Chapter 10

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Ginger leapt from tree from which she had lain. With Crow gone the nervousness she had felt had evaporated. She didn't know why recently she always felt nervous around Crow. Whatever it was she was sure it was connected to the feeling feeling so different. Little did she know Crow also was having this funny feeling. The feeling was so similar but different she couldn't put her head on it, and it was annoying her. She angrily kicked the ground. "What is this feeling?" She shouted frustrated and her tail burst into flames, burning the grass surrounding it. Ginger stormed into the forest, leaving the small clearing with the two dens. Ginger tried to clear her head of even thinking about the feeling, but it kept squeezing its way back into her mind, almost if to say,"you can't escape me." It was throughly annoying her. Then she stopped dead in her tracks. She saw too wolves, similarly coloured. They are so similar.....ah! Ginger gasped and caused the wolves to look at her and they gasped too. "Ginger!" The wolves gasped and started running toward her. "Feather! Snow!" Ginger gasped and started running toward them and they met in the middle. "I haven't seen you guys in forever!" Ginger stated happily. "Neither have we!" The trio gathered into a wolf hug. "Hey who's that?" Snow asked suddenly pointing at a dark grey wolf with her tail. Ginger turned around and to her horror saw Crow staring at them and caused her to lower her ears sheepishly. "Uh...right....him..." She began giggling nervously. "He.....travels with me.... Heehee." Ginger's siblings seemed to see right through her. "Okay....we see," Snow said teasingly. As Ginger followed Crow back to their dens, she understood  why the feeling felt so similar but different, it was the emotion she felt whenever she was with her sisters.... Love.

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