1. Year 9 3/4

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An 11 year old albino boy was running late to platform 9 3/4. He was running through the wall as fast as he could and hurried to board the the train. He slid down the closed train door and sighed in relief as he had made it just in time. Now he just had to find a cabin and relax until they were at the Hogwarts. The Albino walked along the train when he found an almost empty cabin with only two guys one blonde and one brunette. The Albino opened the door to the cabin with a large grin "Kesesese~ the awesome me will join you less awesome two" the two boys began to laugh "Fusosoo~" "ohonhonhon~"

In the next cabin a small blond guy was sitting alone, he had managed to escape his big brothers. He was reading the potions book, the only one he hadn't read yet. A small light landed on his book and the boy smiled at it, the light faded slightly and a tiny fairy was sitting on the page, her golden wings were laying along the page behind her and she was smiling. "Hello Arthur" the fairy greeted the boy. "Hullo Annabel, what are you doing here?" "We figured that we would miss you so we decided to come!" Arthur smiled at the fairy happily "all of you?" "Of course" the fairy answered and stood up. "Then I won't be lonely after all" he said silently and the fairy curtsied to him before flying away again.

"Lovi, what house do you think I'll be sorted into?" A cute little brunette with a curl asked the twin who was looking out the window of their cabin. "Probably Hufflepuff, you are too nice Feli" he said and turned his head to look at the happy boy in front of him. "You really think so? I hope I'll go there! It's such a nice house!" The little boy was talking fast and his brother rolled his eyes "whatever bastardo" the little one made a sound something like: "Ve~" as to tell his brother he understood.

Anyone reading this story? Well if you are... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
I hope to make someone happy by writing this!

I'm currently having lots of homework to do and so little time so if there's ever a time when I'm not updating... You now know why!
Thanks from the author (ω)<--(that's me)
Hope that you'll read me later! (See what I did there?)

Sorry and BYE!

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