me he turned into one of them?

"You were dead!" I say pointing a finger at him. "I cried for days over you! If you were alive then why didn't you come back to me?"

I was crying for the second time that day. He came closer to me, his intentions being to wipe my tears away. I pushed him away, already frustrated from today's events. Shock was evident on his face. 

"I didn't come back because I didn't want to hurt you. I had to learn to control myself before coming into contact with any human," he explains briefly.

Confusion was evident on my face. I looked him over a couple of times, now noticing how much buffer he had gotten. His facial features were a lot more defined making him look hot

I wiped my own tears, sniffing in the process. I open my mouth to ask more questions when he interrupts me.

"I'm what you call a vampire, Taehyung. A blood-sucking vampire."

Chills run down my spine at his confession. My Kookie had turned into a vampire? Wait, but if he was a vampire, then that means he has enough strength to kill me in one blow. I was terrified, shaking like a chihuahua. Could he have been the one to kill my friends? After all, the police did say that they had bite marks on their necks and their blood had seemingly been drained.

"Please don't be scared," he says in a low whisper. "I was only trying to protect you. All of those people you called friends? They were out to hurt you, Tae. They didn't want you to be their friend, they wanted you to be their toy!"

"So it was you? What the actual fuck, Jungkook! I don't care if they were using me because at least I had someone there for me!" I was breathing heavily now, tears streaming down my face once more.

He took a step closer. I took a step back. I kept my head down, not daring to look into his eyes. I was terrified of him in all honesty. He wasn't the Jungkook I fell in love with two years ago. He wasn't the same soft boy who stole my heart through romantic gestures. No, he wasn't Jeon Jungkook anymore; he was a monster. 

Suddenly, as quick as lightning, I was thrown over a muscular shoulder. I gasped, in shock of what had just transpired. 

I started hitting his back, squirming, begging to be let go. 

"Put me down you asshole!"

"No, not until you listen to me," he growled as he walked further into the alleyway we had somehow ended up in. 

"Look, put me down and maybe then we can talk like normal people," I suggested. 

I wasn't actually going to stay in all honesty, but this gave me time to think of an escape plan which I was now going to put into use hopefully.

"You plan on escaping, so just listen from where you are," he stated calmly. "Want to know why I killed them?"

I nodded my head rapidly, giving myself whiplash. Realizing he couldn't see me, I replied with a meek, "Yes please."

I was desperate for answers and if he was actually going to give me some then there was no use in escaping. I asked him once again to put me down and was surprised when he complied. When I didn't try to escape, he said, "Good boy."

The fluttering in my heart from the sudden praise had me realizing that I still had some sort of affection for him. I tried ridding myself of these feelings by thinking about what he did to my friends, but to no avail. I was still in love with him no matter how much he had changed.

A chuckle breaks me out of my thoughts. 

"Glad to know you still love me and not that dick, Yoongi," he said, speaking Yoongi's name as if it were poison in his mouth.

"H-How did you-"

"I can read minds, Taehyung, and yours is no exception. This isn't the Twilight Saga."

"So can you explain to me why you did it?" I asked, suddenly feeling timid.

He sighs, "Where do I start? First off, I hate when other people touch you the way I did. I only allowed Yoongi to live because you seemed happy with him. Jimin, he was your best friend so I didn't think he'd screw you over the way he did. Baekhyun and Chanyeol, they were planning on raping you."

My mouth was agape. Two of my close friends were going to hurt me? But, why?

"Yeah, hard to believe two of the most caring friends you had were going to do that to you. Why do you think they were there almost 24/7? They were just waiting to put their plan into action and all I did was put a stop to it. And Seulgi! Let's not forget about her! She didn't want to be friends. She just wanted to get in your pants so she could boast about it to the whole school and her girlfriend, Irene. You remember all of them?"

I nodded numbly. This was all new to me. Being the naive person I was, I always thought people had good intentions and deserved second chances. Now, I realized how stupid I was. Everything, my whole life, it was all a lie. I couldn't even cry at my own stupidity.

I looked up to ask him a question but was startled to find him a couple of inches in front of me, his hot breath hitting my face. My own breath hitched. I didn't expect to be so close to him.

"W-What are y-you doing?" I stammered.

"I wanted to kiss you because you seemed upset but I guess I'll settle for a hug," he says before wrapping his strong arms around me, pouring all of his love into this one embrace. 

I had never felt love like I felt it then. Sure he wasn't human anymore, but he instantly made me forget all of my worries. I hesitantly wrapped my own arms around him before clinging onto him as if my life depended on it.

