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Third Person P.O.V

Albus and Scorpius were curled up with each other. Both had peaceful looks etched on their faces and they seemed to be in bliss. A pecking sound brought them out of their dreamland and they opened their eyes. Scorpius smiled when his eyes fell upon the closeness of the raven haired fellow. Sure they cuddled before but their close proximity was never like this.

"Morning." Albus smiled and leaned in to kiss Scorpius. He pecked his lips once and Scorpius' face was flushed.

"Good morning." Scorpius said. The pecking sound came again so Albus groaned but unraveled himself from Scorpius. He walked to the window and let the owl in. It was his father's owl so he sighed taking the letter from its mouth. He gave it a pet and a treat sending it on its way. "Who's it from?" Scorpius asked groggily.

"My father."

"Oh, read it out loud." Scorpius said and Albus nodded. He got back in bed and sat closely to Scorpius.

Hey Al,

You probably already know this but I'll let you know anyway. I took James out of school and snapped his wand. He's no longer allowed to use magic. He was sent to live with Aunt Petunia. I also got him checked for trauma, nothing was found so he hurt you on his own free will. I am so sorry. You don't deserve the treatment the family puts towards you. You probably really do hate me now since I didn't believe you. Truth is I was shocked that James could possibly harm another one of our family. I love you Al and I wish I could apologize for him; I wish you'd accept that. However, you do not need to. I see now what and how you're feeling. I am sorry you're in so much pain and I vow to keep my distance as long as you want me to. I love you Al and I will always be here if you need me

-Love Dad

Albus took a deep shaky breath and he looked at Scorpius.

"At least he feels bad." Scorpius pointed out.

"I suppose." Albus sighed and Scorpius kissed his cheek.

"What are you afraid?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're scared." Scorpius said. "I can tell by your eyes. What's the worst that can happen if you let your father back in your life?"

"Still recovering." He said and Scorpius nodded. "But I'm afraid that when the time comes, I'll let my guard down and let him in again. My mum told me-"

"What are you talking about?"

"My mum, she came to me in a dream and told me to forgive me him. She said to me that I should tell him why I need to leave him." Albus said and at Scorpius' look he bit his lip. "You think I'm mad." He whispered and Scorpius chuckled.

"I don't think you're mad." He gently threaded fingers through his hair. "I think it's normal. You need to heal and if you're mother is watching over you, then she is doing that. I think it's great that you got some kind of closure."

"Okay." Albus gave a shy smile. "Anyway, I'm afraid that I let him in, I'll be hurt again."

"Scared of the unknown?"

"Yes." Albus sighed. "It's just, I've been treated terribly for awhile and then all of a sudden, everything changes. I feel like I'm going to be pitied."

"Well then let yourself be pitied." Scorpius kissed his cheek. "It's better than not having a relationship at all." Scorpius said and Albus nodded.

"Do I have to see him?"

"Not until you're ready. Don't rush yourself, I want you to fully heal."

"Okay." Albus smiled and Scorpius kissed him.

"I want you to write him back." He said against his lips and Albus groaned.

"Fine but no sex for a week." Albus retorted and Scorpius groaned. He pulled away from Albus' lip and attached them to his neck.

"I can make you rethink that." Scorpius said and moved his lips to his sweet spot. Albus bucked his lips and moaned.

"Fine fine yes." Albus groaned. "Let me write him back." He said and then gently pushed Scorpius off of him. He walked over to one of the desks and pulled out parchment. Scorpius sat on his lap as Albus started to scribble away.


