Possessive Lover Part - 6

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Let's start it...

~Next Day~
~ At Shu's House~

Mrs.Kurenai was serving breakfast to her husband and son.

Mrs.Kurenai : Shu...when did you come home last night ?

Shu : I-I come early mom.

Mrs.Kurenai : You were practicing for your basketball match ?

Shu : Y-Yes...

Mrs.Kurenai : With whom ?

Shu : Fubuki...

Mrs.Kurenai : Fubuki called me last night and asked me about you.

Shu gulped.

Mrs.Kurenai : Now stop lying and tell me the truth where were you last night ?

Shu sighed heavily.

Shu : Actually mom the matter is...I love someone and she is my life, she is so beautiful like a fairy and I love her more than anything.

Mr.Kurenai was silent cause he already know his son is in love but Mrs.Kurenai choked in air and her jaw dropped.

Mrs.Kurenai : WHAT ? Y-You really love someone ?

Shu : Yes mom and last night I was with her.

Mrs.Kurenai : WHAT ?

Shu : Yes mom and I am sorry for lying.

She smiled at him.

Mrs.Kurenai : It's okay son...does she loves you back ?

Shu : No mom...she doesn't feel the same but one day I'll make her mine.

Mr.Kurenai : That's my boy...

He smiled proudly and they all finished their breakfast while Shu kept on talking about you.

Shu : Okay now I am going.

Mrs.Kurenai : Bye son...take care.

He left.

~At College~

Professor : So, students...there is a new student in our class.

He announced and a boy walked inside with a evil smirk.

Professor : Please introduce yourself.

??? : I am Phi Kuromi and If you want to live peacefully then stay away from me.

Professor : O-Okay so, Phi go and sit with ummm yes Y/n.

Your eyes widened.

Professor : Y/n...raise your hand.

You raised your hand and Phi walked towards you and sit beside you.

Phi : Hi Y/n...nice to meet you.

He smiled at you and you smile back.

Y/n : N-Nice to meet you too Phi.

Professor started teaching but stop when someone knocked on the door.

Professor : Shu...what are you doing here ?

Shu entered inside the classroom with a smirk while looking at you.

Shu : Actually we are here for an announcement.

Professor : Okay go ahead.

Shu : Hello new transfers...I am your senior Shu Kurenai and I am also a topper of this college.

Your eyes widened.

Y/n mind : What ? A topper and he ?

Shu : I am here to invite you all at my party for new juniors tonight.

Whole class shouted in excitement.

Shu : xxx club...I hope you all will come at my party.

Y/n mind : I won't come to his party at any cost.

Shu : If you will have any problem then just contact me.

He wink at you making your cheeks turned red.

Y/n mind : Why the hell am I blushing ?

He smirked and left the class.

~At Lunch Time~

You are putting your books inside the locker suddenly someone tap your shoulder making you flinch and you immediately turned around.

Y/n : O-Oh! Phi...it's you.

You sighed in relief.

Phi : Hi Y/n...

Y/n : H-Hello...you want something ?

Phi : Yes...actually I want to be friend with you so, will you be my friend ?

Y/n : Hmmm I---

??? : NO!!!

You both heard a deep voice and looked there to see angry Shu standing there.

Phi : I am not asking you.

Shu : But I will give you her answer cause she is MINE so, stay away from her.

He walked towards you and wrapped his arm around your waist.

Phi : You---

Suddenly his phone rings and he glared at Shu then left from there.

Y/n : Now stay away from me.

You back away from him.

Shu : Come with me...I want to talk to you.

Y/n : But I don't...

Shu : Didn't you say we will talk at college then what happened now ?

You was about to go but he pick you up on his shoulder.

Y/n : You pervert...leave me...put me down.

You started hitting his back.

Shu : Shut up Y/n...I am already mad so, don't make me even more mad.

He took you in a empty classroom and put you down on the table.

Shu : Sweetheart---

Y/n : Don't call me like that!!

You pout angrily and looked away.

Shu : Look at me...

You ignore him and he cup your face to made you look at him.

Shu : You know you are so cute that's why I love you.

Your cheeks turned red.

Shu : I love you since I saw you for the first time, I just lost in your beauty and I can't live without you and want to protect you forever...you are mine only mine Y/n and I want you at any cost.

You got lost into his eyes.

Shu : Say something Y/n.

Y/n : H-Huh ?

Shu : Do you love me back ?

Y/n : I---

Suddenly your phone started ringing making him groan in annoyance.

Shu : Just ignore it and give me my answer.

Y/n : But Shu my phone is ringing...it must be my brother.

Shu : Talk to your brother later but now give me your answer...do you love me---

You pushed him away and jump off the table.

Y/n : I will give you my answer at your party.

Shu : But I---

You ran out of the classroom.

Shu : Aishh!! Now I have to wait till night.

He also left the classroom but someone was burning in anger.

Phi mind : You can never take her away from me Shu Kurenai...Y/n is only mine.


I hope you like it
Thanks for reading ☺️
Love you sugars ❤️

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