Possessive Lover Part - 23

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Let's start it...

Mr and Mrs.Kurenai was walking here and there in the living room worriedly.

Mrs.Kurenai : Honey...it's too late but still he didn't come yet...I am so worried please call him.

Mr.Kurenai was about to call Shu but then they saw Fubuki entered inside with Shu and they both get shocked seeing a lot of blood covered in Shu's hand.

Mrs.Kurenai : SHU!!!

Shu emotionalessly sat on couch.

Mrs.Kurenai : Honey!!! Bring first aid box fast!!!

Mr.Kureai went inside a room to bring first aid box.

Mrs.Kurenai : S-Shu...my son...what happened to you ?

Shu didn't said anything just staring at the ceiling blankly.

Mrs.Kurenai : What happened ? Why are you like this ? Say something.

Mr.Kurenai come towards Shu with first aid box.

Mr.Kurenai : Here...

Mrs.Kurenai : Give me...

She took the first aid box and open it.

Mrs.Kurenai : Son...it will hurt a little.

She took a cotton and apply medicine on it then carefully clean his hand but Shu was just sitting silently without any expression.

Mr.Kurenai : S-Son...what happened ?

Fubuki : Uncle...his heart is broken.

Mrs.Kurenai : What ? But why ?

Fubuki : Y/n break up with him.

Their eyes widened in shock.

Mrs.Kurenai : Shu---

Shu stood up and left to his room.

Mrs.Kurenai : Shu!!!

Fubuki : Aunty...please leave him alone for sometimes.

Mrs.Kurenai : But---

Mr.Kurenai : He is right honey...we should give him sometime.

Mrs.Kurenai : My son is hurt...why did Y/n broke up with him ?

Fubuki started telling them the whole story while Shu went inside his room and sat on the edge of the bed.

Shu : Y/n...today you hurt me a lot...you directly take my soul away from my body and broke my heart into million pieces.

Out of sudden a smirk formed on his face.


~Next Day~

Lui is sitting on the dinning chair waiting for you and Valt for breakfast that's when Valt come downstairs.

Valt : Excuse me...please send Y/n's and mine breakfast in our rooms.

He said to a maid.

Maid : Okay sir...

She took the food tray and went upstairs.

Lui : Why in rooms ? You'll not eat with me ?

Valt ignored him and went upstairs.

~After Half An Hour~

Valt : Y/n!!! Come fast!!! You are getting late!!!

Lui : Why ? Is she going anywhere ?

Valt ignored him.

Lui : I am asking something.

Valt : She is going college...do you have any problem ?

Lui : But I already arranged---

Valt : We know that Mr.Lui Shirosagi but you did that all because of Shu and now everything has over between Y/n and Shu so, now you can't stop her from going college.

Lui : But---

Suddenly he saw you coming downstairs but you was looking pale and weak.

Lui : Y/n...are you okay ?

He asked worriedly but you ignore him.

Y/n : Let's go Valt...

Valt : Hmmm...

You both left and tears form in Lui's eyes.

Lui : M-My sister is ignoring me and it hurts me...I am doing this all just for her then why she is doing this to me ?

~At College~

You was walking nervously in corridor.

Y/n mind : Oh god...I am nervous as hell...I can't face him anymore...please god don't bring him in front of me.

Suddenly your eyes fall on a familiar figure.

Y/n mind : You are not on my side god.

Shu was standing in front of you leaning his back against the wall.

Y/n mind : Oh god...what should I do now ? How will I face him ? You can do it Y/n...fighting.

He looked at you and your all courage flew away in a second.

Y/n mind : Why is he looking at me like this ?

You nervously walk while looking down and he also started walking towards you.

Y/n mind : No no no...please don't come towards me.

He was staring at you and now you both pass by each other but suddenly his hand touch with yours making you shiver while he smirked.

Y/n mind : Oh god...I can't even handle his touch then how will I face him everyday ?

You immediately ran away and obviously Shu did this intentionally.

Shu mind : Still my single touch make you weak, it's just starting sweetheart...soon I'll make you mine again.

He also left from there.

~After An Hour~

You was sitting in your class while thinking about Shu.

