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Copyright © 2017 by Michael Walsh

Cover by Michael Walsh

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to: photocopying, scanning, recording or information storage and retrieval, without permission in writing from the author.

About the Cover

Click on the image to enlarge it.

The envelope images on the cover are taken from my personal collection and they inspired this story. I did some Photoshop manipulation to alter the soldier's name, initials and regimental number. He was posted as missing, but after evading for a while, he was captured and spent the remainder of the war as a prisoner. My story paints what might have happened had his evasion been successful.

Introduction and Content Warning

Although this is a piece of fiction, most of the geography and history in it are real. Many of the details and adventures in the Schwarzwald are based on my experiences there half a century later while serving with NATO in the 1960s. I began my research on this series of novels while sharing drinks with Ypres veterans in the Officers Mess of the British Columbia Regiment shortly after I retired in 1981.

This story contains scenes of a young woman's awakening sexuality as she meets a young man who has not yet realised the trauma from his sexual abuse as an adolescent. There are depictions of physical and sexual intimacy that are necessary for the development of both the characters and plot.



To the more than twenty million
dead and wounded in World War One
while defending us against aggression.


Recent Fiction by Michael Walsh

Spilt Wine 
Published 2017 - ISBN - 978-099409366-6-0

Unknown Diners 
Published 2017 - ISBN - 978-099409366-4-6


Recent Non-Fiction by Michael Walsh

Sequitur - To Cape Horn in Comfort and Style
Published 2013 - ISBN - 978-09919556-0-2

Carefree on the European Canals 
Published 2014 - ISBN - 978-09919556-4-0

Carefree Through 1001 French Locks 
Published 2015 - ISBN - 978-09919556-7-1

Canal Cruising in France — A Guide for Rental Boaters 
Published 2015 - ISBN - 978-09919556-9-5


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