Possessive Lover Part - 13

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Let's start it...

Host : Take your positions...1...2...3!!!

The whistle sound echoed through the basketball court and the match starts.


You started cheering loudly and he looked at you and gave you a flying kiss making you blush.

Host : Round 1 start!!!

Shu pass the ball to Fubuki while Lane trying to block his way and Fubuki pass the ball back to Shu while Lane's teammates trying to stop him.

Fubuki : SHU!!! GOAL!!!

Shu jump and throw the ball in the basket and it's goal then everyone started screaming.

Everyone : YEAH!!! SHU!!! SHU!!! SHU!!! SHU!!! SHU!!!

Shu smirk at Lane who clenched his fists in anger and the match goes like this and now it's 3rd round and the scores are ( Lane's Team - 42 ) ( Shu's Team - 60 )

Lane mind : I have to win this match at any cost...I can't lose this time.

They again start the match and Fubuki is bouncing the ball and was about to jump but Lane put his leg in front of Fubuki which causes him fall on ground while Lane snatched the ball from Fubuki and throw it in the basket and it's goal of Lane's team.

Y/n : Oh no Fubuki!!!

Shu : Fubuki!!!

He ran towards him.

Shu : Are you okay ?

Fubuki : I am fine Shu.

He stand up.

Shu : That bastard did this intentionally.

Lane smirked on them and the match again start but this time Lane's team gain more points.

Fubuki : Shu...what should we do now ? They are playing really well.

Shu : I can't lose this match...I have to win this match at any cost.

He looks at you who smile sadly and he smiled back.

Shu mind : I know sweetheart you are afraid but don't worry I'll win this match only for you.

Host : Now it's time for 4th round!!! Take your positions!!!

They all take their position and the whistle sound echoed through the basketball court and the match starts.


He throw the ball towards Fubuki but Lane took this chance and grab the ball and throw it in the basket and it's goal of Lane's team.

Shu : Arggghhh!!!

He groan in frustration and punch on the ground and the scores are now ( Lane's Team - 70 ) ( Shu's Team - 72 )

Lane : Shu!!! Tell your girlfriend be ready to kiss me!!!

He smirked at Shu who glared at him with his deadly eyes.

Host : This is the time of final round!!!

Fubuki : Shu...it's a 50-50% chance of winning for both of the teams.

Shu : I will make it 100% chance for us.

The whistle sound echoed through the basketball court and the final round started while everyone sitting with serious face and kept on cheering for Shu.

Fubuki : SHU!!! CATCH IT!!!

He pass the ball to Shu and Shu catch it but suddenly Lane snatched the ball from Shu.

Fubuki : OH NOOOO!!! SHU!!!

Shu's team trying to block Lane's way but Lane throw the ball towards the basket making everyone shock.

Y/n mind : Nooo god!!! It can't happen...please do something!!!

Suddenly someone blocked the way of ball.

Fubuki : YES SHU!!!

Shu jump and throw the ball in the basket and it's goal.


Everyone started shouting due to happiness and you ran towards him.

Y/n : SHU!!!

You jump on him and wrap your legs around his waist and hugged him tightly.

Shu : Are you happy sweetheart ?

He hugged you back.

Y/n : I am so so so muchhhh happy!!!

He smiled and kissed your cheek.

Shu : Awww! My sweetheart.

He put you down.

Shu : Sweetheart...

Y/n : Hmmm ?

Shu : I want my reward.

He said while staring at your lips making you blush.

Shu : May I ?

You nodded and you both started kissing in front of everyone.

Fubuki : Aishhh!!! These love birds!!!

Akari : Omg! How cute romeo and juliet.

Lane was burning in anger then you both broke the kiss.

Shu : I love you...

Y/n : I love you too...

Shu : Now let's go and celebrate our victory.

He smirked at Lane who was glaring at him and then you both left from there.

Y/n : First go and change your sports dress then we will celebrate your victory.

Shu : Oh yeah! Wait for me...I will be back in a minute.

He left and come towards his locker room and change his clothes then Fubuki and Akari come to him.

Akari : Congrats Shu...

Shu : Thanks Akari...

Akari : Let's celebrate your victory.

Fubuki : Yes!!!

Shu : My sweetheart already decided this and I'll celebrate with you both later because now I want to spend some alone time with my sweetheart.

Akari : Ohooo!!! This romeo deeply in love with his juliet.

Fubuki : Right...

They both laughed.

Shu : Shut up...

He was about to go but he heard someone's shouting.

??? : SHU!!!

Shu : I heard something.

Akari : Same...

??? : SHU!!!

Fubuki : Wait...she is---

Shu : Y/n!!!

He immediately ran out while Fubuki and Akari followed him behind.


I hope you like it
Thanks for reading ☺️
Love you sugars ❤️

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