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Scorpius' P.O.V

Albus, after much begging and pleading, was allowed to leave his hospital room to come to my checkup with me. We settled in the waiting room and I put my head on his shoulder as he intertwined our hands.

"Do you wanna find out what we're having?" I asked.

"No I want to be surprised." He told me and I nodded. "Why do you?"

"Well it's up to you." I stretched my head up and kissed his neck. "Are you excited?"

"Of course I'm excited, we're getting closer and our baby will be here sooner than we think."

"I'm excited too; I can't wait to not be pregnant." I laughed and he smiled.

"I bet it's been taking a toll on you." He said and gently rubbed my shoulder blade.

"Yes and I'm so tired it's unbelievable."

"You can catch up on sleep while you're home. Only like two more months until school is done with then you have a month or so to wait for the baby."

"Albus, are you going to come live with me?" I asked sadly and he turned. He pressed his lips to mine.

"If you want me to then yes." He said and I smiled.

"Mister Malfoy!" The healer called and we got up. We walked behind her and followed her to the room.

"Hello, I told you that you can call me Scorpius." I giggled and Healey Harvey smiled.

"Ah then lie down Scorpius." She patted the bed and I lied down. She connected the wires to me and the thumping sound surrounded the room. I smile and I looked up at Albus who was already looking at me and smiling slightly. "Heart beat sound perfect actually." Healer Harvey told us.

"That's great!" Albus piped.

"It is." I smiled and he leaned down kissing me gently. The healer lifted my shirt and put the cold gel on my abdomen. She flipped on the monitor and placed the plastic thing to it. She moved it around and we stared at the monitor.

"The baby seems to be perfect as well, kicking I presume?"

"Yes a lot actually." I chuckled.

"Well I'm sure they'll be a very active child when they're born. You do not want to know the sex correct?"

"Correct, we want to be surprised." I smiled and she nodded.

"Well that's very brave of you; I know some people can't wait to know."

"Trust me, we want to know but we think it's best to wait." I said and Albus hummed in agreement. She smiled and nodded turning off the monitor.

"Best of luck to you." She said and handed me a towel. I wiped off the gel and Albus helped me down. We bid the healer goodbye and Albus walked me back to his room.

"How are you feeling?" I asked and he sighed.

"Better that you're here." He said.

"But?" I asked and he looked over to me. He swept me up and held me bridal style.

"I miss you." He admitted. "Every day and I'm upset that I hurt you so much." He told me and I nuzzled into his chest.

"I miss you too but I'll come here every day during the break, 'cept Easter cause dad probably won't let me." I told him and he nodded walking back. He held me bridal style as we walked back.

"Dad is coming with Lily on Easter and possibly taking me out for that day anyway."

"Can he do that?"

"I think your father recommended it." He said and we got back to the ward he was in. My father saw us and nodded his head. We nodded our heads and he carried me into his room. He placed me on the bed and put my feet in his lap.

"Are you okay about that?" I asked and he started to rub my feet. They were starting to swell so I was grateful he caught on that they were hurting.

"I guess. We'll probably go to my grandma's house." He shrugged. "Rose has been nice maybe she'll continue." He said and I gave him a small smile. I let out a soft whine as he worked a sensitive spot on my foot.

"Did I ever tell you she told off Lily?" I giggled and he smiled slightly shaking his head.

"No, what did she say?"

"Well um I was crying cause you were here, it was the first day." I told him and he nodded. "Well I was accusing your brother of making you relapse and Lily said he didn't because you were already sick. Her and I got into it; I got upset and told her that I've heard things that would make me rethink our friendship. She got mad and Rose told her to go to bed because her insensitivity wasn't helping me." I chuckled and he smiled a little. He always smiled slightly; I hadn't seen him smile for real since the whole incident occurred. I leaned moved my feet so I could curl onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and I nuzzled into his chest.

"Uncle George might be there and I wanna ask him if I can work for him." He said and my body went rigid.

"W-why would you do that?" I asked looking up. He looked down at me sadly.

"Love, I can't go back to school."

"But why?"

"I've already missed too much." I bolted up so our eyes were leveled.

"But-but-" I mumbled. "What about me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you just gonna leave me to go to school by myself?" I asked and my throat started to tighten as tears threaten to fall.

"Scorp, someone needs to watch the baby and work."

"I'm his mother! I should do it."

"Scorpius, this isn't up for discussion. You need to finish school, you're smart love. You can't quit school cause I won't be there."

