Chapter 12

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This book is also published on Inkitt and Dreame. Please support me there, because I don't know whether my account will stay on wattpad for long.

Just to be safe, I've created accounts on Inkitt and Dreame and I've an Instagram account too.

username for all is comicsthinker

follow my backup incase something happens to this account

Playlist - Bad Liar by Selena Gomez


"Luna," he whispered back, mockingly.

Oh, my God. Was he supposed to be here and out of all how did he get my address?

Ares was the last person I expected to see on my doorsteps. "What are you doing here?" I sounded a bit harsh than I intended to. "How'd you get my address?"

"You know why I'm here." He bit his soft red lip. "And Charlotte told me you were her neighbour. Good house, I must say."

Axel was inside the living room while was Ares standing in my foyer. Oh, shit. Those two were close friends, close to the extent for Axel to view Ares as a brotherly figure, and Axel had hots for Ares's bastard sister. God, rescue me.

The only reasonable think I could think of was to slam the door shut and then quickly usher Axel out of here, totally evading Ares. Even if I manage to keep Ares from entering in my home, there was no way he would relent being pushed out from here.

He'll try to assert his male dominance and strength. But like a fool, I thought I could keep him entering.

"Wait." He didn't even give me a chance to shut him out. He forced his way inside and I stumbled back from the sudden evasion.

With effortless movement, he drew me close to his chest before I could lose my footing even further.

My chest was flushed against him. The hardness of his body contouring perfectly with mine. "Hey, Hey, vixen. Put your paws down." He flashed an all knowing cunning grin.

"But--- aren't you supposed to be at basketball practice?

"So you have been keeping tabs on me."

"D-Did you just call be a stalker?" I stuttered, still in his embrace. I noticed his tie was loose and he had been carrying his blazer, which was now draped on my back.

"Maybe." His boyish deep voice sent butterflies through my tummy and gave an involuntary ache between my legs.

"You don't have any business with me," I said as matter of factly. "I don't want you."

"Then maybe you should have thought twice before you kissed me like a starved vixen." He slightly brushed his lip against mine. "Look carefully at my lips." And I did. "They have swollen up because you bit them."

Embarrassment flooded through me. "I was clearly wasn't in the right state of mind when I kissed you."

I actually wanted to prove him wrong when he told I would have to make the first move. So for once, I tried to act like the girls in our school. They know no shame, always flirting with some guy, folding their already short length skirt to flaunt it front of boys. And guess what? I failed at it miserably. I wanted to make Ares jealous, but it didn't occur to me that he might not get jealous. They're plenty of girls around him and certainly I was not an exceptional case.

"But you did it, anyway." He dropped his hand further down so it could rest on the hem of my skirt.

I tensed and tried to separate us. "So? You were not the first guy I kissed today," I lied. Not to make him jealous. Okay, maybe... a little.

"Careful," he said, warning. "You're edging off to a dangerous territory."

His provocative eyes lost it's playfulness and turned a little scary. "Your charm might work on other girls, but not me."

His lips seized control of mine, demanding obedience. Momentarily, I gave into his whims, but quickly thought better of it and tore away from his brutal attack.

He grinned and said, "We'll see about it."

Before I could reply, Axel' voice buzzed through, making me aware about Ares and my closeness. I pulled away from him quickly before Axel could catch us in this position.

"Luna, what's taking you so lo-" he stopped in the mid sentence, noticing I wasn't alone. "Ares?" His eyes popped wide. "What are you doing here?" He obviously didn't expect him to be here.

Ares on the other hand had an unreadable expression on his face. "I should ask you the same."

Neither of them backed down from glaring daggers at each other. I never thought that I could be caught up in a moment this awkward

"Axel is my partner in a project and we were discussing it just before you showed up." I felt the need to break out the tension evaporating in this room. "And Ares, umm... I actually don't know why he's here." I turned to face him. "Why are you here Ares?"

What felt like an eternity, he broke off eye contact with Axel and turned to look at me with the same cold stare. "I was visiting my sister so thought I could meet you too." He pressed unusually hard on the word sister. "Right, Axel? Won't you say hi to my sister as well? She's like a sister to you too. After all, that's what brothers do. They take care of their sisters, in your case she's your proclaimed sister."


Axel flashed a cocky grin. "I would love to say 'hi' to my sister if I had one-- I do have one, but she ain't Charlotte."

In a microsecond, they were onto each other like wild animals. Axel was met with a hefty blow across his mouth. "That you, deserve, motherfucker." Axel wiped the blood from his mouth, I just knew he was going to say something vile.

