Chapter 14

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This book is also published on Inkitt and Dreame. Please support me there, because I don't know whether my account will stay on wattpad for long.

Just to be safe, I've created accounts on Inkitt and Dreame and I've an Instagram account too.

username for all is comicsthinker

follow my backup incase something happens to this account

Playlist - Dusk Till Dawn by Zayn


My head rested on my knees as my shoulders shook involuntarily. I should have taken the signs of someone breaking in, but how was I supposed to know that out of all Chase would be the one to break in.

Until today, I used to think Chase was harmless, but not anymore. It would take a miracle to happen for Mia to ever get out of his hold.

After a few moments, I took in my disheveled appearance. I had to get in my pjs not before making sure all the entrance were tightly locked. I lay awake in my bed, unable to sleep. I was still processing tonight's events.

"You're on the brink of ruining my life."

The words played over and over in mind. He was blaming me for almost ruining his life. How? Because Mia has outgrown her love for him? Did she ever loved him in the first place. And I can easily recall, the reason he showed up here was to teach Mia a lesson? Maybe.

What does he exactly want? He wanted nothing more than to control Mia' life, bend her to his will, dominate his existence over her. And how well will it play? Now that his and Charlotte' marriage is fixed, what role does he expect Mia to play in his charade?

Hell, I will get a migraine just thinking about this utterly fucked up situation.

I remember Axel saying Ares regards Chase very highly. I bet, he won't if he ever found out about what Chase had done to Mia. Just imagining how will Charlotte ever live with a person like Chase, not that Axel is some kind of angel. But, still.

"Ugh," I groan in frustration. Why did I had to interfere in other people's problems?

My phone which was on the bed, next to me vibrated. I took the phone in my hand only to see an unknown number's message. Opening the text, it read, I'm sorry.

I didn't I recognised the number. Could it be....?


I got a reply almost immediately.

Yep. I'm so sorry for everything I've put you through. I honestly didn't expect Chase to go this far. Well, I should...... still, sorry.

Don't be. You've gone through a lot.
Are you alright?

I'm not. Wish I could end it all.

Don't say that. Never lose hope.

Easy for you to say..... I'm broken. I want my mom with me. To get me out of here, but Chase is doing his best to keep them away.

I wish I could meet you. So we could talk.

I wish that too.

Who's number is this?

It's Chase's other number.

He's letting you use it?


Is he there?

I thought he would be back, maybe another party. A little peace.

I sigh reading her last text. I wish we could go back to the simpler times.

I want to help you.

No reply. I wonder if he returned. Damn, it! There's absolutely no one to help Mia. Not even her mother. At this point, there's only one person to rely on: Axel Trent.

How times have changed.


Familiar faces filled the seats of our lunch table. Angela White, sat on one side of me, while the others were occupied by few of our friends.

I wandered my eyes around the cafeteria, just like I did when I walked to the hallway. Hoping to see Ares. I vividly remember him saying he'll meet me soon, but two days had gone by and I haven't seen or heard from him. I wish I had his number, but we never got to a point where we could exchange numbers.

"So, are you freaking out about bio? I know I am." Angela shoved a can of juice in her mouth. Studies were the last thing on my mind and if by any chance I want to get into my choice of college then, I would have to make it my priority.

"I haven't even opened the book." Truth be told, Chemistry is better than Biology. I mean- what am I supposed to go by learning about every minute details of a fish?

She hit my arm. "You're so going to fail." Tell me about it.

I played with my food, occasionally taking a bite. The incoherent mumbling around me helped me keep my mind distracted, not for long.

"Did you hear? Chase Henry is getting married." I looked up to see the guy from my drama class mention Chase.

"Oh, I heard." Another one joined in. "The girls are furious to see which pussy he's going to keep banging." His head turned towards me and Angela. "No offence."

"None taken," she replied. "From what I hear it's an arranged marriage."

A little 'oh' left from people's mouth.

"Arranged marriage in 21st century," a girl I didn't recognise, said. "Talk about backwardness."

"But that explains why both Chase and Mia are absent from school," Angela said. "Busy preparing for the wedding. Right, Luna?" I just nod.

"One of Chase' friend was telling Axel is furious about this arrangement. He doesn't want Chase to get married."

"Chase must've refused to share her pussy with him." They all laughed and I clenched my fist. If only they knew the truth.

"I'll meet you in class," I said to Angela and got up from the table.

She nodded and smiled. "Don't skip the bio test."

I discarded my tray, then headed towards the restroom. The restroom was empty and I took my time to freshen-up. After freshening up, I straighten my school uniform and combed my hair. I hate how messy my hair looked if it's not combed every now and then.

Just as I was beginning to leave, a figure appeared out of nowhere, scaring me.

"What the hell."

"Fucking shit."

We both said simultaneously. Finally seeing it was Axel in front of me, I sighed in relief. "You scared me." I hit his arm.

"Hey." He rubbed the spot where I hit him. "Who told you to scream so fucking loud? Idiot."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What are you doing in girls restroom."

He raised his pinky finger. "To tinkle," he muttered, sarcastically.

"Shut up." I blushed. "What do you want?" I pushed open the door and walked out, expecting him to follow me. He did.

"I was thinking about our agreement."

"Agreement?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. "One where we fuck each other." I gasped and hit his arm. "What?" He rubbed his arm. "I can't mess with you?"

"Be serious." Our stare met, but it was awkward holding his gaze, knowing I had a weird type of infatuation for him. He smiled, a genuine smile. It was the first time I saw his dimpled smile up close. It was pretty and I could really feel how he must smile or laugh in front of Charlotte.

"So," I begin. "What's your plan."

"To bring Chase down," he said instantly. "That fucker will have no idea what will hit him."

I slow my pace, so does he. "What exactly you have in mind?"

He stops and so do I. "Chase has this habit," he paused. "Of recording every fucking thing he does," he continued. "Not everything can be video recorded so he uses audio recorder. He uses the tapes and videos to manipulate others."

"So, we have to get those recordings to expose him."

He shakes his head. "It's not that easy. His father is very influential. If we submit those recordings to the police, his father's will try and find a way to destroy them before they're even presented to the judge."

Oh, my. But what father would try to protect his piece-of-shit son?

"Then what will we do?"

"We have to threaten to leak those recordings to the media. One thing his father hates is damaged reputation.If we get hold of those recordings, then we can easily manipulate them in getting our way."

"What if they refuse?"

"They won't," he smirks. "A preview will be sent to them."

"Is it-" I cringed saying what's ahead. "Is it of Chase raping someone?"

His eyes widened. "What? No!" And then he chuckled. "I have a video of Chase drinking illegally and vandalising public places."


"What gave you an idea that he would rape someone?"

I debate on the thought of whether telling him about the incident, but skip over it. "It's just what he did to Mia-"

"Chase would never rape someone," Axel interjects. "Not now, not ever. You've misunderstood him," he whispers.

I check the time in my watch. Shit! I was running late. "I have to go. Bio test coming up."

I was pulled back by Axel as I was about to leave. "What's your number?" His nearness stirred unwanted feelings in my stomach.

He hands me his phone and I type my number and then hand back his phone to him. "I'll call." He then flashes me that jaw-dropping smile. The smile reminded me of someone else and I realized the similarities between him and Ares.

I was in trouble.

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