"But I'll be without you for two years, I can't even last two weeks." I started crying so he wiped away my tears.

"Shh I've thought of a solution."

"What?" I asked miserably.

"I was gonna ask McGonagall if you can leave Friday nights by floo, come home and then go back Sunday nights." He said and I blinked at him.

"I like that idea."


"Yeah." I sniffled and he wiped away my tears. He kissed my nose and gave me a hug.

"You'll have to talk to your father cause he's still your guardian."

"I will." I told him and yawned. "I wanna take a nap though."

"Okay, come on." He lied down and I lied next to him. He snuggled closely to me and put his hand on my bump. I smiled and went to sleep.

Snape's P.O.V

I walked into the hospital in hopes to speak with Albus. I wanted to check in on him seeing as I was the one who found him. I walked into the ward and the first person I see was Draco.

"Uncle Sev?" He greeted me cocking his head.

"Hello Draco, I'm here to see-"


"Yes." I nodded my head and looked around to find rooms.

"He's down the hall and first door coming from the cafeteria. Scorpius is there."

"I'm not going to walk in on them doing anything am I?" I sneered and his eyebrows shot up

"Merlin, I didn't even think of that!" He said and bolted off. I took off after him and we stopped at the door. He knocked once and then barged in. I peered in and Albus was groggily looking at us. His arm was around Scorpius who was still sleeping. Albus put a finger to his lips and motioned for us to come in. We both did and I leaned against the desk.

"Sorry, is everything okay?" Albus whispered. The boy looked drained and pale.

"Yes I just came to erm tell you that Professor Snape came to see you." Draco lied and I grew an amused smirk.

"Why did you barge in here then?" Albus asked and Draco cleared his throat scratching the back of his head.

"You didn't answer." He said and Albus just nodded. "Anyway, I guess let Scorpius sleep, Snape just wanted to see how you were. I'll be going." He said and walked out of the room. Albus carefully maneuvered out of bed and walked over to the window sill. He sat on it and looked at me.

"Thank you for coming." He said in a whisper and I nodded.

"I came to check in on you and see how you are doing. How are you?" I asked and my eyes traveled along his arms.

"Better than I was." He answered. "Potions are helping, no more nightmares."

"Are you going to continue them once you're back at school?" I asked and he bit his lip.

"I don't plan on coming back professor." He admitted and my eyebrows shot up. "I've already missed a lot."

"Have you discussed this with your father?"

"Yes sir." He nodded. "He respects my decision."

"Have you arranged housing?"

"Scorpius wishes for me staying at his house, I haven't talk to Draco yet but I believe he'd want me to. You know, to make sure I stay on my potions."

"And what will you being doing instead of school?"


"For whom?"

"I was thinking Uncle George and if not him, I'll check in Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley." He explained and I nodded.

"Sounds like you have a plan."

"I do sir."

"Very good Potter." I nodded my head.

"Thanks Professor." He said. We stayed in silence for a little until I took a deep breath.

"Albus, how are you feeling really?"

"I wish I could be better. I'm still a little worn down."

"Do you still get negative thoughts?" I asked and he shrugged bobbing his head from side to side.

"I mean, they're still there not as loud."

"Have you told Draco?" I asked and he nodded. "What did he say?"

"He said that he doesn't want me to be put on a higher dosage cause that'll make me very worn out. Told me I need to tell him if the thoughts progress."

"When do you get these thoughts?"

"Night mostly when I'm left with my thoughts."

"Okay." I nodded. "Well I am no professional so Draco would be best to tell. Would you like me to get him?"

"No, I don't want to discuss anything in front of Scorpius." He said and looked at the sleeping child. He was curled up under the covers and he his chest was rising and falling.

"Okay well that's best, we shouldn't upset him."

"Yeah." Albus gave a small smile. "The baby is perfectly healthy." He told me and I smiled.

"Congrats." I nodded my head and then Scorpius started to stir. He patted the bed and woke up with a start.

"Albie?" He shouted and Albus scurried over there.

"I'm here love." Albus cooed hugging his boyfriend. "Professor Snape is here." He told him and he looked over to me. He blushed and waved.

"Hi uncle Sev." He said and I nodded.

"I best be going anyway." I said and Albus nodded crawling back into the bed. "Stay well."

"Wait, professor?" Albus called.


"Why did Draco barge in on us really?" He asked and I smirked.

"I think you can put two and two together Albus." I said and he smirked.

"Thought so, thank you professor." And with that I sauntered off.

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