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Albus' P.O.V

It was tough two weeks but I got through them. From what I was told, my father had sent messages to both my siblings explaining why I would not be at Christmas and why I was acting strangely. I was pissed. It wasn't his place to tell people about MY issues. My brother tried multiple times but I'd ignore him. My sister tried apologizing but every time she came near me, I'd walk away. It was too much. However, I couldn't get away from Rose often because she was Scorpius' best friend and I am not one to deny friendship. So she and I talked a few times; it went pleasant.

"You doing alright?" Scorpius asked me. The train was slowing in to Kings Cross.

"Nervous." I answered. "I um the last time I saw your mum was when McGonagall told them I got you pregnant."

"Bullocks! I forgot about my mum." He blushed. "Don't worry, she'll like you."

"Okay." I said.

"Have you brought along your potions?" He asked and I nodded. "Um did you think about seeing your father on the platform?"

"Merlin no!" I yelled and he sighed. The train came to a stop and we got up. I grabbed both of our trunks.

"Don't worry." He smiled. "It'll be fine." He told me and then kissed my cheek. We walked down the aisle without any issues like seeing my family. I stepped off the train and Scorpius diverted me in the direction of his parents.

"Hi mum, hi dad." Scorpius greeted his parents. He dropped my hand and hugged them tightly.

"Hi Scorpius, how are you son?" Scorpius' mum asked.

"Doing well." He said pulling away from the hug. "The morning sickness is slowly subsiding." He smiled widely.

"T-that's good to hear." She smiled shyly. Her eyes fell on me and swallowed hard. "It's nice to formally meet you." She smiled. "I am Scorpius' Mother but feel free to call me Astoria." She said.

"Albus Potter." I shook her hand. "Feel free to call me anything." I stumbled and she chuckled.

"Well Albus, we're really excited that you're spending Christmas with us." She said.

"Thank you for having me ma'am." I said and then nodded towards mister Malfoy. "You too sir."

"Albus, we're a little passed me being called sir." He told me. "How are you feeling?"

"Um good I guess." I scratched the back of my head.

"How about we talk when we get back to the manor?" He asked.

"I think that's best." I said and he nodded. He grabbed our trunks and shrunk them. He placed them in his pocket before we apparated back to their manor. Scorpius fell to the ground when we landed and started vomiting. I rushed him over to him and gently patted his back.

"Sorry Scorp didn't think that through." Draco said and Scorpius waved his hand. He finished vomiting and wiped his mouth. I lifted him up bridal style and he giggled softly.

"You alright?" I asked.

"A little sleepy." He told me and I nodded.

"Alright well I'll bring you to your room and then you can nap." I told him and he nodded. He sleepily nodded and nuzzled his face into my chest.

"Come on boys." Mister Malfoy motioned and I followed him. We walked into the house and Scorpius had fallen asleep in my arms. Mister Malfoy showed me to his room and then took out his trunk. He walked out as I placed Scorpius on the bed.

"Snake." He whispered.

"Go back to sleep piglet." I told him.

"No don't leave me." He pouted and tried to pull me.

"No shh, go to sleep. I have to talk to your father."

"Will you come back?" He asked.

"Yes I promise." I told him and kissed his head. He snuggled under the covers and went to sleep. I walked out and looked around. I noticed Mister Malfoy was sitting at a desk at the end of the hall. I walked over to the office and knocked on the door.

"Oh Albus please sit." He told me and I did after closing the door behind me. I sat down and looked at him.

"I want to apologize for my actions the last time we met." I told him. We hadn't seen each other since my father was there; he told me he wanted me to calm down.

"It's quite alright; I should have told you that he was going to be there."

"But you didn't." I said sadly and he nodded.

"My apologizes."

"I can't disown him Mister Malfoy." I told him and his eyes flashed happiness.

"That's great!" He said and I shook my head.

"No I mean, since I am underage, he is still my parent. Professor Snape told me I need to go to his house when summer comes."

"Well I think that would be best."

"I don't want to be a Potter sir." I told him. "It's hard enough being his son but to live under the Potter name is like, like when you were a kid living under the Malfoy name." I told him and he flinched slightly.

"I understand that Albus." He sighed. "But I want you to understand that he loves you."

"I think he just pities me." I told him truthfully. "He hasn't told me he loved me since the whole incident happened." I told him and gulped. I was so tired of crying so I sniffled hard.

"He was very upset."

"He should be."

"Do you feel like you get this treatment because you're the middle child?"

"I feel I get this treatment because of what happened. I've been saying that for awhile now."

"I know. I understand what you're feeling Albus." He told me and I stay quiet. "But you need to face your father. "

"I-I think my father triggers me sir." I told him. "Every time I see him, I get worse. It's like I see the events all clearly. I-I don't know if it's because I get stressed when I-I see him." I told him and he nodded.

"I think I'm gonna prescribe you something." He told me. "We need it for when you see your father. It's like a calming draught but it wills away the stress." He told me and I nodded. "This way we can see if he's the trigger himself."

