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Albus' P.O.V

I woke up cuddling with Scorpius. I don't remember why or how he got in my bed but he was comfy and I didn't want to get up. But, I had to because it was Saturday. I groaned and tried to move but since he was the small spoon; my arms were linked within his.

"Hey piglet." I whispered. "I need to go." I told him and he let out a groan.

"M'so warm." He slurred. "And cozy."

"I am too but you need to go to breakfast." I said and his eyes opened.

"But I'm not hungry."

"But you need to eat and then when I get back, we can cuddle all you want."

"Okay." He mumbled with a pout. I chuckled and grasped his lips with mine.

"I promise." I murmured against his lips. I gave him one last peck and then rolled out of bed after he released me. I ran to the bathroom to shower so once I was done, Scorpius was banging on the door.

"I really need to pee." He yelled and I sighed opening the door. He ran in as I walked out and closed the door. I styled the rest of my hair and when he walked out, I walked in to brush my teeth. I finished getting ready and then I walked back out. Scorpius was all dressed and ready to go. "Are you ready?"
"Are you walking me there?"

"No." He admitted with a slight blush. "But I figured we'd walk out together." He suggested and I nodded. We walked out together and I kissed his cheek before walking to McGonagall's office. I walked just outside, said the password to the gargoyle, and walked in. I spotted Mister Malfoy and I was just about to wish him a good morning when my eyes fell upon a familiar figure.

"Dad?" I asked. I felt anger rippling through my vein at the sight of my father. The images of that night swarmed through my head.

"Albus, please sit." Mister Malfoy said. I clenched my fists and sat across from them. They were sitting next to one another

"Why is he here?" I spat and I saw my father flinch slightly. I clenched my jaw tightly.

"I think its best that you two talk. You gave me permission to speak with him and the only way to heal is for you to tell your father what you're feeling." He told me and I shook my head.

"There is other ways." I said looking directly at Mister Malfoy. I refused to look at my father, the images were just worse when I did.

"It's best you tell him." He said and I shook my head. I closed my eyes and let the images flow.

"Al, please look at me." The desperation in my father's voice was too much.

"No." I said simply.

"Albus, what are you experiencing?" Mister Malfoy asked.

"The images are back." I told him.

"Okay well what do you see?" He asked.

"You know what I see." I snapped.

"Well I don't." Dad said.

"You don't deserve to know." I shouted. "It's your fault I even see these images." I spat. "You just dropped me off here like nothing was wrong, never checked on me once. 'Too busy' to check up on your son who found your wife dead in the tub." I opened my eyes and looked at him. All the anger was building up. "Never once did it occur to you that I was acting out because my dead mother fucking haunts my thoughts and dreams. Never once did it occur you that maybe I was acting out because I was angry at myself or angry at you for letting this all happened. Maybe I was angry because while you're too busy working and trying to save the fucking world you can't even save your own son. You let me suffer in here and now I'm more broken than ever." I said and then I felt the tears coming on. I hugged my knees and buried my face into them. I let out a sob that violently shook my whole body. I hated him. I hated him for not ever checking on me, for not making sure I was okay, for not being a father. I sobbed and then I felt a hand on me that I quickly swatted away.

"Al, if I knew how much pain you were in, I would have gotten you help. I would have been there."

"But you didn't and know we're here." I sobbed. "It wouldn't have mattered if I told you anyway; you would have told me I was being dramatic anyway. You would have told me that I was going to taint the Potter name."

"No, I would have understood. Al, I suffer from PTSD." He told and the anger came back. I snapped my head up and my eyes met his.

"We're not fucking talking about you here." I spat. "I don't give a damn what you've gone through. I know what happened to you. I know what you went through. What you don't understand is you don't know what I've gone through." I shouted.

"Al, I'm sorry." He told me and I bolted up right.

"You're sorry? You let me fucking suffer; you let me die slowly in this castle. You've treated me like shit because I was the black sheep of the family. Everyone in this goddamn family has treated me like shit because the only way I can cope is attacking people. And you say you're sorry?" I spat and he didn't say anything. "I hate you and I hate this family. But you know what? I'm done."

"What does that mean?" He asked surprised.

"I mean I am not a part of this family anymore. I'm done. I officially disown myself from this family since you can't do it yourself. Goodbye father, enjoy your life." I shouted. I ran to the door.

"Al, I love you." He shouted after me. I stopped when I reached the door; my hand was on handle when I turned back.

"It's too late for that." I spat as warm tears drenched my face. "Mister Malfoy, good day." I said and then walk out. Anger rippled though as I walked through the hall. Tears blurred my vision as I walked through the hall. I stopped walking to punch the wall. I put my forehead to the dent I made to the stone wall ignoring the throbbing pain in my hand. I started sobbing. More violently than was in the office. I felt arms wrap around me and then pull me into their chest.

"It's alright Mister Potter." It was Snape. Severus Snape was hugging me.

"W-why are you here" I asked.

"Well Mister Malfoy Sr. told me you left the office and they were afraid you'd go on a rampage. So they sent me to come find you."
"Oh." I said and then I sniffled. "Is Scorpius still eating?" I asked.

"No I do believe that he went back to your quarters." He told me and I nodded against his chest. I lifted my head up.

"I should go back."

"I will escort you there." He told me and then gripped my shoulder. He brought me to my housing, said the password and allowed me inside. "You stay well Albus." He said.

"You too. Good day professor." I said and then closed the portrait.

"Albus?" I heard and whipped around. "Merlin, what's wrong?" He asked. Rose was in the room as well so I just shook my head and crawled into my bed. He looked at Rose and they both got up.

"Please." I begged. "Don't come closer."

"What happened?" Rose asked.

"Rose, please." I said. "I need you to leave."
"That's not to you. Scorpius lives here too." She said and I turned over to bury my face into my pillow. I couldn't stop the tears. All the anger washed away to sorrow and anguish. I wanted to leave; I didn't want to see my family again. I had no choice of it. We all went to the same school. Gut wrenching sobs came from me. Everything I've kept bottle up just built up. Everything I tried keeping in, just came out.

Scorpius' P.OV

"I think you should go." I told Rose. She just looked so alarmed about Albus' outburst. She just nodded and left without any other word. I crawled into bed with Albus who still hadn't stopped crying. When he felt my presence he turned over and buried his face into my neck. "Hey why are you so upset snake?" I asked.

"M-My father was there." He cried. "I-I didn't k-know he was going t-to be there." He said and I rubbed his back.

"Shh calm down." I told him and he took deep breaths. I finally felt him relax. "Okay, what happened?"

"Your father said it was a good idea to let me tell him what was on my mind. So I did but I went berserk. I just ripped into him and let him have it. I told him I hated him and the family. I told him I disowned him as my father."

"Oh snake." I said and hugged him tighter. "Do you regret it?"

"No, I don't. I don't want to be a Potter." He told me. "I hate it. "

"Okay." I said and started to stroke his hair.

"He told me he loved me." He told me. "He hasn't said that in so long. I just told him to enjoy his life. He hates me Scorpius, he doesn't love me."

"Oh I think he loves you Albus." I said. "I'm sure he loves you." I told him and he looked up. He connected our lips and the pulled away. I wiped away his tears.

"What did you call me?"

"You called me Snake." He said and I blushed.

"Oh I-I mean you call me piglet so I thought I should give you a nickname." I said and he smirked.

"I love it." He connected our lips. "Thank you Scorpius, you make me really happy."

"I'm happy to hear that. You make me happy too."  

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