Princess Sara's Monster Tale

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"Mommy, will you read me a story book?"

Princess Sara asks with a pleading look.

"I will," Queen says sitting by Sara's bed.

She reads a fun tale of a boy named Ted.

When Ted's story ends, Queen tucks blankets tight.

She kisses Sara and turns off the light.

"Good night Sara dear, see you with the dawn."

Queen shuts the door and Sara gives a yawn.

Sara falls asleep as white moon shines bright.

Owl swoops by her window in silent flight.

A hairy creature stirs under her bed.

As he quietly crawls he bumps his head.

Sara feels the thump. Her eyes fly open wide.

But she does not move. She waits to see what hides.

Many minutes pass and then a hairy shape

slips from under her bed trying to escape.

Window is open wide to the moonlit night.

Before he slips out, Sara turns on the light.

"Why were you hiding underneath my bed?"

Monster turns and jumps up on her bedspread.

Softly he growls, "Don't you find me scary?"

"No I do not, I just find you hairy."

Then the monster laughed and jumped down to the floor.

Quietly he walked and opened Sara's door.

"I'll be back tomorrow, when it's story time.

Maybe you could pick a tale told in rhyme?"

Out the door he slips. Sara lies back down.

"How did he get in?" she thinks with a frown.

When the night returns, she peeks under her bed.

The monster is not there. She scratches her head.

Monster had asked for story told in rhyme.

She picked "Kaci" who liked to play ragtime.

After the Queen had left and turned out the light.

The monster appeared and gave Sara a fright.

"I did not see you underneath the bed.

How did you get in here while my mother read?"

"I have magic powers and can disappear.

I can be invisible and be right here.

When you peeked under the bed, I was there.

It's time I go back to my forest lair."

"The book, "Kaci," was a funny fable.

I'll come back tomorrow if I am able.

Thank you Princess Sara for sharing story time

and keeping me a secret during your bedtime."

Princess Sara whispered, "What is your name?"

"You can call me Harry as a nickname."

"Good night Harry, I hope that you return

and tell me monster tales so I can learn."

And for many years Harry came each night.

He and Princess Sara talked by moonlight.

When the time came for Sara to be queen,

she asked Harry to be part of her team.

"I love you Harry. I want us to wed

and no more hiding underneath my bed."

Harry and Sara were married in moonlight.

Children hear their story every single night.

Copyright 2018 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

Submission Date: 4/8/2018

Submitted To: Children's Fiction (Wattpad profile)

Length Limit: 1000 word maximum

Submitted Length: 470 words (includes title) (509 words with author notes)

Contest Story (Book): Contests & Challenges

Contest Name: Contest 1

Contest Deadline: 4/17/2018

Contest Sponsor: Children's Fiction (Wattpad profile)

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