part 2

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In the evening aashi called her angel and told her to come pick her up from college and told her not to bring kaju with her as she want to buy a small gift for kaju as a thank you gift for taking good care of me and you.then duha went to pick up aashi and they went for shopping in splash .while kartik was cooking food for his janeman and his princess. Neil on the other hand was thinking about aashi and falling more for her. Then aashi saw a nice blue jeans and a white shirt for her kaju and then duha and aashi did shopping for themself as well. And they went home.when they reached home kartik was already waiting for them and then aashi gave kartik a bag and told him that this is for you . Then they all had dinner and then kartik dropped aashi to her room and then went to his room .when kartik entered his room he saw duha was applying lotion so he back hugged her .duha said jaan what are you doing. Then kartik said you don't know what I am doing.then kartik carries duha and takes her to the bed and lay her on the bed and comes on top of her. Then kartik starts kissing duha. Duha mouns his name and then they enter to world of bliss.

Other side Neil was desperate to see Aashi and meet her . Our Aashi was sitting on bed and thinking something.

Duha was sleeping in Kartik's arms just then she saw a vision. After seeing that vision she woke up with jerk and was badly sweating. Kartik also woke up when he sensed duha's movement . He asked " what happened" duha hiccuped and said" wo..wo Aashi ..Doll .. she ...she" And duha began to sob.Kartik panicked and hugged duha to calm her down. He said" shh... Nothing has happened to Aashi. You had probably saw a nightmare" Duha said" no no it wasn't a nightmare. I saw that a man with black hoodie was going to stab Aashi from her back in her stomach. My doll doll " and she again began to sob. Kartik said" shh. Let's go to see your doll. Ok?" Duha nodded and they went to aashi's room. Aashi was sleeping peacefully in her bed. Duha sighed in relief and went to aashi's side. She began to caress her hair. Kartik saw the bond and let them spend time with each other. He came to his room and soon sleep overtook him. Duha laid her head on bedrest and caressed aashi's hair. As duha was going to sleep she again woke up remembering the vision she saw. She saw that Aashi was with her but began wondering that who wanted to harm her doll ..

Then she remembered something .

It was the time when duha was seven years of age and Aashi was two years old . They were leaving peacefully with their parents in world of magic. Duha and Aashi were sleeping in night just then duha saw a vision. She woke up with jolt and began to wonder what was that . She didn't know that time that it was her magical power to forsee future. She went to kitchen to drink water where she found her mother. Duha was sweating. She saw her mother and hugged her tightly. Her mother said" what happened dear?" Duha said" Mumma I saw something in my dreams that you and Papa are in danger" duha's mother smiled and said" see dear nothing has happened to us . We are safe and happy with you na . Duha I want to tell you something and listen it carefully ok?" Duha nodded and her mother began" duha we live in world of magic. I know it sounds wierd to you and you probably think that magic does not exist but I will tell you today something very important. Me and your father are king and queen of this world. Your father has power to go back in time and forsee future and I have power to go in future and telekinesis. When you were born we were told by our priest that you will have magical powers too and you will begin to experience them when you will be 7-8 years old. I think what u saw today was your magical power and your powers have begin to surface. Duha you need to understand that we being a royal family are in danger . There is another world of evil who wants to snatch our powers and want to rule our world and world of normal human beings. Duha what you saw today was not a nightmare, it was a vision you saw. To protect our people and you my child we may have to sacrifice our lives someday. Aashi is very small to understand this all but I want you to promise thta if something happens to us then you will take care of Aashi and will protect her at any cost. Aashi will realise what her powers are at the age of 7-8 years . Till then I want you to take care of her like a parent. I know that you are not too big for this but I think that you are capable of taking your care and your sister. Your father too saw the vision that you saw yesterday. So it's sure that evil will harm us someday. You are our heirs and we will protect you at any cost. Till the time that we finish evil you and Aashi will be taken somewhere probably a place which is hidden . Our men will take you both to that place tomorrow. So I have packed up your things and aashi's too with a handsome amount of money just in case . Remember that you are my brave child ok?" Duha nodded and hugged her mother and said" I will not let you down Mumma" she kissed her mother on her cheek and made her way to her bedroom and slept.

Duha was scared that evil persons have now reached them and found Aashi . She was very sacred. She will not let anything happen to her doll just as she promised to her mother before her parents death by evil . But then she thought that someone have to finish evil now. She was determined to finish them and protect her baby sister. Thinking the same she slept with Aashi laid next to her probably thinking of the ways to save her sister and to fight them back.

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