"And if he is?"
"Then we'll set something up where you two meet. Both of you aware of that. If he is the trigger, we'll figure out a solution so you're able to see him."

"And if I don't want to see him?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Albus, I think deep down you really do want to see him." He told me and I sighed.

"I'm tired of being treated like I'm nothing." I told him truthfully. "I feel that if he's in my life, like I see him, all he is going to treat me with is pity." I told him and he nodded. "I just want to be treated like my siblings."

"Well how are they treated?"
"Lily is treated like a princess. My father spoils her. He may not think he does but if Lily whines about something, she gets her way."

"And James?"
"He's the oldest. My father's first born son. He does everything with my father first and even if I wanted to join in on what they're doing; I was always told that it was their 'quality time'."

"What do you mean?"

"Like I remember one time where they were going to like a practicing range for spells. James was sixteen so I was fourteen. I asked if I could go and James shoved me and told me no. Dad said that they were doing something just them because he wanted some quality time with him. The same thing with Lily."

"Do you ever spend time with him alone?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"I told you, he's too busy." I told him and then the tears started coming. "I'm sorry." I mumbled and hugged my legs. I buried my face into my knees and started to cry into them.

"Don't apologizing for crying. I've seen you do it before." He told me and patted my back. I looked up and he handed me a tissue.

"I-I think I-I'm a burden in m-my father's eyes." I told him sniffling. "H-he thinks that since I-I'm the one w-who found her, i-it's my fault. M-my fault I-I didn't s-stop her." I told him and hiccupped a few times. He sighed and patted my back.

"Have you ever told him this?" He asked and I shook my head.

"You saw him in the meeting." I told him. "I told you that he only cares now because something is wrong with me. I told you that day in the meeting he would tell me I'm being dramatic and not to taint the Potter name."
"But you're not tainting the name."

"Try telling him that." I spat and he closed his eyes sighing.

"He feels bad about saying that."

"But he's never taken it back." I pointed out and he blinked at me.

"Oh." He said. "You don't want him to tell you he's sorry, you want him to show it. You want him to take back that you're tainting the Potter name and show you how much he loves you and cares for you." He said and I nodded. "Why-" He started and then stopped. "I understand."

"I can't tell him myself because there's a part of me that hates him and my family for ever making me feel this."

"Albus, I think when we started this whole thing, depression was the correct thing, but we thought it was more severe than it actually was." He told me. "I will put you on a low dose of it so it won't make you tired."
"So I'll be on four potions total?" I asked.
"No the calming draught is being replaced with the other one I'm going to give you."

"Do I still need the dreamless sleep?"

"I think we'll try one night without it and then see what happens." He told me and I nodded. "I'll show you to your room." He told me and I nodded. We got up and then we walked out. He showed to a room that was close to Scorpius' but on the other side of his room. It was nicely decorated so I smiled.

"Thank you Mister Malfoy. For helping me and allowing me to stay." I smiled and he did too.

"You're quite welcome, get settled and then come down Astoria should be preparing dinner." He told me and I nodded. He left the room with a nod and I settled on the bed unpacking my stuffed hippogriff from my trunk.


Scorpius' P.O.V

Later that night, I snuck out of my room to see Albus. I slowly crept passed my parents' room successfully. I didn't bother knocking on the door and I just walked in. He was wide awake looking at the door. He was under the comforter and he was cuddled up with his toy.

"Hey." He smiled and I walked over to him. He moved over so I could crawl in next to him.

"Hi snake." I smiled and kissed his lips. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Your father took me off dreamless sleep so I'm afraid of going to sleep." He told me and I frowned.

"Well I'll stay here with you if you want." I suggested and he nodded.

"I'd love that." He told me. "How are you doing? Happy to be home?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I guess." I murmured. "But we can't have sex while we're here." I pouted and he laughed.

"So horny. Come on Malfoy, it's like you're a sex deprived maniac." He told me and I laughed.

"Ugh it's the hormones."

"Yeah blame it on them." He said and I stuck out my tongue. He grinned and cuddled closer to me.

"Promfrey told me it's normal."

"You asked her?"

"Yeah." I admitted blushing. "It should end probably in the third month."

"Oh damn, I don't have that kind of energy." He told me and I laughed.

"Well it's your fault." I said and he made a really cute mocked hurt face.

"Excuse you." He teased.

"We were in your room." I continued and he nodded his head.

"Honestly, I forgot condoms were a thing." He giggled and I literally awed causing him to blush. "But um now we're going to be a family." He told me and placed his hand on my belly. "All of us." He said and I smiled.

"All of us." I nodded I agreement. Silence fell between us so I curled up to him resting my head in the crook of his neck. He sighed in content and I smiled closing my eyes letting the heaviness in my eyes take over.

A/N-So the thing is, I'm going to Mexico tomorrow for a week and there is a chance I won't have wifi. I'm bringing my laptop either way. So if I DO have wifi, I can update, but If i DONT i'll still write the chapters on word and then update the chapter I've written in my absence. 

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