Possessive Lover ( Season 2 Part - 3 )

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Let's start it...

You entered inside your home and saw some guards were entering and exiting from your room with boxes in their hands.

Y/n : What's going on ?

Lui was sitting on couch and you went towards him.

Y/n : Brother...what is this going on ?

Lui : Something for you.

Y/n : For me ?

Lui : Yes a little gift for you.

You smile widely.

Y/n : A gift!!! Oh! I understand a few days ago I asked you for a new video game and you are adjusting that video game in my room...right ?

You sat beside him and hugged him tightly.

Y/n : Thank you so much brother...you are the best.

Lui : Thanks but that's not a video game.

You broke the hug and looked at him confusly.

Y/n : Then what is it brother ?

Lui : Books for you...

Y/n : B-Books for m-me ?

You looked at the boxes.

Y/n : Don't you think that's too much books ?

Lui : That's nothing...some more are coming.

Y/n : WHAT ? But what are they taking out from my room ?

He smirked slightly.

Lui : Video games and TV.

Your eyes widened in shock.

Y/n : WHAT ? My video games and TV ? Are you serious brother ? You know I can't live without them.

He fold his arms and looked at you with straight face.

Lui : Oh really ? These two are the main reasons of your degrading grades.

Your jaw dropped in shock.

Y/n mind : How does he know ?

Lui : Don't even think about lying to me because Shu already told me everything.

Y/n : Shu ?

Lui : Yes Shu and he is the one who told me to do all this so, that you can focus on your studies without any distraction.

Y/n mind : Shu Kurenai...I will kill you this time.

Lui : Now you can focus on your studies.

You looked at him with puppy eyes.

Y/n : Brother...please don't do this to me.

Lui : I'll not fall for your puppy eyes this time...we are doing this just for your own good so, you better cooperate with us.

Y/n : But---

Lui : Y/n...

He glared at you.

Lui : Shu told me not to shout or scold you that's why I am dealing with you calmly otherwise you don't know how much angry I am right now on you.

You looked down with sad pout.

Y/n : Sorry...

Lui : And one more thing I also hired a tutor for you and he is coming tomorrow.

You looked at him.

Y/n : Tell me one of this is also Shu's idea right ?

Lui : Yes...that's one of his best idea.

Y/n : I am really grateful to him.

You fake smile and went upstairs and entered inside your room but your jaw dropped at the sight in front of you.

Y/n : Is this really my room ? I can't finish these books even after taking seven births.

You walked towards your sofa and sat down.

Y/n : Why are they doing this to me ?

You started crying like a baby suddenly your phone rings.

Y/n : Can't they even let me cry peacefully ? Who is it now ?

You took out your phone and checked the caller ID and you picked up the call in anger.

Shu : Hello sweetheart...

You gritted your teeths in anger.

Shu : Did I disturb you ? You perhaps watching your favourite drama right ?

He tease you which make you even more angry.

Shu : But how's the drama going on ? Did you find out who gave the poison to the female lead ?

He said while controlling his laugh.


He burst into laughing.

Shu : Then I'll take that poison from your hand happily sweetheart.

Y/n : Shu!!!

Shu : Okay okay calm down...I'll not tease you anymore but why are you so angry ?

Y/n : Don't you know why I am angry ?

Shu : Sweetheart...that's just for your own good.

Y/n : But why my video games and TV ?

Shu : That's only till your graduation and after that no one gonna stop you from playing video games and watching TV.

Y/n : But---

Shu : I hope my brother-in-law would've informed you about your tutor...he will come tomorrow to teach you so, be ready for that.

Y/n : Please Shu...don't do this to me.

Shu : Y/n...it's enough now...stop being childish we have already decide and it's final.

Y/n : No one loves me...I hate you.

Shu : Y/n---

You hangup the call.

~Next Day~

Shu is standing in front of your house leaning against his car while waiting for you that's when you come out with a pout.

