Part Three

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Okay, and back to awesomeness.....

Parsel: Hello dear! You're an amazing friend! You're not only loyal to your friends but to your House to! You're really quite excellent!!

Night Lock: Helllllooooooooo!!!!! You're an amazing and awesome friend!! You help me a lot, and I'm very grateful and thankful I met you!!! You're completely awesomely wonderfully brilliant!

Mouse: Hello!!! You're awesome!!! I know we didn't speak much, but you're still awesome!!

Gem: I'm using your old nickname, I know. :| deal with it. You're awesome and a great friend!!!!

Ares: HEY!!!! :DDDD You're so awesome they don't even have a word for it. ^.^ You're a really great friend, and you're one of my best friends! You always cheer me up and I'm very thankful!! :D

Knight: I'm including you because...well...I don't know. :/ I don't even think we talked at all >.< oh well. Hello anyway.

Teller: I don't think you'll read this, but oh well! You're an amazing friend and really great person! You're one of my best friends, even if we haven't talked in a while! I miss talking to you a lot!

Gallion/Gal: :/ I can't remember any of your newer names, so I'm going with this one. I know I roleplay tortured you quite a bit, were one of the only people who didn't G. Mod. ....I don't care if you hate me, but...I'm counting you as a friend.

Jack: *Slaps ya in the face* That's all.

Not Jack: :/ did we even talk?? Anyway, you're alright, so I included ya. :)

Hook: ...I never spoke to you, but I saw you around, so...

Captain Phoenix: ...*major respect* :3

All of Ginny's roleplay partners [bf's in rp]: hi. :/

Faery: were kinda rude to me....and you were also desperate....but....since I spoke to you at least once I'm adding you...............

Sparkles: Never spoke to ya....or did I?????? Anyway, you're cool-ish, so I includes ya! :)

Purple: I know I didn't speak to you. :| But hello anyway.

RuneMarauder: I don't know if you'll read this, but you're awesome!! You're so dedicated to Slytherin!!!!

Macabre: I don't think you'll read this either, but you were a really great friend!! You made me laugh a lot! Thank you!!

Sea Sea/Cassandra: Hey!!!! We didn't talk all that much, but you are amazing and awesome!!!!!!!!

That's all the people I can currently remember, so if I haven't added you yet, please comment your nickname so that I can add you in the next few chapters!!!!!!!

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