Possessive Lover ( Season 2 Part - 12 )

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Let's start it...

Y/n : S-Shu...

Shu chuckled.

Y/n : S-Shu...listen---

Shu started laughing loudly like a psycho while clapping his hands.

Y/n : No Shu...it's not---

Shu : AHHHHH!!!

He hardly kicked the table and everything scattered out on the ground making you and Suoh flinched hard.

Y/n : S-Shu...

It seems like something get into Shu as he gone crazy and totally out of control and started destroying the whole decorations.

Suoh : Shu!!!

Shu stop and looked at Suoh and Suoh felt a chill all over his body seeing Shu's dark eyes as Shu is looking like a beast which make Suoh weak but after so much courage Suoh speak.

Suoh : I-I think y-you should listen to us first...it's not like what---

Shu walked towards Suoh and grab his neck and started choking him making your eyes widened.

Suoh : Aggghh...


He choked Suoh harder and Suoh started struggling to breathe.

Y/n : N-No Shu...please l-leave him.

You try to pull Shu away from Suoh.

Y/n : Stop it Shu!!! He will die!!!

Shu pushed you with a great force which make you lost your balance and you was about to fall down but gasped when Shu grabbed your shoulders tightly and harshly pulled you towards him.

Y/n : S-Shu...

His dark eyes was scaring you badly.

Shu : Don't you feel shame ?

He tightened his grip around your shoulders tightly which make you hiss in pain.

Y/n : Ahhh!!! Shu...

Your eyes get teary.

Shu : Is it hurting ?

You nodded slowly.


You started crying.

Shu : Don't you feel shame after doing this to me ? SHAMELESSLY CHEATING ON ME BEHIND MY BACK WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND!!! YOU WHORE!!!

Your heart broke into million pieces.

Suoh : Shu---

Shu : Just stay away If you want your life.

He said while staring into your eyes.

Suoh : No...you have to listen---

Y/n : Suoh...stay there...you won't say anything...you swear to me.

Suoh : Y/n...

Y/n : No Suoh...stop there.

Suoh sighed and just stand there in silent which make Shu chuckled bitterly.

Shu : Wow! Interesting...he listen to you very well...what a great chemistry.

You just stare at his face without any expressions.

Shu : Since when it's all going on ?

You didn't said anything. 

Shu : SINCE HOW LONG YOU ARE CHEATING ON ME ? I was really blind, everything was going in front of my eyes but I just stay blind because I trust you but today you broke my trust...you are a cheater, liar, betrayer, a whore!!!

He tightened his grip even more tightly but you didn't react at all.

Shu : How dare you to do this to me ? HOW DARE YOU TO CHEAT ON ME ?

A drop of tear left from the corner of your eye.


He throw you harshly on the ground.

Suoh : Y/n!!!

He was about to ran towards you but you stop him.


Suoh's eyes get teary and he stand there helplessly.

Shu : What he have that I don't ? Tell me what he have ? Why did you choose him over me ?

He took a deep breathe and said in a deep voice.

Shu : Is he good on bed ?

Suoh cover his ears as he can't hear anything like this and you didn't feel anything cause your heart got brutally ripped.

Shu : Where he have touch you ? Did you enjoy his touch ? That's why you never let me touch you...oh! now I understand you---

Y/n : Everywhere...he touch me everywhere and I enjoy his every touch.

Suoh : Y-Y/n...

He was shocked while Shu clenched his fists in anger then you got up from ground.

Y/n : He touch me on my cheek, on my lips, on my neck, on my shoulder, on my stomach and---

Shu : AHHHHH!!!

He punched on the pillar hardly.

Y/n : He touch my soul...

Shu : STOP IT!!!

He hardly grab your jaw.

Shu : You are so disgusting.

Your heart clenched badly.

Shu : Remember one thing Y/n Shirosagi you will regret doing this to me, you give me the biggest pain of my life, you make me devastated... your killed my love today and I swear I won't let you live peacefully now...you have to pay for it SHU KURENAI USED TO LOVE YOU PASSIONATELY BUT NOW HE HATE YOU WITH THE SAME PASSION!!! I HATE YOU Y/n SHIROSAGI!!!

He jerk your jaw harshly and walked away in a devastated state then you fall on your knees.

Suoh : Y/n!!!

He come towards you but you out of sudden started smiling.

Suoh : Y-Y/n...

There is a lot of pain behind your smile.

Y/n : I hate you too Shu Kurenai.

~At Home~

Lui : Why didn't they come back yet ? What happened to them ? They are not even picking up my calls.

Valt : Lui...just relax...Shu will come back with Y/n...don't you trust him ?

Lui : I trust Shu that's why I didn't do anything yet otherwise you know me well what can I do for my sister.

Valt : I know and just relax...they will be back.

Lui : Hmmm...

They wait for half an hour but still none of you come back.

Lui : That's enough now...I can't wait anymore...I am going too.

Valt : Lui---

Suddenly they both saw you entering inside the house.

Lui : Y/n!!!

They both rushed towards you.

Lui : Where were you ? I was so worried.

He hugged you tightly.

Lui : Are you okay Y/n ?

Valt : Where is Shu ? Didn't he come back with you ?

You pulled away from the hug.

Lui : Y/n...

You didn't said anything and walked towards the stairs which make them confused by your behaviour.

Valt : Y/n...what happened ?

You seems like a dead body and your all emotions already dead.

Lui : Y/n...

You walked upstairs and they both followed you behind and kept on calling you but you didn't answer them and entered inside your room then locked the door.

Lui : Y/n!!!

He started knocking on the door worriedly.

Valt : Y/n!!! Open the door please!!!

Lui : Tell your brother what happened ? Please open the door!!! Your brother is getting worried for you!!!

You walked towards your bed and fall down on bed and clutched on bedsheet tightly.


You started crying loudly taking out your pain.

Lui : Y/n!!!

Valt : Y/n!!! What happened ? Why are you crying ?

You kept on crying loudly and your crying sound echoed through the whole house.

Y/n : Y-You will r-regret for this S-Shu Kurenai, w-when you w-will realised your m-mistake I w-won't forgive you because I HATE YOU!!! You broke my heart, I won't ever talk to you, I won't even look at you, I won't say again that I love you, I won't love you again I HATE YOU SHU KURENAI!!!


Shu entered inside his room and locked himself and started throwing things here and there taking out his anger.

Mrs.Kurenai : Shu!!! Open the door!!! What happened ?

Mr.Kurenai : Shu!!! Shu!!! Shu!!!

They both worriedly knocking on his bedroom's door.

Shu : Y/n SHIROSAGI!!!

Tears left from his eyes.

Shu : H-How could you do this to me ? Where was I wrong ? Why did you give me this pain ?

Suddenly his parents entered inside his room after breaking the door and get shocked seeing everything scattered around but their eyes get teary when they saw Shu crying mess.

Mrs.Kurenai : Shu!!!

She ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

Shu : S-She killed me mom, I just wanna die...please kill me because it's hurting so much.

Mr.Kurenai : W-What are you saying ?

Mrs.Kurenai : Please Shu...don't say like this...you can tell us what happened ?

Mr.Kurenai : We will listen to you...tell us what happened ?

They kept on asking him what happened but Shu didn't said anything.

Mrs.Kurenai : Okay it's okay...you can tell us when you feel comfortable and come downstairs we will go out for a walk.

Shu didn't said anything and they both left his room.

~On the other side~

Suoh : Please come back, everything is messed up badly here and only you can solve everything...please come back...I need you.

He was talking on a call with someone.

??? : Okay...I am coming tomorrow.


I hope you like it
Thanks for reading ☺️
Love you sugars ❤️

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