Shu : Here is my sweetheart.

He open his arms for you to hug him but you passed by him and sat inside the car.

Shu : What the hell ?

He sighed and he also sat inside and looked at you who was sitting with crossed arms.

Shu : Sweetheart...

He leaned forward to kiss you but you turned your head on the opposite side.

Shu : Y/n...

You didn't said anything.

Shu : Y/n...look at me...

Again you didn't said anything.

Shu : I am telling you the last time...look at me.

Still you are no responding and he lost his control and grabbed your jaw tightly making you look at him in his dark eyes.

Shu : If I am saying something then you better obey me and stop giving me a silent treatment...why are you even angry huh ? I am doing this all just for your own good.

You gulped in fear hearing his dark tone.

Y/n : S-Shu...calm d-down please.

He loosen his grip onto your jaw and you lean in and pecked his lips.

Y/n : Sorry...

His anger vanished away.

Shu : It's okay...

He caressed your lips.

Shu : May I ?

You smile and nodded and he smashed his lips onto yours and you both started to make out and after a small make out session you both left from there.

~After Sometimes~


Girls were hooting Shu's name as he entered inside the college with you while holding your hand.

Girl : He become even more hot!!! Omg! I am dying!!!

You glared at those girls and cling onto Shu's arm making them jealous.

Y/n mind : These bitches are really getting on my nerves.

You both entered in the corridor and you looked at Shu who is looking around with a smile.

Y/n : Why are you smiling ?

Shu : This corridor remind me of our beautiful memories...we have a lot of memories here that how we used to fight, bickering and being romantic.

You smile and nodded.

Shu : I can never forget that day when I was ignoring you and you tried to talk to me and confess to me for the first time...that was the best day of my life.

Y/n : Yeah! You are right...I remember that special day when we become officially together.

You both went towards the professor's cabin and knocked on the door.

Professor : Come in!!!

You open the door and entered inside.

Professor : Oh! Shu...come and have a seat.

You both sat down on the chairs in front of the professor.

Professor : It's really nice to meet you again Shu.

Shu : Nice to meet you too sir.

They both shook hands.

Professor : So, let's come to the point for what you are here.

Shu : Sure...

Professor : First look at this.

He handed Shu some test papers.

Professor : Look at her grades...decreasing day by day, how can she able to pass this college like this ?

Shu looked at you who was looking down and playing with fingers nervously.

Professor : I hope you are understanding Shu.

Shu : Yes...I am understanding everything.

Professor : So, please do something because I already gave up on her.

Shu : Leave that on me sir...don't worry anymore cause now her grades are my responsibility.

Professor : That's good then...

Shu stood up.

Shu : Shall we leave now ?

Professor : Yes...you can...

You also stood up and you both went out of professor's cabin and you was trying to see his expressions that If he is angry or not but you only see his blank face.

Y/n : S-Shu...are you m-mad at me ? I am sorry.

He looked at you who pout sadly.

Shu : Who said I am mad at you sweetheart ?

Y/n : Huh ?

Shu : I already told you that I am not mad at you.

He peck your lips and you feel relieved.

Shu : Now go to your class...I am leaving for my office.

You smile and nodded.

Y/n : Okay then bye bye.

Shu : Hmmm...bye...

He peck your forehead and left then you also left to your class.

~After Classes~

Now you are walking with Suoh after the end of the college while telling him the whole story.

Suoh : WHAT ?

Y/n : Yes...those are torns of books.

He burst into laughing.

Suoh : Omg! I bet you'll not even open one of them.

Y/n : Shut up...don't make fun of me...I am already nervous about that tuition teacher he will come today to teach me.

Suoh : Hmmm but I am really surprised that Shu didn't get angry on you.

Y/n : Yes...I am also surprised...okay now I am leaving...bye.

Suoh : Bye bye...

You both left.


I hope you like it
Thanks for reading ☺️
Love you sugars ❤️

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