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Thank you guys for your valuable reviews and precious votes.It means a lot to me.Hope you enjoy this chapter too.

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Naira takes her breakfast

She takes the pillow of  kartik and hugs it tightly.She cherishes all the moment that she is sharing with kartik...

Suddenly her phone rings.

Hi papa...how are you?

Na-princess I am fine.What about you?Are you taking your breakfast?

Yes,papa.I do.

N-Strange.Today my princess becomes a good girl.I need not to force her taking breakfast.How does the miracle happened today?

N-Kiya papa.Always I am a good girl but I do such drama to get your more attention and making jealous vai...

Na-You don't need to feel insecure...I love you more than your bhai and all knows it.By the by what are you taking in ur breakfast??

N-Maggi,bread toast and juice.

Na-Am I hear right thing???Such a healthy food diet....Something is fishy today.(in mind plz naira tell me the truth and share your feeling so that you can get a relief)

Naira stammers... No..thing (nothing) like that papa..Eve..rything is fine here.

Na-Are you sure beta??You can tell me anything.Are you disturbed for any reason of home or college??

N-No papa..all is okay...
papa kar...(what I am going to say.......no naira.......u can't give more stress,tension to your papa)

Papa kirtika (little kittu)in the door.
I will talk you later.....

"Why did I can not tell the truth.Truth never can be hide...If papa learns the truth from other person he will get more hurt..

Naira u have to tell everything papa as early as possible... Before that you have to assure what's going all around you."

On the other hand kartik finishes class and happily comes home...

But in stairs he meets someone(do u have any idea????)

It's none other than kittu ki dadi...

To make a good impression kartik goes near him.

Good evening kittu...good evening da..dadi

kittu happily greets him but as usual dadi glares at him

In mind(What's the problem of this old lady???She behaves such way that I am taking her valuable thing???kayi  yyeh tho...Nahi Nahi...As per I know kittu has no elder brother or uncle...koei dur ka rishtadar...uhhh)

Dadi let me help you carry these havey bags...(fake smile)

It's okay.We can manage....

But kitty already shifts bags to kartik's hand...

They reached at the door...and kartik hand over the bags...

Such a kaddus lady....don't offer me to drink tea...Even she didn't thanked me....uhhh..

Beta thank you....But from here straight go to your room...not anywhere.

His smile fades away

However he press the doorbell....and what he seen makes him totally astonished.......

Naira opens the door in one bells..
.Without any delaying... as if she waits for him...

Moreover she is smiling too......Which is rare...because nowadays he only gets hot glares from her...

Am I dreaming????The great naira  singhania is smiling....I can't belief my eyes....

N-No mendak you are not dreaming...It's  reality...If u want I can pinch u....

plz pinch me....

But what naira does kartik get 10000000 voltage jhatka....

She kissed him....

Precap-Let me help you wipe your hair.
kartik plz eat more kachori...
Why are you behaving weirdly.

Desired votes-120

Author's note

Being concerned over a person criticism I asked you guys a open question whether my English was understandable or not??

I didn’t get any objections against my way of writing or English till now except her.

But I really wanted to know even I asked you question where did you fail to understand but as usual you didn’t reply.

You couldn’t understand that’s your problem.Then why did you write "seriously we don't understand your English "?

As a person you represent only you and yourself then why did you write "we"?? You have no write to represent others.

And aren’t you the same person who used to requested me to update next part??

If you have any problem with me criticise reasonably.Don't spread any negativity.

It's really enough now and sorry I have to this.Even when my books were copied and I got proof I never exposed username.

But time to time you come up with the new idea to annoy me & when your dear ones hurt it directly stabbed your heart.

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