I appreciate you looking out for me... now. I do accept you apology however I cannot forgive nor forget what your son, not my brother, James has done to me. It brings me much grief that my own flesh and blood would try to rid me from the world. I hope you could understand that. Although I cannot forgive him, I can try to forgive you seeing as you are not responsible for his actions. He's an adult now and should take credit for his actions. I do believe his punishment should have been stricter but losing his powers and being made to live like a muggle should teach him some things. It's the thing you threatened me with and I can tell you that it's not how I want to live. Being a wizard means a lot to me, mum was so proud when I first discovered I was magical. It's one of the long lasting good memories I have of her. I am angry that you didn't believe me but I can get over that, I wasn't expecting you to believe me anyway. I'm still resentful towards you but I love you. Its complicated dad and I wish I understood it myself. Writing instead of personal interaction works better for me as of right now . Hopefully I will get better enough for me to at least see you. I am sorry this may be hard on you too. It'll get better.

-Love your son Albus

Albus let Scorpius look it over and when he nodded his head in approval, Scorpius took the letter and summoned an owl. He gave the letter to the owl.

"Harry Potter, boy. Thank you." He said and the owl hooted flying off. He turned to Albus and smiled. "Let's go to breakfast, shall we?"

Scorpius' P.O.V

"Let's go to breakfast, shall we?" I asked and he nodded. We quickly got dressed and hopped out of the portrait hole.

"Can I sit with you today?" Albus asked and I pulled him closer.

"Of course. You didn't take your potion this morning." I said suddenly realizing.

"I took it last night, your father said to try that."

"Because it makes you sleepy?" I asked and he bobbed his head to the side.

"Only slightly. It seems to work better, you know?"

"What about the other potion? The one that like wills away the stress?" I asked and he sighed.

"I stopped that one. Don't tell your father though, it didn't seem to be like it was working." He told me and I looked at him.

"Just be careful alright?"

"I will be." He told me and then smiled. "How are you feeling? Is our little piggy roasting well?" He asked and I chuckled. I patted my belly.

"Yeah he's doing well."

"Are we just going to call the baby a he from now on?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah it's a lot easier."

"What if it's a girl?"

"Then we owe her an apology." I giggled and he kissed my cheek. We made it to the Great Hall and sat down next to Rose.

"Hello Rosie." I greeted and she smiled.

"Morning Scorp, Albus." She nodded her head in his direction and he gave a shy smile. "How are you feeling?" She asked and he shrugged.

"Better I guess." He said in a small voice. "Thank you." He said and his hand that held mine tightened. I noticed Lily had just walked in and when she spotted Albus, she went into full sprint. Before I knew what happened, Lily was wrapped around Albus in a tight grip.

"Oh Albus I am so sorry. So so sorry for everything." She practically bawled. He was tense and I could tell so I gently squeezed his hand. He let go and surprisingly wrapped his arms around her. He didn't say anything but just held her tightly. Without letting go she asked "How are you feeling?"

"Better I suppose." His voice was firm.

"I can't believe he did something like that to you and he had the nerve to grieve by your bedside." She said and then Albus pulled away.

"What are you talking about?" Albus asked.

"H-he was the one who told me what had happened." She told him. "He was really upset and didn't want to leave your side." She informed and Albus caught my glance.

"Did the healers check him for multiple personality?" He asked and Lily sniffled.

"Yes." She said. "That was the first thing. He admitted to only acting so he didn't look guilty. He claims he was blinded by rage."

"And he hates me to the point of killing me?"

"I don't know Albus." Lily said. "We thought you were acting honestly, to get attention."

"Who would I want attention from?" Albus asked. It wasn't angry just curious. When Lily shook her head and shrugged, Albus sighed. "I-I can forgive you." He said. "B-but I still need some time."

"Okay sure." Lily let out a breath of relief. "How can I give that to you?" She asked. Albus licked his bottom lip and then bit it.

"I don't know." He sighed. "Just-"

"Don't treat him how you've been treating him and don't pity him." I chimed in. She turned to look at me and Albus gave me a grateful look.

"Okay, I can do that." She nodded and I smiled. She turned back to Albus and hugged him again, he returned the hug. When the hug ended, she sat down next to him and we started piling food on our plates. He grabbed my hand under the table and ate with the other. He turned to me and smiled.

"Thank you piglet." He told me and I kissed his cheek.

"Anytime snake."

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