Y/n mind : He is behaving so strange and he didn't said anything...what's going in his mind ? But I am happy that at least I can see him everyday.

You rest your head on the table and closed your eyes but suddenly girls started screaming.

Girl 1 : Omg!!! He is looking even more hot today!!!

Girl 2 : Right!!! So handsome!!!


You immediately open your eyes after hearing a deep voice and looked at the person and your eyes met with Shu who stand there with a smirk.

Girl 1 : Wow!!! You'll teach us today ?

Shu : Yes afterall I am your senior so, you should learn something from me as the professor is absent today so, I am here for you all.

You gulped and looked away.

Girl 2 : We have no problem...we are excited.

Shu : Okay my girl...

Girl 1 : Also you are looking even more hot and handsome today.

Shu : Thank you pretty girl.

She blushed by his compliment while you burn in jealousy.

Y/n mind : How can he flirt with another girls in front of me ? I can't take this...what is he even doing ?

Shu : So, let's start the class now.

You tried to avoid eye contact with him.

Shu : So, today we will discuss about LOVE.

Girl 2 : Wow! Love...it's cool.

Shu : Of course my girl it's a interesting topic.

She blushed hearing 'my girl' and you glared at that girl.

Y/n mind : Aishhh!!! I'll kill these stupid bitches.

Shu smirked seeing your reaction.

Shu : So, tell me how many of you fall into ?

No one said anything and he was walking in the classroom while talking and now he pass by your side and your hand almost touch with his but you slightly move your hand and fold your arms making him smirked.

Shu : No one fall in love ? Okay let me ask you one by one...let's start with you.

He point on a girl.

Girl : Me ?

Shu : Yes you beautiful girl.

She blushed and stood up.

Shu : So, tell us about your love.

Girl : I-I am shy...

Shu : Don't be shy...

Girl : Okay so, I l-love someone.

Shu : Who is he ?

Girl : Y-You...it's you...I love you...will you be my boyfriend ?

You looked at Shu for his answer.

Boy 1 : What is she doing ? Doesn't she know about Y/n's and Shu's relationship ?

Boy 2 : She is new here that's why she didn't know anything about them afterall their love story is already famous in our college.

Your heart was beating fast.

Y/n mind : Will he accept her proposal ? No Shu...please say no.

Shu looked at you and smile.

Shu : You are late cause someone already own my heart and no one can replace that special person.

You secretly smile and looked down.

Girl : Oh! I am late...

She sadly sat down.

Shu : Now let's move to other person...I'll choose you.

He point on you making you gulped hard and you stood up.

Y/n : H-Huh ?

You looked down and he walked towards you and lean closer to your face making you nervous and you could feel his hot breathe on your face.

Shu : Tell us about your love.

Your heart started to beat very fast.

Shu : Do you believe in love ? Have you ever love someone ?

You didn't said anything.

Shu : TELL ME!!!

Y/n : N-No...

Shu : So, you have never love anyone ?

Y/n : N-Never...

He clenched his fists in anger and back away from you.


He shouted in anger making everyone flinched hard and he left the class angrily while you was looking at him sadly.

Y/n mind : I am sorry Shu...again I hurt you.

~After Classes~

You was waiting for Valt at the entrance of the college cause he said he will pick you up from college today but he is late.

Y/n : Where is he ? It's late but still he didn't come yet...I should call him.

You took out your phone and called him.

Valt : Hello...

Y/n : Valt...where are you ? I am waiting for you here but you didn't come.

Valt : Oh! I am sorry Y/n...I forgot to inform you I have some pending works in office so, I can't come there.

Y/n : What ?

Valt : I am so sorry Y/n.

Y/n : It's okay Valt...I'll go by myself.

Valt : Okay take care...bye.

Y/n : Bye bye...

You hangup the call.

Y/n : Now I have to go by myself alone.

You was about to go but suddenly someone blindfolded you from behind.

Y/n : Ahhhhh!!! Who are you ? What are you doing ? Leave me!!!

That person pushed you inside his car and left from there.


I hope you like it
Thanks for reading ☺️
Love you sugars ❤️

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