Chapter 27 (Pt.1)

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Playlist - Holy Ground (Taylor's version) by Taylor Swift


I should be crowned as the biggest gutless loser ever. Damn it. I felt as if I was living my facade on borrowed time. Shit was about to hit the ceiling and I was somehow stalling the inevitable.

Today was a long ass day. I was relieved that it finally ended. If I was a cat, this day would have already swallowed eight of my lives. Yeah, things were that terrible.

The only thing that made me feel relieved was Luna. I would be going back to where I had left her alone with specific instructions to wait for me. I almost hoped that she'd defy me and then I would have a perfectly good reason to get my hands on her bubbly ass.

Red from my fingerprints.

I pushed the vision to the back of my head and focused on the task at hand. We had brought Charlotte to a mental illness facility which was expensive, private and promised us that they'd take good care of my sister, until she was ready to be on her own.

Sister. The word felt meaningless to me. Charlotte had single handedly made me despise that term. She hurt me and there was no going back to it. I don't think anything would repair what was left of our relationship.

Of course, I would always love her and be there for her. Still... it wouldn't be the same.

My father will be staying the night with Charlotte. To look out for any causality. I hugged him, then thanked Axel for coming with me.

"You know I would do anything for you, bro. That's what friends are for; to support each other." He patted my back.

We silently drove back to town. Before dropping Axel off, I couldn't resist asking him about his latest affiliation.

"You want to tell me what is happening between you and that snarky girl of yours?" Of course, I wasn't going to be kind about it. After all, he was boning the same mouthy girl I had come to despise.

"Funny. I could say the same about you and Luna?"

I warned him with my eyes. "I am not fucking with Luna. Besides, we are talking about you, not me."

Axel drew in a huge gulp of air. "Let's not talk about me yet. I am having fun."

"I guessed it correct then."

"Oh, shut up and drop me off near the den's corner." Axel had named his secret hideout as den's corner. I don't know what that guy did over there, but I hoped it wasn't anything freaky.

I dropped him off and went straight to my entourage— just kidding. I mean my girlfriend.

My head envisioned Luna waiting for me, her ass perched on the windowsill as she waited for me to show up. The moment I enter the room, she'll come running to me, wrap her arms around my neck as I'll lift her up and push her back on the mattress and skin into her warmth.

Her scent filled the air around me at the thought of my girl. It's been such a hectic day— year. I just need some calm. I know it's going to be calm before the storm.

Charlotte was so close to revealing our secret to Luna at the worst moment possible. I am not sure what made her change her mind, because as far I'd known, my sister was hellbent on telling Luna the ugly truth.

My stomach clenched at the possibility of what would have happened if Charlotte... I couldn't even finish the thought.

If anyone would be coming clean about the charade, my ulterior motive for pursuing Luna, it should be me.

I would make her see my side. Why did I do it. I know she will be freaking out big time, but she'll come around it. I was sure of it.

I mean, you always forgive the people you love, right?

The light of her living was switched on. She was undoubtedly shaken by what took place in front of her. I climbed up the stairs and walked the short distance to her bedroom.

Turning the knob sideways, I opened the door to her room and found my sunshine head girl sprawled across her bed, laying on her stomach.

I smiled, amused. She looked adorable sleeping the way she did. I contemplated whether I should wake her up and spank her for disobeying me or should I let her sleep the night.

I decided she would need to rest a little for what I had on my mind.

I brushed off the hair from her face and kissed her forehead. Well, I guess I should rest too.



I was dozing off in chemistry and tried not to make it very obvious. It was the last week of my junior year. With our exams still a few days away, we had nothing to do other than study and think about college applications.

I had already applied to all my first preference colleges including Stanford. Although, I still hadn't asked Ares where he'd be going so I was still contemplating on my decision whether to apply to the same college as him.

Knowing his background and grades, he must've gotten into an ivy league college. I hope it was Stanford.

"Is that a hickey on you?"

I gasped, wide awake. "What? Is it still visible?" I had made sure to apply a good amount of concealer before leaving.

"I even saw a slight one on your thigh. It follows up and I don't want to imagine where it leads to," Astoria grated.

He promised! He swore he wouldn't cover me with hickeys yesterday when he finally decided to punish me. That son of a b!tch marked every visible spot with his bite marks. Another sign of his claim on me.

He wasn't even sorry for doing it. I remember he just shrugged and then took me again.

I was not going to let him touch me again.

"You seriously didn't realize it?" I shook my head and Astoria looked at me as if I was stupid. "The girls are fuming over it. After all, their favourite boy did all of it to you."

The girls always fume. I had grown immune to it so I didn't notice it.

