Possessive Lover ( Season 2 Part - 1 )

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Let's start it...

With a possessive lover like Shu it's been 2 years while Fubuki and Shu have passed their college and now they both are working under Shu's dad in his company because they want to achieve their goals by themselves and now you are in last year but now Shu become extreme overprotective, romantic and possessive towards you.

~At Company~

Fubuki come towards Shu with a bundle of files.

Fubuki : Shu...uncle told us to complete these files till tomorrow.

Shu put his both legs on the table and swing his chair in a full swag with a smirk.

Fubuki : Bro...how can you be so relaxed ? I said we have to complete these files till tomorrow.

Shu : Check the time...

Fubuki checked the time.

Fubuki : It's 5:00 pm why ?

Suddenly realisation hit him and he smiled widely.

Shu : Office time is over.

Fubuki : Means I am free now YAHOOOOO!!!

He jump happily while other employees looked at him weirdly but he didn't give a shit about them and kept on jumping due to happiness. 

Shu : Let's go now...

He stood up and wear his leather jacket.

Fubuki : Yes bro...let's go...

They both walked out of the company.

Suzi : Shu!!!

She ran towards Shu.

Suzi : Let's go together...

Shu just ignored her by passing in front of her with Fubuki without replying.

Suzi : Again he ignored me but still I like him so much.

Shu sit on his bike and wear his helmet while Fubuki also sit on his bike then they both start the engine and left from there in a lighting speed.

Shu mind : Still 20 minutes are left for her college to over...I'll reach there on time and pick her up.

Shu : Fubuki!!! You go home...I am going to pick up my Y/n!!!

Fubuki : Okay bro...bye!!!

They both went on different ways.

Shu mind : My sweetheart must be waiting for me...I should speed up the bike.

He high up his bike's speed and after 15 minutes he reached there and stop his bike in front of your college and take out his helmet looking so hot and handsome.

Shu : Still 5 minutes are left.

Girls was drooling over him.

Girl : He is Shu Kurenai...he used to be our senior but he never changed...still so handsome and hot.

Shu looked at the gate and saw a beautiful figure coming out while running towards him.

Y/n : Shu!!!

He smiled at you but his smile dropped and his eyes darkened.

Y/n : Shu...

You side hugged him but he didn't hug you back.

Y/n : I miss you so much.

He pulled you away by holding your shoulders.

Y/n : Shu...what happened ?

Shu : Showing others what's mine huh ?

Y/n : W-What happened ?

Shu : Look at yourself.

You checked yourself and saw your shirt's first few buttons are open revealing your perfect collarbone line with a soft white milky skin then you looked at him.

Y/n : S-Shu...I---

Shu : Trying to catch others attention ?

Y/n : Shu!!!

He aggressively pulled you closer by your waist.

Shu : Just understand one thing Y/n that you are only mine and If anyone laid eyes on you then I'll ripped that person apart.

You get scared by his words...you always tried not to make him angry but everytime something happens like this.

Y/n : Shu...please calm down...don't be like this...I am only yours.

He looked at your puppy eyes and his heart melt like an ice-cream.

Shu : Okay but be careful from the next time.

He buttoned up your shirt's buttons.

Shu : Let's go now...

Y/n : Hmmm...

You sat on his bike and he drove away and after sometimes he stop his bike in front of your house and you got off from his bike.

Y/n : Shu...

Shu : Hmmm ?

Y/n : Are you still mad at me ?

Shu : What makes you think like that ?

Y/n : Because you are not talking to me.

He pulled you closer and kissed your forehead.

Shu : I can't be mad at you for so long sweetheart cause my anger vanished away just by looking at your eyes...this is how you impact on me.

You smile and kissed his cheek.

Shu : Sweetheart...

Y/n : Yes ?

Shu : Let's get married...I can't wait anymore.

Y/n : Not again Shu...we have already discussed about this matter several times.

Shu : But everytime you deny.

Y/n : Yes because I am still graduating...let me graduate first.

Shu : Shit this graduation always come between our marriage discussion.

You laughed.

Shu : I am serious Y/n.

Y/n : What do you think I am not serious about it ? I am also impatiently waiting to become your wife...to be called Mrs.Y/n Kurenai.

Shu : Mrs.Y/n Kurenai wife of Mr.Shu Kurenai, I can't express this feeling...I just want to hear this over again and again...you can't imagine how desperately I am waiting for that day when you'll be mine officially.

Y/n : Just wait for few months more.

He peck your lips.

Shu : I love you...

Y/n : I love you too...bye bye.

Shu : Bye sweetheart.

You went inside your house and he left from there.

~At Night~

Right now you are watching your favourite drama while eating snacks suddenly your phone rings making you groan in frustration.

Y/n : Can't someone let me watch my favourite drama peacefully ?

You grab your phone and checked the caller ID.

Y/n : Why is he calling me now ?

You picked up his call.

Shu : Hi sweetheart...

Y/n : Just tell me why did you call me because I don't have time...I am very busy right now.

Shu : Why ? Are you having a meeting with the president ?

He laughed and you pout.

Y/n Oh hello Mr.Kurenai...don't make fun of me...I am really busy.

Shu : Oh! What are you doing ?

Y/n : Watching my favourite drama.

Shu : You know what ? Shit your drama.


Shu : Aishhh!!! My ears...why are you shouting ?

Y/n : How dare you to say anything about my favourite drama ? Breakup!!!

Shu : What ? Seriously you are breaking up with me for that drama ?

Y/n : Yes...

Shu : Whom do you love more ? Me or that drama ? 

Y/n : Of course my dramas.

Shu : What the hell Y/n ?

Y/n : My dramas are enough for me...I don't need you anymore so, you are free to leave.

Shu : Y/n Shirosagi!!! I'll kill you If you say that again!!!

You immediately hangup the call and laughed.

Y/n : It's really fun to tease him.

Your phone again rings.

Y/n : No...I am not going to pick up his call otherwise he will surely burst on me.

You hangup his call and switched off your phone.

Y/n : Now I can watch my favourite drama peacefully...sorry Shu.

~Next Day~

You come to your college and entered inside.

Y/n : It's good that I left early morning today otherwise I can't imagine what will that angry white tiger will do to me...he must be waiting for me at my house I should had control my mouth yesterday.

You was walking suddenly someone call you.

??? : Y/n!!!

You turned around and smile widely.

Y/n : Suoh!!!

He ran towards you.

Suoh : Good morning Y/n.

Y/n : Good morning Suoh.

Suoh : You are early today.

Y/n : Y-Yes...

Suoh : How ?

Y/n : J-Just like that...

Suoh : Okay now let's go.

You both went towards your classroom...Suoh is your best friend since 1 year and you both enjoyed each other's company a lot but Shu don't like Suoh and always told you to stay away from Suoh but you can't break your friendship just because of his overpossesiveness so, you always deny which always pissed Shu off.


I hope you like it
Thanks for reading ☺️
Love you sugars ❤️

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