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Slight Sexual Content

Albus' P.O.V

Ky was screaming and crying. For a new born, he sure did have a pair of lungs. I groaned and got out of bed. Scorpius was about to get out bed I pushed him back down kissing his head.

"I got him." I promised and walked over to the basinet. I picked him up and gently rocked him bringing him downstairs to get a bottle. Scorpius had tried to breast feed but he didn't produce enough milk to sustain a full meal so we switched to formula. By the time I got to the kitchen, he was screaming louder. "Hush love, papa is getting you something to eat, just relax." I hushed and rocked him. I got the bottle and gave it to him. He silenced immediately and looked up at me with his green eyes. "Hi Ky, how are you my little love?" I cooed. "You're almost two days old and we love you so much. You're gonna meet poppop today and he's very excited to meet you." I cooed and his eyes were fixated on me. For a newborn, he was so alert.

"Albus?" I heard and Scorpius was standing there.

"Look Ky, mama came down to you." I told him and walked over to Scorpius. I kissed his head. "I thought you were going back to sleep.'"

"Couldn't, can I have him?" He asked and I smiled.

"You don't even need to ask." I said and handed him the baby carefully. He smiled down at Ky and kissed his head.

"He's perfect." He said looking up at me.

"All thanks to you, you did great and I am so proud of you for holding and birthing him." I kissed his lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered and then a wailing between startled us. "He's done." I chuckled. Scorpius took the bottle from the baby and put him over his shoulder. He patted his back gently and Ky gave a wet burp. Scorpius then cradled the baby and started to rock him back to sleep.

"So your father is coming over?"

"Yeah, got the letter when you were sleeping, is that an issue?" I asked and she smiled shaking his head.

"Not in the slightest." He pressed his lips against mine and I smile into the kiss. I pulled away.

"We should get to bed." I ordered and he nodded. We walked up together and gently put him down. Crawling into bed, we curled up with each other.

"We have to tell Cynthia."

"We can write her in the morning." I yawned. "Well later today." I chuckled and he kissed my neck.

"Okay, goodnight love."


"Oh Albus, he's so precious." My father said as I gently handed him over.

"Thank you." I smiled. "He looks just like me." I said and my father nodded smiling. He looked at me.

"How has he been sleeping?" He asked.

"Waking up every two hours." I chuckled. "I get up most of the time, I mean, Scorpius did hold him."

"How was the delivery?"

"Well we had to do it here cause' Scorpius waited until the last minute to discover he was in labor."

"Wow, he must have a high pain tolerance. I remember when your mother was in labor with James, she was close to send a bat boogey hex my way." He said and I laughed. "You were an easy baby to deliver according to her, Lily was not and it was worse than James. Did get a stinging hex sent my way for that." He said and I chuckled.

"Well I made up for it after the fact I guess." I teased and he cracked a smile more. Ky started to wake up and his eyes just opened, he didn't make a peep.

"Oh there is no doubt he is part of our family, look at his eyes."

"I know, one of his best features." I chuckled and then I gently threaded my fingers the baby's raven locks. "And having Scorpius' tamable hair is another."

"I think that's obvious." He laughed and gently used his finger to stroke the baby's cheek. "So erm how does he eat?"

"Well Scorpius did try breastfeeding. It didn't produce enough milk so we switched to formula." I explained and he nodded. Ky grabbed my father's finger with his tiny hand. "Um I've called you poppop to him so is that alright?"

"You've talked to him about me?" He asked beaming and I chuckled.

"Of course, you're his grandparent." I said and I sighed. "Even if I said in the past that I didn't want you to be a part of his life, I do."

"I appreciate that." He smiled teary eyed at me. "I'm really proud of you Albus, I really am."

"Thanks dad, it means a lot that you say that."

"Of course." He smiled and then a tiny wail came Ky. In walked Scorpius with Draco.

"Hello Harry." Scorpius piped and walked over to him. He hugged him slightly and then took the crying baby from him. "Come on my little Kynaston, let's get you fed and changed." Scorpius cooed and walked out. Draco smiled walking into the living room with us.

"Hello guys." He said and sat on the chair. "How are you Harry?"

"Just fine, how are you Draco?" Dad asked.

"Fine, isn't he just so cute?"