"I am so embarrassed," I told her in a hushed voice.

Astoria pushed her glasses up and went back to her notes.

Turns out, she wasn't really pregnant and had a poor knowledge when it came to sex-ed. I actually wanted to laugh when she confided in me what made her suspect about her possible pregnancy.

She was a naive little thing.

It was surprising to me that she knew what a hickey looked like. Maybe she did her research.

We went back to concentrate on the teacher's words. Only, my head was thinking about prom which was in two days.

I know I should be excited for it, but deep inside me I felt as if something bad was going to happen. Stop it, Luna. Be happy for a change. I scold myself and try to shrug away the negativity from my headspace.

Stop manifesting the worse. I remind myself.

Still, I don't know why I am acting so differently. Charlotte's words invaded my thoughts, causing my mood to drop even further down.

Don't worry, Ares. Your secret is safe with me

That devil of a girl did everything she could do to ruin Ares's life. Even from afar, she was managing to mess with my headspace. I couldn't let her win.

Maybe it's nothing. She was after all doing everything she could do to get back at Ares.

I am sure there was nothing to worry about.

Before I know it, the school day comes to an end. Astoria waved me 'bye' as she took the school bus to the ride home. Ares had instructed me to fucking wait for him because most of the time I tend to leave early without him.

My eyes search for his BMW, but it's nowhere to be seen. Did he leave without me? I pull my phone to hit him with a text. His reply is almost immediate.

See that's why I told you to ride with me in the morning. You never listen.

Just tell me where it's parked.

Go stand by the black Bentley.

I don't reply to him. My gaze landed upon a sleek black Bentley. It looked more gorgeous than any of the cars here. How did I miss it?

You changed your car?!

I don't wait for his reply and maneuver the gorgeous piece of car in front me. If it was a person, he'd be a dream. I was mesmerised, but then again, it's owner was mesmerising too.

It matched best with his personality.

My back was pressed against the hood of his car. I waited for the diva to show up. When he finally did show up, he appeared irritated.

"What kept you away for so long." I touched his face. "Something on your mind?"

Get in," he replied curtly.

"Not until you tell me what has bothered you."

His eyes blazed fire. "For once, Luna, fucking do as you're told. This act is not cute, it's goddamn annoying."

I blinked at him, stunned. "Okay," I muttered under my breath.

Despite feeling a little hurt by his cold words, I let it slide. Maybe I shouldn't always defy him. I considered the thought in my head before brushing it off.

Because I was in the mood for the angry bear to prowl on me, I decided to ask him what had spoiled his mood. "Baby," I began testing the water. "Why are you acting so grumpy?" I touched his jaw.

"It's nothing." Even his reply was cold.

Playfully, I messed with his luscious hair. He sighed with annoyance.

"You never quit."

"Your closed-off attitude just rubs me the wrong way. I blame you for my persistent nature." He can be so frustrating sometimes. Not wanting to back off without an answer, I dug more. "If you don't tell me, then I'll go crazy for the rest of the day."

"Okay, fine," he huffed. "If it can get you off my case, I'll talk, your majesty." His expression doesn't waver. It's still arctic cold. "Without my knowledge, my father read my college acceptance letter from yale. That's not the terrible part, he's hellbent on his stand, if wants to me to accept the offer."

He got accepted to Yale.

I didn't know whether the news should make me happy, but I assumed I should be happy for my boyfriend. Yet the only thing I felt was apprehension. This was happening all so fast. I thought we still had plenty of time together before he left for college.

What did you think would happen, Luna?

I couldn't expect him to put his life on hold until I graduated from high school. There was no way I could get accepted to an ivy league college. I know I was dreaming of getting myself into Stanford, but it was still very unclear if I'll get accepted.

My lips curled into a forced smile. "T-That's amazing, Ares. I am s-so happy for you." I wish I sounded genuine than I looked.

"Do I look happy to you? He and I got into an argument over my decision to stay back in Chicago. He wants me to attend his alma mater and an ivy league college, but I don't want that."

I blinked. "You want to stay in Chicago?" It would be wrong if he didn't accept the offer to attend Yale. "Is there any reason why you want to stay back?"

As much as I wanted to, I just couldn't stand being the reason he stayed back in chicago. That would be unfair to himself.

I watched his jaw tense at my question. "It's my problem, Luna. It's something I want to do."

"I think you should go to Yale. It's an amazing college suitable for a person like you. You'll be the most sought after guy on campus and it's perfect for you."

His lips curled at my words. "You just don't leave any chance to defy me. Baby, it's turning me on."

