Creature Comforts (One-shot)

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Here's some Cat!Goth for your soul~

Chapter Warnings: Nightmares, death mention


Goth laughed as Palette accidentally smudged chocolate ice cream on his nasal ridge, trying in vain to lick it off and sneezing as it dripped into his nasal cavity, then finally using his scarf to wipe it off before it got on the new plush bear he bought.

Why did this feel familiar, and why did it feel as if he was moving on autopilot?

"Goth? You're really quiet... well, more quiet than usual," Palette craned forward as he walked, watching his friend curiously as they stopped at the crosswalk.

"Sorry," the smaller apologized, lightly holding up his ice cream, "Brain freeze."

A faint screech went off in the distance as Palette laughed, "Well, don't eat it so fast, silly!"

Wait... he had heard this before... he had to stop.

Palette stepped off the curb despite himself; a bright red sports car tore around the corner, but his body refused to react to the panic coursing through him and continued across the road.

No... he remembered this... he didn't want this!

He turned to the vehicle speeding toward him as something else darted into the road out of the corner of his socket; he wanted to run, scream, do something... but he just stood there like a literal deer in the headlights.

Please, not again!

Palette felt something slam into him; his body twisted around to see Goth. The monster wore a smile despite the tears overflowing from his sockets... despite knowing what was about to happen as he stumbled back from the force of the push, directly into the car's path and mere inches away from a fatal collision.


Palette jolted awake, slapping his hand over his mouth; an effort to stifle his scream while also resisting the overwhelming urge to be sick in remembrance of the events following the impact. He clenched his sockets shut, curling up in a ball as he choked on his sobs with tears streaking down his face and onto his pillow. All was quiet in the house as he laid on his side, crying his sockets out... except for the mewling ball of fur pushing against his skull. His sockets popped open to the pale blue and white eyes of his best friend shining in the dim moonlight; their owner was butting their head against him to get his attention.

Palette reached a hand out to stroke Goth along his back. "Mrrp?" the feline chirped in reply, redirecting his attention to the hand petting him.

"Sorry I woke you," the skeleton softly hiccupped, attempting a smile, "I'm okay now; I just had a bad dream." Goth became focused on headbutting his hand and arm, flopping over against him after losing balance before getting up to repeat the process as Palette slowly calmed down from the nightmare. 

He knew reassurances and apologies were a useless endeavor, but the cat in front of him still held the soul of his best friend. Even if he looked silly or crazy, talking with Goth was normal for him and he couldn't deny there were instances where it felt as if his companion could actually understand him.

Seemingly satisfied with the attention, Goth rounded the pillow and disappeared from view to find a new spot to settle down in as Palette listened for any other noises in the house. Taking in the silence, he concluded that his mom was still asleep. Sitting up, he checked his phone; he had some time left, so he could get another three or four hours of sleep in before it was time to get up.

... Unfortunately, knowing he should go to sleep and doing so were two completely different matters. Closing his sockets and trying to empty his skull did nothing to quell the remnant feelings of guilt. Even though everyone had assured him nothing could have been done to prevent a soul from being taken that day, he still couldn't help feeling responsible... he should have done something, anything to-

A slight weight pressed against the back of his legs. Shifting his skull, he noticed two pointed white ears peeking over the edge of his sheets; he didn't think much of it since his companion would occasionally curl up in the crook of his legs and laid his skull back on the pillow... only to realize Goth was doing something different tonight.

Goth had climbed up and draped himself over the side of Palette's leg, stretching his forelimbs out ahead of him to dangle in midair. Once settled, he rested his chin upon the skeleton's leg, closed his eyes, and began purring loudly.

Unable to help himself, Palette snorted as he reached out to scratch behind the feline's ear, "What are you doing?" His companion flexed their paws in response, opening their eyes slightly before letting them fall shut again. A smile worked its way onto his face as he laid his skull back on the pillow, continuing to stroke his hand along Goth's back as he murmured, "You're so silly." As the gentle rumbling sound and soothing vibrations against his leg slowly but surely lulled him into quiet contentment, a yawn broke free and his sockets fluttered shut as he murmured, "Thanks..."