"Yes very." Dad agreed and the two shared a smile. I cleared my throat.

"Is there a reason you've come to see us?" I asked and he smiled lopsidedly.

"Yes, I've come to talk about your mental evaluation." He said and I nodded. Before Scorpius gave birth, Draco had me get evaluated by other healers.

"So how is he?" Dad asked and Draco's face broke out into a smile.

"He's doing great." He turned to me. "You're making a lot of progress and they say that you're in a better mental health than you were." He said and I smiled letting out a breath of relief.


"Yes." He nodded.

"So will I have to take my potions still?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes but I've talked it over with the others and they say we can wean you off of them."

"Is that safe?" Dad asked and Draco nodded.

"Yes you'll be okay but if you aren't, we'll put you back on." He said and I nodded.

"That's great, thank you." I stood up and hugged him. He seemed tense at first but then wrapped his arms around me and patted my back.

"Of course, I'm glad you're getting better." He said.

"I am too." My father said and I hugged him next.

"Thank you dad, I love you."

Scorpius' P.O.V

I was changing Kynaston for what seemed like the hundredth time when Albus walked into the nursery. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

"How is the little pooper doing?" He asked.

"Little? Have you seen the amount of shit he does?" I asked and he laughed.

"Oh I have, should have named him Shits McGee." He said and I laughed. Little Ky started to whimper so I quickly picked him up putting him on my shoulder. "Oh look little Shits McGee, how are you?" Albus cooed to the baby. He leaned in and kissed the baby making me smile.

"How was seeing your father?" I asked turning so I could look at him. I started to rock the baby gently to get him to sleep.

"Great and guess what!" He was giving a blinding smile.

"What?" I asked grinning.

"Your father says I am in a better mental health that I was! And that I get to wean off the potions." He told me and I gasped.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded. "Oh Albus!" I hugged him gently but firmly. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you." He chuckled. "I'm pretty excited myself." He said and pressed his lips against mine. He pulled away taking the baby from arms and placing him in the extra basinet. Ky had gone to sleep so I smiled.

"Are we gonna celebrate?" I asked bringing him into my arms. He laughed and hugged me tightly.

"Not yet love, you gave birth no longer than 48 hour ago."

"But you promised I'd top." I pouted and he smirked. He nodded and leaned in pressing his lips to mine.

"You have a point, how long should he be sleeping for?" He asked and I hopped on his waist.

"Long enough." I said and he attached his neck. He laughed and cradled my bottom bringing me into the other room. He dropped me on the bed and lied down next to me. We made out for a few intense moments and then we started to strip. When we both got down to our boxers, I took out his cock and started to pump him.

"Ugh Scorp." He moaned.

"Shh not too loud." I warned and he bit his lip. As I pumped him, I prepped him and he made a strangle sound. When I finished prepping him, he arched his back and came into my hand.

"Fuck." He cursed and I laughed. I placed a condom on and then lubed myself up. I slowly pushed in. "Slower." He groaned and I realized it was only his second him. I eased in and he gasped. "Go." He said and started to go slow and the picked up the pace. I leaned down and kissed his lip. I thrusted sharply, hitting his prostate and he moaned clawing at my back.

"What are you two doing?!" A voice startled me causing me to jump out of Albus and onto the ground. My father was red in the face but was looking at us disapprovingly. Albus threw me a pillow and I covered myself up.

"Why didn't you knock?" I asked and he glared at me.

"Scorpius I understand that you're young and you love Albus but try and reframe from having sex in this house."

"It's not sex dad, its making love." I protested and he glared harder. Albus snorted and he stopped when dad threw his glare his way.

"Hey, he was topping." He defended and dad pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Please, get dressed." He said shaking his head. "Professor Snape is here to see the baby." He said and I blushed.

"Be right down." I mumbled and he stepped out. I groaned blushing hard and got up. Albus catcalled me and I glared.

"Not my fault." He said and stood up as well. He pulled the condom off of me and kissed my lips gently. "We can always go somewhere else and make love." He said and I smiled.

"Do you mean it?"

"Of course, how am I supposed to go so long without your body?"

"Oh merlin I love you." I said and he laughed kissing me.

"I love you too now get dressed." He ordered and that's just what we did. Got dressed and grabbed out little bundle to go show him off.

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