EP 13: Random shit

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Um so about last episode, I've actually made up my mind. 

See, my grandmother on my dad's side lives up north there and so imma be staying with her in late March. I haven't seen nor spoken to her since I was 9 and always have thought she was a bitch and we'll see how that goes-

Anyway, random but I had to show ya'll this cuz I aint got no chill-

I was selling this doll for my cousin on facebook marketplace and its one of those reborn dolls that everyone seems to be terrified of yet they have pennywise all over their bedroom walls-

Anyway so ever since putting it up on marketplace, I've received a lot of just bored people saying shit like, 'Take it down, you cunt' and 'tf is that', one guy even said if i didn't take it down he was going to send me a video of him shitting himself like ya'll need to visit your local therapist or psychologist cuz the childhood trauma has really started to set in for you-

Anyway, Matt just decided he was going to jump on the bandwagon but what he didn't know is that ya girl has no fucking chill.

You decide to shit with me and I'll make a pizza for order-

(Run down on the lingo: In Australia, specsavers is a shop for prescription glasses. They have a motto called, "should have gone to specsavers".) 

And the fact that Matt had to leave me on read means that Matt was out of answers. 

The only ghosting that was done was from Matt's mind as he thought up a reply to my burn. 

Don't mess with keypad warrior Ebony.  I am Gordon Ramsay keypad warrior edition.

Ok but also I just remembered something from my childhood which was that it was late one night and I lived on this rural property with my Aunt and cousins. I was playing with one of my cousins in the backyard, when this massive, bright light shone down from the sky.

Now, my cousin and I were like um is this Jesus or aliens and quite frankly it was neither.

It turned out to be a coppa choppa (Cop Helicopter) that was looking for most likely a criminal.

Now, I was like 11 at the time so the brains weren't fully fused together. My cousin was older, he should have known better.

Our dumbasses thought it would be a good idea to run from the helicopter and pretend we were the criminals-

And boy did that light come in fast on us. We were caught like deers in headlights - literally.

My uncle screamed out  like crazy for us to stop, but our dumbasses took it for a long ride

until the cops were like oh wait those are sugar infested children that need to be put to bed and flew away. 

I was like Hello darkness my old friend~😔😔

The actual criminals watching us do that: 🌳🌳🌳🤨🤨🤨😐😐🦹‍♀️🦹‍♂️🦹‍♀️🦹‍♂️

Anyway bai-

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