"You're mine and only mine you hear me?" 

I could only nod my head at his possessive statement. The only thing I wanted was to savor this moment with him. He was the only person I had left so I was going to make sure he never left me. 

"Hey, Jungkook?"

"Yeah, baby boy?

I blushed a little at the pet name, "I realize now that you were only trying to protect me even if you were being a bit possessive. I don't want to be apart from you ever again, so please take me with you wherever it is you go."

"I wasn't planning on leaving you anyway," he whispers seductively into my ear. 

Shivers ran down my spine as his breath tickled my ear. I shouldn't be turned on by this but I am. Feeling courageous I say, "Make love to me... Daddy."

He pulls away, clearly shocked that I was still willing to call him that. He gets over it quickly and smirks at my lustful look.

"Let's get going to your place then. I'll make sure to mark you up real nice so people know who you belong to, baby boy."

He throws me over his shoulder, slapping my ass hard before sprinting off in the direction of my house.

I knew vampires were fast creatures but this was beyond my imagination. We had made it to the door in less than a minute, on the bed within seconds.

His lips were on mine, love and lust making their presence known. He began grinding on me, remembering just how rough I liked it. Wet sounds could be heard as we made out, my whimpers of pleasure coming out as well.

I felt his hand slide down from my face to my hardened erection. He palmed me over my pants, making me harder if that was even possible.

His lips went from my own lips to my neck, sucking on the supple skin, leaving red marks for sure. He then bites on my ear lobe, making me moan loudly in pleasure.

"D-Daddy, please fuck me," I beg, biting my lip while looking at him through my lashes with innocent eyes.

He loves when I act innocent while asking for such naughty things.

"Anything for you baby boy," he says, breathless.

He goes to undo my pants then proceeds to slide them off, causing my panties to be in plain view.

"Fuck, baby. You know I love it when you wear these."

I giggle, "I know daddy. I never stopped wearing them even after I thought you died."

"You deserve a reward for this."

My heart swells knowing that I've done something to please Daddy. I bite my lip, awaiting my reward.

I watch as he lowers himself to be face to face with my cock. He slowly lowers my panties, watching me the whole time. My cock is sprung free, standing proudly in his presence.

"I've missed you so much baby boy," he says before taking me into his mouth.

He bobs his head up and down, pleasure overtaking me. His mouth worked like magic, sucking on my cock and licking it from base to tip.

My moans filled the room. He kept pleasuring me, showing more love than lust.

"Ah~, Daddy, I-I'm close!"

He pulls away immediately. I whine at the loss of contact. He chuckles at my reaction, "Don't worry baby boy. I just have other ways of pleasuring you.~"

He hovers over me and stares with different emotions swirling in those beautiful brown orbs of his. Possessiveness was one of them. The other I could identify as love with lust clouding it.

"Say 'Ah'."

I open my mouth for him, feeling his fingers make their way into my mouth for me to suck on. When he figures it's enough, he pulls them out of my mouth and inserts one finger into my tight ass hole.

I mewl at the action, feeling pleasure and discomfort.

"Fuck baby you're so tight. Makes me harder than I am now."

Soon after he adds another, scissoring his fingers and stretching my hole. Two become three and I couldn't help myself from moaning his name all the while.

"I want daddy's cock to fill me up~," I moan.

Smirking, he pulls out his fingers and aligns his cock with my entrance. I'm suddenly thrown into pure ecstasy when he thrusts his cock inside of me, hitting my prostate immediately.

He pounds slowly into me before roughing thrusting in and out of me. My head was thrown back in pure bliss, moans escaping my mouth.

"Harder, please daddy~"

He complies, throwing my leg over his shoulder, thrusting his hips harder, faster.

We were both moaning, both loving how little space there was between us. I was nearing my climax and made sure to let him know.

"I'm close too, baby."

Our breaths mixed together as we came in for a sloppy kiss. Using one had to hold himself up, he uses the other to choke me softly. This pushes me over the edge causing me to climax onto both of our stomachs in a matter of minutes.

He comes after me with a few final thrusts then slumps on top of me. We were both breathing heavily. I stroke his head as I whisper, "I missed this; I missed us."

He rolls over to lay beside me, "I missed us too, baby."

He gets up and brings the necessary supplies to clean us both up. Once that's done, he pulls me into a love-filled kiss. I savor this moment as much as I can in case he disappears again.

"I can tell you're scared I'll leave again but you don't have to worry about that. I'm here to stay. Forever.

"I'll make sure nobody touches what's mine."

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