Murder {Chapter Four}

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I knew this place. I knew where we were.
We stared up at the sky quietly together, holding hands in the tall grass.

I knew this place. I think I know where we are.

"They've been looking for you. You should probably go home."
Why does this seem so familiar? Laying on our backs while tall grass surrounding us from all angles.
"Yeah. That makes sense."
The stars above us shining brightly as we laid there in darkness together.

"..So are you going to go back?"
I can almost..

"You don't understand. Do you?"

I can't almost.. I can't place my finger on where we were but..

Then why did it seem so familiar?
"You don't. I know they did it. I know they killed him! She's just lying to my face! He wouldn't of left. I know he wouldn't of left!"

I was glaring at him.

He couldn't say anything.

"I can't believe this! I know that they did it! We saw his gun, we heard the phone call. Hell! We even texted him, while pretending to be her! She went out, and left her phone. We stole it, and texted him!"
K: I think he knows

C: What?
C: What do you mean you think?
K: I think he knows what we did. Where are you?
C: I'm driving, currently at the graveyard.

K: Get home now, he's questioning me.

"We both faked being her! And he gave us all the answers we needed. The gun, his scarf, the money, the phone we dropped under his couch to see what he would say, everything points to his disappearance. Are you convinced yet?!"

Why was I screaming anymore? My chest just hurt so much, I knew they did it. They had to of.
He didn't say anything, just pulled me close and held me. I hugged back.


I woke up, looking over to see him right there next to me. There was no more pain in my shoulder, and no longer a burning in my skull. I suppose those pills worked. I stood up stumbling over to the mirror he had in I looked like death. No pun intended.

I looked back over at him and flopped down on top of him, not enough to be like cat stepping on the organ just below the lungs, but good enough to wake him up. He didn't wake in surprise like I thought he would, and just looked down at me. I didn't make eye contact and hid my face in his chest, allowing my whole body to go limp. I hugged him and he hugged back, laying there quietly with me. It felt kinda nice.. Though I couldn't exactly feel warmth from him since the shard of my soul no longer beated. The only thing I could feel was being safe with him. But even as a zombie you don't feel safe. Nobody is ever safe I guess..


They must probe the depths of human thought, emotion, and empathy, while appearing simple and honest.

{Nightmare's POV}

We traded specific things with them, such as salt, preservatives, and filtered water. A small group that had been off the coast towards the north east, their base like ours heavily fortified with barb wire and such. They had items we needed, and we had stuff they needed, so they were willing to trade with us. I was getting some more ammo from them, since they were one of the only nearby sellers in town, and we had food since we lived closer to the grocery store. They had some pretty good stuff to trade, besides Ink.

Ink was a strange guy, but he went around town selling weapons. He didn't stay in once place for long and was constantly moving. Though he had stuff for better trades, we didn't go to him. Since the other base was closer, we went to them. Cross was busy looking outside at something, something that hopefully wasn't zombies. He was still eating his chocolate bar, and he hadn't put it down yet, allowing the sugar to rot his teeth.

We began to leave, getting home mostly okay, though we ran into a few zombies but they were alone. No mobs. If there was a mob though, it'd be a massacre we wouldn't hear the end of. I was hoping we could get to a certain spot so I could teach him how to fire a gun, but I'm probably going to do that at home with him, since we had gone to the shooting range to get them rid of the weapons and take them for our own safety.

We had everything we needed to do so, but Cross didn't seem like the kind of person to socialize much. When we got back, Dust, Horror, and Killer were talking to one another on the couch, and Error was reading in the corner quietly to himself.

I swore that Reaper and Geno would of been out here by now, but Reaper did say he was tired last night, so he was probably sleeping in like usual.

Cross seemed to immediately try and run off, back to his room that is so he could once more be alone, but I spoke up and made him stop. "Hey guys, how about we formally meet Cross?" I hummed, satisfied with the noise of regret that left him as he shuffled back over and lightly waved. They didn't even look up at him which made him look down sadly.

I stared at them for a moment before going to Cross, putting an arm around him. "Are you hungry? We can eat something if you'd like." I said softly to him, a smile on my face as I did so.

They looked up, as if I had just said a word in the first time in my whole life. Cross looked up and gave me a sweet hearted sad smile, and shyly nodded, following me to the kitchen. I saw Killer frown out of the corner of my eye.

((Capthan yyyyy look this boi hasa backstory whoo-))

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