Palette woke to a rough tongue against his cheek; opening his sockets, Goth's furry face encompassed his vision. Seeing he was now awake, the cat flopped into his face while purring. "Pfft, good morning to you too," the sleepy skeleton grabbed his friend and sat up, setting them on his lap while picking out the loose cat hairs that had found their way into his mouth and retrieving his phone... which said his alarm would go off in five minutes.

Toggling the alarm off, Palette hummed, "Not sure why I still set my alarm when you manage to get me up before it goes off every time." Goth responded by climbing up his nightshirt and flopping against his chest; the skeleton chuckled, petting the cat as they stretched languidly before curling into a ball to slide back into his lap.

Another ten minutes went by with Palette showering Goth in attention before mild hunger pangs prompted him to set the feline aside and leave the warm comfort of his sheets. Raising his arms for a morning stretch, his companion began weaving around his legs. He reached down to stroke them from head to tail once more before exiting the room with his friend trotting alongside him.

Chuckling at Goth stopping at the bottom of the stairs to make sure Palette was still following, he entered the kitchen to find his mom scrambling some eggs. "How are my boy and his shadow doing today?" Dream asked, scraping the spatula against the pan.

"We're good," Palette picked up Goth's food bowl and scooped some kibble into it; retrieving a can of wet food and mixing a spoonful into the bowl, he admitted, "... I had a nightmare this morning."

Dream turned toward him with concern in his features, "I thought I felt something; was it the car one again?"

"Yeah," Palette answered shortly, willing the mental images to not resurface again. Goth's meowing managed to distract him as he set the bowl down on the floor; he pet them as they ate, smiling as their back end lifted into each stroke, "Goth helped me get back to sleep, though." He went on to describe his friend's behavior earlier that morning, only pausing when the older skeleton laughed. Looking up in confusion, he asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"Because Goth was comforting you," Dream explained, turning off the burner, scooping the eggs onto two plates already holding toast slices, and handing one off to Palette, "Cats can purr at frequencies that promote healing in themselves and others."

Palette sat down at the table, his eye lights glancing over at the feline cleaning their face next to him "Wow, really? How does that even work?"

"No one's quite sure; some think the vibrations exert pressure on the bones and muscles while others think it has to do with releasing endorphins," Dream replied, taking a sip from their mug, "it's also possible he was expressing distress at your distress, but judging from what you described, it sounds like he sensed you were in pain and did what he could to help you feel better."

Goth chose that moment to jump into Palette's lap, curling up into a ball and rolling onto their back for a post-breakfast nap. Letting his fork rest against his plate, he rubbed his finger under their chin; the action earned a rumbling purr as the cat craned their head back to give him better access. Noting the frayed appearance of their red collar, an idea came to mind, "You know, Goth's collar's looking a little worn out; you think I should get him a new one?"

"He has had the same one since he started living with us two years ago," Dream commented, "he's grown too, so he could probably use a bigger one as well." Palette slipped two fingers under the band; it did feel a little tight. The older skeleton hummed, and he looked up to find their gaze on the window, "The weather's nice today... I think he would enjoy a trip to the store."

Pleased with the idea, Palette quickly scarfed down the rest of his meal, deposited his dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and dashed up the stairs for his clothes and Goth's harness; his friend bounded up after him, seemingly sensing his excitement as he pulled some clothing from his dresser. Grabbing the red harness, his companion jumped onto the bed in anticipation of an outing.

Palette chuckled as he fitted the red straps around the Goth's chest, testing to make sure they were snug without being too tight before clipping on the leash and looping it around his wrist, setting the feline in their favored spot on his shoulder, and heading out the door with a shout to his mom that he would be back later. 

As his companion got comfortable, draping along his shoulders and curling their tail into his scarf, Palette's thoughts wandered over the past two years. Things might not have turned out exactly the way he wanted, but he could still appreciate the second chance he was given regardless... and even if their time together couldn't last forever, if Goth spent every day just as happy and loved as he felt, then it would all be worth it in the end.


Word Count: 1,743

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