The surprising trip

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It was morning when the group left for Sans camp. They decided to take the trip there together because it was four hours by car. Since Chloe and Jasmin were the only two who could drive, Charlotte decided to go in Chloe's car, Caitlin with Jasmin. They kept it a rule to always keep their cars close to each other when driving. Jasmin and Caitlin appeared with the car outside Charlotte's house.

Charlotte grabbed her purse from her bedroom, kissed her parents goodbye and walked to where her friends were talking.

Chloe decided to change the subject after Charlotte started a conversation about food, "Ok guys, do know the rules and where to go?"

Jasmin nodded, " I can follow you if I need to."

All four of the girls had done jobs for one and a half year for their trip in summer. This earnt them a lot of money. It was currently the start of summer and none of the girls knew how much they saved.

Caitlin was wearing a pair of black knee-high boots, "Can we stop at Pak 'n' Save for some snacks?"

Charlotte scratched her head, "Sure. We can stop at the nearby atm too because I have no idea how much money I've saved."

"Jasmin and Caitlin you guys stay in front this time," Chloe added.

From there Charlotte and Chloe jumped in the car, waiting for the others to leave.

After about one minute, Chloe started driving down the long road Charlotte lived on.

Charlotte took this time to make herself comfy. There were kitchen supplies, heaps of blankets and pillows stuffed in the back. She grabbed a blanket, took her shoes off and put a pillow underneath her feet. Both cars parked near each other in the Pak 'n' Save car park. The atm was on the other side of the carpark.

Caitlin stretched her arms while walking over to Chloe and Charlotte, "So how was your trip guys?"

Charlotte shook her head, "well I've only been in the car for about five minutes."

Jasmin laughed, "ok let's go over to the atm so we can check our accounts."

Chloe walked over to Jasmin, "ok."

Charlotte was the first to reach the atm, "ok where's my card?" She pulled out a black Kiwibank eftpos card and slid it in the atm, "ok, pin. check. Now, Balance. Check. Wait! Guys! Woah! It says I have 10 million dollars! How did that get there?"

Chloe, Jasmin, and Caitlin were all crowded over the atm.

Jasmin rubbed her eyes, "Woah click the cash out button to make sure it's real."

Then without thinking Charlotte clicked the cash out button. Loads of 100 dollar notes spilled out of the machine. It was coming so fast it was falling on the ground. Charlotte repeatedly clicked the cancel button. There was 991 thousand left.

Chloe looked mad, "it says there is 900 thousand left not about 10 million still!"

Charlotte looked confused, "oh, It must have said one million not ten million haaha."

Everyone looked annoyed except Caitlin.

Caitlin was jumping up and down, "hey! At least we still have a million! That's tones!"

Everyone's frowns were wiped off their faces.

"Well, we just need to check the rest of our accounts now." Jasmin barged in between the atm and Charlotte. Taking the card out and giving it to Charlotte so she can put hers into the atm.

Chloe still looked confused, "Wait! Aren't we going to question why Charlotte has this much money? Maybe while we check our accounts, Charlotte can call her parents and see if they know anything."

Charlotte pulled out her button phone, "Ok."

Everyone continued looking at the atm as Charlotte rang her home-phone.

Her Step mum picked up, "Hello?"

Charlotte relaxed a little, "Hi, it's Laura. I was calling because I just checked my account balance and I have one million dollars. I was wondering if you could answer why I have this much?"

Her step mum sighed, "well I wouldn't be surprised. You have not touched that money for about four years and on top of that, you worked really hard with earning that."

Charlotte seemed surprised, "four years! Damn, I didn't think it has been that long. Well anyway, thanks for your help. bye."

"That's ok, bye," Her step mum hung up the phone.

Charlotte was just standing there thinking about what just happened. She eventually came to the conclusion to not spend all the money at once. She walked back to her friends, "ok I found out why."

Everyone was in suspense, staring at Charlotte for an answer.

Charlotte took a deep breathe, "it was because I haven't touched my bank account in two years and I've decided to not spend it all at once."

Caitlin looked to the ground, "that's ok because my parents gave me extra money other than my earnt money for food. I have 2332 dollars in my account!"

Jasmin put an arm on Caitlin's shoulder for an armrest, "yep and I have 1678 dollars in my account."

Chloe stood beside Charlotte and crossed her arms, "and I have 1459 dollars. We also decided to gradually take cash out of that balance. So right now we all have five one hundred dollar notes."

Charlotte looked gobsmacked, "ok. Um. let's go buy these, uh, snacks then."

Jasmin and Caitlin walk behind Chloe and Charlotte, out of the way of cars.

Everyone walked out of the supermarket with their food.

When they walked out of Pak 'n' Save, Caitlin was swinging her bag around and hit a car on accident.

Caitlin bought a packet of sour patch kids, a can of fizzy and Pringles. 

Jasmin bought a bag of marshmallows, skittles, and a water bottle.

Chloe bought a packet of party mix and a water bottle.

Lastly, Charlotte paid for a packet of cheese supreme Doritos and a bottle of flavored water.

They all jumped into the cars and left.

It had been about three and a half hours since everyone left Tauranga, their hometown. The two cars had only lost each other twice between traffic. They had finally arrived in Napier. Their only job now was to find the camp. Chloe followed Jasmin's car.

Chloe's car screeched against the gravel driveway to the reception of the camp. Charlotte slowly opened her eyes after an hour of sleep. She had a croaky voice, "Woah! Are we here?"

Chloe nodded. Charlotte had bags under her eyes and a throbbing headache.

The camp looked huge! It was next to a beach. From online, Charlotte read the campsite was on lots of lands. 

The welcoming sign had printed roses that were faded away from the rain. Charlotte looked around, the first thing she saw was a big area that was filled with markets and shops. She also spotted a building for the pools.

Everyone parked their cars and grouped together again.

Caitlin took the lead to the reception, "ready for an unlimited holiday?"                       

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