"No, I mean it." Yet my heart didn't want to lose him and put thousands of miles between us. "Come to think of it, I may apply to Yale." And pray to get accepted.

"I am not in the mood to talk about it." I figured he really doesn't want to talk about it. "Your prom dress was delivered to my address." He changed the subject. I want you to come over tonight and try it out."

"Can't you bring it over to my house?"

"I can... but I want you to meet my mom. And father," he added. "Pops didn't get the chance to meet you properly. This will be the perfect opportunity for all of you to meet."

His amazon green gaze shifted to my face, anticipating my reply. It would be a big deal if I went to meet his parents. Without actually taking the seriousness of meeting his parents, I nodded my head.

His poker-face melted into a heart warming charming content expression. I loved when he appeared so boyish. I had to constantly remind myself that he was still an eighteen year old with a crazy, intimidating, stunning, rich face and personality attached to him.

"What if they don't like me?" I said my doubts out loud.

"They will love you, trust me."


I was shaking in my boots. I wish I could cancel this meeting without hurting Ares' feelings. The bastard wouldn't let me even if I did act upon it.

He sent a chauffeur to pick me up and now here I was inside the Torrance estate. The last time I was here, Ares took my virginity and didn't let me sleep throughout the night.

The thought made my cheeks heat up a little. I suddenly regretted bringing a flower bouquet for Mrs. Torrance. Would that be a tad bit too much? She wouldn't possibly think I want to impress her, will she?

I was seconds away from tossing the bouquet out my way when the grand double doors, revealing Ares.

"Finally, mooncake." He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in for a heartstopping kiss. "You look like a dream," he said, when we pulled away. "I'll take that bouquet."

He handed the flowers to the staff tailing behind him and told them to disperse.

"Why are you so terse with them?" I asked.

"I think this may head into a lecturing session if I tell you what's on my tongue so let's just shelve that argument for a different day."

I sent him a bitter look and drew in a calming breath. He clasped my hand with his and led the way to his floor.

"Shouldn't I meet your mom first?" I stepped away from him, but his predatory gaze was zeroed on me. If he didn't look so delicious in his navy sweater and gray pants, I would have tried a little harder to get away from him.

"First, you're going to model the dress for me, then we'll fuck and later we'll go downstairs to meet my parents for dinner."

"So crass," I said playfully. "I would be repulsed if I didn't love you."

"Red suits you." He minimized the gap between us. "Those red lipstick will look absolutely gorgeous smeared on my cock." I blushed, furiously. "Maybe I should fuck you first." His voice dropped to a deep baritone. It sent goosebumps all over my skin.

I pushed his chest away, eyes averted from his face. He loved to pull my strings and I fell for his game every time.

He pulled my lower lip between his teeth and bit it. "So shy," He mimicked me. "All mine."

"Ares," I said his name on a hitched breath. "Let go of me."

"Nuh-uh." He picked me up, bridal style and led all the way to his closet.

Ares's closet was bigger than my living room and styled uniquely. It was built in the middle of his room and went all the downstairs. The circular marble stairs started from the floor of his bedroom and went all the way down to his closet.

Everything was neatly placed, expensive and over the top. I wonder how many clothes he owned.

I was finally put on my feet whereas Ares made himself comfortable on the ottoman.

"Your dress is in that box." He propped himself up on his shoulder, watching my every move. "Wear it for me."

My heartbeats stopped as I momentarily stared awestruck at the beautiful dress in front of me. It looked even prettier than before. The emerald gown was a beauty.

"Ares." I was mesmerised by it. "It looks so beautiful." I looked up to see him staring intently at me. "I am afraid to spoil it."

"I'll spoil it for you."

"Don't you dare." I snapped at him. "I am not going to let you fuck me in this. It's way too precious."

"Oh, I will spoil it with my juices."

"Be serious, Ares."

"Don't make me hard. Try it on." His bulge was getting hard in his pants and he did nothing to hide it.

"You promise to not spoil it?" He nodded, but I didn't find it convincing.

I was too impatient to try the dress on rather than focus on his dark, sinister look.

Despite the closet being so huge and having a separate changing room, Ares demanded that I wear it in front of him.

Ignoring the heated looks he was sending my way, I changed into the beautiful dress.

"I can't believe how pretty this looks on me."

The dominant bastard appeared behind me, scaring me. "You make it look pretty." His arms wrapped around my waist as we both stared at each other in the mirror. "It's taking me every ounce of might to not bend you over and fuck you six different ways."

"I will never talk to you if you did anything to spoil this dress."

"I won't spoil the dress, it's you who I want."


He pushed down on my knees and held my mouth hostage in his grap.

"We'll just play a little."

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