"C'mon, cousin. You know I would never fuck Aunt Evelyn." He touched his heart feigning hurt. "It would be like fucking my mom and it's your bastard sister I fuck daily. So sisterfucker would be rig-" Before he could finish his sentence, Ares was on top of him.

This time Axel got to kick Ares a few times. "You cannot separate two people in love, Ares." Ares overtook him a threw a series of punches.

"You're one sick asshole."

They were going to kill each other if I didn't do something to stop them. And on top of that, my aunt would get the word of it and then I would be trouble.

"Stop it you two." I tried to get to Ares to break free, but it was of no use. I did the same with Axel, I was met with the same result. They wanted each other's blood and I did only reasonable thing that came to my mind. "STOPPP IT," I screamed on top my lungs.

"Ares, leave him." Finally, they stopped strangling each other. Still glaring at each other.

Axel was the first to speak. "I'll see you at school." And then he stormed out of my house, kicking my door shut. Hey, what did my door do to you?

Ares was breathing heavily and rested his face in his palms. "I'm sorry for my outburst." He spoke to me for the first time. "I just couldn't-" He bit his lip and calmly said. "I'll meet you later." And just like that, he was gone too.


"What do you mean? I asked. "It's your birthday and we have to celebrate it together."

"Baby, I know. And I'm trying my best to complete my work, but workload just keeps on increasing." My aunt Lucille' distressed voice spoke.

"If you can't be here then I'll fly out to meet you," I said. "C'mon it's your birthday." I was desperate to see my aunt not because it was her birthday, but I knew how she spent them. Alone and depressed.

"Luna," her soft voice said. "I will try to be back next week. I promise, my darling." I sighed. "And there's nothing special about my birthday."

I know why she didn't celebrate her birthday. It was a hard topic for both of us, but I chose to ignore the past and move on. "Aunt Lucille, mom won't like if you won't celebrate your birthday."

"Your mom wouldn't like a lot of things, like leaving you alone at home all the time, but I still do it, don't I?"

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say to make her feel better. After a moment, she spoke again. "Look, honey, I try my best to keep everything in it's right place and it has nothing to do with your mom. It's just that if I don't complete my work and there won't be enough food on our table or electricity in our house.

I wanted to protest, but choose to be quiet. "Now, I promise when I'll be back next week, we both can celebrate my birthday then.. like a belated birthday celebration."


"Now don't press this topic any further."

"Alright," I scoffed.

"Luna," she warned.

I gave up. "Fine, I won't bother you to celebrate your birthday."

"That's my girl." I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me."

"How did y-"

"Oh, I know you better than anyone." For the first time, she sounded playful. "Now, it must be late there. You have school tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, I was just about to call it a night," I lied. I wasn't going to call it a night so soon. It has been ages since I watched a movie this late and Bring It On was calling out for me.

"Alright, sleep tight. I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too." And I hung up. Clutching my phone to my chest, I thought about how much my aunt dreaded her birthday.

Birthdays were a difficult topic for Aunt Lucille, not birthdays all together, but hers. That was the day my mom, Lake died. I still remember it the day like it was yesterday.

My mom had gone to Brazil for business and was scheduled to arrive on my Aunt' birthday, but instead we got the news that her plane had crashed. My aunt was shattered by the news and as I was just a kid back then and didn't really understand that my mom was gone.

To be honest, I still don't feel like she's gone. I feel her presence every second of my life.

I decided to dive myself in a warm bath and relax after a hectic day. I grabbed a few bath bombs and soaked myself in the water. It was so peaceful and I was slowly drifting off to sleep.

My eyelids were beginning to get heavy when I heard some crashing downstairs, jerking away, I breathed heavily, startled by the sudden noise. "What the heck!" I got out of the tub, water splashing everywhere. Putting on my bath gown, my hair still wet I trudged down the stairs.

I scanned the room and it appeared just fine. Nothing was damaged. I further inspected everything, even checked out my foyer. It was fine. Then what was that odd noise?

Heading back inside, I decided to grab a glass of water. Whilst drinking it, I noticed something strange on my windowsill. Dirt. How did it get in?

Cleaning the windowsill, I went back upstairs. I opted to take a quick shower instead of spending time in taking a long bath. After I was done, I slipped on my gown.

Just as I entered, someone was waiting for me inside. "Luna," he said. His smoldering gaze checking me out. "Undress."

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