Possessive Lover Part - 16

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Let's start it...

~Next Day~

Valt and Lui waiting for you on a dinning table that's when you come downstairs with sadness appear on your face.

Lui : What happened Y/n ?

Y/n : Nothing brother...

You went towards the dinning table and sat on your seat.

Valt : Are you okay Y/n ?

Y/n : I am not...I am not feeling well.

Lui : Oh! If you are not feeling well then don't need to go to college today.

He smiled secretly with Valt.

Y/n : Yes brother---

Suddenly you realised what just he said.

Y/n : Wait...what ?

They both laughed at your reaction.

Valt : Yes Y/n...you are going college again.

You stood up and started jumping like a kid due to excitement.


Lui : So, you are well now ?

You nodded and hugged him tightly.

Y/n : You are the best brother...thank you so much...love you!!!

You back away.

Lui : I also arrange some bodyguards for you.

Your eyes widened.

Y/n : WHAT ? But brother---

Lui : I can't take risk.

Y/n : But I don't need them.

Lui : Remember If no bodyguards then no college either...the choice is yours now.

You pout.

Y/n : So rude...fine! I am ready.

Valt : Now sit down and have your breakfast.

You sat down and started eating breakfast with a pout.

Y/n mind : If bodyguards will be with me then how will I able to meet Shu and spend time with him ?

~At College~

You are searching Shu with your bodyguards following behind you everywhere which annoy you.

Y/n mind : What should I do now ? They are following me everywhere...you have to do something Y/n...think...think...IDEA!!!

You turned around to face them.

Y/n : My shoe laces are open...let me tie them first.

Bodyguards : Okay ma'am...

You bent down and slowly move closer to bodyguards shoes and secretly tie their laces with each other.

Y/n mind : Done...

You get up.

Y/n : Let's go now...

You turned around and started walking away and they both was about to follow you but fell down on floor.

Y/n mind : Well done Y/n.

You continue to walk while they both are struggling on floor and trying to free themselves.

Bodyguards : Ma'am please stop!!!

You already walked away from there.

Bodyguard 1 : What are you doing ? Untie this we have to catch her otherwise Lui boss will kill us.

Bodyguard 2 : I am trying...you just shut your mouth...it's her trick...she did it intentionally.

They started bickering like cat and dog while you walk too far away from them with a smile.

Y/n : You are so smart Y/n...la la la la la la la la la---AHHHHH!!!

Suddenly you scream with wide eyes when they both appear in front of you while panting heavily.

Bodyguard 1 : Ma'am please...stop now.

You slowly back away and immediately ran away in full speed.

Bodyguard 2 : Noooo!!! Ma'am...stop!!!

Bodyguard 1 : Catch her!!!

They both started chasing you and after running for so long you get tired and stop on a corridor while breathing heavily.

Y/n : I am tired...I can't run anymore.

Suddenly a voice come from back.

Bodyguards : MA'AM!!!

You look back.

Y/n : Oh nooooooo!!!

You again started running tiredly but suddenly your eyes fall on a Shu who is talking with Fubuki and Akari.

Y/n : Shu...thank god I found him.

You ran towards him in full speed.

Bodyguard 2 : Is she an athlete or what ?

Y/n : SHU!!!

Shu was about to turn around but you jump on his back and stick with him like a koala and due to sudden force Shu unbalanced himself and move few steps backwards.

Shu : Y/n!!! You are here!!!

Y/n : Shu...please run fast!!!

Shu : But why ?

Y/n : I'll tell you everything later but now just run away from here.

He just follow your order and started running while holding you on his back.

Fubuki : What just happened ?

Akari : Don't know...

They both are totally confused while Shu kept on running while holding you.

Shu : Y/n...what are you doing here ? Now you are allowed to come college again ?

Y/n : Aishh!!! I said I'll tell you everything later.

Shu : Okay but who are they and why are they following us ?

Y/n : They both are my bodyguards.

Shu : What ? Bodyguards ?

Y/n : Yes...

Bodyguard 1 : MA'AM!!! STOP PLEASE!!!

Y/n : Shu...hide somewhere...they are still following us.

Shu : Okay...

He saw an empty classroom and went inside and closed the door.

Bodyguard 2 : Where they gone ?

Bodyguard 1 : I think in this way.

They both ran away on a opposite side.

Shu : Now tell me what's happening ?

Y/n : Wait...let me sit first...I am tired.

You sat on a table tiredly.

Shu : Seriously ? You are looking more tired than me and I must say that you are too heavy.

You glared at him.

Y/n : Shut up...

He sat beside you.

Shu : Tell me...what's all this ?

Y/n : Actually my brother allowed me to go college again but only in one condition that I have to go with bodyguards but I don't need them...they kept on following me everywhere which annoy me.

Shu : Oh! That's the matter.

Y/n : Please Shu do something.

Shu : Don't worry sweetheart...I'll handle them now.

He smirked.

Y/n : Really ? That's my white tiger.

Shu : Let's go now...

You both jump off the table and went out.

Bodyguard 1 : Where they gone ?

Bodyguard 2v Don't know but I can't follow them anymore.

Bodyguard 1 : Right...let's tell about this to boss that we can't handle their sister.

Bodyguard 2 : Right...call him.

Suddenly a voice interrupted them.

??? : STOP!!!

They both turned around.

Bodyguards : Y/n ma'am!!!

Bodyguard 1 : Thank god...you are back ma'am.

They both started walking towards you but stop when Shu come out from your back with a smirk.

Bodyguard 1 : W-Who is he ? He is looking like a white tiger.

Bodyguard 2 : He is looking actual bodyguard more than us.

They both gulped.

Shu : What happened now ? Come here.

They both shook their heads and Shu walked towards them while smirking and they both started pushing each other to come in front of Shu.

Shu : What's wrong with you guys ?

Bodyguards : N-Nothing...

Shu put his hands on both of their shoulders making them gulp in nervousness.

Shu : Now listen to me carefully.

Bodyguards : W-What ?

Shu : Stop annoying my girlfriend.

Bodyguards : WHAT ? GIRLFRIEND ?

Shu glared at them making them shut their mouth.

Shu : Yes girlfriend and from now on you both will work for me.

Their eyes widened.

Shu : You'll work for me and your work is that you both will come with Y/n from her house but after coming here you'll leave her here alone with me...you just have to pretend like bodyguards in front of her brother but in reality you'll work for me and I'll pay you both more than your boss.

They both gulped.

Bodyguards : H-Huh ?

Shu : Am I clear ?

Bodyguards : Y-Yes boss...

Shu : Good...now go and wait for Y/n till her classes get over.

They both nodded and disappeared from there in a second and you burst into laughing.

Y/n : Good work partner.

Shu : Thank you captain.

He bow at you and you come towards him and peck his cheek.

Y/n : Now I am going for my classes...meet you later...bye.

You left from there and he also left for his classes.


Lui is in his office and working on his laptop suddenly someone knocked on his cabin's door.

Lui : Come in!!!

His secretary entered inside with a file on her hand.

Secretary : Boss...this is a file of Kurenai company...they want to collaborate with us.

Lui : Kurenai company ? I heard about them...the second biggest company of Tokyo after ours.

Secretary : Yes boss...

Lui : Okay so, let's meet with Mr.Kurenai on today's business party.

Secretary : Okay boss...

She bowed at him and left.


I hope you like it
Thanks for reading ☺️
Love you sugars ❤️

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