Chapter 14

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Ginger stopped dead and blushed scarlet. "I might.." Honey looked at Ginger which made her lower her head. "I know Crow but I haven't seen him since I was taken by the smallsnouts." Ginger started walking again. "Might I ask how you know Crow?" Honey's answer was as plain as day. "I'm his sister." Ginger stopped suddenly, and blushed. "Well then, if your his sister... I can tell you... that I do in fact have a crush on Crowy." The words left her mouth dry. Suddenly Honey released a sound Ginger thought Honey couldn't produce. It was a loud high-pitched gasp equivalent to a bird's cry. "YOU DO?" Honey suddenly shouted smiling wildly. This expression made Ginger jump and she stepped back. "YOU ARE YET ANOTHER TO FALL FOR MY BROTHER?" Honey seemed to shout. It was loud enough for Crow to hear who was a few meters off yet, Ginger thought. Honey's creepy smiling and circling of Gingrr was starting to creep her out. Ginger searched for a opening, failing to find one. "I need to see my brother now," Honey shouted and raced off into the forest . 

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